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Comments on "Polo with a Suit, Florence"
Tricky indeed! I'm not a fan, but if it has to be done, collar in.
No way...
I prefer the collar in myself but this guy seems to be able to pull it off.
Collar in, definitely. I would put this in the same boat as wearing a t-shirt or other collar-less shirt under a suit.
hmmm that's a tough one. i am not sure that i can say i am a fan of the polo with a suit.
Ouch. This is bad.
Blue and brown always look so modern, at least to my eye. The polo shirt collar looks less fussed-over and natural when it resides within the lapels.
nice combination!
collar in i should think, tricky part is where its appropriate to it. Love the high waisted trousers on the suit as well, very flattering and a bit offbeat.
Sadly, you can always tell when the subjects are from Milan. Absolutely no one looks that good in the states.
simone! breaking my heart again with his masculine beauty and god-given italian style. it must be wrong for a man to look so right.
I don't think so
Looking at this, first thing in the morning, I see nothing wrong. At all. Perfect.
Good tip about the polo - as slick as the jacket. Nevertheless, to feel the material of the jacket next to my skin is rather uncomfortable.
The collar? Definitely in.
Either way, on this man it looks great!
Or go with the collar up, (London) Chelsea boy style!
It depends what color the suit is, also the polo.
2 colorful polo & suit would be better if the collar is out. Same for 2 not so colorful polo & suit.
But if it's 1 colorful and 1 not colorful, then it's rather to put the collar in.
What attracts you to him, in my opinion, is his confidence, his pose...not the suit!
I see this guy alot on your blog and in your fantastic book and he always looks great but i'm just not feeling the outside the suit collar, I think brad Pitt over killed it for me in oceans eleven.
Collar should be IN for sure.
Very charming and ellegant man! Love it! He looks sofisticated.
From my perspective, I'd say collar in....he pulled it off though, barely but he did.
The pocket square looks like some sort of print (plaid?) in colors that complement the polo. That and the orange lapel pin add interesting harmonics to the overall look that make it look more consonant.
I like the collar out action, but the waist on the trousers is fantastic. That is the way trousers were meant to be worn. That suit just oozes quality.
This dude always looks crisp and like a real character, but very believable (like the World's Most Interesting Man or something).
Polo Tee ... there ya go!
Lets see... First I have to remove my eyes from the extremely handsome face of this man to properly address your question!
Okay, the gorgeously tailored suit looks to be linen which in my dress code standards instantly brings with it an "Anything goes, devil may care attitude" when choosing the rest of one's outfit. Extremely casual, moderately dressy, or downright "on the beach".
The choice of a black Polo is the first error here, because it completely distracts from this suit which is perfection and already very dark, really next season, color palette wise. As for collar in or out? With this suit, in for sure!
If he's going to dress it down, which instantly happens when you slip on a Polo, I would have much rather seen a Pima cotton T-shirt underneath in a lighter shade of blue. Now that would have really popped!
Polo with a suit? Too dated, and it reminds me of suburban, golf-obsessed dads. But this gentleman almost pulls it off, if it weren't for the clash of navy blue and mud brown. And the collar is out.
In my opinion this man just look PERFECT! Collar out here is just in its place,l wouldn't change a single element of his outfit!
The collar must be in!
When you are born like this gentleman pictured above, you can pull off anything you want, even the ladies hearts!
I think this person does it even better!
When we closed the door on the 1970s, one of the items left there FOREVER is the collar on the outside. Collars stay Inside. Period.
I like the collar out on him.....he has style and a presence to carry this off...like it...he looks good..thanks...L
Collar in. Best to have a $$$$ horse or a set of clubs at hand, though. In this man's defense I must say I have never EVER seen a pro golfer in such an exquisite linen suit.
you know, it's the beard that drew me in, noticed the polo second?
not sure i like, but as was mentioned above, this guy can pull off anything he likes!
I think he can do whatever he wants!
Collar out for this gentleman. In for everybody else.
When you have a face as handsome as his, you can get away with murder.
I think Kathleen is right about a.) the physical characteristics of the wearer, b.) the material/cut of the suit, and c.) the collar being in! This gentleman has such a striking face, and the lighter beard somehow helps distract but also tie it all together...perhaps by giving the outfit an angularity (though still soft) that is missing elsewhere?
