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Comments on "Kanye West, New York"
great photo!
Ye's back!
Let's raise a toast to all the db's!
Kanye? Really? At least show us his clothes.
Kaye is back! Power. Let's have a toast.
Very much liking the choice of b + w portrait.
pure insolence and self pity
I appreciate so much his style.
BiGGGGGG Photo !! !! Great !
i like your Kanye shots, but i'd prefer to see his clothes...
he looks great! so happy to see him back.
i adore himmm!
Lovely! He is such a legend.
Everyone makes mistakes. We are all human. Welcome back, Kanye. You look so handsome here!
great picture, still remember the picture you did of him in red with his luggage on a stoop.
great style icon.
Love Kanye, he has the most impecable style, but yes, u should post some photos of his looks.
Love the portrait of him.
ps : Funny to see how comments are different than last time!
That's him alright!
I actually wouldn't mind seeing what he is wearing...
Bonita entrada, es increible. un titulo y una foto. magnifico. adoro a kanye west y encontrar una actualización en un blog de el me ha emocionado. jajajaaj
This is just like the last Kanye photo I saw here, where you DIDN'T SHOW HIS CLOTHES AT ALL.
So Amazing. A true icon, mixing music with fashion and arts all at once. Kanye, the world will always be opened for you to entertain us.
Thank you and your welcome.
Great shot of a great artist Scott, well done
i always love the potraits you give us of him, they representen truly his state of mind trough the phases of his life.
Always looking so tortured. I hope he can find his "happy place" someday.
even idiots look good in black and white.
yo kanye. imma let you finish....
welcome back boy! I missed you.
The sartorialist is not just about clothes, is about personalities too, about icons, about people who exudes a style, and not just with what they are wearing.
The Evil Genius...
really great photo!
Good shot, statement shot ~
so talented. love the photo
he sucks.
incredible photo, I've said before that you don't publish enough photography in black and white. is this a preview of what's coming from mr. sartorialist in the future?
I appreciate the odd portrait now and again; there are complaints to "see the clothes", but we must remember that fashion would be nothing without concepts, personalities, auras and even egos.
Looking into someone's face, especially through a black and white lens, is an effective way to show the contrast - and interdependence - that clothes and people share.
And, this is just a beautiful, straight-forward photo.
Such a raw portrait!
screw that guy.. he's so rubbish
Impressive black & white picture! His eyes seem to be telling a story..nice shot!!
(Streetstyle from Hong Kong)
Is it just me or does this photo look slightly out of focus??
kanye is the best!
Beautiful photo! I love B & W, it is so expressive!
You have captured his soul in this shot...he seems so sensitive and your study here is just perfect.He has great style but right now we need to see who he really is.....perfection!
Love him !!
He is the best ;)
.. not my thing ... actually odd
Love him.
this has nothing to do with clothing or style. except maybe facial hair, and last time i checked that wasn't enough to merit a whole post.
Kanye = Checkbook fashionista
He's a creation, unlike like the wonderful people you document.
ok! point taken ... but I hope not to see Mr West here for a while...!
leaving apart my personal opinions about this personality, this photograph is just beautiful.
there is no question of him being "checkbook fashionista", this photograph doesn't even speak about his fashion sense. even if this was a random person, it wouldnt change how great this photograph is.
adore this photo - no look, ALL look!
looks like a thug. in the eyes.
wow what a great picture
http://lekisskiss.blogspot.com <-- Texas gal bloggin fashion from NYC!
To bad we can't see what he is wearing considering he is one of the best dressers everyone hates to admit.
Yes. A dignified portrait. The man is BACK!
This is a great portrait... but this being a fashion blog, couldn't you have included his outfit?! He is not only a Hip-hop legend, but one of the best-dressed stars!
Kanye? Really? Why?
I truly do not understand why this man is valid.
who cares?
wonderful picture wow!!
How is Kanye "back?" I have no respect for this man.c
great photo
Love him or hate him, he's just Kanye. Sure, seeing the clothes would have been nice, but who says style comes from clothes alone anyway. Style is personal essence, not just the clothes you wear. This portrait reminds me of that.
I am so looking forward to his new album which is expected to be released this month. Yes, he's made mistakes but I wish people would give him a break. This man has talent.
nice work mr schuman.
most recent post goes out to yeezy.
kanye is a genius. there is so much more to him than one or two spontaneous things he said on tv. you can feel it in his music, see it the way he wears his clothes. lovely portrait scott!
I care. I love you and Kanye's relationship. He respects you as an artist and you appreciate him as well. Kanye is more relevant than people can imagine. His work is brilliant and his fashion is on point. Great photo Sart.
he's amazing :)
oh, wow, this is a super cool photo, great snap
This is one of the greatest portraits of all times !
People, let's get over what happened last year. He is a wonderful artist with a flawless taste of style.
This picture shows the face of a man who realises his mistakes.
I, personally, love this picture.
