I Had No Idea That Drive-In Theaters Were Still Around

Going to the drive-in has to be one of my favorite memories growing up in Indiana. I thought going to a movie in my pj's was pretty cool.
Are there drive-ins in Europe? If not, you have to visit one when you are in New York.
Comments on "I Had No Idea That Drive-In Theaters Were Still Around"
Yes, they are great! There are still a few around Toronto.
Only an hour outside of the city! It's amazing the things you find when you leave your bubble.
We have a few in Ohio.
They are definitely an American thing...they don't (as far as I know) exist in England. There's been an odd summer open theatre/cinema kind of event but not so much a drive-in per se.
There are still a few around and kicking...
Hi! I am from Russia, but was going to Technical HS in Indianapolis for two years))) Remember going to drive-in) Don't have it in Moscow though
I've never ever seen a drive-inn in europe. there's def. none in Switzerland :-( i'd love to go once! we just now drive inns from movies.
I think there are some in Europe, but the only different-cinema-kind-of-thing is an open air cinema I know off.
None in UK that I know of... its all bit cold and cloudy for that kind of thing here! x
Yes, we got one in Berlin. I Love it :)
There are none in Europe (or not anyone where I have been), so America would be the solution
There are several in my home town in East Tennessee. It is one of my favorite things to do on a summer night when i'm home.
yup! I love the drive in! It such a good deal too - cheaper than the theater AND you get to see two shows. Plus you can bring in your own food (and beer/wine) without risking getting yelled at. :)
Awesome, I love them! I did not know there were any left either. x
I know that here in Spain there are a few of them. But not many, since in Europe we dont have that culture to go everywhere with the car.
Ja, in Germany are a few drive-in cinemas. But there are just open in summer season.And yes it is fun.
Here in Portugal, I never saw one.
I think that must be pretty cool, to see a movie in a drive in T_T
I have never seen a drive-in in Europe or someone talk about them. There are definitely no drive-in in Greece
I live in Florence, tuscany, Italy. We dont have any.
But I dont think that the idea would work here...
Such a romantic idea.
Although not very common, and definately an Americana kind of thing, we do have a drive-ion theatre near Copenhagen, Denmark. Quite an experience to go there on a summer night!
Never seen one in Europe, only ad hoc open air cinema. Projected on blocks of snow and ice for instance in the north of Norway. 15 years ago there used to be a drive-in in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, don't know if its still there...
We have one in Oregon, in Newberg. It is so much fun! A wonderful way to pass a summer evening.
We have one her in Rhode Island, The Rustic!
You might find funny to know that it was a Porn drive-in I think in the 50's.
I was so glad I got to enjoy them when we first moved to America in the late 70's. We still have a couple hanging in there in the Dayton Ohio area :)
This drive-in is in my Home Town!
We used to go in the winter and they would provide little floor heaters and shields for the window if it was raining.
@ Andrew are you talking about Elizabethton, TN? Cause there are a ton there and over in NC as well.
There's drive in-movies in Phoenix as well!!! They're tons of fun!
We have one in Barbados:)
Never seen one in italy, we have summer open-air cinema but not drive-in. But the're cool!
Unfortunately we don't have any drive-in theaters here in Europe. I studied for one year in the States (Norman, Oklahoma) but I didn't have the chance to go to one of these amazing places. Next time I go to US, I'll visit one. Promised!!
what a pleasant surprise to get on the computer and see my childhood drive-in on the sartorialist!
wish they had those here in London! great pic btw
amazing pic!
I've never been to a drive-in but I'd love to some time! It would be a great place to hold a party!
Recently, I read something about a car brand that planned a marketing action into a drive-in. People would watch the film not from their cars but from the announced one, a kind of test drive. In Brazil, we don`t have drive-ins.
Another reason to visit the USA. Here in Italy there isn't anything like this. Wanna come there as soon as possible!
I can only wish. None here. I'd always wanted to go to one. They make me think of milkshakes.
