On the Street... via Sant'Andrea, Milano

The tattoos take her look to a entirely different place. Honestly, I can't decide if they add or distract from her natural beauty but, with that added edge, it's hard to take your eyes off her.
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Comments on "On the Street... via Sant'Andrea, Milano"
She certainly has that distinctive Italian film star edge. The tatoos are a lovely postmodern twist.
I often hesitate over getting more tattoos because I think they can ruin a more sophisticated / professional look. She is proving me wrong. I love the black shift and the attitude of the tattoos- I'd hire her any day.
Not a tattoo person myself- but these definitely add to her look. Love her confidence!!
Beautiful .. she's got something special!
I also like her Nail Lacquer on her toe nails ;D
Don't you just love Milan?
She is a statuesque GODDESS, so very different and such a relief from the young anorexic amazons one finds flaunting--ahem-- "fashion" these days. I could take or leave the tattoos; they do not enter my consciousness in terms of her beauty and presentation. And I adore her hair--natural and curly--again, in stunning contrast to all the "Cousin It" look-a-likes stumbling around being "cool". Nice job once again, Sart. So refreshing!!!
I love the juxtaposition of the "bad ass" tattoos against the "prim and proper" style of her dress. Really striking and gorgeous!!
Those Italians... Her face could be tattooed and she'd still be gorgeous.
Simple and classic. The tattoos are a nice accessory in my opinion.
what a doll!
I love it all, even the tattoos but the shoes give an impression that she has bare feet .. that is all I would change
she's beautiful. she has old world charm with a modern twist, i love it!
Her outfit is so elegant and the tattoos add a hard edge, very cool.
she is captivating
I love the contrast of the elegant dress and the wild tats. I respect the commitment it takes to get a tattoo - especially ones like hers, which are hard to cover up!
So true...what an arresting contradcition she is!
♥ V
I'm going to say that the tattoos add to her look and allure...but the shoes could be better suited.
Beautiful, tattoos and all, although the look would benefit from heels. I wonder if women in Italy wear their flip-flops/sandals on the way to work and change when they get there, like the women here in NYC. I would expect more from them!
She definitely is a natural beauty which makes it all the more sad to see her body and appearance defaced by tattoos.
The tattoos look like intricate sleeves that complement both her shift dress and the curly pattern of her hair. She's knows how to strike a nice balance.
- A free spirit, but one who wears a watch and is therefore bound by time.
- A rebel with a job.
- Pretty pink toes & plain finger nails.
She's just gorgeous.
No, no, no. Tattoos are totally distracting. Why do people want to ruin their bodies by getting them? I will never understand. One day all these people are going to wake up at 70 years old with droopy tattoos covering their old bodies. Yuck.
The dress is so simple. It shows what a good, form fitting cut can do to help with look. I like that she uses her tattoos like an accessory, and it works because they're tasteful and colorful.
Exactly! Italian film goddess!
So elegant. I think that the simplicity of the dress and shoes and her purse make the tattoos ok... And of coursse the hair: gorgeous!
I usually am not a fan of tattoo overkill (tattoos all over the chest, up and down the arm, etc.) but here, the tattoos look like dress sleeves. Now, that said, I hope she doesn't go out and get more tattoos. She has enough.
I app-solutely ♥
my ✄ Fabric U ✄
iPhone app!
love the elegant dress, classic hair, red nailpolish and ofcourse the tattooes. striking!
Tattoos can look lovely...but it seems like most people who get them don't think about how they look from afar...just up close and in front of the mirror.
I app-solutely ♥
my ✄ Fabric U ✄
iPhone app!
I was about to write as above "No, no, no." I agree with everything anonymous said.
Love this photo..she appears to be confident in her own skin and the fact that her clothing is rather simple tells it all....a modern classic beauty...like a Gina Lollabrigida....thanks Sart! L
wrong shoes.
"elegance is an attitude" and doesn't she prove that point!
I love everything about her look. Absolutely stunning!
The perfect example of the options afforded by a well~fitted little black dress. She looks comfortable, casual, yet smart. Add heels (and a cardigan/jacket) and it's business proper. She is a beauty, imagine her without ink? Ravaissant!
She's gorgeous. I love the cut of her dress.
Tattoos are big here (in Rome). I'm not a fan.
Nice shot. Great looking INK.
