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Comments on "On the Street....Belted Shorts, Paris"
I'm loving the round sunglasses! It's nice to see a change from the wayfarer styles that have been around for the last few seasons.
I just posted about tucking in clothing. He looks great here!
Those beautiful glasses again :)
Nice marinière. He a model?
So cool !!!!!
I know I personally CANNOT pull off this look, but oh my, this man surely can. So breathtaking!
Oh wow. He is so suave! Like he stepped out of a ralph lauren catalogue! Love it.
What F. Scott Fitzgerald did he step out of??
I'd like to steal this ensemble, right down to the sunglasses, and I'm a woman. He looks fantastic!
I'm a little split on this look. I think it's a beautiful photograph, but I think I'd prefer the belt a bit more subdued. I do love men in tucked in looks!
He looks great! As if he was stuck in time from the beginning of the century and just woke up trendy as hell! Love it ; )
Oh I love this look on a man!
Striped, boatnecked, longsleeved t-shirt and high-waisted slacks (long or short). Casual but so goodlooking. The shades are just perfect to it!
I like his style, especially the color combination of the stripy longsleeve and the shorts.He can wear this pair of shorts with a high waisted line, but I am sure it does not fit everybody.
and what about the glasses??
the clothes look natural on him even if he is wearing in women trends
kisses :)
we love this pants....!!!
so incredibly classy. love it!
I love the glasses.
Stela Alves
I admire his courage to wear this outfit. Very neatly put together-- I can't help thinking though that those clothes would look much better on a woman!
I had those shorts 30 years ago~
Qu'il est beau!
where can i get those short…
a high waist short for men… who'dathought
plus i've always been a fan of a long sleeve shirt with an above the knee pant...
I remember buying a sailor shirt like that in Kensington Market in 1987, wore it a lot, even backpacking in India, honestly can't remember why I threw it away.
Wish i had kept it now that the 80s is back...
They are a classic and if one can pull them off can look very masculine - not sure if I ever did though - this guy almost does; not quite sure if he absolutly gets it right; the shorts are a little too fussy which makes him look a little "Querelle" - although that might be the look he is looking to achieve...
i remember when double-belted shorts similar to these were widely available in vintage/surplus stores in nyc, such as unique clothing and reminiscence. they wore like iron and were affordable. options like that don't exist today.
It is not working for him even though he is a handsome man.
I like this shorts, nice and elegants
That's Kimball Hastings. He works for Ralph Lauren.
oh god, he takes my breath away.........
this is perfection.
fabulous shorts!
Flickering Moonlight
so funny you should invoke fitzgerald here,
as soon as i saw this young man,
i instantly thought of gerald c. murphy,
who had been the main influence for dick diver,
of "tender is the night."
what great everything!
what a really great jersey,
(i wonder where he got it),
and what a wonderful image to evoke,
of a wonderful man and (that murphy) lifestyle.
living well really is the best revenge.
did he wear his g/f's shorts? so funny
As a woman, I am jealous of that waistline!!! What a completely androgynous and cool outfit...
Stunner. Repeat: stunner :)
Fazal is correct, I had those shorts in the 80's myself, purchasing them on Melrose in L.A. in it's early days as a shopping mecca. They were, i believe, British Army Surplus. The look wonderful here as does this entire ensemble. I also agree there is a sense of Scott Fitgerald about the look. I hope you show us more of him in future. Thank you.
Please tell me he was wearing espadrilles with long laces.
So sleek. I love that this look as androgynous- it would look equally stunning on a woman. Great photo!
I had a pair of these shorts a long time ago too and I loved them. They look good with the striped tee, and I always love a boatneck. I think it works well. Where do you get the sunglasses?
HE look great, love the colour combination, and the round glasses !!!
I really really like your streetstyle blog !!
keep it up !!
I have recently started my own blog, drop by and feel free to leave some message.
Love the top side ogf those shorts... perfectly cut and fitted.
This guy nailed it using that sweater and continuing the lines sequence with the short belt.
Love the look!
British army Khaki shorts. Worn also by Indian army, police. Uniform for Bermuda police. I got a pair in Bermuda when I was 14 and wore them forever. One of my sons found them and I haven't seen them since! Maybe once offered in J.Peterman! Nice look. I see their is a big return of round, classic specs, nice.