There are drive-in movies in Athens,Greece too!
i must go to one... asap!!
beautiful picture,beautiful ligth.Where i live there are some drive-in but i'm never been there.I only know those image from the movies of the 50's
They actually have them in the summertimes here also. I went to one in Helsinki. But it was raining and the movie was dancing.
Please tell me you went there! That would make me so happy! Jericho is right near where I grew up! I used to go there every summer
Hey, going to the drive in is also one of MY favorite summer memories from growing up in Indiana! Wonderful!
-Ben Hatke
They tried it in Sweden (Stockholm) about 15 years ago, but it didn't work as people wouldn't go in the winter and it wasn't dark enough in the summer..
Sure, there is one outside of Munich, Germany, I even do remember those cool speakers that you had to put into your car...today it works via your radio. And they have a heater if it's cold outside (yes, you can go there the whole year;-)).
i love going to the drive ins! we only have one left here in adelaide (australia)
There are still a few in the Low Country of South Carolina. Thank you for reminding me of a long forgotten memory of seeing Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid and Planet of the Apes at the drive-in with my Dad when I was a kid. Great times. Thanks!
As far as I know they don't exist in Italy.
To my idea it's a very typical American thing! We only have open air movie theatres during the summer period
that is AWESOME!
The drive-in is one of my favorite summer pastimes here in Atlanta. It's only 7 bucks for a double feature, and there's a flea market on the weekends. Can't beat that.
Ooo - if anyone hears of any in Madrid, I'd love to go! I absolutely adored these on Cape Cod as a kid.
I know! I just went to one in Hyde Park upstate this summer.. I love it!
I was lucky enough to life very close to one in Germany for some years.
I don't think there are too many of them in Europe. Oddly enough, there was one in the little town where I lived in Switzerland, called "open-air/drive-in de la Broye". It very often rained, but I guess people liked the idea that it was American-style.
Beautiful picture!
I grew up about 10 minutes from one, near Elmira NY. It was closed for a while around the turn of the century, I think, but then got renovated. It might be closed again.
I most recently lived in Rochester NY, and there's one about a half hour away, in Avon. Lots of Rochester residents don't even know about it. It costs almost as much as a "regular" movie ticket, but it's a double feature and the experience is amazing... Like Erika from Atlanta's, there's a flea market on Sundays in Avon.
I've always wanted to go to a drive- in theatre,as we have a few left in Michigan. The biggest one is in Dearborn. I just got into going to the dollar theatres (yes, they still exist too!) and drive-ins were next on my list. My complaint is that if they were better publicized I think they could pick up a lot of business, but most people aren't aware they still exist! I feel the same way about dollar theatres, only .75 cents to see a relatively recent movie on Mondays!
Gotta love it! ^^
Gorgeous sunset!
We also have them here in Lisbon, Portugal. They are a new concept for us, but as our summers are mild and warm, it is a great excuse to stay outside!
Not that we need an excuse...
One in Tulsa, Oklahoma burnt down last week. You can read more about it here. It is very sad day for the town. They actually filmed a scene of The Outsiders at this drive-in. People are trying to raise support to have it rebuilt. Hopefully we can regain this historical landmark.
Drive-Ins always remind me of films like Grease... I've never come across one here in Europe (but still go to the cinema in PJ, oh well, tracksuit bottoms.)
i wish we had a drive-in in LA, we do have the outdoor cemetary screenings at Hollywood Forever that are pretty awesome!
i love drive-ins.. but unfortunately ours in my hometown just burnt down =(... the admiral twin that is shown in the S.E.Hinton's The Outsiders. Anyways, it was a great childhood memory while it lasted!
I know we have one in Denmark, but only one as far as I am concerned. We have a thing called Zulu sommer bio though. It's an outdoor theatre which travels through the danish cities during the summer, but it's not exactly a drive-in... more a walk-in-and-and-sit-on-the-grass-under-the-blue-sky.
