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Comments on "At Dries Van Noten"
I must say, i was so impressed by the summer collection, those ikat and batik prints still make me dream. Dries has always his own touch to things, fun eclectic and classic on the same time.
The photo transfers mind and force!!!)
chic its always chic. loving the first pic
immensely effortless!
very "classique" i like this!
Oh my, that top photo kind of reminds me of Katherine Hepburn or someone of her ilk. Exceptional - I dream of looking this effortless / rugged / beautiful.
And I recognise the woman in the last pic - wasn't she the one in the perfect white suit sitting on her programme to prevent any fashion week dirtiness?
wow you don't do b&w photos very often but these are stunning! They are absolutely timeless, great shots!
The second picture has a lovely range of tones and contrast. It's a great portrait.
I think that's a woman, Stacy
Is it Bowie? Haven't seen my love of my youth in ages.. great pix!
Short hair - fabulous.
David Bowie, a nod to Hollywood and androgeny.
Great pics.
First is stunning, i love your bw + that woman and her style
Love the B&W.
so adorable!
check out my fashion blog at http://thetalesofselfindulgence.blogspot.com
That first portrait is astounding.
Its not Bowie, its a lady!
The lady in the last photo was in a beautiful white suit a couple of months ago, she looks incredible in the black suit as well!!
I feel like these photographs really capture what I imagine the Dries customer to be: cerebral, original, stylish. Beautiful!
Hand drawn:
My Closet in Sketches
I'm assuming by the slender neck and lipstick that image 1 is a woman--she's amazing. She looks like she could do anything. Her sweater is perfect.
The woman in the last image looks just as beautiful in this black suit as she did in the white one this spring, but again I fear for her pants bottom, sitting on the curb like that!
the first picture looks like StationToStation's David Bowie 30 years later!!!
wow those pictures are fabulous!
http://lekisskiss.blogspot.com <-- MAKE SURE YOU ENTER MY VALENTINO GIVEAWAY!!!
i like how this set ends with a smile.
So that's where the elegant people were hiding ;)
Wow, she does look like David Bowie, he has such an androgynous look .. fantastic!
Love them all.
So nice. All of them. Gorgeous light.
Fantastic pictures!
who's the woman in the 3rd photo? she looks very familiar, i think i saw her on this blog a few months ago. if i remember correctly, she was wearing a white suit. she looks great either way.
The lady in the firs pic really looks like David Bowie and I think it's great. I love Bowie! LOL
kisses from Brazil
I really like their Androgyne-looks. And I guess it's useful/practical ...
Et voila : Lesbian Chic Look even for men this winter!
Amazing pictures! Respect, ~
short hair rules~
absolutely breath taking...
Wow... #1 is David Bowie all the way! Great shots, love them all.
love yours black and white photos!
Love your black & white's Warmly, Karen
very charismatic crew
These photos are spectacular!
I also remember the the lady from the 3rd pic from a couple of months back, all in white. I loved (still do!) her hair and have been trying to get my hair like that, too - that means letting it grow for me (had 3mm till then for the last 15 yrs or so). Does anyone know who she is? (and where she gets her haircut? ;))
iconic looks
Hi Scott!
Look at my blog as there is a photo of you taken by me during milan fashion week! :D
And I'd like to know what you think about my blog!
Thank youuuuu
All three look fabulous in these very classic 'masculine' haircuts.
That first photo is my favourite you've ever posted.
curious to portrait the people in black & white. especially at DVNoten show, where the colours is celebrated with "maestria"....
i like the first shot, the way the sunglasses emphasize the attitude.
Black and white photographs encourage the imagination.....
Love the photo of this very elegant stylish lady. she reminds me of Ingrid Bergman, which short hair of course!
Where are the sunglasses from?
great use of light.
love the black and white. these cats look like they mean business!
they all seem to have a similar hair do as well.
cool stuff!
Love the masculine haircuts and great B@W.
Dsquared2's collection for SS2011 was FILLED with the mens/womenswear swap. I think it's fantastic! Everyone should check it out....I'm a bit bias because they are fellow Canadians.
Um, Dries Van Noten leaves me cold. What can I say?
