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Comments on "On the Street.....via San Andrea"
I have such a "thing" for older gentleman! (alas... I note the ring on his wedding finger.) Incredibly confident in his purple sweater, and his ever-so-slightly snug plaid wool trousers. Beautiful face. (men age in the most wonderful way...)
The combination of purple, olive and grey is genius (so Marni)!
hello Scott… in your photographies this man is always much elegant one and has of look a lot glamour… but who is? great taste… is Italian boy?...bye bye...
Nice find. This old chap exudes style and confident attitude. I'm not sure I would wear such a jacket with the purple jumper, but his plaid trousers and scarf are beautifully provocative. I would like to know what kind of shoes he was wearing.
Nice pants. Love this Italian cool distressed style.
So chic×D
I love the green and purple together and the way he tied his scarf! xo
Sequin Concerta at www.FashionSnag.com
Adorable. I want to have lunch with him.
His trousers is beautifull and also the jumper inside the jacket! Ellegant sir!
Suede is so delicious. Today, I wore my coffee brown M65 Army jacket with a collar like this man, but I don't look this bottle-green elegant. Timeless.
Lovely :)
ooo the color of that jacket is lush! love the mix and match_ very chic. a true find Signor Scott!! love from Milan.
purple cashmere. lovely!
Hm, I wonder what kind of shoes he is wearing.
Green and purple, love it!
I too have a thing for the older gent. He's dashing! Those pants are to die for.
If I were 10 years older and a homewrecker (yes, I see the wedding ring), someone would be committing a felony and lovin it! This man screams oodles of charm. He's yummy.
Is that jacket green? In any case... this old man is pretty fly!
u are a very good coolhunter ;)
Strongly resembles Robert De Niro.
Elegant and sport.Green over purple like a picture of Mark Rothko (Thyssen Bornemisza Museum in Madrid).
my boyfriend loves pants like those and so do i...have an old school feel to them
lekisskiss.blogspot.com <-- Texas gal bloggin fashion from NYC!
start wearing purple
What a great trousers..!!
Fantastic jacket..!!
love the colors & fabrics, but clearly his pants are TOO TIGHT!
When i grow up i wanna be just like him! Without the tash! Bravo!
I think its all about the scarf in this one
Este señor, ha tenido que ser guapisimo cuando era joven.
Y es que el que tuvo, retuvo.
It's official. Smoking is cool!
Love the pants and scarf!
superb fit - right length sleeve, well fitted pants, right length sweater - & doesn't the scarf highlight his hair!
wow great mix of styles... forest green jacket! and the checkered grey works well with the purple and the white hair!
I bet he was wearing black brogues just like these:
What stuck out to me most was the purple color of his sweater. It's rare for me to find guys wearing that shade of color, but when it's pulled off well, it's a great look.
And the pants, the pants!! I want shorts with that plaid pattern.
Who said smoking isn't sexy?
i could see this outfit on a 20 yr old boy...but he does a fab job too
this guy is the man - I hope to age as gracefully as he has. Elegant and humorous, a rare but appreciated combo.
Agree w/Anonymous 12:24-pants too tight. And lose the cigarette. Other than that, he's pretty cool.
what a good looking old fella! he has such fab taste too!!
i would wear this and it somehow works for him even though he is a older dude
what a fashionable old fellow!
He is a stylish older gent it's true. The photo was captivating til I scrolled down and got to the cigarette in his left hand. Smoking is never cool.
I've been to Italy twice in the past 2 months, and I swear every Italian man must have at least 3 purple sweaters!
Although I often find Milan to be an unlively & bo-ring city, I must admit that Milaneses have a real eye for style. They do not follow fashion, yet look remarkable!
Can't take my eyes off those pants! I guess that's the point...
So great to se that if you grow grey hair and add a few extra years on the age. You don`t loose good taste. LOVE the jacket. Where can i get one ...?
Anyone know what make the coat is?
How fun it must be, to be able to color coordinate like this!
Great colour combination. Great inspiration for the upcoming Australian winter.
haha..Robert de Niro in disguise ?!
anybody noticed the resemblance ?
You tell me where you're going to find a cooler gentleman other than Italy. Unlike many subjects we see, he looks effortless as though he has nothing to prove to anyone about what he wears. That smile further broadcasts his confidence.
There's a lesson for young and old in flesh and blood. Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
I also see the De Niro resemblance. Nicely noted. And De Niro is the Ayatollah of cool.
He is style and sophistication to the max. Love the green suede jacket paired with the purple sweater and glenn plaid trousers. Very nice. He is looking great!
PASTICHE! I was just wearing this ensemble the other day!
love this!
the great thing is is that this probably the way it is everyday for him.....very cool
Stylin'!! Love this guy's look and swagger and I can olny hope to look this dapper when I reach his age.
Pure Euro issue on so many fronts.
Shot sir.
(You and him).
whats great about italy is that the men pull off the color purple so well and with a very masculine look to it. Elegance and style at their finest!
He's Classico mogul! Alfredo Canessa!
nice nice nice greeeeeeeeeeeen.
not sure about lavender and green. hmmmmm. kind of works but doesnt.
Because of the low number of comments, I feel like this isn't getting quite the attention it deserves! I love that this man is older and elegant and distinguished, but also very modern. He has something very fashion-concious about him--the jacket and the colour, and the slimmer fit iof the pants. I feel like this is a man who is dressing by style and not just tradition.
Style--this man certainly has it. Why? Because he certainly thought about what he was putting on in the morning, but he could give a damn what you think about it. Definitely not trendy, nor is it "classic", what he is wearing is a direct channeling of his own inner self. Good show, mate. I just wish I could see his shoes. . .
PS all of your photographs are beautiful.