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Comments on "On the Street.....The Artist, Paris"
Wow! HE is a work of art - and so is this photo.
that is a face
a wizened face
an awesome face
an awesome photo!
wow.. this is a really lovely picture. It catches his personality very well
This makes my heart jump.
An accomplished mane of hair..
Navy coat accentuates his eyes very nicely. The beard helps out too.
What an incredible face! He should be an actor. I love how his hair seems to be glowing. Great portrait.
- Catherine at Littlehouse of Style
A cross between colonel sanders and santa claus! What a great face, his eyes say so much.
No it isn't!
you just took the picture of Santa Claus finally on holidays :D
I wanted to say the same thing than Anonymous 4:04... and I saw it writen. So yes, HE is a work of art - and is this photo.
I wonder who he is? What kind of art does he make? I'd like to see some of his work. By the way, a beautiful photo.
I love his face. Wow!
Didn't you post a photo of this man in a weathered corduroy coat and a hat, just a few months ago?
For CW
No, I have never met this man before
What a fascinating character!
truly fantastic photography, that is so perfect
I want to adopt him as my grandfather.. Stunning!!
loving the beard!
Such an amazing face. Great photo.
Santa! i love it
this is a beautiful portrait of a very handsome man, what a wonderful face, thank you.
That's where Father Christmas goes during Summer!
Wow, wonderful portrait! His face is full of so much emotion, he looks happy, concerned and sad all at the same time...it really makes me wish I could know what he was thinking about. Brilliant.
this is a really lovely picture
Ohh, now that is wonderful facial hair, it practically glows. There's also a certain something about his eyes. Amazing picture!
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Such an adorable face! Kind of Dumbledore, kind and wise man. Lovely photo
What a face. You can read his life in it. I love the eyes.
WOW-so much like late Victor Hugo photos!!
Fuck the fashion facade. I want content, I want architecture, and I want that beard.
Thanks Sar....I was waiting to see how long before the Santa Claus remark was going to show up.
Enjoy the photos as usual and I often share them with friends too....nothing but reaction after reaction when I show your work.
You pick great subject!
until next time this is:
Ciao! Ciao!
Beautiful. Such an expressive portrait.
Each wrinkle tells a story. So simple, yet so complex.
esa mirada refleja las experiencias de la vida.
un saludo
ooo he's like be so pére noel)))
His eyes says everything. Full of life´s imperfections.
Love the picture.
I want to hang out with him.
What a great face! I'd love to draw this guy.
love it!
what a fabulous face!
This is amazing, thanks for sharing such a great photo with us!
Beautiful portrait. I love his face. I think you are the best at portraits. You should do more.
AMAZING...you captured the essence of the quintessential artist...BRAVO!
Beautiful..Beautiful... meraviglioso
your portraits sometimes make words seem so small and insufficient.
This photo is INCREDIBLE!
Very nice picture indeed! Do we know who he is and whether he really is an artist? Thanks for sharing.
I'd love to hang out with him- nice chat tet-a-tet over a glass of nice port... very interesting man!
would like to hear from him...
thanks for great shot!
Someone needs to do an oil on canvas with that picture, it's art!
it's the grandfather from heidi! looks wise and kind
I wanted to say: Delightful. your blog is a breath of fresh air!..
I would quit coloring my hair a brilliant red if I could have that beautiful white hair.
Those eyes. Beautiful.
you can tell he is has lived through a lot , amazing face.
Wow, man! amazing shoot!!!!
He's wonderful.
That's how I imagine Andersen looks like....
One of my favourite shots - ever. He is beautiful. What a face, artfully lined, amazing.
Many times style is more about grooming than clothes. Case in point.
Great photo. Great soul.
Ah! Such a beautiful man!
it's nice to see that santa gets out in the off season.
Amazing! Such grace and wisdom captured here. Love it.
i love the way the picture transmits his artistic soul
omg!!! i feel like i have just died and gone to heaven!! this is brilliant capture of an artist by an artist...truely love the picture..its shows the real hard work that goes into being an artist and the inquisitiveness one must have to be a good one..all on this face!! ...brilliant!! just brilliant!!
i love the way the picture shows his artistic soul
old man and the sea perhaps?=)
He has a distinctly Hemingway look.
I don't know what to say....
Love it!
I earlier stated that Mr Cortina is the man I wish to look (and maybe be?) like when I am in my 40's and 50's. Well, this is how I wish to look when I am older still. How benevolent and wise he looks (and must be)!
his look transmits a sort of pain, the picture itself with this light is really intresting
One of your best images!
Amazing!! Elegant, masculine, stylish and a sense of great character!
He looks like a sailor more than an artist.
Brilliant expression you have captured in your lens, Mr. Schumann!
He could also be a captain!
Lovely! Just lovely,
reminds me of Hemingway in a way..
May I ask who this beautiful man is?
Such a wise, lovely face!
That photo is FREAKIN!!!!!! BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
Love the way he's trained the moustache-ends to twirl-up. Yes, I could have a drink with this man.
A very, very, very handsome gentlemen!
Amazing photo!
Now those are the deepest eyes I have ever seen... I fell in love at first sight! What a beautiful man.
love love love this
Love this portrait. He looks enigmatic. Also as the title says he's an artist, I've constructed the rest of the story based on that and the picture itself. I always wonder, how do you know exactly when to push the button? Because these people are not posing in the sense that you would ask them to do it again so it must take a skill that I'm completely unfamiliar with :) In any case, it's fantastic and it is quite exciting to observe these strangers giving out so much visually speaking.
heartbreaking & vulnerable, masculine & dignified, stunning
So much character in his facial hair/expression
Are you sure he is not from the North Pole? :)
Ok, gorgeous.
thank you for the stylish reality of time and life.you do this so well
This photo is my favourite in a long time.
You must have something in you that makes old people feel comfortable inside their bodies, because I have not seen any better portraits of older people since the Dutch and the Italian Masters of the Renaissance.
tell me this one makes it into the next book!
I just want to hug this man. So handsome. Brilliant photo!
leonardo da vinci himself
One of your best portraits. Incredible work Scott!
aaaah I'M GOING TO TELL HIM!!!!!!!!!!!
I bet he's a painter.
superbe vraiment parfait beauty in all shape age form you should be proud well done .annie g hong kong xoxoxoxo
superbe really amazing men annie g hong kong.
this inspires me, amazing.
.. think black and white would be great too.
Wow, I love this mans face.
You are truly one of my favorite photographers because you capture so much in someone.
wow, he reminds me of random greek philosopher. that's exactly how I want to look like when I grow old
Claude Monet! Lovelly!!!
What a face. Amazing eyes. I wish I could meet this man.