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Comments on "On the Street....Knotted, Buenos Aires & New York"
Great photos!!!
I like it!
Macrame curtains? What an interesting idea! And I think it's really cool that you're branching into something other than street style :)
amazing pictures!
i think I know which one is buenos aires :) the window!!
To scoop ideas for creation of images it is possible anywhere that I see, it just could be interesting if to note such invoice to itself as on these curtains!!!)))
Love the knotted fringe. :-)
Being form Argentina I can tell you that most likely those macrame curtains were old bedsheets or towels handmade by some grandmother...
I have a few of those myself...with my great-grandmothers initials embroidered in pearl grey....those were the days!
BTW apologies for that stupid interview done by OHLALA! Made me cringe....
awesome photos!
I really admire your point of view, stuff looks diferent through you. Congrats
Beautifull pictures! kisses from spain
perfectly chosen photos for today...
Nice to see the first picture of Buenos Aires. Hope there are more coming!
Thinking to put these two together was a beautiful idea.
The things you'll see in South/Central America, Its like not other for sure.
Angels Point of View - Street Fashion Blog
Great pictures, love them!!!
your pictures inspire me, thank you!!!
Beautifull pictures! the window is great!
Pictures are beautiful !
Oh! the stories these tell: about themselves, as subjects in their own right and objects in relation to unseen parties. And, more interestingly for me at least, about the (semi-seen) person who picked them out.
This is jsut fantastic
I loved it ...
A+ for this pic
Diwali SMS.
the window curtains will be inspiration for a clothing designer.
the nyc photo seems to be from an art exhibit...or japanese shibari.
Fabulous, and BA is a favorite destination of mine :)
interesting broderies at that window
Oh I want the first picture! I have the perfect place for it!
Fascinating & beautiful theme. Your photos in this vein really reward the viewer.
I can appreciate a soft evolution in your work yet here you have to excuse me for my ignorance: what is that about?
hyper realism? deconstructivism? post-structuralism?symetry/assymetry? equilibriun?
the first picture send me some kind of message, a romantic one.
But on the 2nd I am clueless.
some light,please?
Totally, totally love these. How odd...it's the "organic" with the industrial. A favorite of mine. ;)
Bring more Buenos Aires! :)
Sooo beautiful!
Randi, randimara.blogspot.com
Gorgeous pictures!
Beautiful juxtaposition! So ... what did you think of Buenos Aires???
I´m from Buenos Aires!!! Post more photos from here!!!
woowww inspirational! xxx
nets.. i see lots of nets..
great for hand dye on loose knitting
very inspirational :))
whoa! very cool!
ps. i did a post about your girlfriend today! www.citizette.com
I love those curtains at the top!
I love photos of random "art" like this. I guess that's what you could clarify it as.
Love both NYC and BA!
Used to live in BA. Such a great place.
And those knots... Insane.
Really dig how simple little things can add so much style and flair to design.
Beautiful!!! Reminded me of this girl in Cosa Rica who makes artistic jewelry with fabric.
This is her site: http://www.wearbonafide.com/
Beautiful Sart!
What an awesome picture pair, one black and white, an old style lace/makramee, the second an urban colourful net.. I like it a lot!
I don't know if you meant it like that, but I see them as one piece of art, together.
Fantastic! love these!
xo tash
The knotted NYC is a true pice of artwork. Nitty and Gritty. Like the image.
I would like to see this transfer into men's neckwear - a four-in- hand or a windsor.
any beautiful out fit from BsAs?
okaaaay... good photos, but what about fashion?
I think some people commenting here are trying way too hard to read something into these two photos. I take your meaning that when you photographed the curtains, it reminded you of the stringing on the push cart. Or vice versa.
great photos! amazing.
More Buenos Aires, please!
I love them all, but especially the final one - the same colours repeated, but altered by the focal length. Very beautiful.
That's so interesting..
this is art
I have nothing more to say than:
I like the NYC cart shot a lot. A bit like a Pollock!
Muy lindas fotos!!!
Knots and nets are among mankind's oldest tools; for thousands of years, they have been used for gathering, hunting and fishing. Anthropologists theorize that knots may have been inspired by the instinctive gesture of crossing one's arms.
Many knots have been imbued with symbolic meaning by diverse cultures. Chi-hsiang is the Chinese Good Luck knot. The Egyptian King Tutankhamen was buried with large knots put on both sides of his chest.
Its fascinating to discover that identical knotting structures appeared in ethnic work collected from distant and totally unrelated cultures. Juxtaposing knots and nets from far-distant parts around the world is perhaps a manner to show us that there appear to be no culture clashes between the ethnic and contemporary approaches, nor between the functional and nonfunctional solutions. The two are intermingled and the parallels intriguing.
Gorgeous shots.
Yay, a picture from Buenos Aires! Thanks for posting something from my birthplace. I hope there's more.
Really artistic. This must be a great city!
Maria Ana
Dear Scott,
I follow your blog eagerly every day.
I am awaiting for your shots of Argentinian people.
Best regards,
Great Pictures: Art & Crafts in the XXI century.
These two photos thrill me completely. Among other things, in the first someone took a lot of time to make this intricate, decorative and functional window dressing by hand only to have someone else take it for granted, flying through the door in such a hurry as to tangle the fringes in the nob. The second, (the saturated colors and textures are spectacular) and here someone went to a lot of trouble to retrofit this cart, cobbling together the scraps to do so and inadvertently creating beauty in the process. Both speak to human interaction with mundane objects--the door, the cart--where necessity couples with invention leading accidentally to something else entirely, which perhaps they don't even see, but the photographer does; he discovers it and renders it into art. It's genius.
Great pictures! I almost thought the soccer net was the Argentine picture because you see a lot of those around BS but judging from the comments it's the other way around. Love the two pictures!
I hope to see more pictures of your stay here in Buenos Aires!
Haha, I just looked a little closer at the second image and it isn't a soccer net at all. My mistake. Still, I love the pictures and the grungy yet romantic look of them.
won't you share some buenos aires looks???
I like these very much.
Interestingly ,knots and cordages are the very same precursos of our actual textiles.
Besides, what I particulary found appealing is the fact that while a solitary knot in itself represents immobility and permanence, when assembled in a group(a net) they translate into flexibility and transparency.
On the second piece, a careful examination of its intricate circuitries of ropes that turn and twist will reveal its hidden beauty.It is the sublime metamorphosis of a rather vulgar object in art.
It's amazing where you can find artistry for photos.
I LOVE these!!!
Texturally fabulouso. Its true you have to always keep your eyes open for fashion inspiration if you want an edge.
I like it. Very art!
thanks for the inspiration for my next collection!
The knotted lace curtains reminded me of the lace dress sans slip that the Italian lady paraded around Milan earlier this summer- funny to see that reference. Thank you for an interesting unique visual blog.
Alice Summar Womack
strong compositions, textural elements. great photos!
So nothing that you saw in BA inspired you? What a pity!
I think there are lots of nice street looks (http://fashionforwardarg.blogspot.com/search/label/Street%20Looks).
To bad you haven't ran into one.
great photos!! no street style photos from BA?
Love BA
Love BA
Love BA
More please! I would have loved to see even more of this theme explored, though I know it's a departure from your usual subject.
this is so beautiful!
Wow, those are very unique curtains.
see these cart all the time and never notice how interesting they are. thank for bringing every day beauty to light.