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Comments on "Looking Forward.....Baggy Jeans, Florence"
I love this look! And beautyful colourful scarf!
Peace and love!
I like the jacket and the neck scarf
Denim which moves so far beyond its utilitarian roots, either through excessive tailoring (like pleats or flares) or decoration (like those godawful embroidered back pockets and flaps popular a few years ago, or elaborate designer finishes) are soulless contrivances of fashion and are avoided by people with taste.
love the trousers and the belt...
was hoping to bump into garance and you in berlin... (for the fashion week)...
we loved berlin!
Looks elegant and very comfy. Love the way he carries that neck scarf.
It's sophisticated fashion with a rural charm! Loose trousers and tighter fitting top portrays a wise and intelligent persona, - great stuff!
If this is looking ahead, I want a time machine to run away....
Baggy jeans - again ?
Luckily I kept my baggy jeans from the last time this cut was stylin' - like 5 years ago.
I have learned not to get rid of any clothing as styles seen to come and go so quickly anymore, one must be prepared for any shift that will predictably show up again in 5-10 year cycles.
Now if square toed men's shoes would only come back into vogue...
Looks like some kind of Turkish / Oriental shape to me, but then nobody would wear a Hermes belt with Ottoman-era trousers... All the rest is perfect, salt and pepper beard, scarf, cardigan...
how effortlessly chic...its all in the attitude though, this ensemble on someone with less confidence and ease could have been totally miss-fitting
love the scarF!
colorfull and very cool!
xx http://asianeyedgirl.blogspot.com/
not too sure about the Hermes belt or its length...
can never seem to figure out a good way to incorporate a scarf into my fits. gotta work on that more. his looks great on him!
the neck scarf is something special!! awesome look!
Very nice. Love the belt and scarf.
I like his scarf (or neck piece or whatever you call it for a man)
His slacks appear to fit him poorly and I'm unsure about what he's wearing on top of his shirt.....a tiny sweater?
The Hermes belt buckle screams INSECURITY to me, but anything "logo-y" always does. (like a need to validate your sense of fashion by showing an obvious logo)
He's not blowing me away with his outfit, but he's got some attitude!
Love the belt.... and the scarf is nice too.... love the entire look.
These are certainly the most elegant baggy jeans I've ever seen. And the Hermes belt... nice!
I love the colourful scarf. It makes the outfit very unique!
The belt is just boring. The rest is great, especially the trousers.
like the scarf. and I love that his jacket looks like a cardigan, but it's still a jacket.
I like the belt with the jeans.
Baggy jeans = no, no, no, and no.
hermes logo belt and demin with pleats. It's all far too self-conscious and not something to emulate.
A tricky look but he carries it off brilliantly
love this guy... i feel like he has great stories to tell!
cool blog!
I love baggy jeans! I´m happy it is being used again!
Absolutely flawless.
Nope, hate baggy pants, especially on anyone over 18.
that neck scarf is a welcome surprise!
I love the expression on his face! Beautiful scarf too :)
Hmmm...makes me think of a puzzle....when every piece is put in...and then you see the big picture finally...and it's PERFECT! :)
I am worried you have to be beyond thin to pull off this look, in a man with a little thicker shape it would look funny, don't you think? It's all a game of proportions...
Me encanta el pañuelo!! Es perfecto y completa el look!
Great pants and scarf...wish more men had such a good taste.
Wow! One of my favorites since I started reading this.
Yes, he is fashionable but not effortless in his attempt.
I agree with ANONYMOUS above"souless contrivances"...well put Old Sport. Hooray for the original Levis that sag in all the right places!
This is denim served up with nothing but class. I love it! I wouldn't of though they were denim unless pointed out to me.
love it .
Baggy jeans, however there's nothing baggy about that combination. Stylishly casual.
the belt is a bit superfluous and out of place
anonymous who talks about "denim's utilitarian roots" is probably just mad because they don't dress this well. I live in the city and don't know anyone who wears denim for it's "utility."
All you who decry the Hermes belt are just envious! He looks fabulous. You know you would wear this belt if you had one!
i really like this look , i like the structure of the pants and the colourful , tucked scarf .
Let say hes baggy balanced.... ;)
This outfit is hideous. The scarf is just okay. I've seen guys rock that much more iller. I hate pleats. I think it's his glare that makes it.
If there is one thing I've learned, it's to ignore fads and novelties (baggy, pleated jeans)and stick to what looks best on me and everyone else -- the classics.
Fashion creates extremes because it has to to survive, which is why we go from Hedi Slimane's extremely slim trou to silliness like we see in this photo.
Being stylish doesn't necessarily mean being right on trend at all times. But it DOES know when to put your foot down and say Hell No.
Nobody except the very tall and slim can pull off baggy, tapered jeans, so let's just forget about this trend, shall we?
