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Comments on "On the Street....Charming, Milan"
very un-Italian. She looks more eclectic/ vintage than the usual Milanese crowd. Love it.
Very chic with a vintage vibe
xx Ale
the elbow patches certainly make the outfit! Either way, love it!
Probably IS a man's jacket. Rather ill-fitting to be frank. However, refreshingly different. And yes "effortless".
– bacause stamps are for nerds
Love her Zara jacket
Love the elbow patches as well. Bring back the quirky teacher look!
How very chic. She's obviously dressing for comfort, and I find that infinitely appealing.
so true
i love everything about this look. the shoulder pads, the skirt, the sandals. spectacular
Le Kiss Kiss- Click Here!
¿Charming! ¡¡Nooo!!
Thank you, you inspire me to start a design and street style blog...love your work.
Meh, not so much. The whole look seems more effortless/sloppy than effortless/chic. I'd prefer a smaller tighter jacket or top with the skirt or a tailored trouser or jean with the shirt and jacket. And a hairbrush with both!
For me it´s working because of the sandals...
Not sure I would describe this as cute. Effortless - yes. It looks comfortable and monochromatic Maybe there's a detail or two in the front that I am missing that makes this more cute.
Great pic, I really love this look for fall! The brown is refreshing & the elbow patches definitely make the outfit.
Jenny @vpv
love this look!
What you are describing Petey is a totally different look. You're comparing apples to oranges.
It's the hues and the flow that pulls it all together, no? It's charming indeed. (and a big YES for elbow patches!)
Agree about the elbow patches,
charming indeed!!!
Petey, you took the words out of my mouth. Or my keyboard.......
... ooo Sat, I love it when you jump in ... ah, not so loving it either .. something out of Thomas Hardy's Mayor of Casterbridge
too much brown...
Nice find, Sart. She is very cute. Some women look charming without even trying.
i like her style! and I love Milan :)
Agreed! From the side she reminds me of a younger Sarah Mclachlan.
I didn't like this one
kisses from Brazil*
Effortlessly chic - and very inspirational.
What an autumn colour!
Amazing pic, this winter everyone has to revamp the brown...I love totally this color!
Yes you are right, the patches makes the whole outfit which i think would be a bit dull without them.
obsessed with elbow patches right now!
So. Beautiful. iloveitttttt.
I love this outfit, especially the sandals/skirt combination.
something medieval about the look.
perhaps the siena/burnt umber wash of the skirt and the sandals...especially against the old stone walkway.
it's the contrast of centuries that makes this photo.
top half is throughly modern, especially texting.
bottom half is centuries old.
beautiful ensemble, and i love your blog as well!
this look takes me to the woods.
really dig it and the browns!
elbow patches and all!
This color is very good, tells unostentatious mood and a natural image that very much it is pleasant to me in this picture)))
charming, classic, clean ,and classy.
4Cs for her,:)
love her style and the tone of her clothes.
Elbow pads are so sweet this season.
She looks great! I love the long skirt. I must have one!
I love the silhouette and the blue shirt peeking out does wonders.
check out my fashion collages inspired by Philly's LOVE park.
I'm more of a fan of the jacket than the skirt.
that jacket is so beautiful!
i'm gonna buy one for sure:)
Love her eye.
This monochromatic ensemble is sculptural, yet every fold a song to movement.
too brown.
I'm normally not a fan of monochromatic brown but this is nice. Def a casual and comfy day for her!
Great look. Unusual combination of colors. Works with the hair up.
Clay Douglass
It draws such attention to her lovely skin. Never thought brown on brown could be anything but boring yet she looks's autumnal & classic!
Cute combination of outfit
Vintage-y like
Classy, but too much browns..
I so agree with you on the matter og the patches!
For me this outfit looks like a mix of bohemian and preppy. Intersting. ;)
Love the jacket, not crazy about the skirt.
you know this is what I love your site for - cos anyone with a fab body/ face can channel a fashion editor in high heeled booties and a foxy jacket, but this takes real individual stye and real individual style spotting by sart!
As I type, I'm doing a little happy dance about the return of neo-monastic (does that make it neo-neo-monastic?), urchin, and grunge-rooted looks. Especially when approached through steampunk and/or alt-culture (tribal, burlesque, even genuine hipster) aesthetics, those styles tend to generate truly beautiful, flattering, expressive ensembles.
I love the long skirt and elbow patches ROCK.
It's difficult to put together outfits that do comparable justice to the era they aspire from, and also aesthetically express a modern complexion as well. I'm of the opinion that it takes a very sharp and refined sense of personal style to do what she's done. No jeans, fitted jacket or whathaveyou required for 'effortless' looks like this. I'm with you on the elbow patches.
Italian taste is always different.
She's handsome!
I think it's a gorgeous and effortless look. Would'nt be my kind of taste, but looks grea for her!
love everything but the skirt, it looks too blah. maybe from the front it looks better?
Ever been to Eugene, Oregon? You could easily spend a month on the locals here. :)
Love the colors !!
Wow, this is so charming. & timeless, but still so now (the camel & denim). Lovely.
Ugh. Brown, brown, brown. The top half looks like fall, the bottom half like summer. I guess I don't get "fashion."
Love the elbow patches, but it´s too much brown...
Modest and relaxed. Just wonderful.
absolutely in love with this! and yes the eelbow patches make it =)
I like this look!
