I'm in Berlin right now shooting an ad campaign. Yesterday I met Claude, her name is Claudia but she hates that name. As you can see, Claude is a beautiful example of a young lady that knows how to play up her best assets. We cast her because she has the figure of a real, everyday girl: she stands about 5'1" and she is very curvy. You can't really appreciate her curves because of her coat, but they're there. It has actually been a little difficult to find samples that fit her correctly but really, who could get past her hair, lips and those legs? She knows that these are her best featues and works with us to find looks that suit her best.
To me, this is such a great reminder to stop obsessing about my own personal imperfections and start highlighting the little gifts.
Tomorrow I'm cutting the sleeves off all of my Guy Rover shirts and showing off the guns! (For those of you who didn't understand the Pocari Sweat post, that was a joke.)
Comments on "On the Street....Claude, Berlin"
Love the shoes!!! Gorgeous girl and wonderful edgy look. Simply beautiful.
Utterly craving a parka now!
She is by no means curvy. Your perspective is flawed. Beautiful look.
Gorgeous looking girl. So natural. Beautiful lips & legs.
Damn you... I just got back from Berlin! HA
Her skin... immense! Like porcelain
Yours Truly
For Anon 7:13
How can you say she is not curvy?
She is wearing a parka. The curves are there you just can't see them.
Very glad your choosing real girls (I'm 5.2 and my asset are my legs too). Her bangs are super sexy (jealous because I have cow licks that don't allow me to achieve the big bang).
The earthy reds of her beauty against all that bright German greenery. And only moments before I was busy researching fishtail parkas.
I am in love with this girl's hair.
I'm loving the green with the color of her hair and lips!! Her bangs are so nice! I just love everything about this picture
Love this girl. She's real, and a great reminder that gorgeous girls come in all sizes.
I love the contrast of her skin against the background. Beautiful work.
Lips, oh yes. Her pout is one many women imitate.
The hair acts as a frame for those lovely lips.
That could be a cool art project.
What curves !? I don't see them. I really like the purse and how it matches her hair color. She has a pretty face but the way she is holding the cigarette needs to go. It doesn't look as classy or timeless as Audrey Hepburn does it.
I wouldn't have thought 5'1
As an hourglass 5'2" woman, I'm thrilled to see her picture here and doubly thrilled to see how fabulous she looks. What lovely thick hair, and what a gorgeous pout.
I've recently taken to wearing skin tight dark jeans with long very loose sweaters (it's winter where I am). The look actually works wonderfully when one is trying to avoid always looking like a Marilyn Monroe clone (which is my default appearance).
Thanks for posting!
She looks like a Rafaelite painting.
Europe's Taste!
I love this. She is beautiful, short, and girl has definitely got some legs. Real girls rock.
She certainly is beautiful and definitely a good example of what you can make of yourself when you focus on the positive. I'm sure your guns are intimidatingly lovely, Scott!
Ha ha... you don't often write a lot, that was nice to see some humor!!! I totally laughed out loud!!!! This girl is so gorgeous... those lips are lovely and her hair is just to die for!
you seem like a nice man but describing this model-looking person, who by the way looks 6'1 not 5'1, as an example of the everyday girl with curves isn't uplifting to the rest of us 5'1 everyday curvy girls.
I cant get past her face! beautiful!
I suppose she's curvy for the fashion world.
She's gorgeous Sart... BUT LET'S SEE THOSE CURVES! :)
She feels earthy.. if that makes sense? Loving her hair and want those shoes.
Love her...thanks for the reminder.
Unfortunately we all tend to focus on the negative.
I too will play up my best asset...lips!
those bangs! those lips!
Love the colors!
She really looks like part of the forest :)
Thank you. Thank you for highlighting the fact that it is all about proportion and working with your strenghts. Thank you for photographing a natural, albeit totally gorgeous girl. More please.
this is me in another life. delicious style. hair. mouth. jealous. for sure.
