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Comments on "On the Street....Broadway, New York"
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Such elegance for daytime. Are the slacks part of a jumpsuit? The trend is the blouse this season. This look connotes elegant modesty.
Love this picture and her blouse!
love those pants.
loving it!
I want those pants!
The perfect harmony in colours shows class. The back ends of the belt show originality.
Althought you cannot see the shoes, good choice the very high heels, elongate the body.
Pitty about the cigarette - smoking is not trendy anymore, huh?
Bea-utiful!! Love the elegance of her wide-legged pants with the tonal shirt.
Miss B xx
ADORE IT! The pants are perfect. x
Those pants are gorgeous, and such a great fit! Plus, they're fall's it color. Love!
The picture is so beautiful, caught in a casual moment!
Such a beautiful everyday Chloe moment!
The Girl Behind The Masque x
One word: Fabulous!!!
Phoebe Philo-esque. Love the soft colors.
omg at first it looked a bit awkward cause I am in Turkey and it's night right now in here :) But the truth is the blouse is really beautiful and also such a beautiful picture that the contrast of the taxi's colour and the lady's clothes makes the photo more beautiful:)
The muted powdery colours just look wonderful together. She looks a bit frail holding on to the taxi and the cigarette... It must be the exhaustion from too many shows.
Really good pic!
Love how the colors beautifully match :)
beautiful color scheme
Love the contrasting colors up against the taxi cabs.
Awesome lighting and composition as well!
Love the pants!
I love her pants!
perfect. just perfect.
Classic New york,she looks so elegant.
Looks just like Giovanna Battaglia ... beautiful!
shame about the cig.....
otherwise superb..xxx
very chic, including the cigarette
(eventhough it's not good for you and everything, blabla)
Like something out of the film, The Ice Storm. wonderful - w
I love her trousers, the fit is so interesting.
Love the silhouette!
Great capture...too bad her heels aren't shown...but you and I and everyone else knows...she's wearing heels.
I love the thin line of this one. Shame about the cigarette smoke but it definitely adds to the quality of the shot. Pruxxx
Somewhere a Roxy usherette is missing her uniform.
High-waisted trousers, a silk blouse, a structured bag - she's mastered the season's trends in such a lovely and effortless way.
how so very lovely. that color beams with luxury.
sometimes you just have to get in that last pull...
the contrast of her outfit with the taxi it's beautiful...
Dear Sartorialist:
Thanks to your photographer's eye and composition, you could shoot anyone on the street and everyone writes, "I love it!" and "Beautiful!" Are they talking about the picture or the subject?
All I see here is stooped posture and a sad nicotine habit. (In Europe and Asia and in other eras, a cigarette can add a stylish touch, but in modern North America, especially in glaring sunlight, it seems even sadder.)
Her flowing outfit could work on a body with the right posture, carriage, and attitude. This woman needs clothing with more structure and crispness.
Seems effortlessly swanky and vintage at the same time. Not to mention the beautiful contrasting hues.
I think it may be Giovanna Battaglia... very ellegant, as always.
just finish that smoke before you get in!
she does look amazing. i'm loving this re-visiting of 70s business woman glamour that's happening right now. and the spring 2011 runways were filled with 70s inspired clothing. love it.
I have to agree with other commentors that other than the smoke, everything else is really nice.
I really don't think a huge cloud of smoke coming out from a nose is sexy in any way...it just looks like her nose is burning up.
Great capture! congrats!
p.s. the pants are massimo dutti!
Such a fall look. Love those pants
I have to agree about the smoke, it is awful. But the outfit, yes! The high waisted camel pants in a nice wool, the blouse, I think I wore this outfit in the early '80's.
Omg that's beautiful!
Comments about smoking range from dull to arrogant.
Aren't people exhausted by the need to tell others what to do yet?
(And no, I do not smoke. But she's outside and it is legal. Honestly.)
so many times I have lit a cigarette and then realized I needed a cab.. love the pants.
I love the wide legged pants!
thank you anonymous ... i agree
No one cares about your boring judgments toward smoking. my opinion, based on aesthetics, is that its a nice photo, her outfit is good and the smoke adds to it.
I want to dress like this ALL THE TIME!!!
love the taxi :)
this photo is one of my favourites from you! This should definitely be in your next book ;-) and the girl is just so stylish and gorgeous!
She is so tall and slender, her outfit so adds to that!
fantastic! love it!
Elegance at its best!