Baggy can work for a tall guy, but when you're 5'7'' and 135lb. (like myself) you look like Aladdin minus the nifty vest.
Love his overall look and demeanor, but the return of pleated pants makes me cringe.
Like the idea, but not the execution. Belt is quite tacky.
The beard and scarf combo was what really caught my eye here.
I am not sure these denims are actually baggy as we have known it, but more harem style baggy. I think they look great--and I Iike the rest of the outfit, esp the scarf as it lifts the whole look. A generally well groomed gentleman.
Love the belt!
very true
for me it's all about the lapel on that jacket, sort of like a tux, and the way that 'formal' line adds something subtle.
How about the chap in the background with the red trousers on? He looks awesome!
Liked shirt, gorgeous scarf, and short jacket.
Then we got to the denim pants. Kinda ruined it for me. Retro. And not in a good way.
I must agree with some of the earlier comments that the look at me H on the belt is a bit much. No need to brag. The rest of the outfit looks great - if a touch too put togther - I think Australians share the feeling with most Americans that men shouldn't look like they parade in front of mirror excessivly before hitting the street (even if they do).
If only all men dressed like this.
If only all men dressed like this.
i feel so 90s'
That Hermes belt got to go, I know it's expensive but it makes the look cheap!
looks relaxed, but carefully coordinated.
The Scarf is the highlight.
I like the guy in the back, with the red trousers... did you take his picture aswell, would have liked to see his outfit with a clearer view?! But also liked this guy of course, stylish and yet relaxed.
Eh, denim is a fabric and we can do anything with fabric. But, I am just getting use to the tailored look in denim to fast forward back to the 70's.
The proportions seem wrong but maybe because they're new to me. Nah. Don't like the super baggy pants; they look sloppy.
But I do like the short jacket, casual shirt, and colorful ascot.
Awh the Hermes belt. So well put together. <3
that's what i call a "flavour man"...
i love the flavour of this outfit!
Baggy denim creates a volume that will not look well in anything but a photo shoot. Stylish men should avoid it.
superb look!
Love this model of pants! Very elagant! Great belt too!
too chic to speak…..
Baggy jeans, no! Scarf, yes!
Me too.I love de scarf and the Hermes belt.I want the scarf and NOW.
Waow, very interesting and nicely done.
I love this look ! Every thing works perfectly well together.
The light blue in the shirt and scarf work nicely with the grey in his beard. Neck scarves are win.
There's a bit of a Middle Eastern influence to those jeans - they're a bit like Turkish salwa (sp?) pants.
its nobody's fault you live in the suburbs..Denin IS UTILITARIAN. end of discussion.
Neatly groomed, well-proportioned clothing. Love the belt and scarf. A+++
everything but the trousers.
We are in a golden age of fashion as there are no set trends for each season. You can wear practically anything you want as long as you can pull it off.
I like the pant...great class
Che classe!!!!!!
This man is awasomy chic and sophisticated. He looks great in this baggy jeans, however he seems to be also a very tall man. I do think that this cut is really suitable for very particular figure'shapes (both: men and women)
I am not a fan of this type of jeans, I do really think that to wear them well you have to be very, very self - knowledgeable...
This is a look few can pull off. I think he succeeded because of his slim body type. I shudder to think of this type of pants on anyone not slim and tall, however. This is a case of knowing what looks good specifically on you, and damn the critics!
Yikes! My 80s fashion come back to haunt me in the form of an older gentleman:/
Love his outfit..
Fashion is all about taking risks..
I have to have his Hermes belt
Interesting look, but I feel that he tried too hard. The scarf is awesome, the baggy jeans are sort of cool, the belt is an attention grabber, the jacket (or whatever that is) is interesting, but together, it's all too much. I don't think the whole is greater than the sum of the parts here, but he's still a handsome man!
Great look. He makes me feel better about genes with a tendency of balding. Scarf is great, love the simple combination of plain+neutral and patterned+bright. The jeans remind me of the harem pants trend that has been up for some time now. Looks good on men too, if you have the right spirit. Never though jeans would be the fabric though...
Just realised that I got this Hermes belt. Not sure about the baggy look though - too "untidy" sort of...
That neck scarf looks elegant and cool!!
I like the jeans, they look comfortable, but the rest of the outfit, not so much. It just looks like he's trying too hard.
everything's great except for the belt. aren't his own initials enough?
And what happpend with the man in the background???
Extremely nice. Difficult to judge the leg because of where the shot ends. Great waist; not sure how I would respond if the legs were wide (although they don't look it).
LOVE that style! Looks amazing! Only in Italy, ha?
I like jacket,pant and scarf!
Love it! Perfection...
I love when a man embellishes his outfit with a scarf- a very flattering addition.
this is SO cool outfit. I love when man wears something on his neck....scarf, tie, whatever..it's great!
Very nice, sleek and sexy. Is that a cashmere sweater? I love the addition of the scarf and the Hermes belt. I'm in love as usual!
