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Comments on "On the Street....The Burlesque Dancer, Milano"
It is perhaps because they are, uniquely, most unafraid to express their style and to be judged. Their profession depends on them believing in their own beauty so that inevitably translates into personal style. She looks beautiful, the hair, the lips: amazing.
Nice nautical loafers!
love the tats - and the shoes !
She's amazing and you'are so gorgeous!
Thanks for your wonderful pictures!
I love the elegance and simplicity of her outfit.
...but the first "posture" girl was surely not a burlesque dancer? :) Love this picture. Soooo cool.
Is she really a burlesque dancer? In any case, her posture is so confident. Love how she combines the tight skirt with the buttoned up shirt, all in these strong primary colours.
I love her Minnie Mouse skirt.
Just perfect.
WOW! She looks fab. Great colours!
wow...she's stunning!
I love these pin up style girls :)
i like it, how she mixed up the coulours! great :)
Sexy but comfortable doing it! LOVE IT! You'll know she's not a girl next door.. the tatts says it all
She's beautiful, but pretty agressive!
Oozes confidence!!I would love to know what she's thinking-be her friend:-)
I really like her tattoos!
x Krizia
im agree. shes amazing
She is beautiful!
love the shoes! she looks so strong, yet her posture is so feminine and delicate. I'm so confused ;) but J'adore.
Oh dear..is this her daily outfit? I'm not ready to this..but sounds gorgeous on her! msbx
i love this look, the red lips skirt and hair! like the buttoned up polo shirt too!
I like her shoes.
love her blush, lipstick and shades. who knows the shades brand, please tell! )
Love the 2 large white polka dots on her skirt, her tattoos peaking out behind her sleeve and skirt, and her color coordinated shoes. However, her purse gets lost with this bold statement.
a strong look. i see she's gone for the cheryl cole thigh tat
perfect colours mix !
OMG! it´s like Minnie Mouse dress
Wonderful Janet.
Wonderful Minnie Mouse skirt!
she is so beautiful... and the atittude suits her!
great shot
I love her!
That skirt! It's Mickey Mouse's pants, only skirtified! That is sooo awesome...
Ah, such powerful, vibrant colours. Indeed, her posture is that of a ballet dancer. So graceful and poised. Love the way her face is painted. Don't miss the intricate detials here;-)
wow. i love how she stands and looks at the camera with confident. I don't know about her outfit, but she is sexy and stands out!
very visible - even garish facade... and what's inside? Burlescue?
nope, definitely too much of "I want to be noticed" for me.
she's very stylished, nice tatoos over extreme white skin 're amazing!!
How can I become a burlesque dancer??
Any course in London??
i love her tatoo !
This is beautiful, Scott. Love the reds of her lips, skirt and the front of her shoes. Also love the contradiction of the buttoned up IZOD shirt with the saucy skirt and tats peeking out from the skirt's hem and the sleeve of the shirt.
the shoes are great.
nice colors :)
LOVE the skirt!
I find it very inspiring when I see photos of beautiful and well-dressed girls with similar dimensions to myself. All too often the women snapped on street style blogs are the polar opposite to me so I have a bad habit of dismissing their outfits as suitable only for that body shape.
Love the glasses
I agree! thier posture makes them so intriguing. we get drawn by the way they carry themselves and thier confidence shows. i love it!
thats just lovely. so original.
OMG! love the colors and specially the awesome "Michey Mouse" skirt !!
Bella Janet Fischietto :)
People should definitely check out a burlesque show near them! Very fun and always a great show. People watching in the audience can compete with the actual show on stage which is pretty tough. Ever competed with a beautiful woman in a giant champagne glass?
Great confidence in both her pose and wardrobe selection. The extra-long placket and nipped in waist are really very flattering. What I can't decide is if the Mickey Mouse skirt is a wry wink or just kitsch. Perhaps it doesn't matter.
she's so hot!
Her posture is fabulous, and oddly, reminds me of my mother's posture as she stood on the tarmac, hatbox in hand, as a debutante visiting Hawaii. The vintage photo I sent in, in other words:). Young women in a moment of confidence of full flush of something.
I LOVE it! Burlesque dancers have such a femininity about them.
The subtle way her tattoo sticks out under her skirt is so adorable.
I just LOVE it. Thank you for this.
OMG, like, same thoughts here. Sometimes it makes me want to become a burlesque dancer.
I love her buttoned-up shirt.Looks great.Also like her leg tattoo.
