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Comments on "On the Street...The House Painter, Savannah, Georgia"
Now that's real life for ya.
beautiful shot! Love the splattered colors on the white backdrop.
I love his shoes and hat! They bring a warm sense of style to a uniform that can so easily come across as unkempt.
i love the moments you capture of the most unsuspecting subjects.
Great post! I was a house painter for about 3 years .... maybe the best job I've ever had....still have the last pairs of whites that I still do work in from time to time ... Great thing about the painters uniform was that I new I looked like shit but I felt comfortable wearing it around because I knew no one would judge because I was working with my hands ... and that's an amazing feeling.
White painters pants with white tees are so chic and classic, love this!
Beautiful picture. Very strong.
White in action. It doesn't get much better. Wonderful photo!
The hat/cap does it for me! He looks at home in his art. x
This is such a beautiful, warm portrait. Thanks for sharing it.
I like his cap, this is a picture of a real person, not that I dislike models in beautiful clothes, but it's also good to keep it real, and see the beauty in real people.
Fabulous of the moment picture!
Not a fashion statement, a life statement! He seems proud of his work. I love the all white get up where the signs of his job are so evident as if he is saying "I am a painter"! Bravo for him.
Great portrait. How wonderful. I love the dappled background, fantastic lighting Scott.
Amazing photo!!! Just great:))
This shot gives me a glimpse to the photographer, amist all the fluff and glamor of fashion, he takes time to give us postcard view of real humanity. Thank you
How does he do to have these paint patches on his jeans and that it looks good ? Mine are always BIIIIIIIIIG and destroys everything...
Nice pic, by the way, he's got a good face, I'd like to go and have a little talk with him, about everything and nothing at the same time. Must be a very nice person !
ahhh simplicity
We also been there this summer. Savannah and Charleston are so stylish cities! We were in Atlanta too...you and Garance had a similar trip, isnt'it? Love the pics, obviously...
Just because this fellow's paint-spatter on his jeans was acquired the original & honest way rather than merely purchased ready-spattered for several hundred pounds more, does not make them any more desirable as a style item in my opinion. ;)
The photograph is warm and interesting, however, so thank you for posting it.
He is so cute! The colors are awesome.
fantastic ;)
Cool hat.
LOVE. Nothing says you can't be sharp while working with your hands.
Did I mention I work at a historic house museum so this really strikes a cord with me!
First I thought - Why on earth would you photograph this guy...?
But then... I realized - white would probably be the last color I would wear to do a painting job... + the dirt gradation is beautiful. And the sparklingly white hat is the perfect accessory. ;)
Superb - and he probably did not even think of his outfit choice twice...
Woowww faboulus!
Nice pic!
I love his poise. That is truly priceless. You see so many elite spending tons of cash on clothes to try and achieve elagance, yet he HAS it, effortlessly, it's in the way he carries himself. Thank you for seeing past the obvious and capturing that for us!
Almost like an Alexander Mcqueen pair of jeans!A real life pair of jeans!
Inspiration can be found everywhere!
I really like this gentleman!
I like the way he has put this together. The brown belt with the whites, the brown shoes, with his beautfiul brown skin. I like his look as well, as if to say, Well there, what's up with you?
I'm just amazed how you can find such extraordinary beauty out of ordinary.
That is a great shot.
I wanna go to Savannah so bad.
I wish he had other colors splattered on those pants.
Pretty cool tho.
It changes from fashion, beautiful pic , real life ...
I can't think of a better place to be a house painter than Savannah.
savannah is full of fascinating subjects, i'm glad you found one. inspiration lies in every corner. keep the savannah photos coming!
This is a great example of why this blog is such a success! These here are real people!
YAY, Savannah!!
My grandfather was a black man who lived in Georgia and painted houses way back when (my dad is in his 60s so I REALLY mean way back when). This is a really nice, refreshing photograph.
There is something immediately engaging about the pace of the South. You have captured the essence of the ease and round edgy'less'ness of the place. Even saying the name Savannah, Georgia slows you down. Beautiful white, rounded carved banister rails and posts and a look that seems to say, you ain't from around here...'
The line of sunlight on the gallery of the neighboring house is brilliant!
Sorry, but some of these comments are hilarious. I think you've caught a real moment in Savannah, particularly with that warm sparkling light and that beautiful house.
It's art in motion...and a great capture!
just perfect black and white contrast :)
Best lookin' gent on this site!
an insulting and cynical inclusion in your otherwise well-curated blog. it's self-congratulatory and yet at the same time bespeaks a total lack of awareness of your own position in relation to his.
i understand why you took the photograph; i don't dispute its beauty. it simply shouldn't be here for reasons of context, for his sake and yours.
I love photos of real people on their everyday lives, on their job, sweating it out on the streets.
