The Grandparents, Vintage Photo

The one enclosed is from my grand-parents. "Biarritz_1936" They lived normally in Reims, north-east from France.
This photo was taken just before the war in 1936 in Biarritz. They are on their honeymoon. I like this photo a lot because they just feel happy and they look incredibly elegant and stylish even if they are at the sea... it would never happen nowdays ! My grand-father was half english and until his death very elegant, a
real gentlman. I also like the contrast of the perfect hair for my grand-father and the wind blowing through the hair of my grand-mother.
I could not resist sending you a photo of them both in Bandol on the same vacation because I find them so beautiful even though they are just wearing the minimum: a swimsuit. The photo reminds me a little bit of Man Ray photo.
Best regards,
This photo was taken just before the war in 1936 in Biarritz. They are on their honeymoon. I like this photo a lot because they just feel happy and they look incredibly elegant and stylish even if they are at the sea... it would never happen nowdays ! My grand-father was half english and until his death very elegant, a
real gentlman. I also like the contrast of the perfect hair for my grand-father and the wind blowing through the hair of my grand-mother.

Best regards,
Comments on "The Grandparents, Vintage Photo"
The photos of your grandparents are beautiful. I really enjoy viewing old photos, even if I don't know the subjects. Such a story in each one, very cool.
They look so happy..
and their fashion, now i know how u r so stylish...
They are very handsome and elegants
You're grandparents in these photos are beautiful and very elegant and stylish. Gorgeous photographs.
What lovely photos with two beautiful and stylish people!!
Increible, espectaculares fotos!!
Even in black and white they and the scenery in background look so beautiful and sophisticated.
It's amazing how fit they were.
Love this whole vintage series, as it just goes to show, everyone was so young at one stage, and it's always interesting to hear the story that goes with the photograph.
they both look so elegant. your grandfather looks charismatic and your grandmother looks so sophisticated.
I love this old-style photography :) Grandparents are stylin'!
What can I say..increadible. i wish i was there instead of your grandpas..Style, love, hapiness and the sea..
Oh just perfect!
Wow, loving the last photo with the swimsuits. x
Awesome vintage pics!
Oh, such a beautiful couple.They look good together.
I like Her swimsuit.
This pic is wonderful!
They both look so stylishly elegant. What a beautiful couple of pictures!
I love looking at the vintage photos. There's just something about them
These are not the grandparents of The Sartorialist--whenever he posts vintage photos, he uses the text of the person who sent the photo. That being said, these people are incredibly stylish and sexy.
There is something regal about old black and white photos. And of course, that day in time when everyone dressed up and looked fabulous no matter where they were or where they were going.
snappy x
Wow, thanks for sharing .. these are stunning.
Simply lovely, Scott!
xoxo, Pretty Shiny Sparkly
yay you're still doing them....:)
He reminds me a lot of Jeremy Irons in Granada series of Brideshead Revisited.
Lovely. Style is beyond fashion or time, it's ageless, and these photos of two beautiful people are the perfect example of it.
I can't believe the legs on the grandfather in the second picture. They both have these long, elegant limbs which certainly helps. She looks very tanned and relaxed.
Too bad people don't dress this elegantly and stylish anymore. The world would be an even more beautiful place to look at.
Biarritz has not change at all !
Omg your grandmother looked so nice on the rocks. It's just like she is posing for a photoshoot.:P
Alexandra's grandparents were lovely.
I was standing right where they were in 2005... Biarritz hasn't changed TOO much, which is refreshing :)
This is p u r e style .
Oui, ça, c'est du style.
very pretty!
i wish everything was still like that...
I love the feeling of these photos...simple, relaxed and so stylish!
Your grandparents were very beautiful! So slender and toned. Nowadays some people would suspect them of having an eating disorder :( Oh I forgot, they also look SO stylish!!!
I like the photos. They look so peaceful to me.
Kind Regards
I love the first photo!
Simply stunning. Thank you A for sharing and S for setting up the opportunity for people to share. Again, stunning.
Such lovely photos! Thank you for sharing...
Yes, graceful and elegant are the words for these two.
Absolutely gorgeous! They were a stunning couple.
so romantic i love these
Really happy to see an old pic of Biarritz, my birthplace (not in the 30's ;)
What did they do for a living to get those physiques? We are doing something wrong today!
It's hard to think of any other time in all of history that beat the 1930's for elegance of line. Here's hoping it'll come back some day.
What strikes me about old, vintage photos is that people were so much slimmer then. But not anorexic-thin! They were no fast foods and no over-the-counter instant MSG-laden, oily foods so people ate much healthier. Sigh. To have those bodies naturally. :)
These are lovely. I love her point on the differences in their hair. :)
I'm really enjoying reading all the stories that come with these posts.
These pictures make me think of those from Jacques-Henri Lartigue in the 30's... Beautiful !
stunning couple! love the long limbs...very 20's/30's!
Such beautiful slender bodies, positively yogic!
Yes: certainly says a lot about changes in diet and mod-cons.
They both look so beautiful because their bodies are so slim and toned. The look very much alike, indeed "a couple".
hello Scott, thank you for posting the photo of my grandparents ;-)
it almost makes them live again !
and thanks to all for your nice comments.
I'm suspicious that the grandmother's "hair" in the first picture is a sculpted hat of some sort. It is far to regular to be wind-blown hair... and having that much wind it seems would have changed aspects of their disposition and other details in the photo.
The second photo is particularly good. The contrasts and composition are excellent.
They are very elegant. And very fit. Both of them have astounding legs !
Breathtakingly wonderful. You can tell how happy they are. Very touching, very real, in one word - beautiful!
Belle plages que celles de Bandol et Sanary-sur-Mer. Mis à part le nombre de construction en arrière plan rien n'a vraiment changé.
i love these vintage photos! beautiful! xo
They are so slender, as are many in your vintage pics. I wish that would come back into fashion in my country where 50% are overweight or obese according to the radio this week. (Australia)
I can almost feel the sun warming her brown shoulders. Stunning.
That is what struck me also was how slender and healthy they look, you just don't see that as often these days. My honeymoon photos I was hiding behind a sarong. (10 lbs), but back then they ate much healthier and hence look much more trim and fit. Ah..the good old days.
Great elegant photos of them! The good life.
Such an elegant and stylish couple. Thank you for sharing these photos.
So elegant.
brilliant old photos!
x kasper ilsfort,
Lean, keen and sleek! Love your granpa! they sure look like a perfect match :)
visit my blog...
Super cool. Isn't it fabulous how his swimming trunks are so high-waisted yet incredibly short? The exact opposite of what is worn today, where everyone shows the top of their arse and no thigh at all.
Hey it is really cool pic and the man looks like Mr Bean .. lol
just stunning!