Btw,Scott,how is your APC doing?
I don't know if it's intentional or not but 50% Donald Duck's shirt + 50% Mickey Mouse's skirt = 100% Awesome
Good posture is an essential part of style, frankly. Wear what you like and then walk well with your head held high.
Love the confidence, hate the bag and the skirt.
nice posture!
oh that tattoo on the thigh!
the perfect red lip!
love her
Here is the first comment that I post in your blog. I discovered it through Garance, and I really love it.
First, you are so lucky to see so many stylish guys in the street, and secondly, you take the pictures of them very well: you known how to catch the emotion! That's absolutely amazing!
Well done!
Good continuation!
she's an old salt in a young dancer's body. the sailor jerry style tattoos along with her deck shoes and polo are genius.
the skirt is adorable and matches her lipstick perfectly.
burlesque dancers are truly in a league of their own.
I am so happy to see the last two pics of women with beautiful natural skin. This adds a whole new level of confidence, to be themselves and 'pale'.
Mario Bros meets Micky Mouse in a parallel world!
quite a mashup of a vintage pinup sailer girl and mini mouse. her pose is dead on, lovely
love her adorable skirt !! =)
I love the red & blue color scheme.
really liking the colours!
skirt inspiration mickey...i loved,i want
She looks like a piece of art! As a lot of burlesque dancers do. I love tattoos on women, its all about how to carry them, they show that someone is confident enough to wear them, and that you stand behind your body. I really love this woman, one of the most interesting picture in your blog. I just love the pinup style combined with that shirt and those shoes.
i can not help myself to come back and look at this picture and this has never happened before.
Actually, the glasses she wear worked much harder than you realise to finish the whole look.
I might want to say something else again later..........
love the tat high on her thigh.
the posture is really great, but even more are the apparel pieces with the funky color combination of red and blue.But the flat shoes are matching with it in the same colorway.Easy conservativ polo shirt, but a high waisted skirt...respect.
shes either going to disney land, or sailing... either way, she looks great. shes definitely displaying her own personal style.. and that has so be admired
inspirational !!
Fun ! :D
really creative!
Sorry, I find the tatoos very distracting. Not a fan.
Beautiful colour and lovely pose. Great shot!
That dancer looks great! Her style is stellar (:
I'm in love w/ your blog btw. Makes me smile.
How amazing are her shoes?! Love it!!
And her sunglasses..fantastic!
From the neck up it's interesting, her dispostion as well but as for the outfit and whole look in general, I'm not digging it at all. Especially the tattoos and the weird mismatchy/random pairing of everything. Like a floral bag tote with moccassin shoes and preppy Lacoste top...I don't know, it just doesn't work for me.
what a LEGS!!!!!!
Yes i agree with you..they do have good old style, mixed with something funny and new.
Cute. She reminds me this
Her posture also makes it so that her garter tattoo just barely peeks out from under her skirt. Hardly an accident I think. She's very self-aware.
The best part is, until I scrolled down, I assumed she was wearing heels. What a pleasant surprise to see someone make flat loafers look sexy!
Oh wow, I wish I had an ounce of her confidence, I love what she's wearing (very bold colours), and she's got great grace.
Love the sunglasses, the red lips, the touch of blush, all juxtaposed with the tattoos :)
I love that she has struck a pose that mimics the mannequins behind her. It is funny and shows she has a saucy attitude to life.
Lovely contrapposto. absolutely fabulous.
Love the shop window in the background!
I love her skirt!!!
wow she is hot and she knows it too. just love her tattoos...such cool streetstyles yoo have captured...loving your blog.cheers!!!
Well, oh my, if it isn't Doe Deere herself.
Wow, her style is so lovely and original!
I also like the tattoo on her leg :)
lovin' the colors! one sassy woman!
she screams confidence despite the fact that she may not be the typical so-called 'beauty' from the average fashion magazine. and, in fact, she is beautiful! the shot as well (as usual).
I love his attitude and style
such a quirky outfit!
love her tattoo on her leg! hot!
can't help but smile when I see her minnie mouse skirt!
I love how despite her more playful and bright clothes, she holds herself in such a regal way. Very pretty.
My gosh, her skin is perfect! Lucky girl.
I like the tatoos and her skirt.
Great photo!
scott i think i saw you in brera yesterday. you were wearing a thin light green/white stripes suit?
i love her shorts and the colors of the photo! and i must agree with you! have a wonderful day!
her sunglasses are to die for. And I'm not one for tattoos, but hers seems to fit.
