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Comments on "On the Street.....Knit Jacket, Florence"
Very cool. And the sweater as well.
i love that people are so happy to have their photos taken for a blog
I saw a male stylist in a very similar 'cardigan' @ Paris Fashion Week. It had a matching chunky navy 'snood' which also gave a very slim and luxe look. x
He looks great. Simply but luxury chic!
I definitely agree...not to mention the comfort of less bulk.
Great jacket!
I'm normally not such a big fan of cardies, but this is more like a knitted blazer. Very chic. Love the dark blue, too.
I would be delighted to own a feminine version of this jacket!
"A slim cut sleeve drops 10 pounds off any guy in a suit."
Ain't that the truth.
Same for a woman btw. (Jil Sander's jackets...perfection)
Woah, I need his jacket for the hot days!
Love it! I would even wear it. xo
OH! That jacket is so exciting! knit fabric! so unexpected! I'd love to see someone in a head-to-toe knit suit. I've never actually seen knit trousers before, though....
This guy has so much style-so comfortable with it.
I've only been in Florence for six months, but one of the first things I noticed is how much more creative and amazing their knitwear is! I bought way too many sweaters...
where can i get such a jacket?! lol
i love it !!!
amazing !!!
This would be perfect for a day of rehearsals in the theater. Warm, comfy, and totally chic.
Lovely shot. Just for the record, though, the jacket's crocheted, not knitted. It looks as if it IS entirely handmade -- the original work of a doting mother with a mean crochet hook?
I have a similair one, same colour, love it!! (@Zara I'm a girl)
The best thing about this men are his hands, perfection! Soooo important, says a lot about a person ;-)
Great jacket. I have a similar knitted jacket which is double breasted with gold buttons. I love it!
Ohhho, when I was young I had one almost the same, didn´t know it was a guy jacket:)
Is this really knit? Looks like crochet from what I can see.
I think I'd like this better if his shirt was different underneath. It's a bit too casual for me.
what a great point! never noticed that before.
Beautiful texture!
I am currently expecting my third child and struggling to look smart as my belly grows. It would be great if you could feature a few expectant mothers so I can get some ideas? Please? :-)
Great fit and texture.
i know this man ...he is my father's friend ...a very stilish man from Bologna ...
Such an ease about him .... Just love it.
True about the 10 pounds.
Love the image, and that guy looks great.
love that scarf thing hanging, out of place, but awesome...
Can anybody recommend where I can buy one of these?
This sweater would look good on me cuz I got big shoulders.
I think you guys are missing the most interesting thing about this post:
Scott put a caption with the photo!!!
Slim sleeves is defiantly an effective diet, exactly the reason why this guys shouldn't be having such slim sleeves, he looks waaay too skinny, other than that though, it is certainly a nice outfit.
it's a sweater and it looks far too small for him. and slim cuts only make slim people look slim. they make large men look like they're stuffed into a burrito wrapper. don't generalize based on what works on skinny folk.
More polished than a pull-over and more relaxed than a wool blazer. So yes, more is more. This man's in great shape. I like.
i never thought of that. but i only think about girl stuff anyway, that is why i love to look at your photos - i learn something every time.
and it is a fantastic jacket. very unique.
One can only wish to grow up with such simple elegance, subtlety and class. The check scarf adds a touch of quirk.
You have to be really thin to pull this off... he looks fantastic and the fit is amazing, I completely agree with the sleeves I recently had all my suits modified for slimmer sleeves once Scott pointed it out "they're made so they fit everybody with fat wrists". This wide cuff thing is going too far. BTW look at the shoulders that jacket is really well made, the shape is a wonder to look at.
yes, lovely jacket. i want it!
i wud say a unisexual jacket. another style statement.
But, what do you do when your elbows make little pockets on your arms that make the sleeves look frumpy?
Haha, so hilariously cool.
Uhhmmm...KNITWEAR. I love it each day more.It's a mix of luxury and simplicity,comfort and -some times- discret elegance.It takes me to the pictures of the times between the two world wars(self-made and poverty but also Chanel and Sciaparelli).It was yesterday - my childhood - when my mother made me so many sweaters.
I agree with Misantropic Pulp opinion's.
love this outfit
To quote a former respondent:
Very Mia Farrow.
No, no, no.
double breasted and slimming? never thought I'd agree!
He looks incredible......so much in fashion is best suited to the very young, but style is timeless.
Gorgeous jacket! I have an old black Ralph Lauren sweater blazer and I wear it constantly. I like everything he is wearing - his jeans, t-shirt, and plaid scarf are all beautiful. It's a fantastic casual but elegant look.
What a fantastic look!
- www.21Arrondissement.com
you know i love stuff like this but never wear it because by the end of the day it's 3 inches longer and the sleeves are stretched out beyond my knuckles
fresh on him though, good look
Great fit. I like anything that shows some shape.
The best part is the tartan scarf poking out at the bottom. Almost like an 18th-century army officer's sash.
I know this guy, he's the owner of a male boutique in Bologna. This jacket though is nothing compared to the one Cipriani proposed in his spring/summer collection this season....
Top notch.
The side pockets kicks up the waist nicely too.
I have to concur that this lovely jacket isNOT knitted, it is indeed crochetted. I'm not being picky here... there is a big difference between the two crafts (retailers constantly get it wrong).
I totally agree this is a very flattering style. The thin sleeve makes the armhole very high which visually lengthens the waist making the guy look taller and slimmer. This is why the British cut of tailored jacket is so flattering, because the armhole is cut high.
Nice jacket, I like this style. Thanks to share...
Leather Jacket