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On the Street....Full with Flair, Paris


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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

On the Street....Full with Flair, Paris

Summer in New York is full of young women in long print dresses. Too often though the dresses are bland, overly basic and usually carrying a cheap looking print. Sometimes they seem like the modern version of the thoughtless housedress.

I think it is so fresh to see a long dress done with a little flair. The fullness of this young lady's dress doesn't dwarf her size but does create a beautifully dramatic silhouette when she walks.

Comments on "On the Street....Full with Flair, Paris"


Blogger Cecilia said ... (10:06 AM) : 

and so dramatic!


Blogger FASHION SNAG said ... (10:08 AM) : 

I like the bottom detailing on the dress, but I think it really hides her shape.


Blogger Indigo | Iris said ... (10:08 AM) : 

love it!


Blogger The Sluice Box said ... (10:11 AM) : 

That looks like the rare instance where dramatic style and comfort manage to exist in equal proportion.


Blogger justbecausefashion said ... (10:13 AM) : 

i love long, long printed dresses!!!



Anonymous Mordechai said ... (10:16 AM) : 

beautiful !


Blogger Mitchisms said ... (10:16 AM) : 

looks like a Dries dress so great!
. if only there were a cool chic something for men to wear in the summer. fall is just much better for the men folk.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:18 AM) : 

I still think it looks like a mumu, too baggy and shapeless.


Anonymous Annelies said ... (10:18 AM) : 

Don't like, not elegant at all and looks like a tent...


Blogger M. Roseleine said ... (10:19 AM) : 

What a beautiful, unique dress! It sure creates a "dramatic silhouette!"


Anonymous Vicki said ... (10:20 AM) : 

Hmmm... I think i'd have to respectfully disagree. It feels way too big and the bra showing is kind of distracting. To each his own I guess!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:20 AM) : 

That's pretty cool and fresh. I know it's casual, but I'd still rather not see the bra straps.


Anonymous Hilla Ohayon said ... (10:20 AM) : 

I think this look is so perfect for these days' terrible humidity! It's so hard to stay chic and comfortable now, and this is just the perfect choice and look.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:20 AM) : 

Sorry -- not for me!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:22 AM) : 

they say guys in asia hate it when women wear these kind of dresses because it hides the figure of the wearer. Is that true though? what about guys from elsewhere? i find it beautiful though, mysteriously elegant.


Blogger Miiicha said ... (10:27 AM) : 

amazing dress!

|| Miiicha


Blogger Raquel M.B.G. said ... (10:28 AM) : 

Sometimes we're afraid of "fullness", but this amazing image proves we're wrong. Lovely,
Raquel from Brazil


Anonymous kareyann said ... (10:29 AM) : 

Dreamy. I would love to see the front though.


Blogger Karen Wallace said ... (10:30 AM) : 

Love the black on green. Karen


Blogger Topaz said ... (10:30 AM) : 

Love the color and sweep of it, just hope she doesn't also sweep the streets with it!


Blogger PCovi said ... (10:30 AM) : 

I like it...don't love it...still want bra straps hidden :) Nice though :)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:31 AM) : 

It´s a beautiful dress i love how the back looks ...;)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:31 AM) : 

I know what you mean... I was in Tokyo recently and all those rather short Japanese women wearing cheap long dresses did not look too good in them. My daughter and I felt like they were wearing their living room's drapes or the kitchen's curtains (cheap lacy things).


Blogger Kazuki Yamada said ... (10:31 AM) : 

I wanna see her walking with this dress!! It's so fresh for me, too.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:32 AM) : 

Hey, do you have a picture of the front? Thanks so much!


Blogger Sunshinemom said ... (10:34 AM) : 

She looks regal. I expect she looks like a queen and would have loved to see her face too. The dress is nice but I know I wouldn't have liked that frill brushing the roads!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:37 AM) : 

being bold holds its proper respect. and thank god for people willing to take a chance based on their intuition.
thank god.