None in Estonia either. The nights are too white in the summertime and in the winter there is too much cold, rain, snow, hail and every other loveliness.
Outdoors drive-in is a totally other form of entertainment. I'd love to visit one in the US.
I live in France and there are no drive-in theaters here. However, in the summertime, movies are shown in big parks in Paris like La Villette; it's very enjoyable!
I love Drive-In's. when I'm rich and own lots of land, I'm putting one up! I've never lived farther that 1 hour from a Drive-in, and now I live 15mins from one again..
Starlite and Hulls Drive-In in VA.. There is one near Atlanta that has 10 screens!
In Portugal we only see drive-ins in... the movies =)
We do have, in Summer time, outdoor movies in some gardens - it's great!!
there is one we love in Maine and everyone lays in the back of their pick ups with wine and pizza. heaven!
We do have, in Brussels, Belgium, but only in summer time. Kind of exceptionnal festival.
And Summer is over.
she's sooo pretty!
I love the hair and the shoes, they look amaysing!
wish we had more of these out on the west coast.
This site has a list of the drive-in theaters that are still in active use - http://www.driveintheater.com/.
I too loved going to the Drive-Ins in Indiana! We were broke and my sweet mom would tuck me under a blanket to be able to afford to take both my brother and I. We always went to Clermont Deluxe Outdoor Theatres, just outside of Indy. I remember being taken to a children's movie, but turning around to watch Backdraft and getting in trouble! And yes, footie pajamas were the best accoutrements!
We still have drive-ins in Indiana. The Tri-Way is still in business in Michiana, plus the Starlite in Bloomington and the Tibbs here in Indy. There's also one out near Spencer off of 231. Friends and I would stop there in the off-season to take photos and engage in mischief. When the drive-in was empty, it was like carousing on the deserted streets of Berlin in Wings of Desire...
i live in sweden and I don't think there are any drive-ins. I have always wanted to go to one since i saw Grease :)it seems pretty cool ;)
THIS DRIVE IN THEATER IS NEAR MY HOUSE!! What a nice surprise to see a blogger i follow come to my neck of the woods! I love fashion and i love the photos you take. This is a beautiful shot.
DC has movies on the national mall in front of the capitol, they're more like a 'sit in' or 'picnic in,' but they're great!
Scottsdale Arizona, West Wind Theatres, with five screens and seven other locations across California, Nevada and Arizona - even beautiful Santa Barbara!
The Scottsdale location is fifteen minutes from Barneys, Neiman's, Gucci, Tiffany, all at Fashion Square. Yes, I agree with several comments -- a great place for parties!
Robert - innatestyle.com
Yeah, I love the drive in. There's still an older one out here in Illinois. It's open every summer.
Yes, they are still alive and well. I live in Northern NY and we love going to the drive-in during the summer. Glad you got to enjoy it once again!
There are a ton of rundown abandoned ones in the south. I'll just have to add that to my list of things to do when I visit New York.
Please come to Provincetown, MA! (Marc Jacobs recently seen there boarding up his store windows against Hurricane Earl.) On your way up stop in Wellfleet both for the drive-in movie theater experience and the fabulous weekend flea markets. The people watching is among the best on the planet. Drag queens, artistes, tourists and vacationing bohemians.
This is something I only know from movies which I would like to at least try once in my lifetime ^_^
Rolling up to the drive-in with some cool sunglasses on, awesome! http://www.redhotsunglasses.com/
Surprisingly, there is one in Romania's capital, Bucharest. People seem to actually fancy the idea of a drive-in cinema.
I so agree, i grew up going to the drive in my PJs too! IT was the best
there is a drive-in in Melbourne. its great fun having a picnic in your car boot.
Drive-ins are fabulous! There used to be one in my hometown Windhoek, Namibia. Wonderful memories!
Hmmm... maybe you should come back to Indiana and find your Hoosier radici at some point: Starlite Drive-In in Bloomington, IN. Always good for re-living those high school summer nights...