God save camel! ;p
one last drag before the 10 minute taxi ride
those pants are breathtaking!!
every time a stranger tells me 'smoking is bad for you' i ask for a list of everything they have eaten the previous week. bah. personal habits aside -
beautiful girl with very flattering and pretty clothes. she has a very elegant figure
No smoking inside the car. :-)
Good,I like it.
zuper pweeeetyyyyyy!!!! love it.
Like it :)
Beautiful, sleek silhouette. I think the palette really defines this outfit though---not many can carry off pale pink like she can.
Harvard Style Blog
love this outfit! want some trousers just like that!
the colours on this photo are amazing, a nicely captured moment
A Parisienne in New York! Très chic
beautifully shaped pants
Wonderful picture. Magnifique.
Wow Scott ... that light fantastic
simply fantastic
and ditto mitch and anon about the smoking!
smokin' aint cool anymore
I hope to be able to look that elegant and classy one day!
Giovanna Battaglia!! That woman has amazing style!
How classy..
The Picnic Girl
I love the composition and the contrast of the colors:brilliant yellow,yellow,yellow with that discret nude,cream,ligth brown...and the shadows
She wore earthy tones so well! Love it to death
@ YogaSpy: Everyone comes from different cultures, different cities, different fashion lifestyles, or many encounter anti-fashion every single day...
Not all people reside in New York, or in Italy where you see "sprezzatura" and Italian men style at their best...
So many people may come for the first time on Mr Sartorialist's blog and they can sum up the outfits presented in one single word, than just over-analyze everything.
so very elegant!
Oh Gosh that pants...amazing!
this must be the work of chloe.....beautiful!
This is really very nice, i like very much.
Wonderful outfit, very nice and trendy. The look is complete. I am not a smoker, but in this picture the cigarette gives the woman a great touch. The smoking scene is very chic! I like tolerance about smoking and I have to admit the a lot of smoking people on this blog are very fashioned and chic!
Great!!! Gorgeous!!!
Dear Sart--
Please do not be put off taking shots of subjects smoking/holding cigarettes.
As a former smoker I find it disgusting, but it's not your job to sanitize the scene.
If that's what you capture, you have simply chronicled reality.
So beautiful, understated elegance. Very 1930's... reminds me of those daring 30's women just waiting for someone to say something about the shame of young women today.. if only they knew what lay ahead!
I agree with everyone who says that the anti-smoking comments are tedious and redundant. It's just a cigarette, for God's sake.
Amazing how people who do things like drive gas-guzzling SUVs or eat themselves into a stupor on processed foods have the gall to comment on the health risks or pollution surrounding second-hand smoke. Seriously?
Anyway, back to the outfit - I love this look. Reminds me of Katharine Hepburn.
very elegant!love it!
- http://tiffanyssmallworld.blogspot.com
Very long legs:)
Enough of the cigarette lectures people, it makes you sound like this woman's mother. There's nothing worse than hypocrites who yell at everyone else for smoking and then refuse to look at their own slovenly, bad habits.
Gorgeous picture-this woman cuts a striking figure propped up against the taxi. The muted colors add to the elongation of her body. The smoke is suspended in mid-air, adding an ethereal element.
Agreed, leave the smoking issue to public service announcements on television,
This woman is indulging in a cigarette, not just a smoke, she is a picture of elegance .
absolutely gorgeous colors, silhouette, everything.
retro fabulous and so elegant!
great pants
sick of denim painted legs, this is the dope!
Oh, just love the look. Remember it from early eighties. I wish she wasn't smoking, but as a reformed smoker (still sucking nicorettes but 2 years smoke free), good for her and good for you on a great pic. The smoking 'haters' should live and let live.
Lol, this reminds me of my mom in the 80's!
Absolutely beautiful. Love the blouse and the high wasted pants. Got two of those kind of pants too, but it's making my butt look kind of huge, so I'm only wearing them with a boyfriend blazer to hide my butt a bit, haha. But she, she can have it all. Looks perfect and natural on her.
oh so elegant, truelly beautiful
Those are the pants I want. The color and the silhouette. I was hoping something like this would be rolling out to the general public this season but Im thinking maybe next year I will be finding all kinds of camel colored things and Katherine Hepburn inspired pants.
shame about the smoke but this proves high waists are the best, end of story.
love the neutrals and the wide-leg pants. so classy.
God bless these trousers.
Perfect nude tones in perfect cuts.. Do I still need to say this is perfect?
gorgeous! The 40's meets the 70's. She is so perfect.
seems like a katarine hepburn look, worn nowadays, i love the idea!
Just amazing. with the cigarette, the taxi and the Trousers. takes me to another place.
Great trousers. And nice to see someone smoking.