Thats such a great picture!
Follow my blog at http://fortheloveoffashionandotherthings.blogspot.com
cool pic, love his music!
if it was the rodarte show, black t-shirt, blazer, pants and white shoes (no socks).. and it looked impeccable.
I love, that it is a portrait and don't understand, why people would want you to limit yourself to just/always/only including images that show the complete style..
great shot scott
Agree with some previous comments. I would have liked to see his clothes.
It's as if he's expecting/daring people to trash him. Let go of the ego a little Mr. West. It makes life easier. Plus, you're from Chicago! You should know better!
so what is he wearing?
A totem,a sculpture.Brancusi and Modigliani.
oh la la!!! Nice Picture!!!
the portraits to take of him are some of the best
great portrait!
Mr. West is in the building swagger on a hundred thousand, TRILLION...
He's interesting... his music isn't, but I wonder what kind of a person he is...
The portrait is also pleasant.
Really great photo !
great one!!!
check out my new post "my wish list... STOLEN MOMENTS" at
i guarantee that you wont be disappointed!! if you like please follow me THANKS
weird how his face looks so asymmetrical
I've always liked his style, no matter how big his ego is.
great portrait.
And for those who can't understand why he's "valid", I suggest they listen to College Dropout. One of the best and strongest debut albums ever.
Maybe you should do another book except this one can just be of Kanye.
Pretty. I want that goatie
Awsome photo!
Kanye I know you're sad, and Imma let you finish, but Woody Allen has one of the saddest looks of all time.
this is a great photo of him!
Wouaaaaaaah Kanye!...un portrait en noir et blanc superbe Scott!!
All about the north american fashion status quo.I´m not sure if that´s a good thing.
Wow, you seriously seem to be channeling Avedon in this photograph, probably my favorite portraitists of all times...really incredible.
No. Kanye has lost all his magic for me. He's a spoilt boy and you can see that he's not happy in his skin.
The scar on his nose makes him imperfect, but more perfectly human at the same time. The deep pools of darkness below his brow reveal nothing, but say "I feel" all at once.
He is nothing but a man in this photo, no opinion, no music and no flamboyant fashion. More controversial public figures should purge periodically with BW photos, no sideshows, and a frank interview about the past. Step out anew with a clean slate.
Kanye is cool--he makes mistakes, he loves, he lost his mother, he almost died. I think he is just like the rest of us. Human.
Thanks for this - the everyday people living in style are so much more beautiful when compared to this nasty wreck.
Great portrait. But I need at least 10 pictures of Anna Dello Russo or Alessandra to get the picture of this unhappy face out of my head. He looks like a spoilt brat. To me, this site is about the joy of clothing & dressing up, joy of life even. In fact, it changed my life. :-) I don't get any joy from looking at Kanye though. He may look stylish, but with facial expressions like these it seems like it's painful business...
Very nice shot, but I wish it showed his new diamond teeth!
Gorgeous photography Scott. It's funny to read classless comments about someone else being classless; as if making a mistake or two in life determine who you are. Glad you're a fan Scott, I am as well. Many of us here in Yale University follow both of your works closely. Still waiting on a full body shot of Kanye from you. Nice day!
beautiful picture.
too bad some people don't get it.
i do.
leave this behind. love the others.
love the photo!that's all i can say
- http://tiffanyssmallworld.blogspot.com
Nice picture,but the man's a fool.
Always was impressed by Kanye West songs. Good picture!
Agree w/Anonymous and 9:16 and 9:18. Enough of him already.
Je me trompe ou on dirai qu'il a grossit ? (he has taking some weight ? no ?)
But the picture is amazing (like all the time)!
excuse my ridiculous english
Style without substance. Ego above all. Mainstream nonsense. He's so boring. Yes, everyone makes mistakes but its how you go on after--certainly not down the same road again and again. I prefer the photos of the not so famous--people I would really rather know.
Great portrait! Shawl collar blazer!
Kanye is the best MC and dresscode maker in the game
Nice photo.
I think maybe I have not been acquainted long enough with your blog to understand your interest in shots of Kanye West. As a figure he provides very stunning portraits but his image is one seen in the faces of many men of African heritage who have faced the challenges of just being. There must be something about him that attracts you and makes having his portraits on your pages so necessary? There are features, character-lines and scars and textures that are interesting to look at but I am not sure what it is about them being his features that is so intriguing for you?
That said the shot is stunning, arresting and provocative. Enough so that seeing what he is wearing seems unimportant. The style or the presence overrides and dominates.
I see art here.
Despite all the bad rumors about him, he remains an artist ``avant-gardiste'' and talented.
Such elegance for daytime. Are the slacks part of a jumpsuit? The trend is the blouse this season.
Powerful face, provocative but quiet. Love him!
He's perfectly delicious--when his mouth is shut.
Do you really think this person is cool, or elegant... or even an artist? Are you serious? Pffff.....
