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Comments on "On the Street....The Combination, Milano"
love this purse!
sleek and handsome!
Love love LOVE!
The jacket's double breast, wide lapels, and aggressive darting--particularly those crazy lapels--are not ideal for this gentleman's body size and shape. I really don't like the look; it is as if he is wearing someone else's jacket.
I also love the glasses, quite the statement.
I love his glasses!
Wowww....I miss the elegance of men in Milan. Great photo!
Smart! I love the jackett!!! Beautiful!
absolutamente perfecto .la clase y la elegancia no se compra en las tiendas,se nace con ella o no. perfecto.
very dapper!
wow it really does fit him well the whole look is just so classy and i love the bag! if i ever had to get glasses, i would get his style. thanks :)
Definitely a sophisticated look and a great smile to go with it.
Great look,love his smile it lights up the suit and makes me feel happy.
I love shots like this, but I always feel like I'm missing something with only half the shot. I would love to see this dudes shoes and trouser lenght!
Ideal choice of color for the DB... and the tie really stands out, the choice of a white shirt is interesting as a very light blue would've worked great too. He looks comfortable too, something very important when sporting a DB.
like he´s out of a movie! Love the whole combination and the way he caries himself!
Un classique... Nice shot!
-diary of a fashion stylist-
And did you see the bag ???? !!!! Wow ! Love it. Realy dareing. I like the smile too.
now that is what I call a suit! Beautifully tailored, perfect fit, good quality fabrics... if only all suits could look like this... although it would make the morning commute a hell of a lot more boring as I wouldn't be able to indulge in the endless pleasure of dissecting the more hideous work outfits of fellow commuters...
LOVE a man who's not afraid to carry a 'manbag'. Takes style and balls. X
i love double-breasted suits!--but what about the vents?
In a way, I agree with Robert that the look is slightly wacky and disproportionate. But I also admire his daring. Style often requires boldness, else blend into safe elegance. Here, the guy strikes me as confident and happy, with a contagious sense of humor.
I feel like his smile has more attraction, love it!
the very happy grin doesn't hurt as well. just a great photo overall.
crush on the jacket. perfect combination<3
I really like the double breasted trend showing up more and more this year. The big pinstripes go great with the very wide peak lapels! I'm usually iffy on lapels this big, but he gets it perfect here.
Very sharp indeed! This suit makes quite the statement, and as you said the tie does make the perfect foil, just perfect. I very much love his Croc briefcase. Wonderful shade of deep brown, burgundy? Not sure, doesn't matter. Perfection all the way and a beautiful smile to top it all off.
This guy is truly happy in his own skin or even his own suit. Fantastic capture, love it!
Love men in suits! Can't be better.
a classic daddy look. love it
Despite the bold pinstripes/chalkstripes, this gentleman is definitely wearing the suit; the suit is not wearing him. Also avoids looking gangsterish. (And could so easily.)
One small problem: He is not wearing inner DB button buttoned. Results are bunched-up fabric; right lapel too wide and out of shape.
This is the kind of suit I wish I could pull off, but being so skinny, I think it wouldn't work on me.
Forgive me for asking but who is that? I've seen him before. Love his style. That bag is to die for
ya the suit is out of this world, and mixing patterns w tie and suit is great
lekisskiss.blogspot.com <-- Texas gal bloggin fashion from NYC!
zoom in on the bag please. he does sport it handsomely.
Great dimples!
he got grace
and style!
This man is absolutely darling, but I simply cannot understand a bold, all over pinstripe like this on anyone.
Whoa, never thought a small man could do big lapels.
nice bag!
This guy look super cool, though I can't bring myself to even so much as try on a double breasted suit!!! On him though, it works. I am loving the croc skin bag too...
The great class!
Caro-bloggeuse from Geneva
SPOT ON <3 <3 <3
Great pic and so chic look! well done!
Agree a lot with Robert...doesn't really look like he is wearing his own suit. And the tie doesn't seem to match as well as it should.
I love the Double-breasted, the look so elegant...
Love his glasses. Quite similar to the ones I have.
Nong Bee (Bangkok)
Not only is the tie and suit combination amazing, the purse looks wow too. Charming!
absolutely perfect...I love the jackett!!! Beautiful!
I have also seen this man before, in fact somewhen in may this year on The Sartorialist. I immediately remembered his nice smile with a little tooth space.
Great picture as well.
Patterns of tiny check, broad stripe and reptile harmonize. What if the cut of his jacket seems a bit theatrical? Originality rocks.