Love her lips and hair. Are those legs attractive now? As of 20 seconds ago, I thought that girls with muscular legs like that were unattractive? If that is incorrect, I will start wearing shorts again.
She is absolutely beautiful, but coat or not I cannot see how one would consider this girl 'curvy.' To me curvy means larger in frame than average.
Maybe my perception is flawed but that's my thing.
Channeling Nico again - love her bangs.
Reddish hair will always be great with green. I should know. Natural is always best.
Good for you not casting a 6'1 110 lb model. Us normal girls get awful sick of watching the skeleton parade!
she reminds me so much of Lara Stone!
her hair is amazing
I would have *never* guessed she was 5' 1". You are exactly right - she knows *exactly* what works for her - and how to flaunt her best features. Gorgeous!!
Ha ha, you think this girl is curvy? I'm glad she's normal sized and not a stick, but your time in fashion has skewed your perspective if you think she's curvy. Words mean things.
I think you should avoid taking pics of people smoking. Smoking isn't stylish.
How can you people say that she is not 5'1 when there is no other person on the pic to compare her to AND Mr.S. himself told you her hight?
I don't get it... Just don't get it.
The bag is super chick, but someone was right about the cigarette, it needs to go...and never come back.
She exudes a bit an attitude that says "badass." I love it!
OMG folks. She's not that gorgeous:)
She looks soooooo beautiful!! her face,lips, hair. u r so rite sart we can't get past her face. but the biggest help it did is it relieved me of my worry. I'm 5'1'' and hate being short coz we aren't considered great and also we aren't fit for modelling right. so i'm extremely glad that u broke convention and showed her so beautifully!! it says so much about your expertise!!
Oh hell yes. We would love to see the "guns"!!
Claude really is stunning. Her hair has an incredible and delicious color, and this picture - there's something about the light that hints it was a gray day(?) I love gray, just the thought of a chilly cloudy day takes me to so many places...
she has the most gorgeous hair & fringe. @ Adrienne, I also have cowlicks (what a wonderful description) thus rendering wonderful sweeping fringes impossible, Oh well! Lucy Laucht
Gorgeous hair, and those lips! Kissable indeed but the ciggie... too bad, it's a mjor turn off. Do you smoke Sart?
She reminds me of a brunette Claudia Schiffer. I like the way she is camouflaged so that what really stands out is her head and hand.
d'accord, scott...we should celebrate our imperfections - it is what makes us uniquely 'us'!
gorgeous lips and love the bangs. and just goes to prove you don't have to be over 5'8" to be a great model!
i love her hair and her lips - very edgy. She doesnt look like a 5'1 tho..Isnt 5'1 like just over 160cm? That would definitely make me feel good about myself!
Another lovely shot. This gal's look is timeless and ageless; with or without curves; any height. Gorgeous.
L. x x
She could never wash her hair and wear a paper bag with lipstick. Her lips are unbelievable.
Curvy refers to hourglass figures, where the proportion of chest and hips should be significantly greater than the waist ratio. Curvy does not mean heavy or "plus-size".
Perhaps people are put off by the fact that her fantastic cheekbones make her seem skinnier than the normal person, but if you look at her calves, you can see that she's not as twiggy as most models. She's a "real woman" as much as any model or any average person or plus sized model or any other curvy girls out there.
I'd love to see an example of a curvy body dressed well, though. Not just clothes that look good on anyone, but clothes that might be rocked best on a curyy girl. Begone with the parka!
NOTE: when i called your book "the shit" earlier, I meant it in the positive sense of "shit". Being an intimate of Kanye West, I assume you caught my drift, shawty. But I figure, better be safe. AKA I'M CRAZY ABOUT YOUR BOOK MAN, AND YOUR BLOG DUDE. YOU ROCK MAN.
But seriously, totally inspiring.
Please add pictures that show off her curves. As a curvy woman myself, I love seeing fashions that look good on my kind of body.
she is really gorgeous!
She reminds me of Angelea from America's Next Top Model, either way... love her style ;)
She reminds me of Angelea from America's Next Top Model, either way... love her style ;)
very curvy?