The Covetist


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:43 AM) : 

the shoulderstraps seem far too long. Now it looks like an oversized nighty.


Blogger Unknown said ... (10:49 AM) : 

I love maxi dresses! This dress is gorgeous, although I think it would probably look even better if it was a little more tapered to her upper body.


Blogger Siblings said ... (10:50 AM) : 

what your saying is so true! but this dress IS pretty coool~


Blogger Monika said ... (10:51 AM) : 

I'm not sure, if I like it or not. The first word that has come to my head was "tent"... So Idk. Yes, it's dramatic, but it's really huge...


Blogger eric said ... (10:52 AM) : 

nice print but the size is just too big


Anonymous Becca said ... (10:54 AM) : 

I think there's something to be said that this doesn't highlight her shape, but I do absolutely adore the drama of it.



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:56 AM) : 

but would be better without the bra straps!


Blogger diane said ... (10:57 AM) : 

Really brings me back to the "Hair" days: long dresses, long eyelashes, long hair, long everything I suppose.


Anonymous Leslie said ... (10:59 AM) : 

Baggy, shapeless, and bra exposed. Chic? I think not this time.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:03 AM) : 

I like the color, the print, and the dramatic look, but the dress is just too big. Also, I am tired of looking at bra straps. Is it really that difficult to design a dress that conceals bra straps?


Anonymous Manuel said ... (11:06 AM) : 

I guess one had to see it in movement. Here is does look quite... perilous?


Blogger Lia Martins said ... (11:09 AM) : 

I'd like so much to see her face!
But I think it is the mystery that creates all the drama and the atmosphere.



Anonymous Noor said ... (11:16 AM) : 

am not a fan. nice print and the girl looks very elegant, but the dress is just... too big? too much like a tent? too shapeless? i think it could look awesome if she belted it, or the waist were elasticized 10 cm vertically. appreciate the effort though, at least it's different!


Blogger Unknown said ... (11:17 AM) : 

this is amazing! i actually own something like this, though it has a red print. definitely think i'll bring it out of the closet again.


Blogger Ericcacaca... said ... (11:23 AM) : 

It would be perfect one size smaller..........the back and under the arms seem to drag too low.


Blogger kendal croix. said ... (11:24 AM) : 

very dramatic. i like the size of it.


Anonymous IS THIS IT? models review said ... (11:25 AM) : 

Unique for sure... love print design and colors. Only personal note - maybe size is a little exaggerated...


Blogger SabinePsynopsis said ... (11:27 AM) : 

Ohlala! I've been expecting to see lots of long dresses in Italy (locals and tourists), but interestingly the long skirt/dress look doesn't seem to be very big in Florence or Rome. It is in London though.


Anonymous The Swede said ... (11:28 AM) : 

I just have to say that I truly appreciate posts like this.

Fashion does not always need accentuate the shape of the body. Why is it that female fashion most of the time is about showing the waist or the boobs or the legs etc?

This is a truly stunning dress and I love the silhouette it creates. It's powerful!

I am disappointed to see so many people here saying that it's not a good dress because it hides her body. You tell me, why are women so often expected to dress as if they need to please the observer in a sexual way? Is this an American thing? I don't get it.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:33 AM) : 

I have seen this look a lot, usually late Sunday night at the laundromat.


Blogger jennbunnyc said ... (11:33 AM) : 

The print is amazing- I love it


Blogger mary_ronaldo said ... (11:35 AM) : 

beautiful dress. the photo is wonderful!
she looks like a star!


Anonymous fashionsdirtylaundry said ... (11:37 AM) : 

Again, great shot! While I love the bottom detailing, she needs something to show off that fabulous waist!


Anonymous Joah said ... (11:44 AM) : 

There are so many things wrong here. I've seen others point out the fact that it's shapeless and the bra is showing, but I'd like to add that this would be an absolutely impractical dress in New York based on the need to be more mobile, either walking or riding the Subway, and the extreme heat this summer. It may work in Paris, but if you wear this in NY you're trying too hard.