She is totally beautiful. High art, fashion, mickey (or minnie) mouse, her face a gorgeous mass of hiding and shouting...great shot.
Wow, she seems so confident with herself. And I love her skirt.
She looks amazing! The mickey mouse skirt is from www.lazyoaf.com it's called the minnie skirt! I lover her shoes, tooo cute.
My father's fifth wife was a burlesque dancer and it is true that she very carefully constructed her image. At 50+ she was no longer wearing outfits like this one, but she still maintained an aura of intention. There is much to be learned there.
I am so hyped she looks great in my minnie skirt!
Love it love it love it!!
absolutely wonderful! so playful but at the same time very dominating! she OWNS this. and i love the floral bag with this bold color block outfit; just throws it perfectly off kilter. p.s. red lips forever.
wow!!! she looks great!
love how she kept all buttons up. almost tongue-in-cheek. very well played.
great deck shoes!
kinky and fun!
Great posture!
This blog is full of contrasts. Yesterday's photo with the girl in the white dress was absolutely stunning, lovely and sweet. Today's girl with the tight shirt, tattoos and sunglasses is in every way the opposite. She is original, that's the only thing that speaks for her but I don't like it.
Very cute but the bag needs to go. A grayish floral print granny tote alongside all of those brights? I don't think so. She'd be better off with a clutch.
she'd look fabulous in anything with that posture, i Love her style for sure.
Love the confidence, hate the bag.
100% confident, beautiful and DANCER!
Because also I'm a dancer I know when a posture is talking.....and this one is definitely one of them!
When are you coming to Miami Beach? maybe is to hot for you..... I would like to find you!
So sassy and chic! Reminds me of Lulu Guiness and her lip purse/Giles Deacon dress combo: http://www.msfabulous.com/2009_06_01_archive.html
i like how she's dressed in a way which you wouldn't expect from a burlesque dancer(i love them!) her tattoos peeking out are especially cool.
please read my blog at http://ohgeeitsgreat.wordpress.com/
Mickey Mouse skirt! Brilliant. I love how these girls can pull off the quirky, retro-kitch looks so well. :D The wonderful vintage photo prints in the back are great too - old black and white glamour, with colorful, retro-revival glamour in the front. ^^
So cute !!!!
What a babe! Colorful, confident, & curvy! I love her legs. She is a hit!
loving the attitude
Is she Italian? I would guess that she isn't
loooooove her curves. hot!
i'm glad you're photographing regular people again and not just industry folk. she looks cool.
love this so much, especially with her cute tattoos poking through.
BADABING!! Excellent photo, Sart.
I don't think that her pose is original, dancers, shop and school girls have adopted it at the sight of a camera for ages. I love her skin tone and her red lipstick. Tattoos? No matter who has them it cheapens their persona
this is the kind of woman we all want to be ...at least once in a while!
great shot that speaks volume about fashion, attitude, posture and individuality.
I need her glasses!
is that a tattoo i see? :D
so unique and full of attitude. posture says a lot about a person.
wow. she's my idol
Looks stunning now, but how wil that tats look in ten years time. No doubt she will still maintain her fashions, but I doubt whether those tats will still be complementing any outfits she wears.
the tattoo on her leg completes the whole look.
isnt posture just a consequence of her profession in this case as opposed to an indication of how she wants to be perceived? Regardless though its amazing how a good posture makes people look so much more confident
Love that skirt. Fashion's fun, right ^^
She just looks like a walking fashion advertising!!!!! JUST RIGHT!
You know what I love... she's wearing FLATS! Loafer/boat shoes actually and yet she manages to look amazingly sexy. Heels aren't always in.
Pin-Up Girl!
She looks like a doll.Fresh outfit, I like it!
Your blog is amazing.. I'm just waiting for my payment now so I can buy your book! :)
Reminds me somehow of Madonna-True Blue...then of James Dean ...Those white dots are fabulous ...and feel very modern with their irony...then back to the past whith the two prime colours...when the prints were in 3 prime colours...a sweet feminine Gatsby
Pin-up girl meets Rosie The Riveter!
Jolie Souris! :)
She is italian and she is very young,just 24.I've known her for years,and she is the sweetest thing ever!
beautiful - like the first kiss!