I love her face. Such strong features yet feminine as well. I love those shoes!!!!
maybe i can't tell because of the coat, but i'm not sure this girl counts as "curvy."
just the same, beautiful colors, beautiful photograph.
i love how she doesn't care....smoking and everything...simply realistic !!
wow! she's such an inspiration for me- i'm 5'0 and curvy and she's just gorgeous
I am so glad you posted this. Just yesterday someone asked me if I still follow The Sartorialist, to which I replied, "yes, but unfortunately I'm not thin enough to pull off any of the looks he posts." I have plenty of great features, and you've inspired me to focus on them and not on the things that I can't control (like my 5'2" height!).
see my curves at www.sheenazadeh.com
Curves are NOT imperfections. This girl is insanely beautiful and using her as example of "making the most" of an "imperfect" body is completely absurd.
I'm so happy to hear that such a creative mind can turn to girls that are not necesarily 5'10. It just goes to show that art can be found even in the smallest packages. This definitely made my day.
I love that she is 5'1" and appreciated! I'm also 5'1" and it still seems that taller is unjustifiably better/more fashionable. You can still have a beautiful, proportional figure, even if you're short!
I love the combination of that rich navy with the slightly faded swamp green.
Curvy girls aren't that common. I mean "curvy" in the classic sense, of course. God knows what YOU mean!
she looks nonchalantly beautiful. she's gorgeous. can't believe she's just 155 cm. i think she's much taller than that!
take a walk into my fashion atelier :)
There is something about her that resembles Carla Bruni
I agree with jenniferanne. I'd like to see the curves under that coat.
Curvy or not she's still gorgeous... especially her hair, it's so perfect!
She has a striking face!!
She made the most of her name, her hair, outfit, her confidence. Her flaws (if any) are irrelevant.
xx Cristina
Sorry, but this is just another prove that German girls dress too mannish - like Lagerfeld already noticed years ago.
tim (German)
Oh, god. The boots! The leggings! The Jumper, the Parka! My alternative youth is alive and well!
Don't quite get the curvy angle though.
love the green
Yay for short people. Now for short male models!
What shoes are those? They are fabulous.
"it has actually been a little difficult to find samples that fit her correctly but really, who could get past her hair, lips and those legs? She knows that these are her best features and works with us to find looks that suit her best."
sadly, this is rather typical of the fashion industry. oftentimes, a curvy girl's beauty is pigeonholed as "earthily sexy" and her face--in fact, everything but her body---is used to dominate the photo. not to poin an accusing finger, but this post smarts of condescension.as there is only one photo, why not choose one of her flaunting her more "challenging" assets?
rien qu'en regardant la photo on sait que c'est une allemande!
Beautiful - but the smoking is such a turn off!
That girl is absolutely stunning *.*
I agree with jenniferanne, what is so imperfect about being 5'1" and "curvy"? Her body is only imperfect against the standards you are imposing. I think I understand that you were trying to make a positive post about body image, but it came across really negative.
sure she's cute, but i agree with some that i don't see why you emphasize curves when you don't even see them!!! If she was wear something a little more form fitting to show off her curves in addition to her already great features then i'd comprehend a little bit better. But all you see is a cute girl in layered heavy garments sitting and smoking.... and btw i love to see curvy women embrace their shapes in a (good way that is)...
How long are you here in Berlin? and what are you doing here exactly? I have been a fan for so long and always seem to miss you when you are in town. would love to run into you.. ;)
I hate that using a girl who is not really thin and tall is such a big deal- it should be the norm to see any kind of girl as a model, thin or otherwise. But appreciate what you're doing. Love her shoes, coat and nice thick hair.
i have to agree with pp sheena. i find myself inspired by tons of stuff in your photos but feel i'd look ridiculous in most because of my shape (which i would describe as "pear"). please keep finding inspiration in women who aren't size 0 & 5'8"+
I want her boots!!!
