On the Street....Back in Milano

When I saw Luca for just a moment today, I was kinda surprised to see him in such a subdued color palette.
Even without his usual bold prints and dramatic pattern combination, Luca still looks great. The understated nature of his look actually helps to highlight the perfection of the Rubinacci cut and tailoring, details which are sometimes upstaged by Luca's flair for color and pattern.
Comments on "On the Street....Back in Milano"
love the multiple bracelets in random colors!!!
So, it's strange. Luca still hasn't called to offer his hand in marriage, yet. Let him know I'm ready and waiting, yeah?
What an amazing palette of Blues!! He looks fantastic!
I like the mystery of a man's suit,giving him a reserved-slightly-restrained look and the bracelets add to the interesting complexity.
Classic with personality (tie and bracelets).
I love his bracelets paired in this classic man piece!
cool style
Love to see bold guys being pretty!
I love a tailored suit. Nothing says style like a good fit.
His look is indeed less bold than usual, but it still looks great. I love how he's always wearing those colourful bracelets, I'd love to see a close-up of them some time :)
i like his bracelets...
this is a look that i have seen a lot in Milano
gorgeus!!! he is very atractive and stylish
Love the tie and the bracelets!
His suit together with his bracelets are an interesting and refreshing mixmatch.
Fantastic tailoring I love the juxtaposition of the sharp suit and the jazzy wrist accessories!
I really like the bracelets.
Looks nice.
Despite the fact that I am a woman Luca Rubinacci is one of my number one sources of inspiration.
He inspires me to embrace colour instead of being slightly afraid of it as I was in the past.
It is funny to see him dressed this way, because this is the way I do it. Stripes, jewelry everything with details (taking little baby steps over here!).
So thank you very much for posting Scott. It shows that I am on the right track and keeps me motivated. Just like your blog always does.
Have a nice day.
He looks great in all the blue. x
I love a hot bald man... love the bracelets.
i love all the bracelets. everything thing about the look seems so precise and they scream playful! great combo.
I think you've posted him before - he always looks pristine. Dressed like a true gent, never trendy, but what are the little bracelets all about?
LOVEE his bracelets!!
Great tie. Sexy bracelets. Impeccable fitting suit. Love this guy.
love the bracelets! he looks fabulous
I am sending this picture directly to my husband. This is how a man with a slender build should look in his suit at all times.
No matter how much I mention it and no matter how many examples I show him, he insists on wearing his suits just a little too big. I don't know what to do - it makes me want to scream!
(Plus I believe it reflects poorly on me as his wife.)
Thanks again for yet another example of how it can be done right. Thank you for helping me try to help him!
P.S.- Where are his cuffs? Do Italian men really wear short sleeve shirts? Say it ain't so!
Is he wearing a short sleeve shirt? Where are his cuffs?
It's interesting to see his relatively "wide" lapels when skinny ones are so in right now.
Love the bracelets- they add a great pop of color making the outfit more chic and more fun.
The cut of that suit is incredible. Luca is looking great.
The bracelets & the knot of the tie highlight each other
beautiful suit, and I think the bracelets just add personality. beautiful.
Love the mix of boho string bracelets with such an impeccable suit.
the tailoring certainly does look good but what really strikes me about his look is the simplicity and formality of the suit in contrast with those bracelets.
Now, this looks fantastic!
I didn't like the previous Milanese look that much. But this is what I would expect from an Italian guy... Very elengant, but still casual and cool in a way... look at those small beaded bracelets... love them!
He looks so lovely, very dapper. I really like how he is wearing those beaded bracelets (I think), they actually look perfect with the suit.
Oh, wow. Love this. Gentlemanly elegance. The blue is beautiful. I love how simple and (almost) unadorned this is.
I love a nice blue suit. The 80s gave them such a bad reputation, but this is full-on Cary Grant.
There is a certain casual elegance of the knitted tie that I love.
What's with all his bracelets?
of i do not know him personally, but i think his flair shines through in his accessories. Those bracelets tell a completely different story than the suit (which is a killer cut).
Those armbands with that perfect suit is such a good match...
Lovely deep blue color of his jacket. I love it! Details as bracelet and tie show his individual style.
He looks wonderful, I think the bracelets are my favorite part. Such a beachy, even tribal look to complement a totally professional one.
Obviously he knows lots more about fashion than I do, but I dont see shirt sleeves anywhere near the cuffs of his jacket, short sleeves perhaps? Could it be? We are looking up his right arm and even there we can't see the sleeve...
Genius combination - all these blues together with the cravat and the bangles. Molto elegante!
If Luca is not dressed in an impeccable suit, I will not go. His tailoring is wonderful and is very handsome and elegant
the ties a nice touch. the different directions of stripes look great. love the blog.
I love the hints of color thru the tiny bracelets and lined tie.