The simple, classical shift dress and flat shoes combined with her tattoos look quite genius to me. Like painted jewellery.
i love tattoos but sometimes i hesitate cos i think they can ruin a look./ however i think that attitude s changing and i love how she dresses quite straight laced yet has all these tattoos on show.
she surprised me ;-)
She's so gorgeous!
I love her tatoos!!!!!!!!
she reminds me of helena bonham
Love the contrast between the rock n' roll attitude (tattoos) and the glamourous side (little black dress)!!
These tattoos are terrible. She loses all its charm.
she is so gorgeous...I love her tatoos...great shot
she looks so great with all those tattoos!
i totally agree but since i like tattoos, and her tattoos especially, i think it adds to her beauty. i wish i was able to pull something like this off! great shot!
I think her tattoos add to her look. If she didn't have them she'd look like everyone else. And I'm not just saying that as I have several tattoos myself.
I think it's a lovely expression of who she is, both classy and sassy!
Her hair is the most goddess-like aspect. It's wild, but not unruly.
One of the things that appeals to me so much about this look is her confidence. And while she would likely look attractive in whatever outfit she chose, this particular ensemble, I think, highlights that confidence as much as her attitude makes the outfit. I love the use of a classic, elegant piece in a casual, everyday look: the plain purse, the carefree hair, what looks to be an elastic around her wrist, her edgy tattoos and simple sandals moderate the refinement of the dress, contributing to an overall appearance of relaxed elegance. I can understand why some may disapprove of certain elements, like the tattoos or the sandals, but - to me - they don't seem incongruous with the statement she's making (intentionally or not). She's feminine, full of ease, grace and spunk; I love it!
Too bad for the tattoos, they really ruin her natural beauty; why on earth do people feel the need to paint their bodies?
She's fabulous.Tattoos are great on young skin, later...not so great..
love her sleeves.
gorgeous hair, it is the best accessory!
I like that she wears her wild side on her "sleeves". We all have it in us, she just chooses to show it to everyone...BEAUTIFUL!
Wow. Superb.
Daytime Black + Tattoos = Generic Unisex Los Angeles Look.
Also frequently seen at TMZ. Need one say more?
I am so curios if she shaves!?
Anyone? Hope she doesn't!
She needs heels. Those shoes make her look squat and thick.
great contrasts!
I too love this look, the tattoos look like a lacy blouse underneath.
Everything is lovely and individual - from the tattoos and man's watch to her perfect red lips. She needs a more defined shoe to ground the look and polish it off.
She clearly knows exactly what suits her, which makes her seem more confident and beautiful. I love how conservative and simplistic her dress is, compared to her incredible tattoos. :)
You're right, she is incredibly striking! And although I'mm personally not much of a tattoo admirer, I do have to agree with what someone else pointed out - it does look like another layer underneath the dress.
It's an interesting juxtapostition between the classic look of the LBD, combined with the 'edgy' tattoos.
They look good on her because it's an opposite theme. The classic dress and tattoos on a classic beauty. She's unique.
nice foo fighter tattoo.
she's beautiful, and the tattoos only add to that-without them she would be somewhat ordinary and they somehow fit in with her classic look
and her hair is amazing!
It's great how she has such evident and colourful tattoos and is still classy. I would tattoo all my body if I had the confidence of not looking like a jailbird!
I just guess if she looks the same wearing a more casual outfit.
(excuse my English, I'm working on it)
The sidebar ad matches the photo exactly! I took a screenshot below!
Was this on purpose? American Apparel's evil genius marketing strategy?
definetly they aren't most beautiful, but still quite interesting.
What a surprise when you scroll the screen and discovered that the shoes! Awesome!
Caro - bloggeuse from Geneva
I'm having the same doubts about her tattoos, in the sense that she would also be beautiful without them, but still they add quite something extra to her look and I have to say that I find that very, very cool. I'm a pussy when it comes to tattoos, I don't think I'll ever have the courage to get a tattoo myself.
I love the sandals. Does anyone know who makes them?
these tattoos look freaking great. there is something mysterious about her look. loved the photo
she looks great!!
i wonder if she used the fabulous fastmall iphone app to find that dress :) very cool!
I think it's a little unusual how some people here have such negative opinions on her tattoos... aren't they just as much of an expression of personal style as her clothing choices? They use phrases like "ruining her body" and the like... is it the fact that they are permanent and can't be easily changed like a dress or necklace? Just seems a little closed minded. She is beautiful, but I don't think her classic look is ruined by her beautiful tattoos. She is lovely, but I think the tattoos made me stop and actually appreciate this picture as more than just another beautiful Italian woman in a dress. Ok I'm done.
