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Comments on "On the Street...NYU, New York City"
love the white denim with the duck boots!
now that looks like a quintessential Englishman hahahha. Nice jacket. nice shirt - wonderful hair. Just want to bury my hands in it. I like the girls' shoes too. Preppy heaven. If only he'd worn khaki chinos, sigh.
perfect fall attire
Love the purple pants and loafers! Used to have a similar pair when I was younger and now inspired to hunt for some more.
Miss B xx
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Love, love, love the color of her cords. So autumnal.
LOVE her purple pants with the tan loafers!
Love the plum corduroys and tan loafers
Quite normal!
The boots are made for walking!
European student style! tres chic
Wait I can wear white now?!
Obsessed with the eggplant cords!
I want a college friend who dresses that wekk! Is it already time for winter boots in NYC?
Oh yea! Smoking, talking!
a wonderful image of a 'loud' conversation ;)
the boy is great all over, and on the girl I appreciate the colours and the tods.
nice boots!
NY...the best city!
Nice t-shirt... I Love the stripes!
cool hair!
He's got amazing style, I love the neutral tones together and how he did something unexpected with those boots. Amazing look!
We love the color combination... Great!
love the solid jeans, stripes, and military jacket combination. bad boot choice, however.
those pants with those boots! i love it.
I love the green jacket and the stripes on him, the colour of her pants encourages me to make a strip to a store to find a skirt or scarf thats similar.
I dress like that guy.
brave combo!
His outfit is amazing! I'm absolutely in love with the color palette and those shoes and jacket <3
love that even though it's late october he's still in those slacks.
those books make his hair look great.
Just simple! They look like they came out of a forest an went directy to NY City! Cool!
Randi, randimara.blogspot.com
Love this...i wonder what they are talking about..
xoxo Monroe
love ur blog
Love the color combo on her and the boots and nautical military thing he has going on.
the boy's boots are the best...
what's with the boots?? is it muddy in new york this time of year?? ?
I would like. His boots. Mhmm, that is all.
Thor you have never looked so good!
love their shared taste for old school classicism
Oh wow I know him!
Always a classy kid.
i know him! Montreal style representing!
the guy! who is heeeee
They look very european! Love it!
I love this guy. The t-shirt are amazing, and what about the shoes? Amazing!
kisses from Brazil*
Simple but nice!
digging NY vibe: love the look.
So Bean boots are a fashion statement now? As a Mainer I am having difficulty wrapping my head around this!
Sorry the bean boots are totally inappropriate right now- it's been in the sixties/ seventies.
I know him! Congrats for making it on the site, Thor. Great outfit!
He makes me want to apply to grad school.
I really want a utility jacket just like that guys.
love it! so preppy and clean cut!
thor!! taken outside an NYU building.
Nice use of white after Labor Day.
These boots very nice, perhaps become excellent acquisition!!!))) I love it!!!
Very cool, looks like a J-crew/LL Bean catalog.
Angels Point of View - Street Fashion Blog
love the cords and how the woman plays with the volume of the puffy jacket and skinny cords!
Hi Scott!!
Im from Argentina and i know that you´ve been in Buenos Aires recently.
What happened that you didn´t upload anything yet from here. You didnt find any trendy people?
Hope you´ve spent a beautifull time!
Come back soon!
I love white pants, period. And with a military jacket, extra nice. Wonder where you get those boots?
UH OH lovers spat! Maybe she's yelling at him because he out dressed her!LOL! Love his whole outfit.
like: sharp haircut and boots
dislike: how matchy they are
Dearest Thor,
I love you.
ps: to the world, he's been dressing like this for years.
not a fan of white denim on a man. ever.
love the rest of it.
By the hammer of Thor! Godly boots!
How cool is this guy !?! love the outfit !
ahh swoon he's handsom! plus i love that she has eggplant colored cords on!
totally confusable with a nescac college
i love the worker boots! so cool, and the horizontal striped shirt is so stylish.
Great photo, Sart. Love the chap's haircut, Barbour jacket, shirt, and trousers. He has the right approach in general, but the duck boots are WRONG WRONG WRONG for NYC.
I just received those same duck boots in the mail a few weeks ago! Nice to meet you, tomorrow's outfit!
the guy is thor shannon!
The guy looks cool. ~
country chic in the city.
He is not sure he is buying what she is telling him... Maybe Great body language and the guy the blend of summer and fall looks together it works so well! Love the maroon pants on the girl.
LL Bean Boots
~not a fan of white jeans but he pulled it off with the boots and stripped shirt - nautical meets cowboy.
The Nor'easter look is certainly back! I think its very handsome.
New Post:
Paloma Vintage Giveaway!