Milano is one of the best places to spot great outfits loke those. Something between the italian informality and high fashion codes... Love it.
Magnificent....that's all.
I love this blue suit, or is it a jacket with unmatching pants? He is always very elegant.
I love the pocket detail.
I love the pocket detail on the jacket.
He used that same tie in a previous shot, the one with whom I believe was his father
Hey cool bracelets, cool suit, cool tie, cool everything! This guy's got style.
The blue is that of the sky just after the sun has set.
I like his personal addition to the ensemble with his bracelets.
Beautiful tie!!!!
The cut of that jacket is quite boxy and actually, a little outdated, IMHO. I´d much rather wear less padding that follows the natural contour of one´s shoulders and slimmer sleeves for comfort and vibrant masculinity.
The suit is impeccably cut and just perfect
But what really makes this outfit special for me is the slightly unexpected bohemian touch of the bracelets.
PS. I should also say - LOVED the post on dandy gentlemans store in Belgium! I'd totally visit!
I like the fact that the last two post show men with classically tailored coats, and not overly tailored tight suits.
A horizontally striped tie!! Now, that's unique! You always see vertical, but never horizontal. I love that the look is subtle and doesn't detract from his beautiful, beautiful face.
the bracelets look silly on a grown man. My teenage daughters wear many bracelets like this...it suits them better.
love those ironic bracelets!! looove them!
love this
He is the hottest man I've seen......... ever.
This is a great photo - love how the background picks up on the orange accents in the tie.
Friend in Fashion
Yum. That's all.
Great looking suit and overall combination of colours. Don't really like short sleeve shirts however.
Luca has an amazing style! I really enjoy his shots in your book too :)
Luca is the best!!!
Italian elegance at its best! Lovely!
The bracelets are still a nice touch...
I always appreciate your eye for dressing sensibility.
elegantissimo! what a man. what a style. gorgeous
haha the bracelets , real nice touch : )
I've never seem him before, and I'm not usually one for bald men - but this guy is sexy as hell.
This is the greatest example of a man who successfully combines the job and his own personality. Who says that a suit has to be boring?
replica relojes
Loves it! =)
Bracelets are not really cool with a power suit.he seems he just left the beach and put on a power jacket.
Hhhuuuugggeeee shoulderpads! 80's is back.
Love this blue. Very elegant but unconventional!
What if you crossed a hippie beach bum with and elegant debonair dude?
p.s.--I swear pants and jacket do not match. Presumably this is a serious sartorial breach. So what! Style trumps dogma!
I loved the last picture of Luca you posted in January and to see him now in this suit is kind of a surprise. But I love it, he seems to have this special attitude you can't describe.
He looks great but for me it's a bit dull. Maybe because I have seen so much fantastic colour lately!
OH Luca...
love the combo of the bracelets with the muted suit.
i also like his rugged unshaven look.
he's got this thing down to a t.
Shoulders are too strong
<3 Luca's style!!
Hes dreamy :)
the poeple in milan dress soo well i love it there
Really nice blog keep up the good work
Muhammad Huzaifa
What a handsome man!
He does look very confident on his outfit and I love the touch of "many colors" on the bracelets as well.
Luca always looks hot, but what's with the colored bracelets? They actually work for him because he's a hot Italian man, but if I saw a guy here wearing them, I probably wouldn't have the same opinion...
I'm not original.I also love the tie (i want it)and the idea of wearing the classic suit with bracelets.Cool!
I love blue suits!
juliet xxx
the suit is beautiful but i think my favourite part are also the bracelets, they really show it's summer time, and make it just a tad more relaxed
I kept scrolling for a pop of pink!
Lovely, nonetheless!
smart but enough wit the bracelets already.
love those braclets
this is the first outfit of luca's that you've posted that i really really like. i generally find his outfits far too busy.
fantastic cut and colour and he still sneaks in a little personal flair with the bracelets.
he looks fantastic, very cool for summer but super hot!
the bracelets! such a wonder contradiction.
Searching through all your photos of him, he does favor strong shoulders and wide lapels. They look good on him. They look good on most men, current fashion notwithstanding. That's all that matters.
It's ok to count me as one of the many Luca admirers. Short sleeves would be very practical under a jacket in warm weather wouldn't it? I think it's the perfect solution. Maybe when the jacket comes off so does the tie?
i love his bracelets on both wrists. it takes a certain kinda guy to pull of bracelets and a suit with such sophistication.
he's hot!!
That tie...
The power of posture, indeed...and the perfect fit too.
Hey Scott,
Whats up with the Shirt Sleeves/Cuffs...short sleeve shirt? or just sleeves up high?
Goodness gracious - gorgeous!
www.nakedelfproductions.com for men
Love the tie, love the strong blue, just the right amount of color with the bracelets and the light blue shirt really shines due to his tan. Once again Luca delivers.
his jacket color is amazing
Brilliant outfit, I just keep wondering where his cuffs went..