She certainly is beautiful, and I usually love tattoos, but I wonder if they are a little distracting here. That said, anyone who knows them self well enough to be able to get so many tattoos in such bold positions deserves respect, no matter whether one likes them or not! http://hellyandthedinosaurs.blogspot.com/
Love her tattoos, they act as sleeves for her dress!
She is adorable. But I don't like the tattoos at all, distracting and busy. Her beautiful locks constrast already playfully awith the sharp cut dress.
And flipflops should be banned!
Thumbs up on the dress. Thumbs down on the tattoos!
Yes! She's hot!:)
she is absolutely gorgeous!
I absolutely agree that it's hard to take one's eyes off someone who is wearing something classic and even somber, and has lots of colorful tattoos. It gives the LBD (in this case) such a freshness...It's very cool!
I do not like tattoos. I dislike sleeved tattoos even more. I especially dislike sleeved tattos on a woman. Those have been my thoughts 'till recently. I guess I've grown more tolerate since they've become more common. But do I like them...hmmm?
She's got a great look going here.
Move over Angie, we got a new tattoo goddess in town.
so glad there are people out there who can push the envelope professionally by sporting tattoos and still look respectable, even in a society where tattoos have a negative stigma.
Such a beautiful lady. Too bad she has all those tattoos.
She would have been beautiful but she's spoiled because of tattoos. I'm wondering what's the agenda behind this sudden wearing of body tattoos, it's almost everywhere and almost unsettling :(
so sick of tattoos!! they are not attractive they totally ruin her loveliness - it makes me sad
She's very very very very beautiful.Greats pics!
one need not have all of the frills and whistles of trendy garb to look like an independent thinker. though tats are common, this combination of simple lines and relatively tailored look are as delicious as fig and caramel ice cream... which is marvelous.
I love her tattoos with this dress! Some how it still looks sophisticated!
xo rye
An exquisite look!
classical beauty
Gorgeous! I love her hair, so glamorous. Again, it's great to see a classic body type, something that is much more appealing than the usual stick thin fashionista. She looks happy :) Great photo.
Gorgeous - I don't know, I think the tattoos add to it all. They make her just that much more eye-catching.
She is stunning.. she has a certain presence.
Also, she looks like Helena Bonham Carter.
I do like the way this lovely lady wears her tattoos. The LBD is simple enough to show them off and her hair and bag flatter them also. The pop of colour on her toenails matches the red in her tattoos and balances her out, although I think black thongs would have been better.
I think with many tattoo wearers they have a problem with finding just the right outfit to match and complement them. Many outfits just don't suit the tattoos being either too busy (clashing with the tats), the wrong colouring or incorrect patterning. And the more colour in the tattoos--the more difficult it becomes.
I also think she should stop at this point.
I have read every comment so far. I am an artist and was thinking of getting a SMALL tattoo myself but have wondered if I was too old, ha! As I read these, I imagined her without the tattoos, simple black shift dress, fab curly hair but would she have been photographed walking by in an outfit so simple?
I love her hair, her tats, her big watch, and her cute face with the little black dress. The tattoos aren't the problem. Her shoes are too light and her purse is too heavy for the dress.
I am attracted to the skin that is untouched by the "art".It is harder to meet someone of my generation who shares my view. She looks beautiful and would be more beautiful to me if not for the tatoos.
I love her tatoos!!!!!!!!
this woman is beautiful, but tattoos are the biggest fashion mistake today
Lovely shot...
Seems like most of the major tattoos I've seen would make it very hard to wear most prints without clashing with color, pattern or style. She gets around it by wearing a simple black dress. But doing something permanent which makes so many other options look wrong? Its a long future...
I hesitate to like her tattoos, but nevertheless she is a beautiful person.
She's stunningly gorgeous for the ankles up. I envy her classic glamour. But the footware is just really awful. She must have just had a pedicure. I love her anyway.
only a beautiful italian woman could make a tattoo look classy and romantic!
I'll bet her grandmother is horrified...
Beautiful smile, but ask yourself these questions:
Don't you need to be balanced top to bottom to be considered "statuesque"?
How are those tattoos going to look in 20 years??
Would Sophia Loren ever wear flats???
