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Comments on "On the Street....Viale Piave, Milano"
My first instinct: super woman. I love it! Jorge from WPB
I love the colors of her outfit!
The yellow dress with the blue cardigan, the brown belt and the brow sandals...AND HER BAG is amazing! Well...it's MIU MIU ;)
Great shot!
i love that bag!!
Lovely color combo....and ooo that purse.....smiles.
Lady Chic in the summer. Done very well.
love the dress, the colors, everything...
love the explosion of style.
Absolutely J'adore..
I am kinda obsessed with her Miu Miu bag.
gorgeous! love the color combo.
I love her style!
And your photos! always perfect!
FRANCESCA (from Florence)
Adore the boldness of this yellow dress. Saw someone in a bright yellow vintage Ossie Clark dress at the weekend and it blew me away.
She is Gorge! I love the bag.
absolutely gorgeous! love that blue
The thing is... an Italian can always carry anything off with panache. Well done her, and you for the shot.
The shoes and bag are hot. Looks like she's working it. Love contrast of colors between the dress and sweater. Nice pic.
She's Giovanna Mezzasalma with Stefano Guerrini. They're great and have so much class and style!
Love the colors. Love the bag. Love the glasses!
Stacey Kay
"Runway Inspiration, Vintage Decoration"
Amazing! Love her shoes!
Wow! A color explosion! beautiful shoes!
lovely color!
Gorgous. First the color blocking, second the great bag with the metal handle and last but not least the high heels. This is absolutely style.
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Dammit I really need a bright yellow dress now.
ingenious color combination, yellow and cobalt blue are always a favorite together.
This is stunning! The colours are gorgeous! She looks perfect!
Embracing Style
i like the sunshine!good shoot!
you can find further outfit of Giovanna here:
and a portrait of Stefano here:
Complimentary colors always pop!
This outfit is literally stunning to me; I am a huge fan clean, simple lines. Her gray bag and brown shoes are what especially pull the look together - look at the shape of that bag! Great shot.
WOOOOW Ilove her and the dress aswell
Quite amazing, but I'll pass on the bag (overwrought) and shoes.
adoro il giallo e la miu miu che è alquanto favolosa....
stefano guerrini è top cm sempre!
You know I love the photos on the go
why can show the true spirit and charisma
of the people
What a great surprise! I love how bold her colors are in this outfit! She's fabulous!
Oh, what a beautiful shade of yellow.
I feel like someone should ask her to the sock hop.
She could sneak in her bowling ball in that oversized saque.
I covet her Miu Miu bag. Jealous. She looks tough yet pretty!! Sleek in a carnival sort of way.
Love the bright colors!
Leia's Delights
Beautifully vibrant. A treat to look at
color blocking at its finest.
I LOVE THIS! pairing yellow and blue is one of my favorite trends!
Such a rich summery yellow!
fantastic--head to toe.
I love the shape and fabric of the dress, it's got a texture to it. Also the big pockets in the sides. With the brown shoes and the belt, it looks elegant and not too bright. I'm not sure about the bag though, it seems out of place in this. Colour, size and proportion with the outfit. I know it's a name bag, but I'd prefer a smaller one, a clutch perhaps.
Love everything about her, from the ponytail to the hanbag, the sunglasses and the shoes! Just love her style!
the perfection!
I love Miu Miu bag :)
please watch my blog
OH MY, I love the colour combo! The neutral shoes and purse are perfect to complement..
What a classy lady. I love everything about this look. The tan mixed with yellow and blue is perfect. x
It's beautiful!
Exudes just the right amount of confidence!! with a touch of girly..
incredible outfit. too bad this photo wasn't taken from another angle. the man to her side looks well dressed also.
I've always appreciated bright yellow, summer dresses on attractive women.
Interesting associations coming up here. Lenses and bag, high waist: 1970 Kreml secretary. She has beautiful features. Strong colors; the blue yellow reminds me of east Germanys "Free German Youth": http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_German_Youth . Could she carry a mobile typewriter instead of the bag? It’s telling a wonderful story.
Hi Scott
I have months looking for your book in Mexico and I can´t find do do you know where can I get it?
p.d. gorgeous photo
This outfit is perfection...retro in a way and very modern at the same time. It doesn't hurt that she looks strikingly like Charlotte Casiraghi either!
adorable woman!
she looks fantastic!