Blogger franca maisha said ... (11:45 AM) : 

WOW!! such an amazing dress!



Blogger Misato said ... (11:50 AM) : 

I love it! I'm looking for something like this for a LOOONG time! I really agree that most long dresses I've seen so far are bland, and that's why I haven't adopted one yet...

does anyone have any idea which designer/brand is this?


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:57 AM) : 

I hate it. She looks like she's wearing a tent and the visible bra is tacky.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:07 PM) : 

Wish i had the height to carry out that beautiful dress..



Blogger Comme Coco said ... (12:10 PM) : 

Gorgeous and so chic.

Love long dresses in the summer and indeed, some of them can be quite dull.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:11 PM) : 

I bet if the dress were fitted to her body, it would even be more dramatic, you could actually SEE the print's continuity. Great picture, but the print looks so muddled because of the dress's voluminousness. A bit of shoe leather and some ankle would be nice to see too. A borrowed/stolen mu'u-mu'u?


Blogger Tomma said ... (12:14 PM) : 

looks beautiful! But how can a print be cheap?


Anonymous Mel said ... (12:22 PM) : 

love the boldness of the dress. perhaps it'd be better if she cinched it in at the waist with a belt though.


Blogger Emma Hoareau said ... (12:26 PM) : 

beautiful- it's not something you see everyday!


Blogger martis said ... (12:32 PM) : 

I think the dress looks interesting but the black bra is ridiculous!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:32 PM) : 

I like it, the ruffle on the bottom makes it for me. I used to own a jean jumper rather like this, full and long, it was perfect for travelling.


Blogger Shukura Li said ... (12:38 PM) : 

love the lighting and depth of field


Blogger Unknown said ... (12:40 PM) : 

It takes serious fashion courage to wear something so regal and billowing ever, let alone for a spot of casual daytime strolling, but even from the back I can see that this woman pulls it off. I am assuming that if I could see her face she would a look of confidence and self-satisfaction, I know I would in this dress. X


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:51 PM) : 

Baggy and shapeless is right, and the bra showing is tacky. Not even in the hottest summer weather should one wear a tent.


Blogger Kathleen said ... (12:55 PM) : 

This dress unto itself is quite lovely. But I, along with some of your other readers, must disagree as well. The dress seems to engulf her. In fact, I think it is most likely dragging on the ground, or just barely clearing it. I too, don't like the bra showing ala Sex In The City.

This dress belongs on a vacation, and should still be properly proportioned to the wearer. Long summer dresses are very tricky to wear and best left at home.


Anonymous The Weekly Yogi said ... (1:00 PM) : 

I simply wore a pair of white jeans and a cashmere wrap over a tank top to do some shopping yesterday. I passed by a girl about my age who wore a long dress in a beautiful trip also to do some shopping with her beau. I thought she looked like a goddess.

- Vanessa


Blogger Mariana said ... (1:00 PM) : 

I completely agree with what The Swede said. Fashion isn't about looking sexual, its about style!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:04 PM) : 

A strapless bra would have erased the problem of showing the bra straps but then we would still see the bra from the back.

So... the overall solution... would she have been better without the bra?

- Vanessa


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:05 PM) : 

it's tasteless,i just hate shape, no ruins the body figure


Blogger ADJ said ... (1:07 PM) : 

so few women can get away with this look and she does. i kind of wish her hair was out too. let it flow!


Blogger Gia said ... (1:11 PM) : 

How beautiful, I think it might be one of my favourite style photos ever!



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:13 PM) : 

This dress has an interesting print but an equally unflattering cut (it's not even a housedress, it's a maternity dress!). I don't think anyone except models can wear a dress like this and not look significantly heavier than one is. Also, speaking of cheap looks, I'm not a huge fan of underwear peaking from under clothes. Strapless bras were created for a reason.