Subtlety is a great asset that really makes an outfit stand out, if the looks is put together well. Shirt cuffs? Makes me wonder if his sleeves are too short. All in all, this is the utmost show of respect to other people to take such pride in yourself.
Very "daliciuus" look! Love the twisted way of putting "dressy" and casual elements together and the bracelets are hot hot hot...love all...
That suit fits him well.
i hope to meet you, a day, in Venice...
ciao Alessandra
nice suit and nice bracelets !!!
Wow, tie. Wow, tied tie. Remarkable!
I'd like to reiterate the many comments that have been left admiring the bracelets! Love how there's this unexpected touch to the formal suit, these bohemian style bracelets. So subtle, yet they make the outfit different.
I always love seeing Luca. What I love the best about him are his bracelets. They are so colorful and unexpected- they add a real finish to his outfits!
Or is it 'the posture of power'?
Love the contrast between the suit and all the colored bracelets... It's quite fun and unexpexted!
I adore Luca. He is my colour inspiration. I like the fact that i'm not the only person with a bracelet obsession!
The bracelets are a great touch. They're so... wow. Yet not over-whelming. Really a likable look.. makes you smile. :)
How many men love the bracelets? I know I don't.
Perhaps more substantial bracelets would work but the ones he has on look plastic and cheap, and doesn't quite work to give the highly tailored suiting a casual air.
mmmmmmm, it is a bit rock v dapper, he has to work in fashion, a shop in milan perhaps? not sure if most bosses would take to his look in your normal business type environment, but wouldn't it be great if they did!
again, in general, what i always see on the sartorialist is proud, stong and stylish men from all around the world. why is it that for most part, irish men are brutal when it comes to style. i really should have been born italian, french, londonish, new yorkish!
as always, such a buzz to pop in now and again and see what the rest of world are up too. thank you mr sartorialist for keeping this so alive!
does anyone know who makes the tie??
As a guy, I never would have thought women would love the bracelet look so much. I shy away from jewelry myself... perhaps that's a bad thing.
I think what works here is his skin tone, the color of his facial hair, and his eyes. They work great with the colors in the tie and of the shirt.
I found myself telling my girlfriend I can't wait until I'm done losing my hair. I currently shave it but once it's all gone up top, I may go with this look.
Beautiful suit and tie aside, this is a wonderful photograph. A study in blue and orange, warm and cool.
business man<3
don't you love the bracelets though?
Italian elegance at its best! Lovely!
this might be just perfect in every sense. i do notnfancy the man but the suit is great
One word - perfect!
This conservative color choice of Luca's is only defied perfectly by his "friendship bracelets" ;) the colorful wrist twist he has used to convey approachability and individual relaxed style. The gold ribbon detailing of his tie is a good color on him, he looks clean and crisp!
x bird.
The tie is genius and the bracelets are a perfect complement. A suit with a stack of bracelets is so rarely done by men, but this shows how it can work.
OMG, Luca is so delicious. I am at a point where I really appreciate conservative style and the Italians are the best. He looks yummy and the bracelets are the youthful accessory. I like this better than the post later where he is the shorts with jacket buttoned, one button, over it. I could see shorts, just not those.
The colors are subdued but no less dramatic to me. The blue is stunning and I absolutely love the tie against the shirt the strips of both - elegant. The cut of the jacket as well. I am not sure why Sarto but every time you post a photo of Signore Luca I just want to hug him.
on a recent trip to Milan, I saw this man for real, so elegant.
I braciali -se lo dico bene!- fanno la differenza! Nonostante che i suoi vestiti siano un pò' più classici, Luca porta un look attualissimo abinando i vestiti con i bracciali!
Lui è un gentleman milanese! Milano quanto mi manchi!
Awesome tie!
Il est beau ce jeune homme
great beads - what a combo!
nice friendship bracelets... :-|
Nice spalla camicia.
Luca looks as dapper as always.
First let me comment on some earlier posts: Someone mentioned maybe he's wearing a short sleeved shirt; I think he just left the cuffs undone so they have peeled back. Classic "sprezzatura" touch. And then someone said "obviously he knows more about fashion than I do". I'd say it's style rather than fashion. The guy has it in his blood. 4th generation of the Rubinacci Tailoring house I believe.
But then some critique. The bracelets feel a bit old. When people in H&M and Zara suits starts wearing them it's time to switch to something new. Ok, that's fashion... I contradict myself.
I love the bracelets with this outfit. It works so well!
given the burst of color at the knot of the tie, it appears that he's chosen to wear his tie "backwards." truly fascinating.
This guy thinks the bracelets are great and where can I get them. Please post or send me a link, beaded ones like this are tough to find. dallasite242@gmail.com