Classy! who knew yellow could be classy...
wow is very clasic but whith a touch of color, love it (:
yellow and blue...you're never wrong :-)
and what a chic sandal, for a chic foot.
she's perfect, not a single hair out of place.
I only don't like this bag in this outfit, fot the colour and the size.
anyway, she's a present Audrey.
Wow! She must really pop out from the crowd. Very beautiful.
Milan my love :D I love these colors contrast!! So cute!!!!
This outfit remainds me of the character "Chilindrina" from the Mexican soup opera called "El Chavo del Ocho"... LOL... Sorry, that's the very first image that came to mind... photo of Chilindrina - http://www.trash80s.com.br/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/chilindrina.jpg
she's got that special something :) and she knows how to wear it ...I absolutely love her sandals,architectural&unique design
that's not Eva Longoria, is it??
One word: perfection
Lovely explosion of colors!
Simply stunning:)
Now THAT is something fabulous. I love women whose clothes broadcast: I am smart. Do not fuck with me.
I like so much yellow + blue! And the details (belt-ponytail-shoes-miu miu bag) are perfect. I'm not so sure about the sunglasses but I'd have to see them in front before judging.
nice shot!
Wow. I love.
Does anyone know about that dress?
Adorable. Every woman should have at least one shirtdress.
I Love this ensemble so much! It speaks volumes about her sophistication and personality. And there isn't a single thing about her that doesn't look well manicured and put together. Magnifique.
absolutely love the yellow dress
Me encanta el estilo revival años 60 que tiene este vestido de piqué, su color amarillo yema de huevo, esa combinación con sandalias de súper-tacón tan actual, en contraste con el aire retro del bolso y el color eléctrico de la rebeca.
Lo tiene todo!
Beautiful and happy! Love the combo of colors here.
oh how amazing, sophisticated, stylish!
Just lovely!
Oh and I love it even more ...because yellow and blue are the Swedish colors..."lol"
LOVE it!
love, love, love...
colour- at last!!
This is right in line with what Vogue asserted in their July article about the polished look triumphing at last over the morning-after look as an inspiration to the chic among the youth culture, a demographic in which i consider myself included at seventeen. It's beautiful!
Her poor feet are trying to escape those torture chambers. Her face is tight with the foot-pain.
hey! I will be in Milan at the 3rd weekend of august or Florence in weekday.Maybe I would see you on the streets.why not?:)
and lovely photograph.I loved the colours.
Stunning ~! Absolutely love the highly saturated contrast colors, the outfit is perfect for a crisp summer day.
Do women in Milan walk around in high heels a lot? I couldn't help but wonder. Women look so much more elegant and chic in heels, but on the other hand, anything higher than 2.5'' would seem prohibitive in a city where a lot of walking is expected, such as New York. Just curious.
I love everything about this outfit! Perfect!
oh...wow....those colors...that bag!
You are my sunshine!
That bag is hideous!
I'm not sure about this outfit. It has 1950s feel to it, very prim and proper. I've never been a fan of that shade of primary blue, but it looks good with the yellow. Her bag looks like a pillow with a handle on it (enough with the GIANT handbags already) and I don't think brown sandals go at all.
Those are my issues with this. Also, your photos are usually very uncluttered, but there's a lot going on in the background of this one.
Still, it's always interesting :)
This is just lovely. The colors, the cardigan, the dress, the shoes, the glasses....... She is put together.
Quite a prominently attractive color palette.
Lovely! A great argument for modesty having it's own sensuality & appeal. So refreshing!
what a contrast!! love it!..
I never wear this kind of yellow, but it works so well on her! Off course the shape of the bag is love!
amazing colors! simple, fresh and clean!!
Was nice meeting you btw ;) couple of weeks ago in the Outlet Village in Belgium.
kind regards,
everything about this look is so perfect ! i love the chunky colours and the chunky bag , such a beautiful look .
very nice colors...esp.shinning yellow&blue
I love the vibrant colours in her outfit and that miu miu bag is just stunning!SarahD
Oh how wonderful!!! The sandals!!! The yellow and blue. She's not a friend of Luca's is she?