Interesting waist band. Love the optics.
I like the buckles on the shorts, it's just a nice design touch that gives the look added flair.
shades of the original banana republic on polk street!
I love sunglasses like this guy has! I've got round sunglasses with mirrow glass and transparent frame. And I from them in delight!
I love everything about this guy! Really wish there was a picture of him wearing those glasses!
What an awe-inspiring look, what a handsome man. Wow! I'm deeply impressed. Too bad I didn't meet him when I was in Paris.
there is a tomboy/feminine look here. and a tad retro. it's the way I (a female) used to dress in the late 80s .
could not get away with that look in America today. nope.
Beautiful outfit! I love the color of the shorts with the striped top.
Bombay bloomers!
Blast from the past. So refreshing and simple, but elegant and elevated. What Summer SHOULD look like.
He wears his hear very classic, very chic!
But men shouldn´t show their legs after the age of ten! There are few rules that are more worth not to be broken.
love it ! i love that the colours of the stripes match the shorts . the cinched waist is great , and the sunglasses are perfect . he looks incredibly handsome .
The clothes are lovely and
yes flattering but on this fellow, it all feels contrived. Do not know why, just a feeling. And yes, I to recognized that he Kimball Hastings formerly of Teen Vogue now with Ralph Lauren. Gee! For a woman who is from and still lives in Ottawa, Canada, I sure do know my fashion gossip!! Thx, Artemisia
so very 80's! I am having a Pines flashback!
Very funny to contrast this photo with the one of the man with the saggy pants below.
Love this shot! He's an informal model.
i love his look! awesome shorts and sunglasses.
that's perfect.
this shot is so timeless, love it.
Impeccable look- from the striped shirt, high waist shorts to the cool shades.
Everything about this is awesome...not everyone can wear,but the individuals who decide too will look amazing in this look.
Kimball Hastings, no?
i could never imagine this ensemble, but seeing it, it works amazingly!
he wears those shorts too well! and ya i totally need those sunnies!!
great style, but im not reallt sure weather i like it or not when men tucks in thier shirts. either way, i like it anyway. And those glasses! soo cool
I like the look but I have some mix feeling for it. The look as a whole looks good all together.. but something about it... hmmm nice glasses though!
What a stud!
I really admire this outfit. Every guy should dress like this - I'd be impressed.
nice! cary grant on a comeback. i'm a big fan of the beige/umber stripes.
paris, je t'aime!
Like the clothes and sunglasses, but the coif is a little too Ken doll or Hymie the Robot (from the old Get Smart series.)
This guy needs to give a bit of advice to the yahoo who's losing his pants (two posts down...)
Short+sunglasses are lovely! Armani did a amaizing thing with the round models last season.
gurka shorts - yes!
round shades - yes!
boat neck shirt - yes!
Totally classic, totally works on him. Great look. Great photo. Should I say it again? Ok, GREAT BLOG!!!
gurka shorts - yes!
round shades - yes!
boat neck shirt - yes!
Totally classic, totally works on him. Great look. Great photo. Should I say it again? Ok, GREAT BLOG!!!
Who would have thought... Waisted can look great on men, too.
whoa love the colors. hair, pants, stripes, skin, everything
Am I the only one put off by how femme he looks? Just not appealing.
Sunglasses are the BEST.
Everything about this image is so beautiful. I love the unexpected colour of the stripes on his shirt and his sunglasses. He has great poise.
I LOve those, yes i do
and glasses too
Double self-belt shorts:
This exact style can be seen in an old fashion illustration from Esquire, ca 1937.
I like the shorts. But I'm entirely fed up with stripes this summer! There's been such a 'breton' fever since April that they don't look good anymore... They've been completely overdone - by shops, buyers and blogs!
I did get them in LA- Army & Navy~
i wore them to death!
What a beautiful man. So stylish.
Great look! Love the shorts.
Stripes are timeless and stylish.
I really like the shorts.