Définitivement, les tatouages la masquent et interfèrent dans sa beauté et son charme naturel. Sa peau est magnifique, très clair mais les tatouages la salissent.
it was all fabulous til I scrolled down to the squatty feet. I love flats and sandals but her entire silhouette just bottomed out and became very pedestrian, almost touristy.
That's one way to accessorize!
Such a beautiful woman though the tattoo's are definitely a distraction in my eyes. If only..
Perfect! Almost everything I look for in my dream girl!
so gorgeous. What a face!
Love the tattoos. They work in concert with her hair, expression, and stance (and in tension with the simple, classic dress) to convey a sense of who she is. I don't like her shoes per se, but I do like the fact that she chose not to wear the expected black heels.
And to monicalee--you're never too old to get ink. :) I got a small black shoulder tattoo a number of years ago, when I was in my late 30s, and I've never regretted it for a moment.
What a beautiful woman. And I think the tattoos help bring out her personality. I mean, without them you could get a completely different idea of who and how she is. I think she can pull them off quite well.
she has so much elegance she could have tattooed her whole body and she would still look like a diva...
plus I looove her curves -you get to see this more often now but there's still too many too skinny girls out there, don't you agree?
I love this mixture of a chic and tough look. It really gives something extra to the simple dress and you're immideately intriged. It helps that she is truly beautiful.
I'm so sorry being the only one disagreeing with you all. She is beautiful and looks confident and al' but we are ignoring one major point here: she is young and with thight skin NOW and tatoos are FOREVER. What will she look like when her skin is loose and spotted? I would agree with you all if those were 'henna' drawings but what we see in this pic is a moment frozen in time. And it's good enough for us...'cause we don't have to age with it! I'm just saying we should think ahead because what seems just 'hard to do' today (looking classy with tatoo sleeves) might just be imposible tomorrow.
This has to be one of your most striking photos, Scott. There's something about it that's absolutley gorgeus.
Not bad the little afroamerican dress(or petite robe subsaharienne) with tatoos.We don't know what mademoiselle Chanel would think about but it convince and reflects her power.
Love Tats. But always think of them as remnicents from live lived, expiriences had. Those tatoos are faking a life she obviously havent livet yet...
and classy at the same time
I have seen a few girls like this during the last school semester. I love the clash!
man she's pretty
Tru, she is beautiful! Love her feminine curves <3
No one suddenly wakes up at 70 years old don't be so patronising if you can think ahead I'm sure this beautiful young woman can too?
tatoos with a classic cut dress? crazy mix but hey it works
I like the contrast between her classic outfit and the sharpness of her tattoos
the tattoos look vulgar. She would otherwise be gorgeous, instead... oh well, on to the next one.
A singularly beautiful woman. I usually hate tattoos, but here they actually have class! she is gorgeous in her rounded, serene beauty. Superb!
She remembers me of wong kar wai's atmospheres, if only she got high heel shoes...
Right now the tattoos look good - almost like a shawl or a pashmina. But in 30 years they're going to look like sh**t.
Do you ever look at your diaries from when you were 13 and wanted to tear them up with embarrassment?
That's how I feel about tattoos. Surely when one is 35 you're not going to feel the same about the fairy, or Minnie-Mouse or Betty Page that you had tattooed when you were 18.
I've lived above a tatoo parlour (in Sweden) for about 18 years now and it's interesting to see how the client category has expanded from the motorcycle crowd to all kinds of people. More women now, and people from every walk of life. In some groups there is still status in the "homemade" tatoo, i.e. the classic three dots on the hand to show you are/were a hobo, or something you got in prison. But am I wrong, or haven't - albeit temporary - tatoos been seen on the catwalks?
Girls mixing mid-20th century glamour, pin up references and bold tattoos are an ug phenomenon that you see more and more in the western countries. I bet her hobbies are burlesque and rock 'n roll, as that is part of that particular style, too!
Unlike many other commentators here, I don't find anything wrong with getting old with tattoos. So they look different when you're not young anymore - all the more interesting! But if you find old age and wrinkles somehow ugly or scary in the first place, I guess you can see tattoos, drawing attention to a person's skin, as something repulsive.
There is just something about her.... I would definitely look twice if I saw her walking down the street.... I find her SO attractive!
The tattoos are no doubtingly dam symbolic. Post modern age reflects like anything through the appearance of the sparkling beauty!