I really have to agree with others. I don't think it's good to post a picture of a curvy girl (60 - 65kg I guess? tss) and then saying that this is an imperfection. I think it's a good start but if you consider "being curvy" as an imperfection you suggest that being superskinny is perfect, which definitely is the wrong thinkt o suggest.
Being a hairdresser for so many years,I often scratch below the surface of what make people come alive, and what makes them feel low. I find every time, when I only express the assets,it's the calm in the storm. I appreciate your sincerity. Well said and well done. Best of the best for your shoot.
i totally loved her look!
i've been looking for a parka like that a year now. can anyone tell me where i could find something like that? big brands please,since i need to find it in greece!
her hair looks amazing as well.
that's a pure natural look anyone should fall for
what jenniferanne said..... this is simply a beautiful, edgy typical berlin style girl. she rocks.
Gorgeous girl! I'm so interested in what kind of clothes you and her will chose. Am going 'home' next month and seeing pictures of Berlin really make me looking forward to it.
beutifull & simple style!
this post makes me kind of sad... who is perfect?? what is perfect?? if there exists any kind of perfection in this world, she sure is very close to it... difficult to find samples that fit?! sad... she is a queen!
Well said. I get what you're trying to say but looks like you've upset a few people. She does look great either way.
My first comment here though I have been following you with admiration for months.
I've always loved the way you are able to see people and this one just makes me so happy. Making the advantages bigger than defaults or conveying defaults into perfections... In a world where perfection and appearance are obsessions you highlight attitudes. Thanks for that. And I might come to see you on Monday in Netherlands, I'll be honoured.
She's absolutely gorgeous, and so is the name Claudia I must say. Those boots are awesome!
Lovely story and she is beautiful.
i have to say, i don't think she's curvy. Proportional yes, but not curvy...
"you seem like a nice man but describing this model-looking person, who by the way looks 6'1 not 5'1, as an example of the everyday girl with curves isn't uplifting to the rest of us 5'1 everyday curvy girls."
I have to second this. ):
Everyone whining about not seeing her curves should wait for the ad campaign Sart shot to go online. Although one would hope there aren't any obscuring parkas covering her up!
I'm always curious to see what happens when a straight man dresses a curvy woman, esp when he isn't that used to doing it. Please post the results Sart.
http://runwayrevolution.com - models over a size10
I like my ladies real. Just like Claude. I don't need no supermodel with no curves, 6'1" and 70 LBS...
she is so beautiful... une beauté réelle, vrai, la vie quoi.
love the attitude...
Being 5'1 myself, I think you tend to come across curvier than what you really are because of the height. I have hips and curves, but I'm still a tiny size. Yay for short women hehe
she really soes look great...i am so jealous of that perfect pout!
you know how to pick the ones that count!
She's gorgeous! Smouldering! What a natural beauty. I love that you cast her.
She's stunning. Such amazing hair! Would love to see more shots of her where she's less covered up. Love that she's 5'1" and hope we might just see some more shorter people on here from time to time.
Or you could get one of those T-shirts with 'Ladies, get your tickets to the gun show' emblazoned on it...!
She's a very beautiful, striking girl, and I totally agree with the sentiment of playing to your strengths.
She is no naturally gorgeous! Love the pout, probably natural too. I am small, less than 5 1/2 feet and curvy.
All my life, I've never fit into "The Clothes". I have had to build my own style. At the age of 50, I am finally comfortable in my own skin and "be damned" those who don't like real women. They are truly missing out because we inhabit about 95% of the Earth:) The secret is loving yourself as you are and knowing how to shop!
the hair is great, but the haircut is just terrible.
Beautiful shot, except the cigarette..
It's funny - her name is Claudia and yours is Scott - and this woman looks so much like a norwegain singer, although probably less than half her age.
The singers name? Claudia Scott! - have a look:
Please post more of this shoot, would be lovely to see more of how she dresses herself to highlight her beautiful features!
I'm sorry but she seems to me an "everyday girl" in a top model world! She' s not exactly the girl of the neighbour door.