I like the stripes still, because we are in the middle of winter and my stripe days are ahead of me :)
I am extra happy to see that his glasses are almost exactly like my old Armanis with the mirrored lenses and round frames.. They are just waiting in their case for me to wear them. Should I wait or do it now ? :)
That look is so androgynous! I feel like I can wear that, and I'm a girl.
Wow love his look, very polished and perfectly unisex, I could totally see myself wearing that outfit rolling the shorts hem!
Khaki Drill 1949 shorts! Oh, how I love these, (even though they don't have any back pockets).
The subject is a cutie, but my 67 year old mother wears pretty much the exact same outfit everyday--including the round sunglasses. If he's also wearing lace up espadrilles with the little wedge heel like Salvador Dali, then I'll know for sure that he's been shopping in mom's closet.
I love these. The length is superb!
I just love the outfit, especially the belted shorts. Very simple, yet very impressive.
Nice shorts with the doubled belts...but too high-waisted i find and accentuate too much of the waist....prefer it to be more low-waisted.
What's up Z Cavaricci? We're grabbing a slice and heading over to Chess King and then maybe we'll play some Double Dragon at the arcade.
I absolutely LOVE this look!!!!
vintage self-belted shorts are THE shorts to own.
I had shorts exactly like these in the 80's and I loved them! I had completely forgotten about them. I also had a top just like this one only opposite in color (black with white stripes). Used to wear them together too. Pretty crazy!
The best bit is definately his forearms-look at the gorgeous skin and veins.
This is almost too French, but I am most definitely in love with the look.
great glasses.
The colour combo is nice and the look is classic, very classic if you were raised in the Bahamas and saw these everywhere but pleated shorts and a high waist only look decent on a very slender man and even then can look rather too stiff.
Les parisiens, je les aime!
he has such great style!
I am in love with his hight waisted shorts and round glasses.
He has a vintage style and he reminds me a man from the Fourties!
Very cool and relax outfit. The glasses look great too.
Fantastic color combinations. The glasses...cool!!
High wasted shorts PERFECT
Such a nice breath of freshness as opposed to the saggy, below -the-butt look three posts ago.
Am very taken by the palette and the silhouette but...
did he wax his arm hair?!?
Oh, I had those in the late '80s and they were so flattering. I'd wear them today in the U.S. so there! I'm old but still have a waistline and good legs.
Absolutely beautiful...great look and fabulous hairstyle!!
PS I loved the photos from Italy a few weeks ago, such great style, especially the older gentlemen.
Happy Week-end!
Chloë Sevigny feeling for men.
So nice.
My kind of fellow. So masculine/feminine, too;-)
Oh how funny, I'm another person posting who wore this exact outfit in the 80s, got my bombay bloomers and russian submariner shirt from a disposal store...and I think...I still have them...WOOHOO!
Love this look, as classic as you can possibly get. Great sunglasses. Very Parisian!
Wooow ... inspiring ... it has a 1920 vibe to it, doesn't it?
Oh my holy cow!
He has 100% style!
I love this look!
The stripes gently match the tone of his shorts
And the sleek hair looks very smooth with the high waisted look!
I won't even comment on the shades.. because I want them!
*claps hard*
Too bland...the outfit is missing something...the colors aren't right?
With reference to Anon., above, I an afraid I agree about men and shorts-certainly not baggy cargoes- over a certain age (and over a certain weight)and body type. Reference the crowd on a golf match on TV. Generally just doesn't work, in my opinion. Perhaps the Sart. can present a little treatise on the subject?
he has a vintage vibe, definitely, but it's in his face as much as it is his clothes and his sunglasses. wonderful shot.
Ghurka shorts...been trying to find some myself. Love the fit of those.
Oh, absolutely.
The colour is perfect.
The glasses are perfect.
And it doesn't hurt that he is so naturally beautiful. Like a cat. He'd probably look fantastic in a hessian sack, but he looks better in this.
yummy :)
When men's clothes come back into style, such as this ensemble from the 1980s, it makes it even more difficult for me to throw out old clothes!
You think the belted shorts are amazing, then you see the glasses and the outfit looks better ten-fold. Shorts like that require killer pins. Lucky for him.