Blogger amber lynn said ... (1:27 PM) : 

hmmm..i'm not a big fan of this dress. i might consider wearing it if i was pregnant, but otherwise i would have to say no.


Anonymous Fashion school said ... (1:32 PM) : 

The colors are amazing, and the detailed ruffles on the bottom give the dress a real flowy look.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:32 PM) : 

...that is what a call: The New Mumu!
c'mom...if you are at home after the beach...will be berable!


Blogger Gary said ... (1:37 PM) : 

Amasing silhouette, amazing photo. Realy a magnificent dress.


Blogger "Guppy" Honaker said ... (1:41 PM) : 

Little on top, lots of flair at the base. Normally not my preference, but on her it looks great!

- David

Aloe Vera 101
Holistic Health Info.


Blogger TheStreetFashion5xpro said ... (1:41 PM) : 

amazing dress...perfect pic


Blogger Unknown said ... (1:44 PM) : 

Simple and dramatic at the same time...
-diary of a fashion stylist-


Blogger Prutha Raithatha said ... (1:50 PM) : 

love the volume of the dress


Blogger Julia, the Thanksgiving Girl said ... (2:01 PM) : 

Wow, this is major!


Anonymous Christian said ... (2:05 PM) : 

I agree with you about the cheap looking print (that's why nver buy and Hem or Zara prince of galles). The dress is nice but She looks just dramatic! :)


Anonymous ANA CASTILHO said ... (2:11 PM) : 

I loved the dress!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:12 PM) : 

Beautiful, original, fresh, sensuous and "vaporoso"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:17 PM) : 

I live in a hot humid climate. Dresses like this are absolutely necessary in order to walk around the streets. Thankfully, sundresses have become far more stylish. I also like that the long length is no longer considered just for formal dresses.

Good eye - as always!


Anonymous John Wesley said ... (2:18 PM) : 

Does anyone remember the INCREDIBLE work of the late Bill Gibb? (British designer, 1970s) He originated the haute couture version of this dress.

I first discovered his work as part of a British Design Show at The Louvre.

Ossie Davis was doing a similar cut at the same time, but Gibb had more gorgeous fabrics and details.



Anonymous John Wesley said ... (2:22 PM) : 

Correction re: Bill Gibb:
Ossie Davis should read "Ossie CLARK"


Blogger Madame en noire said ... (2:24 PM) : 

That dress is amazing! :)


Blogger Erica said ... (2:32 PM) : 

I would like to have seen this from the front. I don't know if I love how loose the top is but the skirt definitely has a beautiful and dramatic cut. Reminds me of John Singer Sargent portraits (esp in Venice).



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:34 PM) : 

Way too long. She looks like a street sweeper. It needs to be at least 6" shorter.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:41 PM) : 

Sorry, but this dress is hanging loose, much too loose. It reminds me of those Creole style dresses. This lady is just too thin to really "fill" it, other than most Creole ladies who have the ideal body shape. In this case it just looks unflattering and many sizes too big.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:46 PM) : 

Maybe but it's "anti-chic".


Blogger Miguel Ignacio said ... (2:47 PM) : 

It seems like she was doing a runway... nice print at the bottom of the dress.

Scott.. you were lost for a few days! we missed you!


Anonymous Gia said ... (3:02 PM) : 

Although the picture is perfect the outfit itsself doesn't attract me as much.I would prefer the grl with a nice August tan:)


Anonymous E said ... (3:17 PM) : 

Puts my maxi dresses to SHAME!


Blogger Ans said ... (3:18 PM) : 



Blogger MOD PAUL said ... (3:18 PM) : 

Think I saw the same Mumu on an old Hawaiian lady on Maui last week.. LOL!!!
No Really....


Blogger Ray said ... (3:32 PM) : 



Anonymous Erika said ... (3:37 PM) : 

Maybe if it were cinched at the waist or if she were like, Giselle... but this is not working... almost, but way too exaggerated for everyday wear.


