What Chic French Women Wear To Kayak, Adirondacks, NY

Truth be told, Garance can say that she was with the only guy that tipped over his kayak twice while trying to take pictures. Now I know why they make underwater cameras silver, so you can see them while trying to fish them off of the bottom of the lake.
Comments on "What Chic French Women Wear To Kayak, Adirondacks, NY"
Very chick trousers for sporting!
--Nolita Vintage--
heehee, you two are really cute together. :) i love the little posts you dedicate to each other as well.
Oh, the French, gotta love 'em.
That's just about the cutest thing I've ever seen.
Ah, it's the sporty incarnation of notre chere et chic Garance :)
Haha, your woman is fabulous.
Uauu I love animal print, but never thought about it for sport, I love!!
Love it.
Lovely trousers ~
Very chic, I love it!
Effortless style. Who would have thought that those pants would look that good with that ultra stylish life preserver. The red stands out and almost blinds me with it's awesomeness. Actually, the whole outfit blinds me.
Live <3
Laugh <3
Love <3
Chic ? These trousers ?
(even for kayak)
Hum !...
I'm too sure about that.
Very ethnic, yes. Chic, no.
ahaha sooooo cute :)
looks like loads of fun!
lol. how cute. the whole thing.
Oh no, well at least the camera's safe! And Garance is looking very chic here, but it's no surprise that she does, even if it's for kayaking!
I am sending this to my husband who is taking up kayaking. If he can spend hundreds on a boat, he can throw in a pair of leopard pants for me!
Thank you Garance (and Scott)!
hahahha this is amazzing!!!
hehehehe...thats sooo funny.... fyi, leopard is the way to go for all life time..hate that its become sooo freaking common, i feel like its invading my wardrobe as a trend..hehe..
hehehe u tripped over your kayak...would have made for a great capture for garance ..lol!!
haha I love how cool this is... animal prints always come in handy :D
What, no jaunty scarf?
Love the pants. Warmly, Karen
you are two crazy ... but I love you ... great pic
Garance has more style for kayaking
She is so fabulous and talented! I want those pants.....
Garance owns that look!
Great story, Scott.
Leopard pants for sports! Never thought about it, what a cool idea!
Check out Hong Kong streetstyle from my blog:
Haha hilarious... Kayak can be so dangerous ;-)
-diary of a fashion stylist-
i don't think it's chic at all..
LOVING the pants!!
You should go to Marbella in Spain, they know how to do leopard print!
Good to see you guys have a life outside of fashion as fashion is not always everything as some may become.
Hey you were up here in my neck of the woods! Yes, I can truthfully say that I have never seen such a stylish kayaker! Next time, stop over for blueberry pancakes! :)
Ahh, I saw that drive-in post in my google reader! How exciting that you're right in my neck of the woods, I go there all the time!
If you are still in the area, by some change, you should come stop in a bakery I work at--called Crisan in Albany, since we have to-die-for eats and often very stylish customers (slash counter-girls, not to give myself too much credit)!
I want an underwater camera! This is an adorable photo and I am loving the pants. I would want something better suited for the water if I fell out or tipped over. x
Sounds like it was a good time, and those leopard pants are FAB!
She's so eclectic!!!! I love it!
I hope to see more such posts... an outsider's view on french aesthetics! hehe
Thanks for your continual reminder that fashion can and should be fun!
We've got to learn from the amazingly fashionable duo....
Adorable! Your post put a smile on my face on a very tough day. Only our Garance would bring the fall animal print trend to the Adirondacks!
LOL...I wish Garance got a picture of you in the water, it would have been priceless!
Stop by & see British ELLE's biggest ever 25th Anniversary Shoot/Video!
frenchies are classy :)
She does look cute--but a little too reminiscent of Zubaz for me.
Who does this?
Awesome. = )
hahah we, french girls, know what to wear in every circumstance :))
Hahahaha..they are right, animal prints are everywhere!!
