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Comments on "On the Street....Crosby St., New York"
You know, the colours are pretty awesome. Does he know he is totally working the camel/grey/head wrap?
A true New York worker. Love it. What is that exactly on his head. Look a bit like a turban?
I love the shoes and the ring. It's really a worker with style LOL
kisses from Brzail*
Beautiful combination of subject and background.
I am sure he meant for his look to be more practical than fashionable, but that only shows his innate sense of style, no? Great shot, Scott. I like how you are mixing it up on the blog these days.
HE is Simply COOL. This is the proof that you don t need to be all branded to be stylish, I love this kind of looks!
Thanks for not beeing Obvious, who cares of seeing a total look you can find by window shopping? Style is much more interesting!
Sart, you have a real fascination with home improvent workers lately! Are you and Garance looking to remodel? Or shall we change your name to The Contractor?
A new yorker, you know. I like that :)
half & half.
the bottom is work.
the top is fashion.
So bitchin! Love your shots of non-office workers. Thanks Scott.
love his ring
http://lekisskiss.blogspot.com <-- Texas gal bloggin fashion from NYC!
pretty face! I love the gold ring detail. It's amazing to see how many interesting people are around. :-)
what an amazing photo. I love the unique and fresh perspective on style with this particular photograph.
Beautiful face and love the colors. Warmly, Karen
Love the bling!
This guys' look, could inspire a whole collection. Scott has a good eye.
ahhhhhh real life AND style, a lens into a spectrum of realities that overlap one another.
Sartorialist always gets it. It's that simple!
I'm sorry I don't see it. Isn't your blog named The Sartorialist?
Partly it's his smile, partly the turban. It's so informal and works well with his shirt. I like the colour combination of grey and tan as well.
great look...Beautiful combination...As always you can find fantastic outfit
Beautifully posed and shot, getting the ring, the cracked stoop, and background placed just so. Top is fashion, just like the bottom half--probably a grey tee protecting hair from plaster, paint & dust.
Love the turban. Both the colour match with his sweatshirt, and the way he has tied it. Great photo.
He's working that headwrap... and the wrap works. Perfect marriage of form and function there.
So relaxed and cool!
--Nolita Vintage--
he's cool!
This totally rocks.
"A young youth, yo rockin' a gold tooth..."
BRAVO! The Sartorialist is the only blog that still posts pictures of unknown people from all different environments, unlike most other bloggers who have eneded up just posting pictures of people outside fashion shows or who work in the industry Great, I cannot congratulate enough for this!
I LOVE the t-shirt wrapped around his head. He looks like a drywall guy, a common practice in that field to keep the dust out of his hair, but WOW, the way this guy has wrapped it is so chic!
This looks like a whole collection can be inspired by this look .. i love it!
To "Anonymous" at 10:57AM -
Open your eyes!
This site doesn't limit itself to designer labels and status symbols. Sometimes people merely have style or some other indescribable quality which merits their photos here. I praise the sartorialist for recognizing this.
I too like the shots of real people doing everyday things but it cracks me up when commenters try to elevate it to something more than it is. This guy isn't rocking a turbin. He has a t-shirt over his head to keep the paint or whatever out of his hair. End of story.
Sometimes I think you could post a photo of a few leaves on the ground and people would say "wow, such effortless style! love it!". Rant aside, this is a great photo!
All the comments here about style, I think, are totally misplaced; this picture has nothing to do with style, it's simply an interesting picture, one that you would find in a National Geographic magazine, possibly involving the adaptation of Sikhs to New York in the construction sector. The grey sock around hi head, is probably a turban protector. It's funny how so many people insist on talking about personal style.
This is culturally some real groundbreaking stuff - I presume this fellow is a Sikh? If so, his look is an incredible combination of East and West. Fabulous.
Almost every piece of his work outfit could be translated to a very fashionable look. I plan to copy the great headwrap.
Did anybody notice how his cool eyebrows really stand out...? Must be the headwrap! I love his ring as well. It's tricky to look stylish while being practical... :)
Like the colours he's wearing and the tonal background. Nice one.
The paint stained trousers make look
It's different. I like it. And that guy can work with a head wrap.
He looks to me like he is from the Horn Of Africa region. He also looks like he is a hardworking man earning an honest living :D His family should be proud.
On his head he put a t-shirt that matches the rest of his outfit, both tonally and texturally, to keep out the debris, and tied it just so. Surely this is where the story begins.
Crosby st... I volunteered at the book shop there when I was a interning in NYC. New York Housing Works!
Cool ring!!
Although I know he is at rest from drywall construction work I almost expect him to get up, after his smoke, and part that heavy tarp to go into a rough studio - grab a brush, liberally dipped in paint, and go at it against a wall sized canvas...
I love hot tradesman
What one can do with a all cotton t-shirt! He wraps it with such swag! Great face.
oh~~~~i like it much!
this photo speaks a true depiction of new york life. i commend him.
Style is all around us, I´m sure the pant has a label, no doubt about the cigarrette brand too. ;)
dear the sartorialist, i love that you chose to put this picture on your blog. he is obviously a construction worker and that is the first impression you get from this shot. then you realize the small nuances like the gold ring and his his matchy neutral colors. the grays match each other perfectly. maybe his turban is the same shirt he is wearing. the ring definitely catches your attention. this shows you can put style into what you wear. and i think this man is proud to be who he is.
diggin' the turban!
This is why I love your blog so much. You see style where others don't even look twice.
Haha, I would bet that this man is of West Indian descent, perhaps Guyanese or Trinidadian even! Finally!
There is something sweet about him :)
It is the best style!!! Extremely)))
Super post!!!
so awesome.
Guys this is going to be the next LANVIN look!
Believe me you MoFos!
Why i love those stairs?
his style is great
he's looking like he doesnt give a shit about hard work, just enjoying the cigarette.
the photo is great as well
A new worker! A real one! He could be from new york or new delhi...
Tradesmen wear t-shirts wrapped around their heads to keep hair clean.
Functional clothing worn by hard working wo/men generates feeling of everything-is-ok in us, that things are being taken care of.
Work-casual chic, if you know what I mean.
too good.
i wonder if he knows...there's always something about workers' dusty trousers and sunfaded colours isn't there?
Those eyes and that smile.The whole composition of this photo.Excellent.P.S. I think that might just be another sweatshirt tied about his head.
His hands work.
I don't know about anyone else, but the first thing that caught my eye were his gold rings and his (possibly?) gold tooth. I love the very simple colour palette and the touch of shine with the gold pieces. Wish they actually made shoes like that though....
I think he wears his smile best.
I maybe wrong on this one but this dude reminds of me a guy I met in Boston, a fellow Somali. Perhaps the sartorialist can confirm. If not, I must say its good saying other cultures also wear gold tooth for its a dying trend at least in my culture/heritage. Cheers all.
Indoafrican chic...you know he's talking to a woman..Love the gelee.
Infoafrican chic...love the head piece and the smile lets you know he's talking to a woman.
I think those who don't see the fashion in this photo have missed the point. Even though it appears as if this doesn't follow fashion he is still dressed in a number of runway trends. The photo makes an important statement on how you can find fashion in the everyday, and style in the unconventional. Fashion is more than those who are making a point about getting dressed up. It's everywhere we look.
love the composition, the colors.