Blogger Nolita said ... (3:42 PM) : 

The dress is so drama-drama! Love it!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:47 PM) : 

I think the woman to disappear in this dress...her body language does not suit the dress, eventhough the dress could be breath-taking.


Anonymous Daniela said ... (3:48 PM) : 

Dear Scott,
Really nice photos on your blog. Would be great to be able to show some samples on my blog someday.

Best Regards,


Blogger 82Brute said ... (3:55 PM) : 

I love this gorgeous print with her porcelain skin and the high contrast of the black bra peeking out. Lovely that you captured her against the cream colored walls. She looks like something out of a Degas painting but modern, too. All that fabric swaying around her is incredibly luxurious. In fact, I'd love to have it billowing in front of my windows.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:02 PM) : 

Love the dress, but it's too big on her. Don't like the fact that I can see her bra either...


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:05 PM) : 

it almost feels like a voluminous beach cover up, especially with the bra straps showing...sorry, it's just not working for me..


Anonymous Mabel and Zora said ... (4:19 PM) : 

love it.


Anonymous flora said ... (4:19 PM) : 

The only thing about this dress I like is the print !!


Blogger P said ... (4:22 PM) : 

dramatic indeed! I couldn't pull this off, but you need the height to do it!


Blogger SheanStrong said ... (4:28 PM) : 

to know what is in that bound notebook…
love the dress.. it almost tells a story. very romantic. i picture badly mischka for the common woman. although the braw strap is making it a lil well… trashy…

p.s. notice the color pallet of the woman on the right… love.


Blogger Shelley said ... (4:31 PM) : 



Anonymous Dana said ... (4:31 PM) : 

I like the photograph.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:48 PM) : 

the dress is ok, but the bra makes it oh so tacky. i do love her hair pulled up like that...


Anonymous Anabelle said ... (5:19 PM) : 

I can see your point but I have to say that the dress in its top part does look like it's simply many sizes too big for her as in this-is-not-really-HER-dress way which is never good. And I'm the person who favors the bra showing look. The bottom three quarters are FLAWLESS and I am jealous.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:19 PM) : 

Only in Paris :)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:19 PM) : 

refreshing and interesting what beautiful porcelain skin too, someone who doesn't need to move with the pack. its nice to see that you can move beyond the fashion pages though thats probably why most of the comments are negative


Blogger Leigh said ... (5:28 PM) : 

Hmmm. I usually love the photos of women in dresses..but I am not smitten with this one. While i do love the top of the dress, the bottom seems to hide the woman's slender figure.
Thanks for an interesting look!


Blogger Sophia Molen said ... (5:30 PM) : 

Oeee Oh nooo, I don't think I like the dress very much..

But the woman do has flair!!


Blogger Nina said ... (5:37 PM) : 

It is dramatic and original but I think she totally destroyed it with those bra straps, what are they doing there?? Shame...


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:51 PM) : 

Fashions are always recycled , some work some dont and i really think the long flowery dress has not cut it in 2010!!!!
I think it did work in the late sixties and early seventies when the hippies took to the streets with the summer of love, flower power and the cloths reflected there ideas . MMMMM maybe that is just showing my age !!!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:54 PM) : 

the dress is definitely unique, but those bra straps ruin the look. if you're bold enough to wear that dress, and assumedly know it is making a statement, then have enough sense to wear the right bra!


Anonymous carole said ... (6:16 PM) : 

Love long...just not this one...sorry.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:18 PM) : 

wow! gorgeous


Anonymous simone leblanc said ... (6:24 PM) : 

so summer! love it!


Blogger Chocolate & Chants said ... (6:28 PM) : 

Dislike. It's way too big and makes her look dirty.


Blogger Alexandra said ... (6:34 PM) : 

It is absolutely stunning, such a different shape and it gives the typical shape a lot more regalness.


Anonymous honeybeeandme said ... (7:19 PM) : 

I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





Blogger bravegrrl said ... (7:25 PM) : 

gorgeous! love it!


