The Hunters, Vintage Photo Contest

Here is my grandfather, Harry Walters. It was 1928 after a few months out in the mountains of Southern California on a hunting/mining trip.

I am delighted to send in photos of my great grandmother Alta Phillips. Before she married, she moved to Hollywood and sewed the sleeves for the silent film star Lillian Gish. She was an amazing seamstress and sewed all her clothes and my grandmother's. My great grandfather was a chemist for a silver mine in Arizona and despite living out in the middle of nowhere, my great grandmother never let that stop her from being as fashionable as ever. Her husband would have her get all dressed up and then pose with his guns or a brace of pheasants. For me, she is truly a style inspiration. She didn't have to live in any major city, but she had such true class. She also passed on her love of sewing to my grandmother who then passed it on to my mother. I only hope I can continue the tradition!
Comments on "The Hunters, Vintage Photo Contest"
I am loving the vintage photo series. Beautiful photos.
Carol and Chloe, if you have other vintage pics of your grandparents out hunting, if would love to see them.
My email address is on this page:
Kind regards,
Harry Walters looks like Ernest Hemmingway in that shot. Love the lasst photo too. Such a great photo with the black umbrella and pure white dress. Gorgeous.
keep the photos coming... they inspire me.
u have the best photo collective
i'm in love with these pictures :)
Nice font change. The top one is remarkably Hemingwayesque.
Those are great pictures that you have managed to rescue!
Priceless, and yes the very first thing I thought was Ernest Hemingway. What a grand style your grandparents had. Thank you, thank you!
Art by Karena
Her boots are gorgeous!
Beautiful pictures..
In love with your blog!
Oh my... a stunning woman!
lovely vintage picts
OMG Chloe, those photos of your great grandmother take my breath away! I can see that she had both style and gumption.
Thanks to you and to The Sartorialist for sharing!
I love these hunter photos! This is the best contest ever.
Wonderful story (and photographs too)!
i love it ç
Love the white dress and the umbrella.
What wonderful photos!
Great photos! I love the woman! That's just a piece of history right there.
What kind of hat is that, in the man's hand?
All brilliant.
I love this contest and the simple lessons on life that these images bring to us. Keep them coming!
what i notice about great style, from the past and present, is that it's really about the earnestness and genuineness that is expressed in who they are without the pomposity of "effort!" i mean we all try at looking good or the way we want to portray ourselves, but from fur to mixed plaids and stripes it's all really about personalities and how they exemplify that via "fashion." trend is dead, and i don't really think style is something one can train or learn to do...because true style is original in it's purest form...well, that's what i think anyway...
i'm in love with these pictures :)
Another lovely collection here!
Lovely collection!
He is quite the handsome rugged individualist.
She is lovely.
Can't believe the quality of the photography in these last two... Keep looking at that fabulous casual skirt suit with the toggles. And the hats hats hats. Bring back the hat!
Harry Walter's portrait is beautiful. It makes you know how his hands look like - with a callus here and there, metal smelling, earthy. You can imagine his voice, the form of his calf, the jokes he laughs about, the stories he can tell about his trip now. I guess that is what makes photos become memories.
I love the story behind your photos Chloe. Your great grand mother is very beautiful...esp in the white dress/ parasol photo.
Hi Scott! Thank you so much for posting my photos! It was a pleasure seeing them with Harry Walters. Love his boots!
It absolutely MADE my day (and all the women in my family!)
I absolutely Love the photo, and entire outfit worn here by Chloe's great grandmother Alta Phillips. Great name, too by the way! ..Enviable dress sense and true class, the second photo I speak of. Boots, dress flowing yet crisp, her expression - such expression!.. Hat, earrings, and umbrella, if I lived then, she is the sort of woman I would marry (if I were a man) :)
she is a beautiful person in the pic. just remember sewing is as much of an art as painting or writing. it takes talent, time, and patience!
They look just like Ernest Hemingway during a big game shooting. I love this style!
Of all the wonderful pictures I have seen on over the past few years on this site - I was so amazed at your great grandmother's picture (namely the one in the white dress) that I set it as my computer background! She reminds me of Baroness Blixen in "Out of Africa". It was wonderful thank you for sharing it with us.
are you sure that first photo is vintage??
Wow, I think I might be related to Alta Phillips too. Hi Chloe.
very Inspiring coming here from the East Side of the globe. you gave me another perpective.
I love the Winchester 1895 in the first shot. An iconic firearm like that adds so much to it!