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Comments on "On the Street...Delancey St. & Bowery, New York City"
wow, what a beauty!
Love her hair!!!
She's beautiful!
I love all head-to-toe red shades on her, and that wistful vibe.
un saludo!!
OMG! I love this beauty girl *_*
her HAIR! I love the colour~
She is an ORIGINAL. I love that.
Hand drawn:
My Closet in Sketches
she's very original. an uncommon beauty. love her style.
Her hair is so gorgeous!
--Nolita Vintage--
that's a serious jacket I tell you what.
The mix of colours achieved by this beautiful young woman is quite extraordinary. Well done.
America's Next Top Model...
Oooh beautiful !!
The power of color !
lovely girl, lovely pic!!!
she is so cute! I lve her autumn colors outfit!
She knows her color scheme and acts on it! Lovely!
FIRE! so good!
Bare naked face-beautiful.
My goodness, what a lovely face! Really striking and the red shoes are perfect.
She's like a fallen star or a spirit of fire in modern dress.
red hair <3
beautiful :)
This same girl was featured on Backyard Bill's site a couple of weeks ago.
effortless - and all the more gorgeous for it! Did she even have to look in the mirror before she left the loft?!
Really stunning work, Sart. I love when you use backlight in your shots.
wow! she's beautiful!
she looks unique, but I think her face can be changed easily with a touch of make-up
I had a jacket like this 20 years ago, I wish I had it now. Love this. Karen
Specific, but I like it. ~
India from the Uniform Project! Beauty, intelligence, and good values all rolled into one lovely young woman.
Wow... took my breath away. Such a natural beauty and I love the orange coat.
Beautiful and natural!
love the bright colors in the winter getup. very unique
http://lekisskiss.blogspot.com <-- Texas gal bloggin fashion from NYC!
love the jacket!!!hope my mother had kept her old ones!she had one so similar in white!!
This warms the fall chill:) The first picture potrays grace & subtlety. Then you scoll down to the full body picture and wham! You are hit with vibrant boldness! Just Great!
portrait is perfection
she has such a pretty face and goodness, that hair colour is just beautiful, loved the photo
i love her hair!!!
but the clothes are too much for me!
She's gorgeous.
It makes me smile to think that she was probably the school geek - and now look at her.
she is so unconventional!!
Gotta love a redhead and she knows how to make it work.
Naturally beauty outside.
Very beautiful face and freckels, possibly the worst combination of clothes I have ever seen on this site. The boots and tights with that coat. sometimes originality isn't recommended. MG
what a pretty young thing, and i love her plays of color and elements.
amen, welcome back to America. European fashion is unique, but I like seeing stuff from the home front.
Are we going to see anything from Argentina anytime soon?
Angels Point of View - Street Fashion Blog
As a red headed freckle face girl myself, all I can say is "thank you!"
and that jacket is like made of some old toy :) big orange vintage teddy bear :D
Lady in red. Great photo.
the girl from the redhead issue of jalouse! she rocks.
Wow! Powerful!
lovely face.
the apparel has a bit of a street urchin last century feel to it.
certainly mixing the decades together.
tiny prints from the 30's
little ankle boots from 1900
line of the coat from the 40's, but the colour definitely 80's.
textured stockings from 1910.
interesting mix.
She does indeed have some sort of sparkle in her dark, shady, contemplative eyes.
Her shoes really speak out:)
as if pippi longstocking had, against all her wishes, finally become a woman.
Ginger hair! Love them
the girl is beautiful...but too much orange in the mix
She looks amazing, so beautiful, love the first shot!!!
johanna, sweden
red. red. red!
dig her hair...
It so is original, she is able to look at the world very brightly!!!
I love it)))
Hey Karen Wallace from 9:53, she may have your jacket from 20 years ago!
great color palette!!
Love that it is still bright
but it still reads fall!!
She´s cute, love her hair and face!!! not too fan of the orange jacket
As a redhead myself, I can tell you that it wasn't easy mixing colours. So many no-no's, no pink, for instance, "not with that hair colour," or "no, no orange." Hah, she does it beautifully.
A redhead wearing a tangerine coat. Lovely.
India, you're beautiful as always. Love this look - the coat is perfect for you! <3
great colors!
I wish I were as brave with my red hair!