It's not so much a great outfit as it is a great picture. His hat is adorable though.
very nice pic!
why are some people dogging you for this picture? You took a similar one with the house painter in Milan. I thought it was interesting to see the contrast between the US painter and the strictly utilitarian outfit vs. the flourish of the Milanese painter with his neckerchief/scarf
Now I have a hankering to watch 'Midnight in the Garden of Good & Evil' again. Something about the quality of light, the architecture and the people, although not in that order. Just need a pic of The Lady Chablis...
Beautiful photo, lovely man. He's rocking those jeans.
he is a live palette.
Wonderful shot, wonderful house.
In my view, you should do more portraits like this. I like the people you shoot, but too many of them look like models. We need more everyday "normal" people who still have so much to offer aesthetically. This guy is REAL. Not just his clothes, but his physique, everything. He is nice looking in an unconventional way. Or at least unconventional in the context of this blog, which showcases so many svelte model types.
Clearly you are trying to promote a paradigm with your blog, but I'd like to see you mix it up more. I like that you put a lot of edgy street fashion into the mix. Now let's see more voluptuous people, and older people, and so on!
Also, we need more photos from Savannah and Atlanta! Bring 'em on!
Such a beautiful photo, almost looks posed. It belongs in a photography collection coffee table book.
Really? Savannah full of hot hipsters and you took the pic of a painter! Whose outfit is not trendy. OMG! I am appalled.
Cute pic tho.
Man, you really know how to use natural light to its fullest advantage. The soft-focus play of mottled sunlight on the railings in the background make the white in the foreground sing. The shapes, the negative spaces, the textures--lots to feast on here. How weird it must be for your subject to find himself on the pages of a globally renowned fashion blog. I wonder what his chaps at his local watering hole or church have to say about it? Wonderful picture.
So Rockwell... I love it!
Nice pic! :)
Oh Savannah, how I miss you!
most professional painters wear white, because that's the color they use the most- so, if it splatters on your clothes, it is not as noticable. You're supposed to take pride in how clean your 'painter's whites' are. I've been a decorative painter for six years, and never wear whites- I wear jeans, and wipe my hands and brushes all over the fronts, therefore getting a lot of flack from the other trades about my messy clothes. :) I think this fellow looks kind of bemused as to why he's being photographed.
this would have worked so perfectly in your book!
congratulations on your 5th anniversery!!
i miss savannah and the south in general.
thanks for going down there!
I appreciate you getting away from he "rich," fabulous," and European and using your amazing skills to shows us another side of life...
So thanks for that! I love this man's white + brown ensemble!
And we pay up to $200~ for paint-splattered jeans like that :)
you were in savannah??!!! I'm going there in spring - so excited! hope you liked the south!!! (i'm from virginia)
I See guys like that in Tijuana every day !!!
i lives in savannah for 4 years and oh i just love this. what a wonderful town it was.
Very strange concept is here but i think it is very effective and i like.
His ultra pure white hat gives his look a satin gloss!
stunning, absolutely stunning.
that's effing right! mi pappa was a painter. love all the white and it shows exactly where you've been. so nostalgic. thank you.
As a native of Savannah, I am so happy to see this image and how beautifully you have captured part of the essence of the city. It truly brought me back to that transcendent feeling that I have when walking the streets of Savannah... And look at that great light filtering through the trees! Miss it so! Hope that you are able to get back and explore it more...
99% of the people commenting your pictures are unapologetic groupies that would applaude literally anything you post, even the most trivial. commenting on that guy's style is simply ludicrous. the mere look on his face tells it all. he does not have a clue what you are doing taking his picture and has never heard of your crowd of followers nor of their line of business. good for him.
It's interesting, I was walking past Lincoln Center on my way to school when I saw a man that instantly reminded me of this photograph. He was a construction worker, but with a deep blue chambray button down shirt, the same newsboy cap but in a tan color that was the same as his overalls. These overalls were not baggy, but just appropriate enough for construction work along with being reminiscent of a different era. His boots were great too. It's so refreshing to see a construction worker without Timberlands.
Scott: I've had the pleasure of visiting Savannah several times and I'm glad to hear you liked it! The movie "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil" (based on a book with the same title by John Berendt) does a great job of expressing the quirks and the beauty of the city.
I love the facial expression. He looks so comfortable and confident with what he's doing.
That's Duffy street, between Bull & Whitaker! It's not just the houses that look great!
Well, can we say this individual takes pride in what he does....I mean a painter wearing white...I love it!....alot like the italians that find something and do it with pride and gusto!
Very nice....and also when you wear it with pride then the style is effortless and all your own.
fashion when you least expect it. nice!;) bet he didnt know he was making a statement .
Gosh I'm really taken with the Savannah portraits.
This guy has made my day! He looks so surprised and flattered...
Two pictures: House painter, followed by Fendi.
Funny how the former seems richer and more meaningful... It ain't what you wear, it's how you wear it - and where you wear it?! I love fashion, but real life is so much more engaging. The man's expression seems to say so much: "you want to take a picture? of me? just doing this? okay, crazy person, just do it and get on your way...!" Love it!
What a great look!
Gorgeous Post! I am also a painter. I like it.