Statements in Fashion
Go Garance, defend our chic !
Absolutely brilliant - I love her style. I do prefer the sorts of exercise that allow one to still wear leopard prints and Chanel (cycling, walking, and now kayaking!)
Miss B xx
what a cute post!
It's a little over-the-top for my style, but if it fits, make it work.
Hahaha I am a French chic woman and I would never wear this to kayak!
That's fantastic! It reminds me of lady Gaga, who came over to Waiheke Island in New Zealand and went fishing in her high heels.
I live in Saratoga Springs! I would have loved to see some leopard pants in Upstate!
hehehe you must be the cutest couple of the blogosphere!!!
Of course this is Garance! And that's why we all love her x
now that looks cozy
it doesn't get more outdoor than animalprint, i guess. and if you have to kayak, do it with style... even when your fancy bottom-half is safely hidden from view in the kayak.
there is a certain sneakyness about the angle from which this picture was taken, though. so... what were YOU wearing to kayak?
Love the photo -- how chic! -- and couldn't help but laugh along with your ordeal of fishing for your camera. I'm very glad it still works :)
hihi, my first thought was looking at the pic, that it shows, that Garance wear flipflops (and flats in general) not that often, she walks, like a little duckling :-)...ok so leopart print for sport is...a little bit 50+ for me (at least in this part of the world), but a frenchie can wear what she wants, will be always the most stylish of the world..
This is brilliant!
It is such a big challange for me to dress relatively 'nice' while practicing outdoor activities...
Please Sart, some more of these sporty posts would be of great inspiration -and help!
she deffs rocks the kayak! LOL. xxx
I live on the sea and when the water turns to a shimmery sheet of glass, I will hop in my kayak in whatever I might be wearing... sometimes a skirt with my rubber boots. In my world there are no lines between function and fashion.
I love those pants! Why should we suddenly become anonymous and wear a "uniform" when working out or doing something physical? Plus sweatpants are sweaty! These pants look so breezy and comfortable. Hats off for Garance! (Again...)
Haha, it's fantastic. Like a Bond-girl. I think I'll wear a dinner jacket next time I'm going rowing.
leopard water shoes would be a clutch addition too...
First I love the pants and second, I was actually upstate over the weekend as well about five miles from Friends Lake. I have a lot of memories of going to Friends Lake Inn.
she looks stylish and comfortable - sensational!
cute? yes (especially if, like me, one "knows" and appreciates garance's style and sense of humor from reading her blog). but, chic? no
I am just trying out your new predictions platform.
This is interesting for Collective intelligence purposes and well done
What I love about this photo is that the lady has taken pride in herself and has made an effort to dress well, no matter the occassion... even if she is on her way to kayak- I am not a fan of lazy dressing! x
Continue like it ! I like your pics. How you can find too awesome pics ?!
Thank you.
The Adirondacks - our favorite getaway spot.
yes yes yes! now that we bought a house on a river w/ a pool no less, i must be in sporty gear more often. despise shorts on me. breezy leopard it is! thanks garance. now, where to get them.....
friends lake inn is what one of my favorite restaurants period.
Your site is amazing.I am very impressed to see this,i want to come back for visiting your site.Keep doing Good as well as you can..
I always just end up wearing a bathing suit and shorts while kyaking, but it's good to see other people in the ADK who are fashionable while sporting!
I'm impressed you managed to get your camera working after taking a dunk twice over. Awesome, nonetheless!
oh god i love both of you guys so much, a perfect couple! plus i loooveeeee garance's pants, i definitely want one!! does anyone know where she might have gotten them? xx<3
Oh how this made me smile. spent all last weekend kayaking around Tomales Bay, 1 1/2 hours north of San Francisco. Wish I would have had Garance's pants although my shorts from All Saints were not a bad alternative! xo
You were up near my vacation home and I missed ya! Did you have fun?
Go to Warrensburg to Oscar's smokehouse for Beef Jerky? Best in the world!