I used to go to that drive-in, as well as to the one in Coxsackie, NY! There's also one in Hyde Park, NY. I think there are more drive-ins in upstate NY than in most other places. We love them up here. :)
I love drive-in theatres!!!! There are a couple here in Western Oregon, that bring back memories to me of my youth in southern Minnesota......drive in movies on a Saturday night, popcorn and drinks. The only unfortunate thing was the .........mosquitoes!
I grew up going to the drive-ins all the time in the summer- lucky for me I lived a placed which had quite a few- upstate NY! My favorite (and also one of the oldest one's in America) is the Malta drive-in's in Malta, NY. Its such a quintessential past time for anyone who grew up in America (or at least all of us who grew up around so many)! :)
We did have one here in Tulsa,OK. It was actually in the movie "The Outsiders" however it burned to the ground about a week ago. There are fundraisers going on around town to "Save the Admiral Twin".
There's still one in Detroit!
There is a drive-in theatre in Wellfleet on Cape Cod :)
cheers to the advertisement on the good and sweet things of upstate new york! drive ins are the perfect summer activity!
I live in Denver and there is only one left in the Metro area :(. It's a great story though--I recommend a visit to the 88 drive in to anyone spending time in the Mile High.
The Starlight Drive-In in south Atlanta has been open since 1949. You can cookout, bring lawn chairs and the kids, but it's best for dates :) The ultimate American experience.
I just saw a drive-in in Spain when i was younger, and that was in the beach.
But the first time i went to a drive-in it's was in Indiana when I got married with my husband. Being there was nice and fun just like being in a movie.
If my memory serves me, there's still one in Rome.
We have a few in Queensland, Australia. It is still one of my favourite outings.
I know that in Greece every summer they have what's known as "Outdoor Movie Theaters" which are just that; a large screen and movie theater set-up (chairs, pop-corn, pizza, souvlaki) outdoors. Really fun to go to on a warm summer night!
I love the painted shoes they are fantastic...love it!
I've never seen a drive-in theatre here in Europe.
Sometimes, during summer, we have outdoor theatres but not for cars...
This must be great:)
I am happy to report that there are a few drive-in theaters in Germany. I love going to them, just has a more special feeling to it than sitting in an ordinary movie theater.
in Romania we have only in Bucharest- just one! I've never been there, its waaay too full of vip-wanna-be and "mean girls" like.. Here, going to the movies, for some of the people its just like going to the club :)) saaad
Maybe it is difficult to believe, but in Spain there are some of them, for example where I live, in the Mediterranean Coast (www.autocinestar.com www.autocine-elsur.com www.autocinedrivein.com). In spanish we call them "auto-cine".
I know one in Javea (Spain). Still working even in winter. Simply delightful!!
There are at least five drive-ins in Germany, one is near Munich, where I live and it's great, especially in summertime. Although they are not as charming as American theaters though...
See: http://www.autokino-deutschland.de/ There might some other private theaters around, but none that I know of in Bavaria. We do also have the Open-Air cinema in summertime in many towns and cities. Nice picture by the way!
Yes, there are drive-ins in Europe too. here in The Netherlands they sometimes have them, but it's usually a temporary thing (like for a festival).
In Denmark I know of at least one close to Copenhagen, our capital. But we have a Danish version of your drive in: it's more like a 'walk-in'. A moveable cinema-sized screen is set up a different locations around the coutnry and you can meet up for free and watch a free movie. This year they showed films like Avatar and Inglorious Bastards. It's a great concept and we all sit at blankets and pillows and kint or drink coffee or sip at beer og wine:) gotta love it:)
- Love your blog!! Louise
Growing up in South Africa in the 50s and 60s, our family used to go to the Drive-In very often. We loved being there in our pj's, and going to the restaurant with dad to buy traditional snack/suppers. I well remember the funny metal speaker that hooked onto dad's rolled-down window and the slow drive out at the end as we joined the queue to the exit, after the double feature. Sadly, there are few or no Drive-Ins left here............