Walked by this dude on Broadway last week and everyone was turning their heads to check him out. His style is so solid and he's about 6'4, which helps! Gotta get his name...
Thor, you are just so completely lovely...and same goes for your ensemble. You're absolutely perfect.
retrofitted for the 80s. i'm ok with this. I'm not loving the jean wash. Though he has really cool hair! Coiffed...no frills.
I wonder if this guy knows he looks cool?
love, love, love her outfit!
love his face! and the style of course...
I love his outfit, it could totally be worn by a man or a woman, and either would look chic as hell!
haha this is post our cubism to abstract expressionism exam. pretty sure you wrote a novel on Picasso's Iberian and African masks next to me viviane haha
see you both tomorrow. love you thor!
What a dreamboat!
My daughter made a quick trip home from school to con me out of a new pair of Hunter boots. I tried to get her to try a pair of duck boots because I like their lower cut and trad heritage. She shoulda opted for the ducks. I guess Hunters are a fad right now. I think I still have a pair in the garage somewhere but I only use them for work.
That boy is ADORABLE! I want him to be my boyfran :p
Loved that you captured the comfortable lovely fashion, and the human connection.
The two go hand in hand.
first time comment-er....new lover of your blog!!!
Very refreshing and worldly to see something far from the streets of SLC....we (Utah) are soooo far behind the times. Either that, or the worry of what others may think is too in grained. Thanks for letting me dream via your pictures :)
handsome guy.
great photo!
they could swap outfits and it would work out very well for both of them as well!
Love any man that can wear white pants...
loved the pic, a perfect moment
I like this waistcoat))
This guy looks flawless
sorry dears, but I don't agree with that dirty country boots and white pants...
Can't believe I'm about to say this, but I really like those pants with those boots. Never thought anything could get me to say something nice about Bean ducks (OD'd on preppy years ago), but... there it is.
God I hate the Sloane ranger look
This combo is Europe Does Preppy Chic. nice. what i am REALLY excited about though is to finally see a woman on this site who is not 6'1" and 95 pounds.
Yay for Thor! And the way she's matched her scarf and jacket.
Hate to post a charity thing on here, but I've been following this blog for years and feel I deserve to make at least the amount I paid for the book (which is amazing, just saying) out of it.
Feel free to donate (please) :)
the white denim with the duck boots are amazing
great photo! I love the barbour and de white pants!!!
I just spent some time at Columbia a last month... memories!
Ok, so I am the only one who finds it unappealing...white pants and stripped T in middle Auttumm??really??
love the combination of military coat and marine shirt
Love white jeans in autumn/winter.
love the duck boots so much, this guy is the ultimate NYU student
check out our fashion and lifestyle blog The Mint's Tint
Wish I knew what they were talking about! Love the boots!
I love that boots!!
Ohhh those boots look spectacular with that outfit!!! love it love it love it!
Those boots are the best. I wish I could find them in the UK somewhere at a decent price. Any ideas?
love the moleskine in the pocket!
this photo could be from stockholm
I do need his boots in my life right now..
love it Scott
it's amusing to me that nyc is embracing the look that has been so common in the rest of the unurban world. when i wear a new york look in my city, it definitely stands out. if i wore either of these here, it would look like everyone else. having said that, it looks good. just status quo here in texas.
Have you all seen the Michael Kors high heeled version of these "slicker lace-up rubber boots" for this season?
In my wildest dreams, I never could have imagined a guy pulling off white jeans tucked into duck boots. He should be an inspiration to all men.
That's my outfit! And hairstyle! Come to Toronto! Haha
sooo rah!!
I think that, being a british university student, this stereotype is all too prevelant and generally is to me this antithesis of fashion... but as it was taken in new york ill let you off because i do think it looks pretty cool!
if you want to look like this check out jack wills! haha
The guy looks great, the outfit is perfectly drawn together. My eyes are drawn to those Tod's and the matching jacket! I am surprised only one so far has spotted it!
Likes: plum cords, her whole get-up; striped shirt.
Issues: It's Indian Summer here in NYC. Everyone is wearing down and Winter wear when the low's in the 50's and the high's @ 70. Plus his boots - way too posey(and HOT) for warn, dry conditions.
: )
Sorel has similar boots, which IMHO are more stylish than the Beans...
@ James Kay, above - I don't know about buying duck boots in the UK, but if you are willing to pay postage, either go to the LL Bean website for the country version just like this fellow is wearing, or if you'd like a more urban variety, look up Pome boots at Dr. Jay's (bonus: they're on sale right now). As far as I know they both ship worldwide. I just ordered some of the Pome black hip hop ones and can't wait to get them.
style warrior.
boots and pants are a little outside of my bubble.
i can't rock that, but more power to the dude...