I think she is THE Italian BEAUTY. She is perfect. And with Stefano (the guy near her) they make a fabulous couple
I LOVE the shoes, does anyone know who they are made by? I'd kill to own a pair!
the miu miu bag is ridiculously amazing.
I love the signal colours yellow and blue. So stunning!
I absolutely love the color combination! Even her glasses contribute to the overall feeling of her gorgeous ensemble. Wonderful shot! :)
Love your blog!
Everyone could learn a thing or two from this woman. Loves it!
how "cool". In every extent of the word!
Love it! The dress and cardigan match perfectly. The shoes and belt just put it over the top.
crazy about this look. > like a modern sockhopper.
I like her look but the colors, color block again here, are a bit stark if she is using just the bag as her foil, which I assume or at least I'm thinking, she is doing. The belt and shoes match, and then we have a purse that looks completely out of sync with the rest of whats happening here. The purse just doesn't belong. Call me nuts, but something woven (Talking Purse) with a fantastic scarf tied to the straps would have really made this outfit.
Fantastic colours with the canary and the cerulean. My concern is her comfort level...and not the heels. The sweater and the bag. For the life of me I can't imagine why anyone wears sweaters on the shoulders like that: in order for it to stay on, you either can't move your shoulders or you constantly adjust. Also, she's tiny and thats a big bag (love the colour though).
I'm wondering whether I am the only one on this comment-section who sees these dimples on her dress? What is this dress made from? Looks plastic...uet extremely summer-ish. :) I love the bag.
her look is brilliant! she manages to mix a vintage feel in a thoroughly modern way. and i shall dream of those shoes all night.
Why people dress in black in summer?? Congratulations for the girl! She is BOLD!
I love everything about this woman. Her hair, her shades, her amazing electric blue cardi, her popping yellow dress, and the belt and shoes in camel...plus you can never go wrong with a Miu Miu bag!
She looks like sun and sky on heels
Che bella!
To the GENT in Mexico: order it on Amazon, they ship to Mexico!
Perfect. every piece adds to the look and nothing is overpowering. i want those shoes!
Yeah most definitely kudos on the shape of the glasses, they compliment the essence of the look :)
Very well put together!
The thing that I like most is the attitude that she has, like she knows she looks awesome. The hair slicked back into the tight ponytail and the sunglasses just make the look.
I LOVE the contrasting colours.
I would die for that bag, seriously hot.
Love her dress. I'd love to wear that.
Love it! The colour combo, the polished look, the retro charm and how beautifully the belt and heels go together. I'm always on the look out for a yellow dress and this is it!
I'm not in love with the purse, although it's nice and a statement, it almost seems washed out next to this pop of colour. But my purse doesn't always match my outfit, as I have a favourite one which is almost always with me.
The dress looks like some sort of textured weave of cotton. Similar to the texture some gingham has, but obviously all yellow instead of yellow checks/plaid.
This is so wrong on so many levels, it's hard to know where to start. Horrible proportions on everything.
Amazing. One day she will be my wife.
a modern day Snow White
oh em gee! i love those shoes!
Fabulous shoes & bag!
Oh my God. Want those shoes. Even though I'd probably break my neck! fabulous summer colors.
I appreciate those SHOES! And the way her leather belt anchors the brightness of the colors. It makes them polished and classy. Actually I'm not a huge fan of the bag.
Love the bag!
Great colors and style, nice belt and glasses too. Her feet look tortured - shoes slightly too small, toes squeezed and going outside of the sole. Not pretty.
I love the burst of color! And the Miu Miu bag is to die for!
love the blue and yellow matching.
God bless you please Mrs. Robinson, Jesus loves you more than you will know...owowowow....
This is a WOW combination ,a perfect one .But,I always wondered what do you need to have to be brave like this woman is .I mean, she is brave ...,in these colors she attracts everyone to look at her whether she's beautiful or not.Fortunately she is ...Is the courage enough or is there something else?
Too classic but chic.Not all women can wear yellow;she does.
The yellow and blue is a stunning combination and I love the natural coloured bag.
Wow what an amazing Miu Miu bag handle!
Is this Katie Price, the woman formerly known as Jordan? I like the bold blue & yellow mix!
Has anybody comented on the glasses?