They are quite American; Americans have this relationship with their cars that Europeans don't seem to sympathize with, what with our drive-in theatres and restaurants... you won't see a European eating or reading the newspaper in their car :) It's bizarre, but I have to say I share and enjoy the attachment.
I'm from Braga in the north of Portugal and we only have outdoors cinema in the summer. We have so many american influence in almost everything... why not a drive-in?
I would be the number one fan :)
Plus, they're NOW HIRING! (When I moved to the Lehigh Valley PA, we had 3; now one remains.)
I went to Jericho every summer growing up :)
There is another one on Rte 9 in Malta, NY. A stone's throw from Glenmont. Further north, another one in Queensbury called the Glen Drive In. Take exit 19 off I-87, R off exit, L at major intersection, go straight will be on your L.
I went to this very one with my daughter over the weekend! It was her first time. Driving up I was so excited, nearly emotional remembering going as a kid. We had a blast. Did you drive 9W all the way? A great road to drive!
They looking really good
well, in greece we dont have drive ins, but we have summer theaters, which means a theater in a garden, with flowers, mosquitos, beers and perfect night breeze! i cant wait for the weather to get warm enough to go to such places every summer!
there are a few here in wisconsin as well :)
Besides the one the other Danes are talking about (Zulu Sommerbio), we actually have a real drive-in bio in Denmark about 45 minutes north of Copenhagen in the small town of Lynge. Never been there, but I would love to!
There is none in London, England. I really cant wait to experience a drive through when I visit NY!
There are outdoor cinemas in European countries but we don't take our cars.
The closest we ever get to a drive-in film thingy-ma-jig in the UK is a rather kitsch, for the under 5's sort of event on the village green. Doesn't stop anybody however.
A similar delightful concept that actually exist in Spain (specially in the mediterranean coasts of Catalonia and Balear Islands) is what we call "Cinema a la Fresca" (Movies in the fresh). That consists in puting a big screen in a park, square or even in the beach, where people can go to watch old or new movies. That happens in summer and specially in coastal towns. Is wonderful.
Love USA
love drive ins, money clips, cowboy boots, jeans,pin ups, aviators/wayfarers, classic cars,square blocks,dapper dan's,jazz&rock'n'roll,Bomber/MC leather jacket,Californian wines and the list goes on and on and on...
I remember driving to the drive-in alone, with three of my high school buddies stuffed in the trunk.
There are definitely drive-in cinemas in Europe, they're not uncommon here and I think only because some tourists haven't come across any (and probably haven't even looked for them) doesn't mean that there are none.
There are a couple of drive-ins in Chicago area & Southern Wisconsin, but they are not "still" around. They have come around again. They were closed, falling into decay & a couple of people have put a lot of effort into the reawakening. I went to one in Wisconsin a few years ago & it was a lot of fun. My entire extended family went as a part of a family reunion & we thoroughly enjoyed our time. It was the same drive-in that I visited with my high school boyfriend 30 yrs ago. Yikes!
That is such an awesome shot!
I miss drive-ins, makes me think about how America was and how its going super tech now.
Aahhh, the good ol' days.
From Delmar, where this drive-in is located. Has always and will always be a favorite of mine... old schoolclassic american icons need to thrive.
That photo really made me home sick for America and the year I spent there as an exchange student a long time ago. The sky is just beautiful and I swear I can smell the pop corn and feel the crushed ice of a Slurpee on my tongue. Thanks for reminding me!
If you ever go to warwick in New York they've got a nice one. I go there all the time in the summer. I love going on the hood of the car, i did it when i was younger and put blankets on it. it was total bliss :)
The funny thing is that in Greece there used to be quite a few drive-ins, but they only played porn movies! So, they weren't exactly serving the purpose of cinema-going, if you know what I mean. As far as I know, they have now closed...
But we still have lots of open air cinemas. Especially in the islands it's a must-see thing. A nice film underneath the stars in a warm Mediterranean night...OMG! I get summer sick again and it's only September...
