Men of Moscow

The thing that impressed me about men's style in Moscow is that it's really unlike that of any European city.
This young Moscow generation is really pushing againist the city's image of blinged-out Versace-ism and is looking to make a new statement for themselves. The haircuts are different in Moscow too, I mean, when was the last time you saw a guy wearing an updated Beatles shag that actually looked pretty cool?

It was also funny/cringy to see Amercian West done as a fashion statement in a super cool shop like Kuznetsky Most 20.
I'm betting the Moscow retail scene will become one of the best and most daring over the next ten years. Rents are still low, the people are hungry for fashion and there is a deep history of great artistic expression in the Russian people.
Now if they can just get a few more cool hotels and restuarants.
Comments on "Men of Moscow"
For the third guy: Nice pants!!!
I don't know that I've ever seen photos of Muscovite street fashion. Great to get a glimpse.
love the nestea stand pic. the color breakup of the sweater is very old school
F <-- texas gal bloggin fashion from nyc!
It is actually very surprising that you find Russian men looking quite interestingly. Living in Russia for my whole life and in Moscow for 1.5 years I would say that 80% of them look pretty much the same and boring (haircuts especially). And the percentage is even higher if you leave the center of Moscow (go at least outside the third transport circle) or the Moscow itself...
But there are very impressive exceptions! That's something I would definitely agree with! :)
i actually think the american west
"fashion statement" is pretty cool -- especially for Moscow!
And you're right about the Beatles cut, it's on point.
Looks very good to me and so natural...
That guy with Beatles hair is indeed cool. And love the guy with fleece and leather; pretty unusual combination yes but it works!
When I was 20,I used to wear fleece trousers with white shirt and bow tie.Perhaps it wasn't elegant but it was cheap,funny and that mix of sports and classicals elements were a little disconcerting but not aggressive .
Good lookers!
The most interesting thing you've posted in a while. Thank you!
Shows true style to counter the oligarch bling.
Elegant :)
I think Demetri Martin pulls off the updated Beatle shag... maybe not as well as this guy. :-)
Oh the oligarch bling. The problem with fashion in Russia is the counterfeiting, and overall poverty of the general population, who cannot afford high end fashion.
Kuznetsky Most is one of the best streets in the world.
fantastic post,,,Moscow is another world...great photos
oh God! Is first men from The Star Wars?
Actually in Saint Petersburg is more fashionable people than in Moscow!
Things are a bit different there. I come from an eastern european country but fashion here is very .. not russian. They have there own style, quite different but very interesting (overall). I have been there and I do agree with you on that.
The Beatles guy has actually a Plushenko haircut if you want, very common .. and in the end, everybody loves New York :)!
je prefere le 3ieme style :)
Scott, thank you for posting more pix from Russia!!!
Mr.'I heart N.Y.' is beautiful.
The first guy definitely has a Yevgeni Plushenko haircut.
The third guy is beautiful, although I'm not keen on his pants.
I agree, very disconcerting to see Western wear beside high end stuff. I'm sure you're right, that the retail scene in Moscow will emerge strong and interesting. Good luck to the Russian people.
lost my faith in russia since 1918... here's hoping i can get it back :)
3rd guy! yum.
more photos from Russia, please.
love the first and second picture. the third not so much but he looks darn comfy.
as for the nouvea beatlesesque cut, i see it all the time here in toronto. it would be nice to see less messy, 1980s inspired rock fashion in this town but it won't happen until it's cool in new york and london first.
The guy in the I <3 NY shirt is hot. Don't love the pants, but the leather jacket and tee (I'm from NYC) make me swoon :-).
Good for the Russians! I love these beautiful young men with their unfettered wide open faces, how fresh and comfortable they all are facing your camera. I can only imagine how tough it could be for "middle of the road" people to strive for "their look" with limited income and resources as well. I think they all look great and are working what they have to create a great personal style.
re: the Beatles cut. A visit to Silverlake or any other Eastside hipster musician's outpost of Los Angeles will confirm that the shag is in full effect internationally.
Wow, what cool pictures! Totally, spot on, the guy's haircut is half beatles, half sword and the stone. So fresh!
I <3 NY guy is gorgeous, and I dig the color block outfit!
And now if we could get more STYLE oriented people rather than LABEL oriented ones, and if people could just really relax and go out to have a good tike instead of showing off... I find myself liking Moscow more as a city to visit rather than one to live in, and this kind of makes me feel bad - I was born here, after all. But I have to agree with you, it will all get better in 10 years or so.