Nope, nope, nope. I really tried to like the polo and suit look, but I can't; it seems rude to the suit (which is gorgeous and undoubtedly an extremely high quality linen) to make it be seen in public with the polo, no matter how nice that polo may be.
This looks needs what, in the 1930's, was called a "lingerie shirt," the nearest translation into today's english might be "sport shirt," but even that calls to mind the wrong thing.
I used to work with a guy who looked like him, but he sure didn't dress that nice. Maybe he would have gone further in business if he had.
Great scott, Scott! I think for this (fine, fine looking) gentleman, the success is all in the waistline of his pants. High, gorgeous and trim, its an exaggerated detail that carries off the whole look for me.
I say treat it like you would a dress shirt.
Wow, that's what I call aplomb! Nice hands too. To hell with collars in or out.
Collar in, unless you are John Travolta ca. 1975 or Al Pacino as Scarface. Perhaps a white, beige or other light color polo in a thinner fabric, I don't think this color combination works. Heavy color and fabric. Usually,the shirt fabric should be lighter(in weight) than the suit, such as linen dress shirt or very thin fabric (silk?) polo shirt perhaps? Linen wrinkles are expected, the second you wear it, but this suit looks like it has not been pressed for a long time or perhaps this is caused by the jacket being much too small, tight in armholes, shoulders, apparent from the deep wrinkles. Am I too fastidious? This is about recommendations and comments concerning sartorial style, no?
Collar in! Makes a world of difference.
Teresa (Splendid Sass)
Yes! I like it
Ah, forget the collar. Great suit! Not so sure about the pocket square and lapel badge though...
I think collar out works here (the color of the polo is not in strong contrast to the suit). Also suitable for his personal style as this gentleman wears his hair in a very casual style.
I think one of the keys here is the high-waisted cut of the trousers. This keeps the look chic.
Collar in, collar out, who cares? This guy would look great no matter what!
No matter if collar in or out, if polo with suit or not. The thing is HOW u feel about what u wear. If u feel good about it and it suits u/ur personality well, some "fashion rules" are totally off topic then...
You have to embrace the Polo. Collar out. (This should be unsaid, but I'll say it anyway: the Polo should only be worn if you take as much pride in the care of your Polo as you should in the care of your suit (wrinkles need not apply).)
He looks great as it is...
-diary of a fashion stylist-
I like a polo with a suit but it has to be a slim fit 60s cut suit, polo buttons done up, collar in.
Yes, polo is ok, always IN.
How about this? Polo, no polo, this guy looks like a badass.
Are you coming to Stockholm Fashion Week this week? Will you stop by in Malmoe (in southern Sweden)?
And faboulus blog! I read it everyday :)
no, no NO! but if you must..collar in!
Plus black and blue... Best to break all (old-fashioned) rules! If you can carry it of with confidence... Collar out!
I'd like to think an enormous bear was charging down the street as this photo was taken, and this guy is calmly taking off his glasses before he wrestles it to the ground. That is the kind of manliness that exudes from this fellow.
Props to him for pulling something like that off! I think I like polos now.
we do that all the time here in Bangkok. Sometimes, not a pretty sight.
Collar in.
Depends what collar the shirt has, penguin polos have bigger collars vs lacoste polos.
Personal preferance is in.
European or Japanese cut for polo shirts every time. The american "baggy" is an atrocious style.
I think we should ask the beard, because the beard seems to have taken over the whole deal here. Beards and belt buckles should blend into the look, not dominate.
I vote "in".
I think this looks better with a sports jaclet and odd trousers.
I think the polo looks appropriate with the casual nature of the linen shirt. Keeps it from looking like a wrinkled mess. But I think I'd prefer the collar in.
he did it so effortlessly that I didn't even realize it was a polo! so great of you to spot that detail. Then again, that's why you're the sartorialist!
Normally I would say never and if you do, collar in, but I think this guy pulls it off, so...who knows?
It can be done but the secret is to make sure you pare like with like. If it's a cotton poloshirt go for a casual cotton or linen suit, if it's a marino or cashmere poloshirt (think John Smedley) then team it with a sharply tailored suit.
I vote in, however there's something so extreme about his outfit (the high waist and the similar tones of the shirt and suit) that just make this work for me.
Totally agree with the previous poster that the problem here is the beard. It attracts too much attention and needs to be trimmed.