The pants are unbelievably awesome! The whole look is beautiful but I really fell in love with the pants!
I really like his outfit.
is that scarf liberty of london? i recognize the colours... his facial hair is very interesting as well!
I'm surprised so many people like the pants. They look terribly out of place to me.
Looking forward to this loose cut pants and jeans with pleats. Wide and spacious on top but tapered to the hems. Enough of flat-fronts.
This man seriously looks like Fat Boy Slim. Is that him or his evil twin?? c'mon people!
I don't know if anyone has said this yet, but no pleats gentleman. Please, no pleats. Pleated denim is especially hideous.
That's great!
But still don't understand why Italians love to make "H"
belt stand out.
the belt says all: H FOR HIDEOUS
I like the look of his watch, and the relaxed pant.
However its the chap sporting the red pants, white shirt and navy sports coat in the background that caught my eye. Glasses too perhaps?
Do u look the outfit or the the person?
He is great, fabulous. He can wear one (perfect) H belt with a baggy jeans, and be elegant, because he haven't bias.bias about H belt, bias about the age, bias about... Are you sure understand fashion?
Oh, no! No baggy pants. I loved the fact that pants got tighter and shorter and think my husband looks v. good.
Love the scarf!
The jeans look ridiculous!
Baggys are back.. thanks god.. i cannot stand skinny looks anymore
I know him, he works in fashion in berlin. I like his style and i adore wide le trousers in every way...even the slightly oriental way.
I like the tailored cut of the jeans....
-the diary of a fashion stylist-
I believe you already 'looked forward' with the original baggy pants picture you took a while back, almost a year, it was the gentlemen at the Ralph Lauren show with the yellow blazer and baggy jeans combo with the shaved head and full on beard. He carried this look far better. I think its on the style.com site as you never posted it up on the blog
Oh my this is so amazing! I love this look on guys!
Btw I love your blog :)
I am new come have a look
lovely ;)
I smell a come back of pleats. I've seen pleats now in several new mens wear collections. Interesting new positioning and such. I like these pants. The scarf takes it there.
Like the scarf, and the look works with his body type and demeanor (ergo, it's a great example of personal style), but I don't like the pants per se at all. I find the sillouette they create aesthetically unappealing on most people. Hate the belt, too... why would someone secure enough to wear this look resort to An Obvious And Tacky Logo?
i got the exact same belt ! love this look , the scarf is awesome!
I guess I am in the minority but nothing about this works and I'm trying to be polite here. He looks decades older than he actually is. Baggy pleats don't work. Cardigan, in summer? The neck scarf is choking his posture, the beard is an unattractive scream for attention. The belt - i HATE logos as style, they are EGO on display, like tagging.
Loving the scarf, just adding a pop of colour there :)
so classic but so progressive, so fashion-forward but so personal. i can see how many would dislike this outfit, but the individualism and elegance is, to me, unbelievably striking. a true modern gentleman.
that is one awesome pair of jeans!!
cool look! especially when worn with the scarf!
This is what I want to see, what I expect, when I read this Blog! Individual Styles, and he has got it! Da Capo!
This look is very modern. Love it! Elegant without being uptight. I would prefer it without the scarf!
Bunny Bee
I love this scarf! Not too sure how I feel about the baggy pants...eh!
Gosh he reminds me of someone but can't place it. He looks like maybe he has narrower shoulders, and I think this jacket works very well on him. Those pants are great and I love his attitude!
What a flawless ensemble: harem-like, baggy trousers--which are so unexpected on a man--balanced with a streamlined jacket and shirt and topped off with a gorgeously tied colorful neck scarf. Bravo!
Looove this outfit!!!
What a stylish INDIVIDUAL! I'd much rather see this than all those clones who 'chop and change' with the so called 'latest trends'. WAKE UP PEOPLE!! Look at some of the great examples of PERSONAL style on this blog, not just at the individual items of clothing! All those 'logo whores' who made a point of disliking the belt are just showing off because they recognised that it was Hermes...who cares! I personally don't like logos on clothing but how do we know that he didn't just buy the belt because his name begins with 'H'! I think the proportions (especially the jacket and trousers) work wonderfully for HIM. He seems to be a confident and intelligent man who is obviously comfortable with his OWN style!
where can i buy this pants in Milan???
I love this, though it's message is a bit quirky. Covering your neck has always seemed somewhat uptight to me, but his pants feel quite the opposite. I like the color play betwwn his jacket, pants, and shirt.
just please say no to baggy jeans
I don't think it's the clothes. I just think that guy could pull off anything.
Imagine this guy *without* the scarf. Thatsa-lotta-neck.
The man has confidence but the jeans and belt are truly truly truly awful.
I like the look. The scarf made it nicer. A nice way to attract people.
Hermes belt... must-have-fashion-item!
Love the guy in the red pants and navy jacket in the background!