Definitely a good way to remember an era gone by (even if it's not within our time).
Yes, we have a genuine drive-in in Denmark, just half an hour's drive from the center of Copenhagen. They claim to be the largest in Europe. And there's free snacks for your dog if you bring it along in the car ;-D
Right now they're showing "Salt" and "The American".
Starlight drive-in in Atlanta GA even plays classic movies from time to time.
I really enjoy browsing your photos and comments every day.
It was pretty cool to tune in and see the drive in behind my house featured on your blog. This drive in has been around for quite a while and if you get the chance, stop inside for ice cream.
Last year a shopping here did that on their parking-lot. I think the experience went well (I wasn´t there tho) but I this year there was no movies outside. Apart from that one I never saw one in Portugal.
Nowadays people usually prefer go to the shopping, have a meal there, watch some stores and go to the cinema. It´s always packed at weekends.
For anyone in/visiting Cape Cod this is a must. A huge part of my childhood (and present) summers.
There used to be a lot in Australia, but most of them are now filled-in with housing developments, and people want their movies in air-conditioned comfort!
We also have one drive-in theater near Munich (Autokino Aschheim). It was quite fun to go there, although, I do not really remember the movie at all...
Yes, we have a few drive-in cinemas in Spain. And we had a open air cinema in my town until 5 years ago... It´s a mess that they closed it, because it was very nice to see the films in the warm summer nigths.
Oh the Jericho! I love this theater-- there are at least 3 other drive-ins near Albany too.
There is one in Melbourne, just one!
we have several working in VA!
we had one for a few years in my small town in Switzerland and I have to say it is a fun thing! I watched Pirates of the caribbean in the poring rain, with the wipers going on and on... it definitely added something to the whole experience!!!
we have outside cinemas here in scandinavia but mostly without cars. and i prefer it that way.
In Texas we have a great one 25 minutes south of Dallas. Its some of the best fun you can have with people, so relaxing and fun.
I worked there over the summer! Drive-ins are great unless the people there are obnoxious :)
I recently discovered that Brooklyn has it's own version of a drive-in called movie with a view in Brooklyn Bridge Park on Thursday nights.
Other than that my only experience was in Atlanta at a place over in Decatur called Avondale i think.
No need to leave the city to get to the drive-in, at least in Atlanta. We have our very own Starlight Six (screens! six!). Worthy of a visit.
A great day trip with the family is just a stones through from NYC, in Hyde Park NY. Where you can visit The FDR mansion on the Hudson, as well as the Vanderbilt mansion. Eat at the original Eveready diner (not the one featured on the food network) with all its chrome glory. There is a roller rink in the same plaza and just down from there is the drive in theater. Sadly this is the last showing of the season, but there is always next year. Unless you enjoy the fall with all its “leafers“, but its not so bad, and you’d blow all of their photos out of the water.
Greece and Athens in particular has several
Cape Cod is, in a lot of ways, very old fashion. We have the Wellfleet Drive-in thats been going strong since 1957. First run movies and the smell of the ocean!
There are still some in Australia, though they are a real novelty these days. The Drive-In theatre near me, in a little town called Newborough in Victoria, closed about 8 years ago. The last movie I saw there was "Alive". During the crucial suspensful scenes, set at night atop the snow-capped mountain, the the ACTUAL fog rolled in across the cars. It was so thick that we couldn't see the screen much of the time, so the entire movie had this extra spooky surreal element which we've never forgotten! Fantastic to experience! i think everyone there felt bonded by the weird experience!
Ciao, L in Oz.
I'm amazed that The Sartorialist was traveling in my neck of the woods! This Drive-In is about 10 minutes from my home in Albany, NY. There are several more within driving distance. All are well-attended and much loved.
How incredible.
Its been my life long ambition to go to a drive in theatre
No drive-ins in Greece, but we do have lots of open-air cinemas, in yards or on top of buildings, they're really great in summer!!
yes! We have one in Auburn, Washington, and it's well attended!
