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Comments on "With the Boys, Vintage Photo Contest"
I'm surprised she is getting away with dressing so butch in 1939!
The winner. Dot.
These photos are so special. One day, our photos will be regarded in the same way. Interesting, huh?
I think we all wish we had known our grandmas when they were young.
They were Annie Hall before Ms. Keaton was Annie Hall. The inspiration must have come from somewhere and here it is!
you sound like a cool kid maddy
I wonder what school had uniforms like that in 1939. Do you know what school they attended? Beautiful.
classical photo,
it looks like a piece of paper
I agree with the anonymous commenter above. Winner. So far the best of the vintage photos sent in.
She looks fantastic! I love that she was on a city street in johdpurs at that time - how ahead of the curve she was. Her sis looks good too but the johdpur-wearing lady looks incredible. I love the spirit in her eyes...
Of course, it does say here that she was going for a ride so the johdpurs were not out of line at all - nonetheless, I love how she looks. Super cool.
This photo brought tears to my eyes. I'm not sure why. Whatever, it's pretty fantastic.
Aren't we all lucky that camera technology existed when it did to be able to capture such moments? (and who was the photographer in this one?...and how did the photo then end up in your hands Maddy? cuz it seems like a totally spontaneous shot by a random onlooker...)
What a great project this one is Sart.
so inspiring!
What beautiful and cool looking girls! I wish I had known them too! I wonder what they talked about while walking down that street on the way to horse back riding.
Wish I had the chance to know my own grandmothers at that age too....
Thanks for sharing!
Cute and clean never goes out of style. Such sweet faces!
Amazing. They look mature, so confident! Masters of style! I am also 17, but I feel like such a child compared to the women in this photo.
definitely my favorite!
the hairs! i wish i got to know my grandmother when she was my age...
Aren't they school uniforms? Regardless, the way the lady on the left is wearing it, you would never know. I love Melbourne and anyone interested in fashion must go there at least once. It's more about the way people wear the clothes and their attitude than the clothes themselves. Great photo!
This brought tears to my eyes. Beyond the image, I could relate to Maddy's words exactly and the places mentioned.
My favourite so far - and agree with a couple of the other comments: winner.
They look so spunky!
Aww. Thats so adorable. x
Hey, this is a cool blog. As a writer myself, I know it is not easy to write on such topics if you do not have passion. You are doing a very good job and I
look forward to seeing more.
I would love to exchange links with you as I am also passionate about writing on such topics.
Sartorially, I love this era. Here's further proof why. Thanks for sharing.
What feminine rebels :)
It brought tears to my eyes too and I can't properly explain it either apart from that they both seem so oblivious to their youth and beauty.
She must have been quite a character!
P.S check out my Chanel Particuliere giveaway
Great photos, so inspiring!
great style
She seemed to be like a pretty lady....I love the pants she's wearing.
This picture is somehow romantic yet sad. I really like the coat/trench of the girl on the right, and the very manly clothing of the other girl is amazing.
Great shot.
Thanks for all the nice comments.
Gran actually wasn't at school then she was already teaching 65 grade one children!
Apparently after they look took your photo, street photographers used to give you a ticket with information to view your photo and then buy it if you want. I got it after my family sorted through photos for gran's memorial booklet.
So glad you liked it,
wow! In that year, there's already a photography? I thought this photography invented in the late 40's.
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I am absolutely LOVING all of these photos.... So fascinating. They are beautiful. Keep them coming!
i bet she had some great stories...
love her style.
So poignant. I definitely can connect with this.
My Grandmother would also have been around this age, in Melbourne in the late 30's. I really connect with this image, I think the combination of their amazing styles and the obvious confidence with which they both walk. I would love to buy a copy of this image! There is something very inspirational about it.
Oh gee, this brought tears to my eyes also--maybe it's the memory of my family having these same photos taken in Sydney in the early 60s--a lot later, but these businesses were still going then only to be lost in the later 60s as more people could afford their own camera. I remember my Mum always thinking twice before buying one of these photos as they must'Ve been quite expensive. I also remember her being rather put off by these gentlemen who could be a bit "in your face". Nevertheless they were looked up to in a way because having a camera was seen as modern, and at the edge of style in a way. These photographers were themselves always immaculately dressed--I wish there could be a photo or two out there of one of them! I remember as a child feeling an air of mystery and intrigue about them.
Maddie you have great heart and soul and your grandma and her sister look sooo cool and confident. They are wearing that wonderful country cross city style that was around a lot in the 30s/40s--wholesome, practical, yet stylish--the masculinity of the style comes purely from the colours used and practicality. It had a reViVal here in the late 80s early 90s. I can see Melbourne was the style city even way back then--although I do think Sydney's style has changed for the worse over the decades.
These old photos are the best in inspiration!
this is beautiful! I love these old pictures. Snapshots of lives that we didn't get to really see... there's a lot of possibility in these even though they're of the past.
Even though this photo was taken right at the start of the WW2, it speaks to me of how much women blossomed during those years and the independence they gained when the menfolk went off to Europe, which is often reflected in the clothes you see women wearing back in the 40s...
It's fantastic that you appreciate it, too. I didn't pay much attention to my family history until I was in my late 20s and I think I missed out on things with my grandparents because of that.
that is such a cool story... especially that this pic is taken of a place that is still there and frequented by her granddaughter...
i love this photo! This clearly shouts classic style!
strong person, great style, amazing photo... definitely the winner so far!!!
Thank you so much for this photo! It really has given me a massive amount of style inspiration!
La chica con la guitarra tiene "un algo" que me enamora.
Hey Maddy, your grandma was a beautiful and classy lady. Maybe by being and looking into yourself, you do know her at 17 in some way? Stephanie
These pants in India, are called jodhpuri pants and you would see the India's One of the best Fashion designer sporting these pants at most of the occasions. Looks good.
I'm loving the vintage style this season! I'm sure we could get away with that style today.
My blog covers fashion and I know this is a lame plug, but I need more followers:
Maddy, I love your photo...I've missed the deadline for the comp. but... yours reminded me that I have a similar photo of my Gran arm in arm with my Dad - he must've been about 20 at the time - they're gorgeous, dressed to impress and walking down Collins Street; must've been around the late 1940's; similar street photographer's deal; it's a real treasure to have the original print with the number and photographer's studio stamped on the back.
Linda B., Melbourne
I love your photos and your blog. Beautiful!
i love this one. i'm completely inspired. i'm going to dress like audrey tomorrow.
Ahh yes for those of us fortunate to have swanned down Swanston Street...before they made it ugly. Gorgeous pic! The girls are beautiful,
amazing amazing from me too. they look so good.
it's amazing that melbourne has barely changed since then!
wow. they are gorgeous. i can feel their spunk and sass emanating out of the photo.
Joddhies, home, late 30s = the winner!
This pic is evidence that our famous Australian cultural cringe was quite unnecessary.
maddy, your grandma was an absolute beauty!
amazing to see a pic of swanston st at that time.
I very much appreciate the comment of MSD above, how history has shaped fashion. No flapper dresses here, women's independence, hurray!
wow. your grandmother's facial features are beautiful.
What an incredible cool woman, not only beautiful, stylish but also really courageous, enlisting in the Air Force for World War II. When I look at the picture and think what little I know of her I can't help but think I would love to know more, see more of her, she must have had a lot of cool stories to tell!