Strikingly Beautiful, everything about this fair lass is spot on...
The skin, the hair, her eyes perfect in every way..
Now put her on a vintage scooter and well, what can I say...
Well, she is beyond enchanting even if a few Tickle-Me-Elmos were sacrificed in the making of her coat.
Beautiful face.Fantastic hair.Red,red,red from the head to the shoes.It doesn't burns but it warms the heart. Lovely.
This photo looks interesting with beautifull colours!
Wow... so stunning!! Love all the colors. The images you capture are breathtaking.
Gorgeous red!
she looks so cute and fresh with all theese colors ♥
I just love love love your backgrounds....I mean this girl is gorgeous and her outfit wonderful, but then you set her in this staged front face lighting, dark background with hints of orange in the back and a few letters aglow....wow! Tremendous.
I just love seeing her hair with her natural skin. It's too pretty to ever recreate.
Amazing portrait.
Nice shots. I like the idea of green sustainable style and people cutting and altering stuff themselves.
Really pretty girl. She knows her colours.
Nice color combination girl!!
All the ginger all the time. But don't forget the sunblock....
a lovely face with an aire of innocence but her dressing is horrid.
isn't it India from the "Uniform Project" website? I'm pretty sure I'm recognizing her cool-indie-vintage style there!
What a gorgeous girl!
love her hair color!
Gorgeous girl!! I love red heads and their freckles :-)
There is something about her calmness and her clean face.
lovely red hair and pretty girl...
Really beautiful.
the black stockings make it work somehow. she looks like someone I would have seen last summer in Ireland...but with much more imaginative attire ;)
Wow she is a showtopper. Seriously fantastic I normally see way too many blondes and brunettes. It's great to see a red head in there.
i really like the colour of her hair.
but i dont like her shoes a lot.
Beautiful girl!
What a beautiful young lady. She must be an artist?
-nancy @ sway report
Paloma Vintage Giveaway!
Nice shot Sart.
Again, love your photographs here. She is absolutely stunning and I adore red heads. Her outfit really works.
Its India! you guys should check out her style for a whole month if you like this :)
A rarely symmetrical face...
red shoes,so nice
Love all the red hues... Long live the freckle!
OMG she's so beautiful and natural wowww
In her own right, simply gorgeous
She is like a rare Irish rose. Beautiful.
i love her red hair and freckles!
Wish I had red hair...I think.
Gorgeous shot. Gorgeous girl. But man, you can get away with a lot by being pretty....
I feel reminded of some old Eric Clapton "Cream"-photos
love ginger hair....
great coloring, what an extraordinary match. Just amazed. How I would love to be like her...
She really is quite startlingly lovely, and her quirky style makes me smile. These portraits remind me of the photographs commissioned by the Farm Services Administration during the great depression, though they convey a very contemporary narrative.
Colour, texture, pattern, line, hair, expression, background silver and black--absolutely perfect in every way.
i see "amelie" in her eyes :)
Love her hair and coat!
She is stunning and I love her playful approach to dressing.
Autumn incarnate.
Love her eye.
model material!
That is such an interesting mix between all those shades of red and orange.
She makes the United Colors of Benetton models jealous.
She definitely knows how to work her colors. That orange coat is fabulous and her eyes are full of so much expression!
Love it.
shes undisputably beautiful. I ove her style and outfit. not so keen on the shoes though.. a little too 16 year old girl trend from last year.
Awesome, that's India! She was on The Uniform Project! ♥
It reminds me of my Joel Myerowitz book on portraits of redheads!
absolutely gorgeous.
her outfit is so architechual. She is genius.
Living proof that high heels, make-up, plucked eyebrows and skintight clothes are vastly over-rated.
Vive les femmes naturelles!!!
She is stunning. I just want to look at her.
I remember growing up, I was teased for my red hair, my pale skin, my freckles. I didn't wear make up like the other girls (East Texas).
I feel vindicated by her beauty.
she's amazing and I love her shoes!!! where are they from? do you know? thanks
@Ellie she is total model material! The freckles and the hair are just gorgeous!
Wow, India sure gets around! I see her everywhere. Gorgeous as ever. Holly
It's amazing how certain people can make things work that most other people would never even consider trying. It makes me want to find something unique in my own style and give things a try even when they may not turn out perfectly.