What a fun look. It must be amazing to open your closet to a choice of suits. I imagine he has quite a few. He looks great.
Haven't we seen him before? He's very cute and nicely dressed as well. Great smile!
the folded "inner part" of the DB suit is a little bit "directed" :-), but the rest is perfect, very nice.
I am not sure I can see the attraction in either the suit or the tie. The suit is just a DB suit with the inner button unbuttoned, which forces one side to fold. For the tie / suit combination: perhaps the picture does not do justice to the colors or a picture of just that detail would have been more helpful?
Thanks for sharing.
Beautiful fabric and cut. a bit wide on the lapels, perhaps dates it to the 30's. Otherwise, totally flawless: tie, shirt collar, pocket square,vintage croc "portfolio" (its not an oversized purse?)I search men's store racks for this color chalkstripe, and wish Sart. has more information on suit, is it custom? Burberry? Lauren purple? Oxxford? Help! Anybody?I want it.
I agree the tie is genius - very subtly echoing the color in the buttons, and of the purse. What amazes me most is that he succeeds in making this harsh a pinstripe look smart. He has the perfect slender build for it. Beautiful man, beautiful smile, beautiful style.
Very stylish...
Now realise this could be Rubinacci suit? I hear Milano is around 30C,92F+ recently, if this is a typical, light wool/silk Rubinacci with miminal lining it could work in Miami! When is their online store opening?
im not the biggest fan of stripes within suits but when its done this elegantly along with the beautiful tailoring it can't be refused. thank you for making me change my mind on striped suits at least for now.
I just love that his smile lines perfectly parallel the stripes on his lapel.
I don't know how he picked out this tie, but it does work, subtly metallic somehow, same as buttons. Also, it picks up on the croc man bag. He gives the whole suit a twist by using that tie, otherwise he might look like a banker.
This guy totally pulls off the double breasted pin striped suit! He looks stellar.
This pic makes me smile. He's happy, he's well put together and he's confident.
I really like the double-breasted suit. There's not enough of them out there nowadays! Plus the details are fab...
Good !!
Great look! The lapels, the collar of the shirt as well as the tie fit perfectly together. Also the sleeve length of shirt and jacket are perfect. It's a bit dramatic but impressive! Thomas.Franz
it would look better if he would button the suit properly on the inside. if he did that on purpose, it looks affected. if he did that accidentally, it looks off. either way it detracts from an otherwise well-made suit with awesome material. tie is nice but what is really cool about it is it looks to have a texture to it. needs stays or stiffer stays in his collar though, especially with a db suit. nice reptile, though...
Looks a bit cheap when the stripes are not aligned with the cut at the front. The stripes are not matched at the lapels either. He looks happy though...
i really hate the size of the lapels on this jacket, atleast on this man. it looks really strange.
still loving that bag though. You've posted a picture of him with it before. it's really amazing.
What a great smile! I love the lines around his eyes, it's a face that hints at a lot of laughter. I like the colour combo of the bag and the suit, and the exquisite attention to detail, but it's the smile that takes it forward.
Beautiful proportions and subtle colour combination. Superb in every way and reminds me very much of Cary Grant!
i love his bag and everything else, especially his big grin :)
this is really nice. the tie's color is enhanced by his skin tone.
His glasses are brilliant
His smile is quite contagious. Beautiful.
This gentleman is impeccably stylish in the wonderfully tailored suite. It's so refreshing to see the return of the classic double breasted jacket. Now I feel like watching "The Thin Man " with William Powell.
Isn't his tie sort of furled FORWARD?
It shouldn't work but it does. He looks fabulous! That's style.
This fellow has a happy spirit that emanates through the photograph.
I totally dig the suit, although he really should have the inner button buttoned. I like the tie, as well, and I would rock this suit and tie combo, a la the Prince of Wales.
I hope he's wearing some brown suede lace-ups.
Your never fully dressed without a smile!
I simply love people with such a truly smile. This blog has the best dressed smiles I have ever seen.
Why I never smile like that????
Great colours, tie works well with bag and this dapper chap's skin tone. Wonder what he had on his feet?
Not sure about the fit (could just be the way he is standing) double breasted looks a bit pulled to onside. Would normally advise a single breasted coat. Otherwise V nice!
How happy he seems haha
Love tie
What a great suit - I really like double breasted jackets at the moment. So very "Wall Street"! :-)
And the bag makes it even better.
I think I like the smile the best! Totally makes this picture:).
Its a great site, i liked it very much. Good work!
fantastic suit. love that pocket square :)