She has great hair and sensual lips.
But the haircut ! no thanks !
Yay for short people! Check out the latest issue of the NYTimes that talks about all the successful short people out there!
What a wonderful post!!! Seriously!! I did want to say something (apologies it is long, but you really inspired me!). Having given up smoking I have found my body is changing shape (not hugely, but it definitely is). From being very skinny I have now developed a nice womanly posterior, and my arms no longer are twiglike. And I really love it!
However, I did become quite self-conscious and somewhat down in terms of my body not fitting its normal UK size 8-10. I am now a UK size 12 according to H & M. Which seems to have started to cut its clothes very small, which made me feel very unhappy.
But I decided that was ridiculous, people say I look great and I feel healthy, and it means an opportunity to learn an almost new way of dressing.
So therefore thank you for this lovely post. Often we as women are so victimised, and pressured to look good and skinny etc. But as you say, and your wonderful blog always emphasises, it is all about individuality and personal style! Long may they live!!
I personally find it very sad that labels such as "curvy" now have to applied to women who I am sure would be best described as "slim". As a woman I find that this labelling (so often you'll note by men) is an extremely damaging to the self esteem of millions of women who are subject to the fashion world's over pervading image of beauty (thin) and curvy as a kind of metaphor for "not thin". For shame, when I read things like this, it makes me think that the fashion world is merely another trial for women.
'Curves are NOT imperfections. This girl is insanely beautiful and using her as example of "making the most" of an "imperfect" body is completely absurd.'
Completely agree with Jennifer Anne. This is one of the most beautiful women I have seen on your site, and that is saying a lot! I didn't even register that she was larger and shorter than your average model. That should not be interpreted as a testament to how successfully she has hidden her 'imperfect' figure but rather the irrelevance of these things to her beauty. She is real (as all women, even skinny ones, are) but she is not everyday.
Drop dead gorgeous. I do hope you'll post some photos from the shoot of this stunning girl. Yes, accentuate the positive... More and more I endeavor to be mindful and appreciative of my great health and strong body and mind; without without which one has nothing. Show off those guns!!
she doesn't look short at all. like it a lot
I need to speak up, and agree with the wispy chorus of people who point out the condescending, skewed perspective of this post. You imply that you selected this young woman *despite* her curves and *despite* her height and *despite* these "flaws" because she has other assets and features to offset them.
Nothing is wrong with her frame. Screw your sample sizes. I find it contradictory to basic common sense that the fashion industry doesn't make a larger sample size to tailor in per each individual. Aren't you all supposed to be capable of, I don't know, sewing?
I have been following your blog for the past six months and until now, I really looked up to you as someone with unique and insightful takes on the world. Today I'm disappointed, and feel that you may very well be on the fringe of the shallow and narrow-minded fashion niche that wields its influence in a manner that often proves very damaging for the self-image of impressionable young people.
I love military parka
I’m happy to see someone that is 5’1” here. I’m also short, and feel most of the time excluded just because I’m not 5’10”!
Love this post! I am so glad you reminded us all of beeing nice to ourselves, and focus on our best features! Love it! ;)
Scott, thank you so much for highlighting this beautiful young lady today! I am always so happy to see the fashion community embrace a diversity of shapes...isn't that what it's all about anyway...something different and new, individual and unique...I love it and can't wait to see more!
Erstaunlich! Wow! This is a beautiful young woman, Sart. She's quite stunning actually. Very sexy. She definitely looks 5'1" (ignore the critics).
She may be an "everyday girl" in Germany, but in the US your "everyday girl" is usually a bloated and angry creature.
I love Berlin; one of my favourite cities. Looking forward to more Berlin photos.
perfect bangs, killer shoes.
Stunning woman, I would think she was like 5'9"!
she beautiful but i also like the army jacket&the boots.
Please post some pics of the final product (or direct us to where they will be posted)! As another short, curvy lady, I'm intrigued to what you do with the styling.