Other than that, there's too much going on with the look. Either take out the pocket square or remove the pin.
Collar in or out? Whatever the wearer is comfortable with.
If your name ain´t Don Johnson....better keep the collar IN dudes! Like all of the time on every occasion....
He looks great with the polo and suit combo. He definitely pulled it off.
Oh yes,I like his individual style,the rough with the smooth,he makes it work for him and got you to notice it.
Collar in, collar out? I don't think it matters much to this man, who is handsome enough to pull off anything.
It takes a certain man to pull this off. I like the collar out. Glad it's not UP!
I don't like it and if yes, then with the collar in! Definitely in!
Not many people can do what that man with a goatie can do. It looks good on him.
Collar IN for sure-with the jacket closed!
More important, is if the shirt should be tucked in or not...
Being shorter than most dress shirts, they should probably be worn out, as to avoid pulling and bunching.
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I like how he's wearing it with the collar out- he pulls it off well.
The polo collar out over these short notched lapels does not work too well. All those corners together are unflattering. I would say collar in then, but think I'd have to see first. Might be best to lose the polo altogether.
fab mix
To be honest I really like this (I´m not a fan of a polo with a suit, but it looks quiet nice.. but I think the collar should be in!
I think some of you are being too critical...I admire anyone who steps out of conformity. The polo is not common, but he looks great, polished and well dressed...Admit it!
I don't normally like polo's with suits, but this is Simone we are talking about. He can do anything.
nice look...it worked for J.F.K. and is popular with the country club set...i would prefer collar in but his look make sit a tad less traditional...i guess i need to pull out the pocket squares like the uomini italiani!
I think this guy totally pulls it off! He looks at ease and yet polished - great combination for me!
Just wanted to add that I LOVE this blog! It's so inspiring and shows unique people with unique styles - great work! :D
absolutely collar in... the idea is not bad I must admit.
I prefer to wear a shirt with a suit or combination, but sometimes a polo looks cool imo. For example with a linen suit, like the guy on the photo.
I associate wearing the collar out with maffia guys, dealing marihuana and stuff like that. Just keep it in!
love the blue
Out is the better way to wear it, cause both are melting togehter and giving the whole look the character!!
wow! always amazed at your ability to capture the colour, feeling and style! i say collar in if it were me, however, i think this dude has it pretty well sorted, looks good to me! so either way.
A polo with a suit (as seen) can be worn if the gentleman who's wearing it has the confidence and stature to pull it off. In this case, he's wearing it as though it was meant to be worn that way .. others I've seen trying this look, have not been as successful.
Collar in or out? .. either, in for a much more polished professor type look .. out to portray a much more relaxed "out of the box" style of thinking ...
i prefer the collar inside done with a very pressed polo shirt with the buttons done all the way up.
Not for me but it works for him.
Collar in!!! But he looks hot! OMG! A sleek suit just does terrible things to women.
I think it could be a British thing.
IMO, the Polo with a suit combo can be pulled off if you're working a Mod/Skinhead look with a trim, 3-button suit paired and a Fred Perry or a Munsingwear shirt with piping. A very Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels aesthetic. That said, I can't say that I like this Italian representation of the look very much. It's probably just me, but I don't think it's working very well with the Italian tailoring.
But that's probably just me.
I have no problem with the clothes or the hair styling per se but what I notice is an issue of proportion of his head to his shoulders. I'm thinking if the lost the beard it would make his face smaller and his shoulders appear broader. Or maybe if the shoulders on the jacket were broader the beard would be more in proportion. Just a thought. My American suburban sensibilities haven't caught up with the high waist on the pants yet. They still seem odd to me, like elastic waist mom jeans. I'll get there once I see more of them.
If he would just buy a one size larger jacket, it wouldn't matter about the shirt because, then it would fit and he wouldn't look like an over-stuffed sausage.
Collar should be in.
With that blazer :out. With another, in
Leaving my likes and dislikes aside, this gentleman looks nice.
I would usually say collar in, but unlike the times when we had the do's and don't's, it's so liberating and fun to do what you think it's best for you. I think, collar in/out depends on "who".
The trousers are very high waisted, not sure I like that. However the the whole ensemble is pretty cool.