Love the black and white. I love you, Scott!!!! Please visit www.imeanwhat.com for images from Milan Fashion week and a bit comedy as well!
beautiful photos!
Wow, this is photography.
incredible use of the color black
Thanks for posting pictures of women who are no longer exactly young.
Yes it´s great that you publish photos of people that are a bit older as well. As usual great photos and I just love the b/w.
Ciao Daniela
love the first pic!
she looks like Anda Rottenbberg
Thse pics could not have been any better if they had been "normal" (whenever are your pics just "normal"?!)
colour shots...
Love them!
The man in the second photo is who the guy with the green sweater wishes he could be.
Very sharp pictures! :)
Follow my blog at http://fortheloveoffashionandotherthings.blogspot.com
black and white rule, great contrast!
very classic and inspiring shots!
I thought the top image was David Bowie at first glance. How fantastic.
For a minute I thought it was vintage photo time again!
Great shots - love the b&w.
The first picture is brilliant ;)
excellent hair on 1 and 2.
gorgeous, all of it.
thanks for sharing some.
love the working button holes on the "script reading" man's jacket. It's always the little things...
amazing ! love that man and his style !!!
Beautifully taken photos of beautiful people.
it's AAALLLLL about the hair...which is fabulous! A little salt...a little pepper...it's all good. :)
God, if the first two are what people look like at Dries Van Noten shows, its surprising anyone looks at the clothes at all!
I love the woman in the first picture. Love her. She's how I imagine Nancy Cunard became as she got older. I love more or less everything about her, but what I especially love is that she's the beautiful antidote to all the smoothing, plumping, age-denying nonsense we're all (me included) caught up in.
Thank you for her.
Surprising how the black and white photos create such a strong vintage quality.
the first lady is CLASS!
Love the photos,the moody black and white.Chic,elegant and charming
that man... he is just absolutely breathtaking. thank you scott for the eyecandy pic.
Very,very nice shots. I love the clean looking jacket of the 2nd picture.
Great shots. But, honestly, I would not want to have a cup of coffee with either of them. Especially not the guy...
No, folks, the first subject isn't David Bowie. Bowie doesn't have a beauty spot on his upper lip and he's gotten rather boozy and rugged looking in his later years, though he's still fabulous. Love the androgynous style here. The hair is really perfect with her handsome features--reminiscent of Hepburn and Babe Paley as someone already said. The second? RIght out of The Great Gatspy. The third woman looks has a chic London in the 60s vibe. All of them successful nods to the past while still feeling very modern. Great shots.
I love the androgynous woman in the first photo. She looks like a younger David Bowie. Do we know who she is? She looks so stylish........
Yes, the last photo. I remember this lady too. And she was dressed all in white. She is a looker and great dresser too.
Great B&W Scott, lovely portraits.
i love the woman in the first photo.
she reminds me so much of barbara paley,
similar bone structure and expression.
perhaps i'm the only one though...
love the B&W pics too !
to 5:57 am , I would ..especially with the guy !
antonio is so beautiful!
wonderful pics as ever!!!
wow! i love this B&W pictures! i'm impressed how cool a whole black outfit can look. and the haircut is speechless...does anyone know who the woman in the third picture is???
Great Shot/Scott
Third Lady is as gorgeous as before...great smile
Love the tailored sleeveless jacket with the cashmere sweater...how do I know it's cashmere...? (she would only wear cashmere).
Blk/wht seems to do away with any pretense.
can't get over how gorgeous that lady on the step is.
Beautiful sunglasses! I like it!
wow. sober clothing for sober times. classic clothing + timeless grooming = impeccable. love how black and white contains depth of their impeccable style. and sorry but WOW- to me that man is SO handsome-that mouth...awesome photos! more like this please, pretty girls in trendy clothes can bore, adore these moody grownups.
Bowie from "The Hunger".
is the man in the 2nd pic the same as the one with the red boots in your THE SARTORIALIST book ?
love the B&W .
Antonio in NY last week. Dashing as always !!!
These sort of looks are so much better than some ruffians you see on the street, clean and sharp is just unbeatable.
is that maria in the first photo??
If you've ever been to a fair in Paris, Milan or Florence you know MARIA.