Please, more pictures of young women who don't fit into sample sizes. There are more of us out there than off-duty models...
Beautiful and mysterious. It's encouraging to hear that you are using a smaller woman in an ad. As a petite woman myself, I always remind myself that it is proportion--not just height--that matters...and attitude matters even more.
CurveSmart: most straight men give their opinion that clothes are better when they show off the curves.
Agreed to a lot of people on here: the only imperfection in this shot is that she covered up her curves. Where's a Mad Men-esque dress when you need one?
Perfection has always a touch of imperfection.That is life and beauty...and more interesting and wakes up my tenderness.
OMGosh! Finally. Someone to love.
Cool! I can totally relate to this, for when a girl knows her best feature... She will most likely stand out than be a commoner! PS I don't wear anything aside from lipstick and everyone can;t get over it!!
Why is curvy and short considered to be drawbacks that have to be hid?
Very simple. I love it!
She is Amazingly Gorgeous. Claude definitely knows how to tease the camera w/ her beauty..slightly puckered lips hair dangling in her face..This shot almost looks natural
Since Claude is a model, I would assume that the 5'1" height is an imperfection, which is just what he means. She plays up her best assets perfectly, namely the hair and mouth. Enough already about not being able to see the curves, he says they're there, period.
flaunt what you got!
she is fabulous.
She reminds me of so many models from the 80s. Just lovely.
M65 jackets really are pretty incredible. They both look good and are really warm.
hi scott u r awesome. great post. very pretty girl.
can we find out where her boots are from? KILLER!
and i agree, this shot is just amazing all around.
Curves are imperfections? Only if the standard by which we judge is one guided by an industry that operates on a very narrow definition of beauty.
I can see her legs unless she is totally out of proportion she is not curvy by any real definition. The average size woman is the US is a 14. Your prospective has been warped by your proximity to fashion people and models. You show woman, many of whom look like they have an eating disorder and are starving themselves. I myself am a size 4 and people like you who throw in a "normal" curvy girl but mostly perpetuate these unrealistic standards of double 00 warp healthy people like myself who eat normal and workout to stay fit and healthy. You should show more regular people of all sizes. I should add that unlike most people in fashion you do show more of a variety. But until this unattainable standard is discontinued and glorified, women will keep killing themselves to achieve it. Please be more responsible.
It's wonderful seeing someone petite (in height, of course) on your blog. I, too, am very small (5') with a womanly figure ... Trying to find clothes that flatter can be a challenge, but it's so rewarding when you do. Thanks, Scott!
I really really appreciate this post of yours! It uplifting for us petite framed girls. I'm 5'0 and had to struggle with my height in my whole life. This post is such an encouragement. She is absolutely stunning in this picture. I don't know how you took the picture but you made her look taller. There are tricks I know. I just started writing a blog about what I wear. It features my pictures. Some people also commented that I looked taller in the pictures. It's a perception with no comparison.
I can see her legs unless she is totally out of proportion she is not curvy by any real definition. The average size woman is the US is a 14. Your prospective has been warped by your proximity to fashion people and models. You show woman, many of whom look like they have an eating disorder and are starving themselves. I myself am a size 4 and people like you who throw in a "normal" curvy girl but mostly perpetuate these unrealistic standards of double 00 warp healthy people like myself who eat normal and workout to stay fit and healthy. You should show more regular people of all sizes. I should add that unlike most people in fashion you do show more of a variety. But until this unattainable standard is discontinued and glorified, women will keep killing themselves to achieve it. Please be more responsible.
Obsessed with Claude! Love her military-style jacket and the bag. What is the bag? It looks like J.W. Hulme.
Haha! Your guns. Hilarious. She is beautiful. I really appreciate this post because I myself obsess about the negatives at times and am built like her - but tall.
It's nice to see a curvy girl in the fashion industry (I love Crystal Renn). Yes, we must enjoy and highlight the beautiful bits and be happy. Highlight guns, gam and buns galore! :)
MORE of these women, PLEASE! Especially if the photo actually shows the curves. Also, is it possible to get a bigger version of this picture? I want to zoom in on her face and other details like her bag and shoes.
wonderful! just perfect!