They ring a bell of Prada PVC sunnies don't they?
love the color combo.
xx, Chic and Chocolate.
OMG! What a beautiful girl! Love her look so much!
I love absolutely everything about this look. She's so polished. It's fabulous. I wish that everybody would dress like this all the time.
wahou une petite merveille, j'adoore ce style, et j'ai casiment les memes lunettes que cette filles merveilleuses
Bisous, bisous, Alizée G.
Gorgeous outfit! Love it.
The bag looks out of place though.
Has anyone mentioned her glasses yet? So retro and cute- totally fits with the image.
thanks Sart!
For a start: ditch the beige bag, unbutton the top two and open the neck a little and voila! I agree with the other comments, a little less try-hard is often better. And smile.
Bellisima!!! Tutto perfetto!
100 % of chic!!!
To answer to someone the shoes are last year's Bottega Venetta I own the same pair and although they are high they are the easiest high hills I've got- cost around 800USD I think
I seem to be the only one who thinks this bag is silly-looking. And the handle is so dinky that you could not even put it over your forearm.
If you cut it in half (horizontally) the proportions would be better.
Yellow is so cool.
love the bright colours. the dress and coat matches so well!
What are those shoes? They're FANTASTIC!
What great COLORS! They certainly make her stand out in the crowd.
How lovely!
I personally adore what the man walking next to her is wearing. That scarf is amazing!
I think the shoes tell me that the time of hideous orthopedic looking plateau soles will be over soon :)
delicious! i love this unofficial colorblocking idea
This is so lovely. Sweet and stylish.
Love everything.. but the glasses
Nice shot
-the diary of a fashion stylist-
The colors are amazing! amazing shot!
from top to toe she is perfect.. i love the color combination, the bag, the shoes, the bag , the bag , the bag!
primary colors love it!!
she really is superwomen!
What a FAB woman! Love the whole get-up!
'Welcome to the Dollhouse" somehow comes to mind.
No, that is not an insult.
hmm... my eyes are annoyed.
The blue cardigan definetly makes it, canary yellow isn't as much of a statement colour as it used to be, specially in Italy
Love love LOVE her handbag!
I only wish she'd have left her hair down and relaxed.....with it pulled back she looks much too "put together."
if she were a weather, it would be "sunny with a touch of Miu Miu"..love it so much...sigh***
The vibrant colour blocking works so well teamed with the neutral miu miu bag and the sandals - timeless & chic!
Love her confidence too - like the sidewalk is her runway! :)
so LOVELY! love the choice of colors. they're so vivid.
I actually emitted a small but audible moan when I saw this photo!
This is what I wish I could pull together every day--strong, beautiful color combination, perfect fit and proportions, and KILLER accessories!
Recipe for sartorial splendor? : )
I love how she color blocked with the yellow, and blue, and then used brown acessories. You wouldn't think that yellow and blue would work together, but in this outfit it really does.
this is some pretty fantastic color blocking! A simple clutch would have done wonders
It's amazing how this lady pulls it together the strong colors! Both colors that could easily become "not chique at all". Very Italian!
i love colour!
my god, so stylish I could cry
What a great look! The color combination of the cardigan and the dress is great - as are her accessories!
I especially love the Miu Miu bag - its form and color are divine!
I'm normally not the biggest fan of "easy" hairdos, but her ponytail fits just perfect!
I love the bag and the oversized sunglasses she is wearing. Got the style.
Love yellow dresses BUT THEY ARE SO HARD TO FIND.
I would definitely wear this outfit! This woman has great taste in clothes and accessories.
I would definitely wear this outfit! This woman has great taste in clothes and accessories.
I love this! this girl speaks to me! Ha!
I dig it. This entire look is awesome! I NEED to have that bag!!!!
Everyone knows this is the Best.
the colors are just fantastic! She is beautiful!
Those SHOES!!!!!
amazing colors
The tones of the primary yellow and blue are just that tiny bit subdued and is why they work so well.
I like her look and even the bag seems to work for me.
Her feet are so athletic they look beautiful, although I see the forward heel doing that slip backwards thing that can be quite annoying. Hope I'm wrong though as they are great shoes.
She looks very much like Eva Longoria.
Oh, the Miu Miu