I don´t get the issues some here seem to take with how the tattoos will look when she is old. As if 70 year old skin without tattoos looks appealing. I hope this lady will have other things to think about when she is 70. For now, she is just beautiful.
I am usually not a fan of tattoos, but in this case, I think her confident pose and vivid femininity balance well with the body art.
I think she has the exact same hair as I do! I'm always trying to tame it, but maybe I should start wearing it curly more often . . .
She seems so confident and natural in front of the camera. Just gorgeous.
- Catherine at Littlehouse of Style
There is definitely that edge to her. She has the beautiful form and sassy look making what would be a star look of today. Reminds me of Zooey Deschanel and her style which I completely adore.
Being so contradictory in appearance, I love how natural she looks - it's a perfect balance of inner and outer to me.
She looks proud: hand on hip, like Sophia. wonderful!
She is just wonderful, I love the contrast with the dress and the tattoos. The hair and dress and shoes gives a total filmstarusqe look, like Jeanne Moreau on vacation, but the tattoos gives it a modern twist. I like it when people mix stuff like this. This is just a perfect look, I would love to dress and look like her. I.e all those burlsque dancers are really hot with the pin-up look and a lots of tattoos, but usually they are too "made up" for my taste. This woman looks natural and glamourous. I just love the neat black dress, combined with un done hairdo and a natural face.
This is one of the most beautiful women ever on your blog ( + Garance and Giovanna of course )
All those who are asking why people "ruin" their bodies with tattoos or commenting that it is a "fashion mistake" are completely missing the point.
Here we have a woman who is comfortable in her own skin. Her outfit is classic and simple but its her confidence and stance that makes her striking along with her beautiful hair.
She is young and enjoying life. She doesn't strike me as the type to look down at her "old/sagging/spotted" skin in years to come and have regrets about her tattoos. She will smile and know that she has been true to herself and enjoyed her life.
Tattoos are not for everyone (clearly) but I am glad that its becoming more acceptable and common place.
I wonder what she does for a living....
THank u all!!
They definitely add to her beauty. The tattoos don't necessarily look like an accessory in her case. It's more like she was born with them
OMG saw her before in Centrale FS Milano! She was carring her cute vintage handbag too, awesome!
She is definitly a rocker at heart. Just look at the Foo Fighters tattoo on her wrist! :) Gorgeous!
that all white is so sleek!
This is so spectacular, the beauty jumps right off the page.
bravo picture.
Sharp at first glance, then delicate elegance swoops in. :>
Honestly I didn't notice the tattoos until I read the comments. She looks amazing
From a personal perspective, the timing of this photo is excellent. In two weeks, I am getting my first tattoo as a 50th birthday present to myself (still have a couple of months until the big one). I can relate a bit to the comments about destroying the body's natural beauty but I am also encouraged by all the positive comments. I figure at my age, I don't have to worry so much about what it will look like when I get old. But I am also still not old enough to not want to keep this a secret from my mother who is 78! : )
This is going to sound goofy, but my mother always told me: "Don't do anything to your body (I am referring to Tats here) that you don't want people to see when you are 75 years old". Actually, I think her advice was and is strong and sound. I have a tat, but it is someplace where the world does not get to enjoy it. Only myself and someone intimate to me. This woman is gorgeous, and has disfigured her body unless she plans to join the circus or work in a body piercing shop the rest of her life. Too bad, the Sophia Loren reference is correct.
Hey, hey, I have a body shape like hers! - no upper body, wide shoulders and hips, longer legs. This depiction of the young woman enriches the usual slender, lean, "hipless" body type often displayed in magazines. I hold no accusations at all. One just needs to embrace the diversity.
All in all she looks like she feels comfy in her tattooed skin.
isn't she gorgeous. beautiful shot. i love the lighting :)
She's one of those girls that looks goes with a simple outfit. She's born with it.
Seeing this picture has made my day.
What a beautiful woman, and the tattoos detract from that beauty. I often wonder what people are thinking when they get them, because tattoos age so terribly (I used to work in a VA hospital, so I can verify this).
Wow, So Chic, So Glam, So Elegant and So Rock!!!
**XOXO from paris and cape verde**
The most beautifull thing about this gorgeous woman is that she looks so confident and probably don't care what anyone of us is saying here. She love the way she looks and that's all that matters.