She's beautiful! Love her laid-back style and those boots!
Sequins & Shadows
I don't think Sart means that he himself is calling 'Curviness' an imperfection - rather he is reflecting on how society/media/fashion only ravishes those with taller, anorexic physiques.
The girl is hidden under a coat... she may have a bust big enough that she considers it a flaw, she may have horrible batwing arms (like I do lol) - to her, she is merely covering those parts she doesn't like up and exposing the ones she does (ie, legs, face, etc).
Unfortunately, we can't see (let's face it, JUDGE) her to see whether she fits our ideal of curvy but we have to take Sart's word on it.
** for the record, I think a lot of people are mistaking "CURVY" with "PLUS-SIZE" - Curvy, in my definition, means having an hour glass figure. It doesn't mean she's overweight or fat, and clearly we can see she is neither of those things.
PS I hate smoking as much as the next person but COME ON PEOPLE get off your PC-wagon. It's Europe, they smoke, deal with it! Doesn't mean YOU have to smoke. And to be honest, I didn't even notice her cigarette (I was trying to find her curves :P)
Really good choice!
All for the embracing imperfections message - this site is exemplary at showing the beauty of individuality. Not sure I'm interpreting this right, but having some trouble with the "curves" equals imperfection equation. Would this extremely beautiful girl be less beautiful if her (curvy, large, fat?) body part(s) weren't all covered up? I doubt it.
Beautiful, yes. Edgy, no. Inexpensive look, yes except for the boots. Army jackets are some of the most practical garments ever made. The one that she's wearing can be picked up online, used for US$ 15 to 20 and new for US$ 40 to 60.
Please work with this model to uncover her eyes and to display some curves.
God, I love it! Everything's great...and her haircut-amazing!
The (im)Perfect Harmony
Lovely. She's beautiful!
I want her boots
I love her boots! Great look.
I'm going to bet that you had no idea how much some readers would take offense to the word curvy. She is gorgeous & quite unique.
As Olympia Dukakis said in "Moonstruck", what you don't know about women. You think they are curves? Mr. S, you need to meet a curvy woman. Jacket or no jacket, believe me, she is not a curvy woman. Musha!
I see what you mean - I honestly thought she was your regular model when I just saw the photo, because she seemed to be tall and gorgeous. I am stunned to realize she's just 5'1, especially since I am 5'3... Wow, just wow. I really want to say thanks for not just posting this picture but for giving us more info - it truly is so good to know a "regular" girl is making a real shoot somewhere. And by regular girl I mean not going to the extremes here - just like I don't think it is right to have to be too thin to be a model, I don't think it is right to be unreasonably chubby. There are thousands of healthy girls out there whose bodies are just right for their height. THANK YOU
You nailed it - stop obsessing over what you don't have and start celebrating who you are! It's called living and true beauty comes from the inner glow. I am soooo tired of the lame cookie cutters trying to be more *fill in the blank*
As a curvy and short woman, I just don't get the negative comments. I think she's beautiful, her lips are amazing and I'm so happy she's 5'1". When you are used to seeing statuesque and skinny models, it's just plain fabulous to look at someone who is appreciated for her style no matter what her height or weight is. She doesn't look insecure or self conscious to me.
As a 5'2"-er, I appreciate the look and the curves. Amazing how a "regular girl" can look so chic.
totally kissable mouth, I am so jealous
OMG!!! all the anonymous answers are so judgemental wether she is curvy or not, is that the point???
It's a beautiful photo and even if she is curvy or not CURVY she is gorgeous! Some people insist on what they believe is right, i say let them believe...
I really like the photo with the curvy non curvy girl in it. xx
she has amazing cheekbones and hair. she's beautiful. she probably has a naturally small frame judging by her cheekbones. i have trouble telling if she is "curvy" but it does sound a little offensive to call her "very curvy." i still hear curvy as a positive word in my mind, but knowing that it implies a negative connotation, i do think that's a strong phrase!