If you wear a polo with a suit or combination, then rather not choose a regular polo with the well-known collar of stripe-structured fabric, contrasting with the fabric of the polo itself. This type of collar only needs to be stitched on the polo. The man on the photo is wearing a polo like this and most manufactures produce their polos this way.
Some manufactures, like Corneliani - a well-known (at least in Europe) Italian brand with exellent craftmanship - produce polos with a different collar: they use the fabric of the polo itself for the collar, so that the stucture of the fabrics on polo and its collar are exactly the same. This type of collar does not only need to be stitched on the polo but the collar itself also needs to be stitched, like the collar of a shirt, so that a good look shows that the two sides (in and out) of the collar are stitched together: you can see the stitches, just a few millimeters above the edge of the collar. This kind of polo is more like a shirt, so I prefer this one in combination with a suit.
great suit! great look ! why not pop that collar?
If it were on someone different I would probably hate this look, but he appears to have the confidence and swagger to pull off anything; including a conflicting polo and pocket square.
that doesn't work at all. especially collar out is horrible. nice suit though...
somehow it works on him!
Tucked it. I don't know if it's the photo, but those colors don't seem to coordinate to me...
Why not? I like it. Collar out!
Peace and love!
Tricky indeed, personally- don't think this guy is pulling it off. maybe if the collar was in and the color of the polo was different. Aqua polo, maybe? idk
He looks great. I love when people get mixing navy and brown just right...
I agree with anonymous who said you are being too critical. He is a non-conformist, therefore the collar out. And it looks great. The suit is wrinkled, a little too much, but I thought it was the heat. I like the colour combinatin, the murky brown with the blue, and the cut of the suit is great.
We need to judge. Next time, one photo with collar in and one with collar out. I'm going for in!
Ah, this fellow does not conform to your rules or mine - He makes his own rules.
His face is very Strong in that masculine Italian sort of way. The beard blends in nicely with the shape of his face and hair colour, and he has 'Attitude!'
So collar out - he can pull it off better than most;-)
Don't know, not an "easy" combination for sure... btw imo he did it the best possible. Even if I have a very general rule: COLLAR IN! ALWAYS!!! :)
Collar in I reckon. Then the suit lapel shape is retained. It doesn't look quite right here but then one needs to see both ways...Julia
Sure this guy is from Milano??? I thought Italian men had style...
He could pull off anything! Love the suit.
Who are you to say that he doesn't have style? I beg to differ...
He looks fabulous. The colors, the fabric, the cut...everything works. His pant waist sits very high though...actually I don't think the look would work with a lower waist belt.
First of all, this gentleman looks absolutely gorgeous and sexy! Second, I don't know if I care too much about the pleated, high-waisted matching pants of the suit. However, it seems to work very well for him in this ensemble. Third, the black polo and the dark blue of the suit plays off each other very well (very reminiscent of Calvin Klein's past color combination). The polo collar works well OUTSIDE not in...and it's was a wise sartorial decision on his part to have kept it OUTSIDE rather than inside. Why? First, he has a pretty thick-ish neck which carries off the polo collar nicely. Second, and most importantly, the type and construction of the polo shirt he is wearing rides very high on the back of the neck. If the polo shirt was riding low on the back of the neck, by all means, it should be worn inside the lapels of the suit. However, more than likely his polo shirt is from Italy, of course, and when I have bought shirts in Italy, the collars tend to be thicker and rides higher on the neck thus providing more substance to the neck area making the wearer look more masculine, which this look does.
its fine the way it is..it'll look good both ways...anyways thats a lovely...blue and i like his stare!!!
look at the high wasted pant and the pick stitching on the lapel…
i like the color pallet but unfortuanly im not a fan of the 1970s collar out look… if it was in , he would look more put together…. and anytime a man can wear a lapel pin… DO IT.
love the stance… the subtle cigar in hand
collar out ?! Uuaahh, a no go, thats reserved for tv presenters and car sales stuff. The rest of him is nice.
I like it! Collar out :)
Not a fan, but that's just me. He is sexy though ;)
collar in-
like the idea, but polo color seems a bit heavy for the linen suit- suit is great btw.
I love tailored suits with a pop!
As others have said, definitely collar in, but this guy pulls it off. Most would not though, so I'd stick with the collar in.