I like it. What I find interesting is that this is seen in Milan. It's SO American! Are we starting to be emulated???
amazing snap, loving the maxi skirt
I don't mean to be critical, but, when are sandals appropriate w/such heavy clothes? Especially in a city where it is so easy to find hand-crafted boots in any and all styles. When is a skirt that is dirty on the hemline and in need of a hot iron attractive? Why detract from the beauty of a nicely tailored jacket with an untucked shirt-tail?
She does have a lovely profile and fine hands - and she carries her purse appropriately for Milan - in front.
Again, such a good example of "the right outfit for the right person". I would look like a slob in this outfit, but she looks like her beautiful self.
Thanks for pictures like these, that are not about the latest fashion, but about personal style.
This inspires me to trust my likings. I have a brown velvet jacket due to get elbow patches soonest. And a raw silk skirt. But in my climate I will choose flat grey boots.
Even the professors in Milan are hot!
trend color on this autum
My first reaction was "no, don't like it, looks slobby" but read a few of the comments... now my reaction is "great personal style". Personal Style being key here. I love the look from the waist up, but for my own body, I would never be able to pull off the floor length skirt. Jacket and colour is TDF. Great pic.
She looks English.. reminds a bit of Lisa Hannigan
Scott - I travel vicariously through your pictures. I don't know what is Milan from Rio to Sydney but I can imagine through the vivid portraits your photographs afford. In this picture I love the stone plaza and the spacing of the people in the background. They almost look placed like they've been staged ot choreographed somehow? The stark black of the arched window on the building in the back captured my eye as well. I like the fact that she seems to be more about where she is going, has been or what she needs to do than what she has on. I think many would kill for her posture given the fact that although immersed in attention to her phone she is not slouching.
totally agree with the patches
i love elbow patches! it's my newest obsession!!
Well, I've always liked brown being an earthy type but it can look dowdy--this does not, as the fawn elbow patches and blue shirt add a zest of colour--then again I have been known to wear all brown in different hues and love how it makes me feel in autumn/winter. I also love it for summer with a splash of white.
Rather dandy/peasant in this photo and I love it!
love the patched sleeve design, very fashionable
Or the blue shirt peeking out.
Or the bare toes doing the same.
the jacket is awesome and it must look great from the front with the shirt, but i don't think this is the best skirt-shape that she could be wearing....
Enjoying the fact that how beautifully shes carrying off a jacket and a shirt with a long bohoesque skirt.
I don't like so much brown colour, but yes, the elbow patches make the difference in the look
LOVE elbow patches. As in I love them so much it is an unhealthy addiction... xxx
I love this, but I keep thinking how cute it would be if the skirt were just below the knee, with the sandals. I'm not a fan of the very long skirt for day. It swallows up most figures.
I don't like the skirt and the summer shoes: too much "gipsy"!
maximum comfort and utility. such a soft fabric for the jacket, loose cotton skirt and shirt, coverage as light as air, breeze on the toes. this would be a great outfit for hoboing - just roll up the jacket for a pillow. love it!
The elbow patches do make the outfit!
I agree about the Mayor of Casterbridge vibe going on! Bring it back!
YES! elbow patches are a YES!
i'll bet that outfit is soo comfortable. the look of her skirt gives me the sudden urge to reach into my computer, to be given the satisfaction of caressing the fabric. looks so soft and billowy-worthy.
i have that skirt. i'll keep in mind elbow patches when wearing it next.
ginaespo.blogspot.com | ginaespo.tumblr.com
I cannot stop looking at this--the colors, the proportions, it is so perfectly wonderful.
i just wanna say the dirty hemline and crinkled skirt mean she's a real human being, been out all day instead of straight from runway! i like real shots like this more than those of clean fashionistas.
i never thought brown on brown or winter blazer with sandals would have worked but she she definitely made it. love the shot!
I'm coming to really love this rich shade of brown; I seem to be buying a lot of it lately, and it looks so great with tart greens, fuchsia, and all shades of teal, turquoise and blue.
Echoing the boho/prep mix comments -- I can see how some might consider this to be sloppy, but with that simple, flowing skirt the untucked (thin denim/linen?) shirt seems just right to me. The jacket bumps up the style quotient of both pieces without getting too fussy, as I think a more tailored skirt and shirt/blouse would have done. The elbow patches are professorial, thus smart, and smart is sexy (at least in my book :)
Even the sandals are working for me because the rest of her is so covered up. Very subtly she's highlighting one of the body's most delightful erogenous zones, with nary a hammer toe-producing platform stiletto in sight. Brava!
It's always interesting to see how people negotiate the transition between seasons. She's got a very practical, understated look that nonetheless manages to stand out from everyone else (in the usual black) in the background. If that's not a successful expression of personal style, what is?
I LOVE it. All of it. This is the inside "me".
The blue shirt looks sloppy hanging in the back. I love the sandals, because they are unexpected. Most people would have chosen boots with this cool weather outfit.
you are soooo right, about the elbow thg
you are sooo right,about the elbow
Hopefully comfort will become the next black.
What a great jacket, but the kirt is definitely too long and oldfashioned...
All brown...interesting. Not something I'd go for.
Am I really the only one in this world (again) that doesn't like elbow Patches? I like the clean look without any patches on any clothing piece...
The elbow patched coat, I love this style!
Not fond of the long skirt. It's makes the outfit granny chic to me.
This is me. I am for the effortless, comfort look, and would pay anything to get it! More looks like this, and BRING the long skirt back, MEN need an imagination again.
She looks adorable.