I´m soooo happy and surprised that you guys cast a girl like her, a short girl, not skinny, like me.Everything now is all about "skinny X curvy". And how about the short and average weight girls!? Wonderful see that in fashion;) Thanks for sharing, Scott!
ps. have to say she reaally beautiful
finally, the short girls get some recognition! so in love with this photo.
She's got such odd proportions. Really not loving this. She looks odd.
I love that your casting curvy models but this picture doesn't display any of her unique qualities. To me it just looks like your average supermodel with a cigarette and frankly cheap looking clothes that aren't very interesting. Disappointing.
I Like your words and I like the girl...
one of my favorite photographs from you.
please read my blog at http://ohgeeitsgreat.wordpress.com/
An incredibly beautiful and personally stylish girl. Very curvy - and I don't mean that as big-curvy but really curvy. A perfect body.
Gorgeous girl! Awesome find! Can't wait for more pics!
Oh boy, this post raised some blood pressure.
Didn't the author write about highlighting what you love and accepting what you don't and knowing how to make the best of it? Doesn't that sentiment work for everyone, including the model and the eye of the photographer?
her face is so sixtieseurobeautiful, but her look is conventional. i would wonder if she would get on here if she just had the outfit going for her?
I've seen lots of photos with girls that dress nice,but every now and then I find something special, that captures my atention. Great job
This girl is insanely beautiful. Wherever she goes and whatever she wants she will find her way smoothed by her great beauty. This photo does not reveal much of her body shape and the word 'curvy' has many connotations, as readers have pointed out. Kylie Minogue has never appeared to have a problem being shorter than the Western average. So what I'm left with here is a picture of an exceptionally beautiful girl in very ordinary clothes, photgraphed by an exceptionally talented photographer. And while I appreciate it, I don't see much that's new here.
Bravo. Well said, she is amazing and we could all learn a thing or two about playing up our assets.
I don't know Claude but I think she doesn't like girly clothes that play up her curves. And I think that is the amazing part - that she likes a particular cool edgy boyish look that would normally only work on a tall stick-think model figure. And yet she makes it work!!
Isn't that fantastic? That she can pursue the look she wants and nail it despite her body 'imperfections'?
To suggest that she wear a dress to show off her curves to prove her 'curviness' or to say that she cannot be considered curvy misses the point completely!
lol she isn't curvy! She's quite slim. I don't know what your idea of curvy is, but if you consider Claude to be 'normal' then I don't know what you'd think of a woman with real curves.
"Didn't the author write about highlighting what you love and accepting what you don't and knowing how to make the best of it? Doesn't that sentiment work for everyone, including the model and the eye of the photographer?"
The problem is the notion that there's anything imperfect about being short or having a shapely figure to begin with. These characteristics aren't flaws, but rather, variations on the human body that make each person uniquely appealing. It makes me want to poke my eyes out when people in fashion cheerfully pretend they have a positive and inclusive attitude because they can admit a woman under 5'9 and over size 2 is beautiful.
OF COURSE this woman is beautiful. No "in spite of's" necessary.
loads of men find petite women sexy but it gets overlooked somehow in the media's obsession with tall and thin.
shes curvy?!!
haha no wayy
thats ridiculous the fashion industry has gone too far..
Love her hair <3
she is so beautifull
Very nice photo, Scott! I was immediately captured by the colors in it, especially the background with the green contrasting against her dark outfit. I think Claude is gorgeous and I love her hair! I was thinking of growing my bangs out but this picture makes me want to cut them again.
I think I definitely learned over the years to dress up my best assets as well (I'm 5'2 1/2" and my best assets are my legs)
Cool post! I'd like to see more photos of Claude sans parka.
Oh please, loose the cigarette kitten
I've been contemplating getting some bangs that are styled like hers. What shape of face do you think I need to pull that off? Do they work on everyone?
I love the coat, the purse, and the boots! :)