The light in the first photo is incredible and I love the lack of makeup and the way her hair and skin glow.
fantastic <3 !
her natural hair color is so beautiful
What an icon. She has to have a story, and most of it lie ahead of her. Lots of time in this picture, in its beauty. It’s almost like a film, and would be the perfect opening of a film. Also love the quote in the fabric of her dress, the girls from Pennsylvania back in August. Lots of story in these shots, people in these clothes and spaces. Congratulations.
She's stunning, and I love the outfit--she looks like a tree in autumn. Like Flaming June ( http://www.victorianweb.org/painting/leighton/paintings/4.html ), but autumnal... Blazing October, perhaps?
Beautiful, wonderful, Look of the month!
Boticelli Venus
She's so beautiful!
Her clothes are wonderful. Even the persimmon plush coat is cute.
She's so pretty, she rocks that naturally red hair! And her coat is crazy, i love it!
Her hair + jacket = awesomeness.
Love her, not her outfit!
i love her youthful beauty.
Enchanting girl. Delightful in that funny coat.
One just wants to "gaze and gaze."
Love the dress and red boots !!
god that face! she looks both innocent and streetwise. great shot scott! colors!!!!!
it's India! The stunning ginger made her way over to Sartorialist from UP! Love it all.
love the authenticity
I love that!!!
I saw the close-up of her face first, then the full body shot. My first thought was "gorgeous girl!". My second thought "super hip, funky girl with all kinds of style & personality". Love that she has her own look & strong self confidence-refreshing. Cool that she's got beauty and a personal sense of style...
I'm tickled that you're photographing women with freckles. You can't buy freckles! These two pix are beautiful. Thank you.
A Ginger! And she's pale as milk, with no bronzer, no faux tan, no blush. And no qualms about wearing traditional non-redhead-colors. Hallelujah! Power to the pale and proud! (And I only wish my auburn were that vivid ginger-gold.)
Quite simply - No! What is she thinking?!
lovely girl. love everything but the shoes. wish i didn't hate them...but i do.
I love your photos you are by far the best street photojournalist I know! I posted some on my blog:
Such stunning colors. That jacket goes incredible well with her coloring, hair included. The boots are great as well! Great lighting too!
She is amazing :) she can be a model
Lovely lady!
All your postings are very interesting and of course I look at them a lot like everyone else. But this one and the posts around it display way too un-flattering outfits. Maybe that's why people keep wearing them because influential people say thay look good...effortless and oversized is ok but we are effortless at home, with family, etc....why can't people pull something nice for the street? I think effortless looks should be kept for the ones we love...on the street it looks somewhat out of place. Being a very nice person with a good attitude is something very different from dressing nice.
I've ALWAYS wanted freckles. there is a certain je ne sais quoi about 'em.
anyways, this girl is beautiful.
how au naturel. and sh!t, by the look on her face it looks as though no one is stopping her.
she puts me to shame. the next time i apply foundation, i know i'll feel so guilty..
India! Always looking so beauteous.
A model in the making. Boldness, beauty, youth and a faraway gaze.
Great capture!
so natural!
Beautiful autumn light and colours
WOW! That orange coat! Fiery!
The face to die for. If she is not already modeling, she has a future this is certain.
I love red hair! Do you have a red hair series?
I also love that this kid is not shy abt flaunting her natural red color with her geranium orange & clown red shoes outfit.
So nice. All together!
Wow! I adore red heads and the multicolored in her tights is just stunning! I love that she isn't afraid to mix colors, this is wonderful!
wow. stunning shot!
i love this look, just beautiful
outstandingly perfect.
stunningly beautiful.
Love this girl's style! She was the first pilot on Year 2 of the Uniform Project. So fun!!
She's so beautiful, I love how she captures the light :).
As a redhead, I always shy away from wearing orange. This photo is making me rethink my strategy. She looks lovely.
She's gorgeous! I had that exact same coat in nave blue with gold buttons and my mom used it as a cat bed while I was away at college....ahhhhhhhh!!!! I am still devastated by it today and it has been over 10 years!
This picture just stopped me scrolling down. Beutiful. I love this style.
As a redhead Ihad to track her down India Salvor Menuez on backyard bill and she has her own art http://indiamenuez.tumblr.com/
ummm no