People surprised to see western wear merchandised in a high end shop must be forgetting the fashionable craze for western wear from 2001-2006. Everyone had a pair of cowboy boots and every young man had a closet of vintage shirts that are now unwearable. I have a pretty "frozen in time" pair of Vuitton western riding boots from fall 2002.
I love the first guy in blue. His hairstyle is so different. x
Actually there's plenty of cool restaurants and cafes in Moscow, well hotels probably not so much. The problem with tourists, especially foreigners, is that they just follow beaten tracks, which lead mostly (surprise!)to toneless kind of places. I'm sure Moscow has more cool places to hang out in that you give it credit for.
As for the American West display at the high end store, I wonder if the price of the displayed items is any lesser than for other outfits presented. I think it's clever to break the monotoness wih such a trick. For sure it has some "wtf mixed with wow" factor.
As for the boys, the all look cute. The funny thing is that seeing them on the street I probably wouldn't find their looks at all remarkable, but you make them look darn special. I figure you have much fresher eye for coolness in Moscow street fashion.
Being an American with Russian roots, it's exciting to see their fashion center burgeoning! Maybe I'll finally be excited to take that family trip to Moscow...
Again, I have to go against the crowd, regarding the forth guy wearing the gray fleece sweatpants as casual wear. Jerry Seinfeld said it best in one episode of his show: "You know the message you're sending out to the world with these sweat pants? You're telling the world: 'I give up. I can't compete in normal society.'"
I wish I can move there as soon as possible! I'm making my post-grad on Russian Suprematism and they have always been ahead of us; proof that they still are is this article with lovely evidence.
The third guy is cute. I always heard that the girls in Russia are high fashion, never heard about the guys. Cool pics.
its interesting you should talk about fleece like that, over here its jersey, layers of it, jersey leggins, skirts shirts, dresses, wraps, tube scarves. its so comfortable and snuggly and stretchy. if i could afford it, it would be silk jersey...... alas, cotton will have to do for now xxx
This is very it, looks like the guys have an original style going on...
sweats are probably such underrated pieces.
you can pair with so much more beyond what one conventionally thinks of them.
i am so SO excited to see Russia waking up. (And Ukraine, but it is not happening as quickly as Russia). And your post delights me so much further to see them stepping away from their now stereotypical aesthetic - as you put it so well - "blinged-out versace-ism" (i would've called it euro-trashy, but that's offensive and not creative).
russia is a country that is incredibly rich is culture, history, pleasure and unfortunately pain. But these are all elements that will make their creativity very strong and i simply cannot wait to see what will happen in the next few years.
isn't globalism so exciting??!?
Oh wow, I love it - superb masculine style and such gorgeous colours. Nice.
I really enjoyed your comments, thank you.
I like the beatles haircut. He looks like a Russian navy Seal. But the guy in the third photo really oughtn't to wear long underpants in public..
I'm currently studying in Moscow, and it's an incredibly interesting place from a style perspective. There are several prominent "types" and it's obvious that the majority of the population pays A LOT of attention to their appearance--a much high percentage than in any US city I've been in. (This is fascinating to me. Clothing is MUCH MORE expensive here than in the States, or at least there's a serious lack of affordable clothing. I haven't bought anything new since I've been here save a pair of shoes.) The young women--I think most women under 50, really--overwhelmingly wear high heels every day, and the men generally wear nice shoes. But the haircuts! Oh, the haircuts. I wish I could say that the young men in the pictures were the rule rather than the exception. I've seen so many mullets in this city.
I've been wanting to go to Russia for some months now, but reading the post and the comments made me so much more interested about it! I think it really must be different from everywhere else..
I haven't been home (Russia) for three years, and boy, it changes so fast. I like that Russian style is different from other Europ, but isn't Paris and Florence photos easy to recognize because of the difference in style? I think that is facsinating!
I would hope that not only Moscow and Saint Petersburg was so creative but other cities and towns too. People are afraid to express themselves and wear safe boring outfits.
I'm in US right now and when yeasterday I came to school in pink harem pants people admired them but said that only I can pull off something like that. Instantly I thought "why not the others? why only me?".