Anonymous Luna said ... (7:58 PM) : 

no, no, no and no

I totally agree that, with a bit of attention to material and cut, everyone can pull off a long, full dress. Thin or large, fat or fit, tall and even petite girls like me.

But I think she went the wrong way.


Blogger lenmeister said ... (8:06 PM) : 

I'm sure watching her in motion would have been more delightful (because of how you described this mostly). I think the Sart should consider short video skits of instances such as these on his blog for the near future. Food for thought :-)


Anonymous jdit said ... (8:15 PM) : 

Thoughtless house dress??? When my lover wears her house dresses, no matter what the print, shapelessness or degree of lack luster cut, the thoughts provoked in my mind leave a comment like 'thoughtless' with a lot to be desired; desired being the operative word. Again it is the attitude with which the garment is worn. Glide, flow, mirth and pride in the stride.

By the way I love the dress in the photo - It, and the woman so successfully wearing it, is simply divinely regal.


Blogger Lucas Jones said ... (8:46 PM) : 

hmm.....maybe you had to be there....


Anonymous Green Orchid said ... (8:48 PM) : 

The print is fabulous, although the dress looks a bit bulbous at the bottom, however seeing it in movement is probably a totally different experience.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:54 PM) : 

I think it's too big, the way it sags off her and the back neckline is so low. Doesn't look like it's meant to fit that way and that's why the bra shows. I'd love it if it were a size or two smaller and with some kind of waist; maybe still loose on top but w/ fitted waist-seam.


Blogger brightlightsbigcity said ... (8:54 PM) : 

beautiful dresss


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:06 PM) : 

Hmm, suprised to see this post! It's not the voluminous-ness of this dress that bothers me—I love the bottom—but how ill-fitting it looks at the top, as if she bought it several sizes too big!

More structure around the top (and no bra straps) and it'd be great. I do love wearing my long dresses, too.


Anonymous personal stylist said ... (9:28 PM) : 

only for the tall gals this one..


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:40 PM) : 

Are you kidding? It looks like a tent.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:57 PM) : 

well... i still think that it looks like a tent or curtain.


Blogger Liz S said ... (10:34 PM) : 

I have to agree with many posters in thinking this dress is too voluminous. What adds to its awkward look is the material which I am guessing is probably a little stiff and thick?

This is a batik which is seen often here in Australia as it originates from Indonesia where many people holiday. When donning a batik piece of clothing comes the feel of holidays, being carefree, relaxed, beachy and a bit hippy. It is made with wax and then dyed so the waxed areas don't absorb the dye and make the pattern. It is a traditional and beautiful technique but probably does not receive the pricing that reflects the time and craftsmanship involved.

Anyway, back on track--I think this dress could be improved by taking the straps up, taking off the bra--spaghetti straps can never hide a bra--and adding a belt--not to make it sexy or figure showing but only to tame the dress that really has too much material.
I think maxi dresses look best when they have some flow to them so they move with you and hang naturally. A finer material is needed for this. They shouldn't overtake your persona.


Blogger KC said ... (10:57 PM) : 

like she's going to appear in a stage play. it's beautiful.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:14 PM) : 

love it!


Blogger Fernando Dasilva said ... (11:27 PM) : 

long dresses are all over Brazil, all the time...down there full of shape and ultra sexy...not like the sloopy ones I constantly see here.
I love the one in this pictre...full of movement and boldiness.


Blogger m, said ... (11:54 PM) : 

I agree that it's a fresh silhouette, but kind of overwhelming for her small frame.


Anonymous looking said ... (12:15 AM) : 

I *like* the bra straps.

There, I said it.

In the right circumstances I think they can look incredibly sensuous.


Anonymous Lauren Clemons said ... (12:26 AM) : 

I don't think so. I'm half expecting a child, or two, to peep out from underneath it. Playing a game of indians and cowboys.