I'm not supper into the outfit, although its rare for me to see a sense of humor in someone's personal fashion. I only saw one other comment that mentioned my favorite thing about this girl. Her sunglasses are PERFECT! The shape and the color of the sunglasses go perfectly with her hair and face. I almost never leave comments but this picture was still on my mind after I navigated away from this page. Good eye Scott!
amazing outfit..:)
I love her confidence and posture!! Great colors also!
great shoes!!!
So happy to see attention paid to we of the red lips and barrel curls! Thank you!
burlesque dancers are hottest
Goodness! The block colours, it's just wicked with the tattoos.. :-)
This look balances masculine and feminine attributes in a very attractive way. That's what makes it great.
Burlesque performers do seem to have a knack for dressing with color, and for flattering their curvy figures! I wish I had the time in my life for the maintenance required, though. I can spare about three minutes for hair and six minutes for makeup.
Sorry but I'm not a fan of this style. It's OK on a stage, not on the street.
I love Janet!
Besides the fact tat she is extraordinarily cute, her outfit rocks and so does her tattoo!!Xx Great Shot Scott
Her face is extremely expressive. Beautiful make-up, hair style and sunglasses.
of course.... the garter tattoo!
Is this such an obvious detail that few commented on?
Also -- the cheeky high waisted skirt, something of the 'Mickey Mouse' winked pants...
Great left hand --
And for kicked out hip, her rouged lips, I love her polo shirt, buttoned all the way to the top button.
I think you just found my dream woman.
Can I possibly be the only one who does not like this picture?? at all??
sorry, she surely is a great dancer, and her posture may say a lot about her...but style?? I do not see where, what makes her stylish to your eyes... and I usually agree with your sense of style, Scott!
well, we'll see the following pics :-)
"...there's nothing "cute" about a grown women presenting herself like a tempermental kindergartener who needs to pee!"
I will second that thought as soon as I stop laughing. What a perfect description.
And, yes these two women are both lovely in their exact own ways.
God she is just darling. I'm in love with the Minnie Mouse skirt...and quite curious as to whether she bought it as a Minnie Mouse skirt or made/modified it. I like that nothing looks particularly expensive, just perfect for her.
To Sart - I don't know if there are enough for this to make sense, but personally I would LOVE it if you had a category of photos of performers. Every time you label a pic "The Burlesque Dancer," "The Dancer," etc, the photo always has something particularly evocative about it to me. Just sayin'.
Pure beauty! I am in love with this woman
You are so right about her posture. She's pure confidence. I'd like to be that confident!
Love her leg tattoo. She's a beauty.
Great that she has the polo buttoned up instead of showing of cleavage, as one might expect of burlesque. This shows that hidding skin, or suggestion, is often more interesting.
wow she is looking so gorgeous in this way.i am big fan of her.
Am I the only one who has seen an outfit like this about a million times? This is a textbook Suicide-Girls/modern burlesquelook --Betty Pag e+ tattoos + dressing like a cartoon character. The red lipstick, black nails, overplucked eyebrows (I presume, though I can't really see them here) , and worst of all the thigh tattoo. . . to me it just looks unnot at all attractive, sorry. And thigh tattoos just don't do it for me.
On a positive note, I do love the sunglasses!
She is very extravagant. I do love her shoes, comfortable and stylish! I would like to have them
amazing colors and cool tattoo!
The co-ordination is fantastic. The pose and look of confidence is really intriguing.
she is very noice indeed!
Um, is that a man? Either way, great look.
Wow!! Her style is unique and definitely suits her look. She exudes confidence and that's what her hot!
The Beso Team
Very pretty, can't say I like the tattoos though :S
Her skirt is pretty funny and the bag looks interesting!
xoxo Sandra
We burlesque dancers are a handsome lot! She looks great. There is a thriving community of burlesquers in Nashville. You should make it to Miss Exotic World in Vegas or the New York City Burlesque Festival. These events are brimming with confident women of all kinds.
Bianca 13
I agree with you.
She is so fabulous and her stance is very feminine and powerful, I love it. She looks like a beautiful pinup model from the 50's. Great photo!
cool summer outfit!
Funny outfit :)
it's incredible how she can look so sexy with buttoned-to-the-neck shirt.
her posture is lovely and i appreciate two more things - she's not standing pigeon toed and this girl knows how to pose! that tattoo's not so shabby either!
Nice bag. Pretty girl.
ooh the mickey skirt is amazing!!!
burlesque is all about it's own very unique style so i'm not surprised you think that!
just look at dita von teese <3
This is such a perfect look, hands down! It's so funny how burlesque dancers can be so classy.