It's not quite the Drive-In experience but, we've enjoyed the open-air cinema a few times when we've visited our friends in Sydney in summers gone by. There have been a few 'movie marathons' with a theme, which have been held in one of their bigger city parks (sorry, I can't remember the park's name). Everyone brings rugs, cushions, picnic food, etc., and there's this wonderful silence, or group ooh-ing and aah-ing at pertinant points during the films. People get a chance to interact and enjoy: it's wonderful....Well, except on one evening, I remember we got "possumed upon" from the tree above! Quite the surprise in a city, I can tell you! Ha... but it added to the experience.
L. in Oz x x
There's an abandoned one on the West Coast of Newfoundland, and only two nights ago we gathered with a group of friends and fellow artists to screen our own video work. It was the second night we've had this summer screening local work, but we've also snuck up there on a few occasions to camp out and watch things like the original Night of the Living Dead and Jurassic Park.
Yay for local drive-in on one of my favorite blogs!
Hi there!
You asked about Drive-ins In Europe?
Living in Croatia I only know of outdoor theaters at the park. does that count? In fact a few weeks ago we took our daughter to see a children'movie. It was a fun experience.
Ps. I love how you take photos around New York (my best friend lives in Brooklyn and I have visited a few times and seeing your photos brings back memories).
So question: do most people you approach to photograph do they all say yes? (just curious)
There's no drive-ins in Brazil!!!
I'm dying to see a drive-in in New York!!
I know that theater fairly well, The Jericho on route 9W. I go a couple times a year, when I visit my parents in the Albany area.
You must have been in the Albany area on Labor Day weekend, I was considering going to that same showing! (For the Expendables! The "other movie" for my wife!)
You stole my bloody photo! I want royalties!
I took almost the same photo a couple years ago, except the neon was nearly all broken. The sign said "Cronicles of Riddick", a bad spelling error!
Lastly, there actually used to be a XXX drive-in theater up near South Glens Falls, "The Aust"!! I went once with my then girlfriend, now wife. Saw some Ron Jeremy film, and there was a guy that walked around the forest perimeter with a flashlight looking for people in the bushes!!!
Going to the drive-in is my favorite thing to do in the summer, fall, and spring. Here in Atlanta, we have one left. It is called The Starlight Drive-In and it is on Moreland Ave. Scott, you are in Atlanta this weekend, you should go by and get some pictures. www.starlightdrivein.com
They're still around most definitely - we have one up here in Malta, NY, right next to Saratoga Springs. Two movies for eight dollars - it's the cheapest and most awesome place I know!
there are a bunch in conneticut too!
oh my goodness! That exact drive through is relatively near my house! It is the second closest one to me! I go to one in Malta which is only about 25 to 30 minutes from home and very near Saratoga Springs. Next time you're in the area why don't you stop over!!!
ther's one in bucharest, romania
There is one in Denia, Valencia, Spain for more than 30 years. It is near the beach amidst the reeds. I love it in summertime.
That is in Selkirk, just outside of Albany...my home town. I would love to run into someone like you next time I am home visiting. I am a huge fan of your photos. I hope you found some creatively dressed people in Albany.
There are several "autocines" in Spain along the mediterranean coast in Valencia and Alicante. I don't know if you can get the sound in other language than spanish though.
They definitly exist in Germany!!
we have drive in movie theathre in Belgium but only during the summer(normal the oter seasons its always raining ;-))
This is near where I live!
Hey I live in Indiana and they just opened a drive-in somewhere around Trafagler/franklin area. I don't go over there much, but I thoguht it was cool they actually opened a *new* one, because I think people are really into it, it's uncommon now and they want to see what it's like.
I frequently went to one in Dar-es-salaam, Tanzania in the 70s which was big enough to cater to almost a 1000 vehicles with about 3 -4 restaurants. Today the area that held the Drive -in is the site of the new US Embassy in Dar, tanzania