Anonymous Strongest Fat Burner said ... (12:34 AM) : 

Great dress but I personally prefer an outfit that shows more of your figure.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:41 AM) : 

Long print dresses do have a tendency of looking tacky. The shape and print on this dress makes the girl look classy.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:45 AM) : 

I had a muumuu just like this -- when I was 10 and visited my Grandparents in Hawaii. Although the voluminous shape was really comfortable in the hot weather, I don't love this look. However, I think your girl walks with a great confidence because she is comfortable in the heat.


Blogger The Original Swedish Blonde! said ... (1:09 AM) : 

It is friggin' (pardon me) FABTASTIC! I want one! :)


Blogger Cobalt Violet said ... (2:03 AM) : 

The whole Carrie Bradshaw show your bra thing is annoying and always ruins the look for me. Tacky unless it's on purpose with maybe la Perla under black chiffon ... maybe.


Blogger Stephanie said ... (2:35 AM) : 

I think the picture itself is just fantastic.


Blogger RawBeautyRawSoul said ... (3:18 AM) : 

This is beautiful! I am a huge fan
of flowly dress with an edge to it!


Blogger Anthea said ... (3:26 AM) : 

That dress is fantastic!

Embracing Style


Anonymous Purses Pastries Etc... said ... (3:58 AM) : 

Gorgeous and perfectly dramatic! It must be fun to wear too :)


Anonymous alexia said ... (4:03 AM) : 

i really like the bottom but the top (with the black underwear) looks a bit cheap


Blogger MELISSA Z. said ... (4:21 AM) : 

OMG! This dress is simply awesome! Love this pic so much!


Anonymous The_Dark_Lady_2 said ... (6:02 AM) : 

The dress looks like it is made from cotton and doesn't flow with the body. I agree with those who think it is unflattering, a bit too long to be practical and who dislike the black bra being on show.


Blogger davidikus said ... (6:03 AM) : 

Fantastic dress!


Blogger V.V. said ... (6:07 AM) : 

beautiful silhouette and very nice print!


Blogger Lady M said ... (6:14 AM) : 

It's rally beautiful.
Yes,very dramatic...


Anonymous alexa said ... (6:34 AM) : 

beautiful print but i would prefer it if it had more shape...


Anonymous Tobias said ... (7:31 AM) : 

What an amazing dress!


Anonymous Lee Oliveira said ... (7:56 AM) : 

Loving the pattern on the dress..
Great shot Scott.


Blogger ATTITUDEINABUNDANCE said ... (8:02 AM) : 

Love the runched up section at the bottom of the dress; it's what makes this dress stand out for me.
The colour is a favourite of mine too.
Although I think I agree with some of the other comments that perhaps no bra straps would've looked better.


Blogger Unknown said ... (8:20 AM) : 

What a fab maxidress.I am totally addicted to those dresses with allover print and such a loose silhouette.It looks so comfy,yet stylish and sophisticated.


Blogger Álvaro said ... (8:23 AM) : 

i love the movement of the dress



Blogger Nesle Baghdasarian said ... (8:46 AM) : 



Blogger lenore said ... (8:55 AM) : 

This look belongs on a beach, not on asphalt. Imagine an ocean breeze blowing it against her and billowing the fabric out behind her as she walks. Very romantic. But on the street, it's just hangs like a shower curtain around her.


Blogger  P said ... (9:26 AM) : 

Love the print and because she carries it with confidence, loose or fitted, who cares :)


Blogger Caitlin Hamond said ... (9:31 AM) : 

I'm a little sad to say that in all my time spent pouring over the photographs on The Sartorialist, this is the first I've been disappointed.
Normally a fan of oversized, this doesn't appeal to me at all - any figure she has is hidden, she looks as though she's drowing in a tent of floral fabric.


Anonymous megan said ... (9:36 AM) : 

i love the dress and the proportion, however i think she could have paid more attention to the undergarments... definitely detract from the overall sophistication... otherwise whimsical and unexpected...


Blogger JONE CONDE said ... (9:53 AM) : 

Love it!