-Stephen www.stitchesfabricandsoul.com
Very Coco
That guy is amazing! Classical beauty with a nice classical outfit! I love.
now that is stunning. real classy and stylish !
I have 2 pairs of round sun glasses and 2 pairs of prescribed glasses. Not many people wear round glasses in Australia. I hope they will catch up soon.
Love that shorts. if a guy wear those shorts in Australia, they think that you are gay. I think that I can get away because I am :)
Very cool and smooth. The belt, the tucked in top, the rounded glasses..
Makes you want to live in Paris!
Love the relax look of this outfit. Absolutly in love with the shorts!
-Stephen Pham
Proof once more, we will never be as cool as Parisians.
When I see a man in the U.S. whose style is so carefully thought out, I automatically assume that he is "on the other team", if you know what I mean (notthatthere'sanythingwrongwiththat). I'm not sure what to assume about men in France.
love the belted shorts but what I really love is the rounded glasses; such a beautiful accessory.
love all about this outfit..my god
so adorable shots..love his outfit too
Is the shorts Italian Army???
@SallyO (6:15 PM) -
What's wrong with U.S. men having "carefully thought out style"? And whether he's on this team, that team, or the other team is not relevant.
wow, i love the sunglasses!
great style... love the shorts and his glasses. he is handsome.
Jazzbuff630: If I find him attractive, it's entirely relevant! Duh!
God, I wish my boyfriend would just once look this put together.
sublime style. and i don't even care about fashion, particularly men's fashion. i just like it. the haircut is fantastic.
So Chess King has come back into business?
* sigh * this photograph is so exciting
the way his hair is combed is so sleek and clean
his classic good looks will make anyone swoon
the contrast of his tan against the brown striped shirt works beautifully with how well he tucked them into those divine double-belted high-waisted shorts...and folded 1930s sunglasses in hand......
with the gorgeous backdrop of the beautiful trees and the Seine River to boot....
when a picture makes you want to be the person, or know the person and try to emulate the person's fashion choices/style..... and be in their shoes, or try to transport yourself there....is there anything more you can ask for?
THANK YOU for this amazing shot!!!
I bought a pair of Ghurka shorts back in the late 80's. I wore them out. I wouldn't buy another pair now though. One go-around with these shorts was enough for me.
I did buy a horizontal sailor stripe shirt this season though. It gets a lot of feedback, most positive.
I love this styl of shorts! What brand are they?
sun. glasses.
and the veins in his hand/arms
I'd love to see him wearing the glasses! Great outfit, but it only works on slim men I think (also the tucked-in shirt)
Giorgio Armani, please, change Kaka to this guy !!! Great style !!! What a hair !!!
Where are these shorts from? I need them!
This is what I would wear!
Man oh man, this man is handsome.
Stripes on a man? I like!
One can get these kind of shorts on Ebay. Check for Brit or Aussie shorts period WW II or 50ties. But beware they have a high rise waist and button fly. But that's what real men look best in. And yes they last forever.
ooh!! i'm not gonna lie, I Really like this look!
I love your blog! definitely one of my biggest inspirations! :D
I have these sunglasses !! they are SUNETTES !!! I' ve buy them at @ liberty london !
So clean and sharp! Those shorts are amazing
I love the colors! Soft and clean.
I'd love to have his shorts!
Whoa. High-waisted shorts for guys. Now that's something! AWESOME :D
K.H. is just beautiful...I turn to stone around him, so I guess my secret crush will forever just remain a secret crush...who cares about what he's wearing anyway.
he is beautifull
i love everything in his outfit
I don't see many comments against a particular look so I thought I post mine. I think the belted shorts exaggerate his hips and make the look too feminine.
i love these round glasses and love the shorts. i just love him i think
Wowzah, he knows how to dress!
those shorts are vintage military shorts, european. i was the head buyer for a company that ralph lauren buys a lot of vintage from every season. i remember these shorts. it is possible that these are a remake of those originals, but they could be the original. those buckles are aluminium, i believe.
i actually wore something like this before. and i'm a woman:
name one place in the world where this fella wouldn't get a kicking if he went out. or stayed in. terrible.
i also like the round frame eyeglasses
Great Gurkha shorts, love the round sunglasses