I'm not saying that everyone should wear pink pants but rather be free and wear whatever people feel like.
love the third guys outfit, and his attitude.
great pictures, as always
I love the second guy's look. The contrast between the shoes and the sweatshirt is awesome.
I loved what you said about Russian artistic expression, too. I've been studying art history for 3 years now so when I read that it made me happy. I don't think people realise how much we owe to Russia, culturally.
I love the way you chose to frame them. The Beatles cut with the skivvy is too perfect. A coincidence - I wore fleece pants on the street today for the first time ever, and with a leather jacket also. Pure laziness. I was amused to be getting looks from people. I'm not nearly as cute as the blond in the picture. Did Stallone wear that combo in the first Rocky film?
I love how that guy with the "I <3 NY" shirt match the jacket with the shirt. however i'm not feeling the sweat pants.
Fashion Toy Gun
I would say they have a long road to walk...
You should definitely visit Warsaw one day. As I live in a post-communist country, the fashion sense of Poles is still developing. But Warsaw with its unique mixture of old and modern architecture is worth visiting.
Also, a great street style Polish blog:
I think the I <3 NY guy totally rocked that look!
its about time russian men stepped up to it! otherwise we'll be forever known as the nation with pretty women and "not-so-pretty" men... very impressed
I dont like copying people looks but I will grab the fleece and leather jacket combo with no axiety for plagiarising another idea......dammm it works
Am I wrong or did the GQ page say something about Berlin?
The top guy looks so "Lovin' Spoonful." What a chuckle!
bangs!!!! i love the guy's bangs on the first picture. and the shape of his face is awesome. and that guy on the third picture, marry me please! :D
In the uk the trackie bottoms are bedroom attire... those worn in public are promptly banned from supermarkets.... say no more.
It's true, Russian fashion really is different from the rest of Europe. I can't really describe how, though -- it's grungier, earthier, more unpretentious but at the same time very deliberate.
It's a sensibility that has always been there, with the exceptions of the noveau riche both there and in the US. That's where you see the yellow tracksuits and head-to-toe Versace : )
I'm curious, did you notice that most young women wear stilettos just to go to the store? I can't understand it, but it's awesome at the same time.
Russian guys are very fashionable!
What impressive russian guys you've caught! The first one's appearance never goes out of fashion here and girls with plaits like them.The second has self-irony and artistic soul maybe but if I meet him on the street I would never thik of what he wears. There is a subtle connection between the NY T-shirt and John Bon Jovi'c face of the third guy,isn't it?
Love your daring advanturesque research and personal view.
liked the fact that his personality and attitude totally shined through the outfit he wear. love people to express themselves in a very free and brave way.
wish i could do my shopping in Moscow!
but but....fleece pants guy looks like he is just wearing sweatpants. Is this the new Derelicte?
Forget about the beatles shag.. Men, take note! No NIPPLES on this guy right here, very good role model!
visit my blog...
The blonde has some great style, love the jacket over the ny tee and those comfy pants. meow
How odd to see such a little amount of comments because I loved reading this post.
It's refreshing.
Moscow men are indeed dressing differently these days. However, you've seen nothing if you haven't been to Arbat...
Does anyone know the designer of the third guys leather jacket?
Does anyone know the designer of the leather jacket the third guy is wearing?
First guy = cool surfer chic, non?
Looks a walk down Kuznetsky Most. I grew up in New Jersey and live in Moscow. You can't swing a cat without hitting a mullet in these parts. And the Beatles cut is not really a Mod cut. It's some excuse to hide individuality which I've dubbed the 'comb-down'. I mastered this when I was an awkward 14 yo.
no offense, but how can anybody in the world find Moscow men stylish/well-dressed... These three are just the typical range from struggling pseudo-intellectual look to a borrowed sloppiness in t-s like "love NY". I have lived in Moscow for two yeas now, never came across anything "Wow, that is nice" on a local man.
love it!
Very nice looking gentlemen and clothes! Love it!
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I have never commented on your blog before, although I have read it for years, but this man from moscow is beautiful. His style is so different and simplistic. His sort of star-wars-like outfit is risky but very cool. I loved this post.
The second look seems inspired on a very modern version of Piet Modrian's paintings.
Merci for these pics Scott.))I'd love to c photos of russian women on the streets AS WELL))
actually lots Moscow youngs-male and female-wear such jersey pants outdoors. and not only with do you like it paired with Ugg's and natural (it's important)) fur vest?