If I hadn't seen this picture, I would have said "in" for sure! But he seems to pull it off nicely here. There are only 2 things I would change here. Its only August--lighten it up with a different color of polo. Too dark. Second, the color of the button in his lapel is a strange choice. Its distracting from the rest of the ensemble and detracts from the impact of the pocket square.
The Madonnina says NO to armpits pants. Cheers from Milan.
no-one can pull of wearing a collar (normal shirt or polo) over a jacket, not even 18year old going to their schoolprom, and also not this guy, sorry
I doubt there are many people out there that could pull this look off however he certainly can. If someone had described this look to me I would have thought 'no way' but on him, absolutely. Perhaps it's the relaxed feel of a linen suit combined with the polo that helps it to work or perhaps it's just that this guy would make anything look good. I like the way he's looking into the camera, there's almost a hint of a challenge there.
I'm more interested in the (very) high-waisted pants! Mom jeans on a guy?
Collars should almost always be in, especially on women. Nothing says "polyester uniform suit" like a big floppy collar sticking out.
BUT, I think this guy makes the collar out and polo with suit work.
This handsome gentleman will always look dashing in anything he might choose to wear.Some of us just have it.
He looks like a villain from a James Bond movie... like his style
Nice looking suit!
Only if the suit is casual, say linen or khaki; never with fine wool or cashmere.
Swoon. Drool.
I just love it. Casual. Confident.
Very cool shot, this is the best I have seen it done! I'd say... COLLOR IN!
Whoa. I don't know if I would like it on a younger man with less panche (less awesome facial hair), but on him this looks foxy!
i like the collar in myself. placing it out makes me think of John Travolta and discotheques. what makes the polo work with this suit is how tightly the sleeves fit around his arms, almost like a sweater, which almost precludes the need for a shirt sleeve. i survive the summer with polos, so i hope this look doesn't get too much flak.
lusting this polo and blazer look!! he looks great :)
I think that wearing a collar in or out really depends on the wearer. If you're more comfortable wearing your collar in then wear it in. If you are like this fine gentleman and can pull off wearing your collar out then do it. Wearing your collar in or out (or popped) is all about confidence.
i personally think it has to be collar in. got no reason for it. i just think it's better like that.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who struggles with the polo shirt and suit look. I thought it was because I am clueless about mens fashion!
Well, I like it the way it is. I think the WHOLE look is what you need to pay attention to. That is, he is sporting a 70s look where wide lapels with collared shirts over the suit were the fashion.
The wide lapel lends itslef to the collar out--a narrower lapel and shorter jacket says collar in to me. I feel collars in can look awkward, esp if the shirt doesn't sit properly--which can be more so for polos. They are prone to popping out, for uneven sitting as you move around and getting in the way of your chin if you have a shorter neck....not to mention shortening the look of your neck, which is not good if this is your lot.
I also like the colours--dirty deep blue with dirty deep brown--keeping the same tonings can work. The pocket square has both colours in there so does co-ordinate. The only thing I feel could change--a tiny bit only--is the height of the trousers--just a tad too high for me.
Oh and the good rugged looks along with the beautiful head of hair and fantastic goatie completes this for me.
Well, it has to be with the right suit.
By all means, casual.
Soft shoulder tailoring, medium to skinny lapels and etc.
It will be a lot more better with a pair of working cuffs. Roll it on for more sprezzatura look.
It's a modern spin. The color makes a difference. Black with midnight blue, that works. Fitted, yes. Polo collar in or out. Just not turned up.
collar out!! it's a must..
Collar in.
Oh yeah, that's definitely a tricky thing to pull off. However, this man looks pretty good, even though I think I myself would keep the collar in.
straight haha
like the trousers
No way collar out.. Ruins the look of the suit!
Colonel Sanders!
Yes it's tricky! But brown/dark blue, that's fine even if i don't like polo with a suit.
Collar in...
what an elegant man, great pic! wow!
the collar on the outside of the suit seems a bit like wearing the gold chain on the outside of the turtleneck....dated.
There's little about this man that is 'tucked in' so why should the collar be? It's about an attitude, not so-called fashion rules, which, let's be honest, can be restrictive as well. If this blog is about individualism and personal style, which is why I like it, then, hats off to polos and suits. Or whatever works for the individual in question.
I love it!
Collar IN- please! Collar out completely destroys this otherwise slick look...