Great photograph but I don't like him at all, like his music just not him :-S
it is my birthday today :-)
It's a great picture.
(anything else I tried to write on the picture was censored by the Soviet style control of the author - even if the comments were expressed in a very civilised manner.
Good grief, what is it about this man that brings out the very worst in some people? How can a person be, or not be, 'valid'? He looks like a bewildered boy to me.
Very nice portrait. He has a very expressive face...but I'm still going to join in with the chorus of people who want to see his clothes.
Kanye I listened to the nay sayers and stayed in NYC instead of moving to Paris where I am loved and appreciated. Kanye did I make a mistake? Flew there on Christmas day 2007 for the first time and kept going back. I picked up your magazine cover with Daft Punk that year at Hudson news at JFK before boarding. My mom wanted me to live there. That was her dream This comment is random and all over the place, but Kanye I know you understand where I'm coming from....I am a journalist and I document poverty and social classes...Rivers...Oh and if only you knew...you have so much POWER!
Amen to Anonymous at 4:54.
This is a guy who has 'attitude' permanently ingrained in his face. He will never lose the chip on his shoulder.
What makes this photo "all that" if it weren't Kanye? If it weren't Kanye - it would just be a snap of some guy - much prefer Modern Young Lady - we don't know who she is but the photo of her conveys so much more than this mug shot.
I am a big fan of your ability to capture unique personalities. Just doesn't quite work on this one...
I really appreciate this blog. All the styles and pictures are great.
But WHY Kanye??? This takes some of the class and sympathy of this blog away. Sorry...
kanye is a very expressive man! he is the perfect subject for portrait photography, his emotions always clearly written in his eyes. and always he strikes me as someone who is sad, tortured somehow.
you should try to take some portraits of EMINEN, would be a great contrast to your work on Kanye.
--h. huracán
I don't care how pretty he thinks he is - this is not a man to venerate with any sort of attention.
I see this as a great portrait. You can read much emotions from his face while he is still. We all know Kanye is a style icon, I'm also just as interested in the man.
this photo is striking - I think I stared at it for about 5 minutes before continuing to scroll down...it's like you captured his soul in this photo - amazing!
Not again. I thought we were past this topic?
Great artist and style icon... and a wonderful portrait! Well done!!
And to the haters -- Kanye didn't make a mistake. He was acting like a proper rock star... and he's clearly the last of a dying breed. If Axel Rose or Kurt Cobain had dissed Taylor Swift on stage, they would be loved for it, not treated like they snatched her purse on the subway!
Check yourself peoples... don't drink the media Cool Aid.
Tiresome... the both of you.
This portrait is utterly exquisite. It is intriguing, as all the best portraits are. It makes me want to know more about what he's thinking and who he really is. Thank you.
Get yourself some bollocks and post ALL comments, good our bad..
If you give egomaniacs like K West face time at least have the guts to post what people really think about him....
Great portrait! But the guy is an idiot.
Yo, Sartorialist, Imma let you finish- but Avedon is the best fashion portrait photographer OF ALL TIME.
Don't know much about M. West, other than the recent embraglio. Seems to be a flawed human being. The best kind!
He has such sad eyes. The eyes are so penetrating.
lol to the Avedon anonymous. West pisses me off to no end.
Kanye's always had great style, aside from his checkbook status. You can have all the money in the world, but the best stylist in the world cannot give you swagger. I view this site to witness great style and presence. I don't come her to assess the character of an individual.
dont waste film
arrogance personified.
not again....
I love Kanye West. I think taking this photograph as a close up black & white was an excellent choice. Kanye is classic
Fab photo
i don't think he cares what any of yall (including me) think. but to those that welcomed him back and applaud him, i'm on the same side as you :)
to those that didnt; if you dont have anything nice to say, don't say it at all.
lessgoo Kanye!
I wish he were smiling.
This is not your "Style" man.
Hubris personified.
Looks like he just had his wisdom teeth out.
I was indifferent about the previous Kanye "fur" photo, BUT I really do love how much debate and conversation can be sparked by one photo. This is a fantastic image that just makes one stop, stare and consider a lot of things. All of these comments simply state the power of portraiture.
wouldn't have a problem never seeing KW again
Great shot but he seems sad. Maybe just me.
Sart can take pictures of whatever he wants--this is HIS blog.
That being said, this is stunning.
ES: It's not just you.
His eyes look so sad.
I love your pics but this one seems a bit out of focus.
maybe you took the picture in a hurry?
Kanye West ain't that special, he's got the biggest ego ever
Agree. Tired of seeing KW.
I love Kanye, I love this photo, I love your blog!
i must say that i am shocked by all the comments about how wonderful kanye west is.
i have always believed that style is meaningless without class and dignity; two attributes completely lacking in this man...
Simple. Beautiful.
I've seen this man's self-designed watch. It looks like it would belong to any nuveau rich'e African dictator. No taste.