Yes indeed...its very difficult to tell if the tattoos add or take away from her...Honestly, on first look I thought I was noticing the tattoos more than her, but seeing her again, I feel they add so much to her classic beauty. What a lovely combination of classic and contemporary. Love it.
"This young lady looks like a classic Italian film goddess of the 50's and 60's: a modern, sharpened Sophia Loren."
Sorry - cannot agree with that hperbole. Her face and look have none of Loren's et al over the top exoticism... closest thing today, including the tats would be Jolie... this young lady is a very far cry from that. Pleasant enough on the eye but in the loren Lollabrigida orbit.
Sophia Loren would never ruin her body with tattoos. It's speaks to a generational thing that so many of your readers like them. I don't understand the desire for such excess.
To respond to Char’s comment that she would look like everyone else without her tattoos:
I don’t have tattoos and I look like me. She has tattoos and she still looks like everyone else with tattoos.
Different shoes, please. She does look barefoot with those thongs. They cancel the elegance of the dress.
I have to say that while some here have described her "tats" as fashionable, sexy or hard edged, what I see is a very good looking woman who has probably ruined her natural attractiveness in 5 or 10 years because of those tats.
i love the picture.
This is true beauty. (hate the tattoos)
I love how the tats and her hair "glow" in the same way. She makes it all look so intelligent. Like, "this is mine, you like it? No? Then you can't join my fancy club goodbye."
No tats here, but she is beautiful.
such a juxtaposition. w.o.w. this photo took my breath away.
Yes. True beauty but ruined by the tattoos which make her look like she works at a circus. Sad they are permanent!
Curious, doesn't she have a Foo Fighters logo tattoo on her right wrist? It really looks like!
Personally, I don't dislike tattoos, although they are not completely embrassed in our society and it's ridiculous to judge someone by that, I think.
amazingly beautiful! what attracted you to her? the simplicity of her outfit - very chic or the tats? she's like a rebellious Sophia Loren!
the tattoos look like 2 transparent sleeves of this black dress .....i think it's very cool . tattoos are like make-up , just they stay on the skin forever .
She pulls of an absolute success with the contrast between classy with details and her rough tattoos. I LOVE IT!!!
Absolutely Stunning!!
Mamma mia! She is utterly fabulous.
I think the tattoos add rather than take away. She's absolutely arresting.
To compare this woman to Sophia Loren is one of the most blasphemous statements you could have made. It made me chuckle and than ponder what went through your head.
interesting question. WELL all I can say is... she is gorgeous indeed - but I don't think you would have photographed her if it weren't for the tatts... so I think we would have to assume they're working for her!
Thanks for the pics! x
She looks stunning.
I have to disagree with many here. She's a gorgeous, voluptuous woman but the tattoos don't do it for me-- too conventional looking. Even when mixed with Old World glamor, the attempt at irony seems tired. It's funny that something once thought rebellious has now become passé.
To all writing "What will she look like at 70": She'll look like a 70 year old woman who has lived- and continues to live- an interesting life. I'm 62 and have some ink. Don't worry about us. We thought about it.
She will be beautiful at 70; every age has its beauty.
First thought was that she was American - tattoos and shoes distracting
She looks very classy and very comfortable, her dress is well fitting and seems to be well tailored too. The tattoos add a very nice touch.
Très bon site. Je vous remercie du travail en Juillet...
I love the contrast between the hard tattoos, and the soft femininity of her sense of style, this photo optimizes modern style, showing that everyone has a softer and a rougher side to them!
It's not easy being able to have the two styles complement each other, but I think that this is one example where they meet perfectly!
Looks like Rachel Weisz to me
I think she looks beautiful and sophisticated. As for people who are concerned about her ruining the look of her arms when she's 70...may i direct you to look at my mother's arms? She's slim and fit, but at 70, she's got bat wings, so she's not wearing sleeveless dresses anyway! (BTW, mom has fabulous legs, which she still shows off bare). This woman doesn't look like someone who will regret much in life, much less her tattoos.
her hair is stunning. I can't get over the softness it brings to her. enchanting.
I think tatoo's make people look trashy. Think about the classiest women of all time - like Jackie O or Princess Diana. They never would have worn a tat. too low class.
As a tattooed girl and living for fashion, you made me very happy with this wonderful lady...That's the thing I always refer to, ink has to do with style, and has to do with sophisticated women...With this pic, all the olf fashioned people, can prove that they were wrong judging the inked ones. :)
i have the ff tattoo! hah..