The perfect trousers for pocket pool!
what a classic and gorgeous gentleman x
he pulls it off, but think i would prefer collar in
collar should be out but it depends on the collar. if it is a flatknit ( most common ) that is Ok. as a manufacturer i developed i new collar in body fabric with a very nice wide spread collar so the polo can be worn as a shirt. i noticed this development and some customers confirmed the idea. i think it is a new way of "dressual" and comes great with the cotton/washed jackets/coats ! I love it !
Look at his magnificent hand (forget the cigar..we're in italy, they smoke, hold the lectures) he could have been the hand model for michaelangelo. Beautiful.
collar in/out? in his case, who cares. think hard scrabble swagger Mark Wahlberg.. who can also melt your heart. or even Streep..who just picks you up and sucks you in.
like this gentleman, neither are thought of as style icons, but just standing still, few have more style.
I'd prefer collar in, but it's cool!
No no no NO
I can't stress enough to ALL MEN! Collar IN! When wearing your tailored jacket(s)...
There is NO class to having your collar out, end of story!
Just walk down your local city streets, and you can find an example of any man proving poor class, even in PARIS (but real Parisians don't dress badly anyways)...
Though strangely, this Italian can pull the look...
Same eyes and confidence as the late Patrick Swayze.
Scott - I love the wonderful men you've been showing wearing blue. This guy is an obvious bad boy, his look wouldn't work on the lovely man on the bicycle immediately below this picture but it definitely works here. If anything, I'd trim up his beard a bit but that is also a part of his look. Individualism is why we like looking.
This guy might be one of my favorite characters on the Sartorialist... He always wears his clothes with a devil-may-care attitude. Regardless of anyone's opinion on polo with suit, collar in or out, etc, this man is wearing it how he wants it. To hell with everyone, his stance says! I love it.
Hand drawn:
The shirt is less of an issue with me - it's the high waisted pants that are a turn off. He also has a Charlie Mansonish look to him.
With a beard like that I think you can look dashing in anything.
Linen suit, nice colour and I am guessing he is trying to match the shirt with suit buttons. I think a lighter polo shirt would have been more successful or alternatively a proper dress shirt. Also the collar should have been better pressed and sat inside the jacket collar (as was mentioned on earlier comment). Other details are nice though, pocket square and button hole. Statement-making two buttons on the cuffs as well is interesting but not sure his trousers fit - a bit baggy? Perhaps relaxed Italian style?....
This look is by no means stylish.It's good to cross limits but this goes too much off the beaten track.The collar out makes it look dated and messy.Navy linen suit that looks too tight,high waist pants and brown polo with the collar out is not the strongest combination.The beard gives me another reason to give another thumb down to this.
The man in the photo is confident, and has impeccable grooming. That being said, I can not agree with a polo shirt paired with a suit.
The collar of the polo should always be inside the jacket. Period.
I'd try collar in just for the sake of it but overall I don't think you should reinvent the wheel here. Suits are meant to be worn with button down shirts. You can play with different colors, prints, fabrics and ties to create different looks. Polo shirts look better with more casual clothes.
I reckon Simone can pull off anything
So classy!
Deff. OUT! no way could you hide a collar!
this gent has the swag to pull this look off! confidence....
I say "collar in" but it does work for this guy. It find it only really works with a premium, luxury polo. Lacoste-style cotton polo shirts, while classics in their own right never seem to look "right."
one word! sexy~
collar out!
It's not the worst thing ever by any means but not the best either.
Crumpled linen suit with patch pockets and polo top; a perfect combination. Relaxed summer comfort without being lazy. Wear the collar how you want.
I would probably not wear those two colours together (black and blue) but, collar in sounds like a better idea, in most cases. Here the superposition works because the fabric of the jacket is fairly lightweight and flexible (in other words: it has a "tombé" very similar to that of the polo). The jacket also has patch pockets, and is not as formally cut as most suits would be (the cut is, in fact, closer to what people used to call a "sports coat" in the US than to a suit jacket). In general, polos do work with jackets / sport coats over a pair of trousers better than with a whole suit.
Last but not least, Lacoste polos work well with jackets if you pick them in the right size (i.e. with the shoulder seams falling on your shoulder, not midway through your arms).
All of this IMVHO, of course.
http://davidikus.blogspot.com/ http://www.davidranc.com
Very stylish man,
loving the colour combination'