Blogger LouiseSandheden said ... (9:55 AM) : 

I love the dress, like you said, there is not many maxi dresses that looks like this. I wish I had one. Louise


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:37 AM) : 

not my style! but very cool for these hot days!


Anonymous jimjims said ... (11:45 AM) : 

Right on. Elegante!


Blogger Holly said ... (11:52 AM) : 

the dress is so big that i first thought it's a cape (just looking at the bottom half of the photo...)


Anonymous mabelmabel said ... (1:38 PM) : 

Even if it did/does dwarf her, is that always a bad thing?

Why is it not OK to sometimes be dwarfed (and is that an insensitive term, I wonder) by a look?

I think it's possible to be too concerned with looking small, with being overpowered by clothing. Sometimes it's fun to just let the clothes dominate, take center stage and do their best can-can.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:00 PM) : 

I suppose I would not be happy if this became the norm. But this says “Summer Time”!
There is a delicious bold person under that dress; clearly she want us to know it. What you can see of her shape (shoulders) is dramatized by the underwear showing a bit. Much to see and much for the imagination.


Blogger Kienan said ... (2:40 PM) : 

A lot of people here are hating on the bra straps. Personally, I love it, and I also realize how hard it is to hide bra straps. Sure this might look a bit better without bra straps, but how comfortable is she going to be? I'd rather be comfortable :)


Blogger marcy harriell | oonaballoona said ... (3:16 PM) : 

i love this dress-- but i completely disagree with you on new york versus paris here. i see loads of women with beautiful billowing maxis in gorgeous patterns in my neighborhood; and while i own a few that fall into the housedress category (these stay at home with me), i wonder what you'd think of this dress if you saw it on ninth avenue. would it truly be as chic to you?


Blogger Stephanie said ... (3:55 PM) : 

very unique AND dramatic! :] Love it!


Blogger Brian said ... (4:31 PM) : 

+9 for the dress, -10 for the bra straps


Blogger Mina said ... (5:24 PM) : 

amazing!!! such a beautiful dress, and what a great shot.


Blogger niamh said ... (8:09 PM) : 

this is a great print


Blogger Puck Litaay said ... (8:11 PM) : 

Wow, I was never a fan of such dresses but this woman proved me really wrong.


Blogger Eugenia Woods said ... (8:44 PM) : 

Love the print, but not the shape....


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:22 PM) : 

The dress--beautiful.
The fit--simply too big for her. I truly don't think the designer intended the top of the dress to drift out from the body that much.


Blogger Aylin said ... (11:57 PM) : 

Don't agree on this one. She looks like a kid in a tent. If it was a tiny bit smaller, it would've made a world of difference


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:15 AM) : 

This picture makes me really hapy. It reminds me of freshly washed linens that have been rinkled but remain chrispy.

Great Post


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:44 AM) : 

Wow, I am in awe of this dress. I want a pretty maxi dress but I'm only 5'3". Do you think it would drown me too much? Lovely colours and pattern, anyways.

Sincerely, Sarah Margeurite


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:13 AM) : 

While browsing through older Sartorialist posts (Jul 6, 2006) found a picture of the ? same dress and similar pose. Is it possibly the same person?


Anonymous S said ... (3:21 AM) : 

Beautiful ! Très romantique..


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:14 AM) : 

Way too big for her but otherwise a beautiful dress.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:15 AM) : 

oh this is lovely! i love this blog!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:21 AM) : 

hilarious oh the house dress in australia is alive & well!!! love a full length dress with minimal top..she looks fresh to me!


Blogger Fleurette said ... (6:59 AM) : 

B to the EAUTIFUL!



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:49 AM) : 

I cannot understand the dress at all. It does not suit her, it makes her fat, the pattern is banal..


Blogger carina said ... (7:51 AM) : 

the dress looks great !!!



Blogger Cultivated Ah Lian said ... (8:00 AM) : 

the dress is MEANT to be big and billowy and it was worn perfectly!
Man bet she feels like a princess in it!


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