LOVE the tods and cords!!
thor is too good looking for his own good
The absolute proof that white jeans can look great on boys as well. His look is so simple but cool.
He is my gorgeous down to earth little brother! Thor always knows how to rock a good outfit. He could wear a garbage bag and make it look hot! MONTREAL represent. I love you big guy!
Love the boots of the guys they are made by "sorel" a brand for ski-wear!
Hm. To me that just illustrates the problem with short pants. She's not short and stumpy by any means, she's just dressed that way.
Thor!! you look great!
that's quite alright. not too bad.
yayaya thor! always in great style and never without his trusty moleskin!
I need a barbour jacket!!!
Incredibly gorgeous and stylish kid. This picture is even more special to me because the boy looks like my (deceased) Irish-American father. Adorable beyond words. Thanks, Scott!
Congrats on making it on here, Thor!! You look great!!
Her shoes are Cole Haan's :)
Her mocs are cole haan's :)
perfect perfect perfect
OMG this boy is so pretty!He's the type of guy you can introduce to your mum and dad
They both look so chic! Anyone familiar with the bag at her feet?
love the guy's outfit!
so made to be comfortable and practical. I love the pairing of rugged boots to a polished white jeans.
Plus the striped shirt just makes it look chic. The hair and the facial expressions is just the cherry on top!
Great shot!
I bet they are from Sweden
I always miss Scott when he's on NYU campus :( I think the green jacket is nice but not with stripes and white jeans. Would've totally loved the same jacket in navy blue on him to pull off the outfit. About the boots, they are LL bean, they do look stylish and rugged from this distance in the picture. However there is a boy in one of my classes who wears them all the time and I have to say the heel is very unusual and strange looking from close. This girl's outfit is very cool, i love the jacket with the shit, scarf and loafers, just the right amount of color coordinating. If i could change one thing about her, it would be the color of her pants. a nice eggshell pair of high waisted pants would take this girl from hipster-chic to chic lady ;)
um british home counties, circa 1985. there is not even a twist, that is exact. lame.
barbour is back
if ever gone
I want to guy's outfit ASAP. So handsome!
check out my fashion collages inspired by Philly's LOVE park.
The vest?? Anyone know where it's from?
he is beautiful!
and i'm also liking the backpack.
The guy looks cool but in my opinion rather despite the white trousers than because of them.
I've been staring at the girls outfit for a few minutes now and I just can't see the elegance of it. I've never seen a body warmer doing any good to a woman's figure (neither a man's).
The colour of her trousers are lovely, and I think the combination with the beige might be nice, if only her jacket was made of a different material. Bottom lines: body warmers are no good!
But otherwise I love the picture in itself!
I love his look - he mixed a bunch of classics in a really fresh way.
this guy looks like he spend to much time on superfuture or some kind streetfashion sites himself to much about a year and a half ago. The girl does sort of look like a euro student, but not ever would that look be called chic here in amsterdam at a university, more like a 'provincial' type, way to common to be seen as chic. Funny how the context changes so much for others view of them apparently.
Moleskine in the pocket. Class.
All the Shannon Family should be taken in picture, they are all so well-dressed and so down to heart.
Thor, you look amazing on this one.
<3 Montreal !
I prefer the girl's look
Beautiful autumn scene. I love autumn.
montreal style in NYC!
Sort of looks like he is wearing her clothes and she is wearing his?
Thor, je t'adore! Always great, now come to Toronto please.
without those boots this would be boring. i love them though,but not on a man;)
Loving the "deep-in-conversation" moment you've captured here. His green jacket is perfect!
Are the tongues on his duck boots cut?
Need Barbour jacket...
Thor you look stunning, as usual. if only ever guy dressed like that...
Thor is great and brings a smile to any room. His style is "timeless" in the sense that he doesn't conform to styles/trends of style spotted on the "campus" streets...A+ Thor, I commend you!
Elizabeth M. Jeneault
All these wonderful comments about his clothing and sense of style notwithstanding, let's not forget why he's able to pull it off and make it look so good on him... those lanky long legs~ (doesn't hurt that he's got a gorgeous face though).
This guy goes to NYU. An acquaintance of a friend. So funny to see him here!
OMG I KNOW THAT KID!!! i go to nyu!! my name is jonathan wehne=!!
This photo tell a story. I love his LL Bean shoes!
Of course he's a Montrealer! What Euro style on such a cute canadian boy <3
looks a lot like the guy afew up?
'Thursday, October 28, 2010
On the Street...Second Avenue, New York City '
looks a lot like the guy afew up?
'Thursday, October 28, 2010
On the Street...Second Avenue, New York City '
So preppy, so RL
Stunning stunning man.
I knew him way back when...