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Comments on "On the Street.....Giovanna's Back!, Paris"
Those shoes! That coat!
her back is every bit as fantastic as her front.!
those shoes.
Your pictures brighten my day. Amazing color!
Must. Have. Shoes.
I LOVE hating her! She brings so much fashion joy to us the poor and unstylish masses!
Finally! And in a great style as always. Love the colors.
Less is more!
someone identify the shoes please?
Freakin' awesome shoes!
Oh I just love her and her flawless sense of style.
Great photo - her shoes are amazing. As always.
How can one woman be so endlessly stylish?! Those wild shoes are just perfect with the sophisticated coat and dark tights. That Fendi is a great color. Can you please put out a book of all Giovanna?
- Catherine at Littlehouse of Style
incredible kicks! holy moly!
love the shoes!!!
Whoa those shoes! I really like those outfit, it's so playful and I love the shape of the coat and the matching of the shoes and the bag. I want to know what she is wearing under that coat because it must be good!
Oooh those shoes. I can feel the seratonin releasing in my brain from just looking at them. Imagine if I owned them! They are amazing!!
This is how i would like to look every day.
I would wear those shoes ya'll!! ;)
Love her! Love the shoes. Does anyone know who the designer is? xo
Mod colours, avant-garde style: those kicks are to die for.
love it ! love the pink shoes and bag and the cut of the coat !
Great coat. Great shoes. My eye is drawn to the perpetually open purse. Is that wise?
Fendi Bag! <3
so chic! I love the graphic colors of the shoes against an otherwise muted palette.
Oh! I love shots like this... especially those shoes!!! Sooo fabulous!
The coat doesn't do much for her. BUT HOLY WOW, THOSE SHOES.
Love the bag and the shoes. The platforms are a little bit high but I love the concept.
Her shoes are stunning !
i love that fendi bag even more, in combination with those killer shoes!
Love love the shoes! That's true Italian chic, brava Giovanna! Www.chicmilano.blogspot.com
my friend and I just adore these shoes! her bag goes well with the shoes, and the shoes with the coat
Are those Dior??
THE SHOES!! Oh GB, you rock!
Oh my god she looks amazing!
love love love the shoes and the bag!
and the coat too!
love it all!
Giovanna looks always always always perfect!!!
love it.
woman can't do no wrong, she belongs in a museum somewhere!
Love the shoes!
always chic and stylish from head to toe :D
who makes that bag?? xoxo
Oooh her shoes!! x
Love the "Pop" of pink.
i love her. i love her sooo much.
Love the play on words. Glad she's "back" missed her front and back.
the shoes.
such a vision!!
Love the shoes and bag... of course!
look at her legs- they look so long. Plus I love pink and red together- when done right, of course...
Gorgeous as usual! I love the mini peek a boo! and those shoes wooow!
love the shoes
love the pop of color of the shoes and bag.
such incredible shoes!!
I love her shoes!!! Great choice!
I need those shoes...
Many may love the shoes....but I for one, am crazy for the purse....smiles.
kelly and shoes TO DIE FOR!!!!
where can I find those shoes?
Absolutely love the shoes! Weird how she left the bag open though...
i love that bag and and the duotone outfit.
amazing shoes!
She looks perfectly attired for a fashion job - elegant, classy, yet very fashionable. Love it!
Quit smoking!
WOW! Her shoes are pretty cool!
//Johanna from Sweden
Her shoes are pure genius and so beautiful.
-N + K
* our blog is having a giveaway! check it out.
sophisticated match
Yay! I've missed G. And she looks fabulous as usual.
Giovanna you da man~!
or WOman shall I say! Great coordination as always... beautiful
she did it again... she always looks classic but breaking the rules in some way.. what´s the name of that bag´s color, please?
beautiful, beautiful shoes!!!
shoes, love love!
where did Giovanna go?
.... love (L) the shoes, she is such a darling.
those shoes! i WANT!
Im in love with his look, those shoes are ah-mazing, i dont think i've ever seen a color blocked shoe like that
I love Giovanna's style, but there really isn't anything alluring or particular about this photo that your works are generally known for.
love this look
girls don;t say no to plateau!
so cute!!! I'm curious about the front too:)
great capture and great style on her, something very striking about this image from the back makes it look very intriguing
I love that pink bag.
Her shoes leave me speechless. But then again, any image of Giovanna leaves me completely lost for words.
those shoes look like ski boots.
not so attractive.
Those are some crazy cool shoes!
And we love her!!
Next time, can I come back as Giovanna? Please???
Love it how at first I look at the coat and I'm like, OK nothing special there and then I move down to the shoes and bag and just get blown away...
She looks wonderful, as always, but I'm so afraid a Parisian pickpocket is going to reach into her bag! If she were walking around like that in NY, it would take about 20 seconds for a good Samaritan (the city is full of them) to say, "Excuse me, your bag is open!" Do they do that in Paris, or is it viewed as uncool?
Anyway, I must speak up -- Giovanna, excuse me, your bag is open!
the shoes almost look like something Pierre Hardy would put out.
Ohh!look at those shoes! Recently I'm into neutrals with muted color.
please someone identify those shoes!!!
those shoes are Pierre Hardy SS10
Bella, bella, bella...
do you think she owns a pair of track pants?
Those shoes! That bag! Perfection!
i admire those wedges oh-so-much
Awwwe...shoe heaven!!!
She is the greatest. I agree, a book on Giovanna's style would be a bestseller. More please.
them shoes!!!!!!!!
i want!!!!
Dios mio! Her coat, her bag, her shoes! LOVE LOVE LOVE Giovanna!
Seriously.... Where can i get those shoes!!??
The shoes? J'adore!
those are some bitchin' shoes.
I love the colours in this photo.
They compliment each other so nicely!!! Amazing shoes, amazing purse. I am not usually one for out-there fashion but this look is amazing!!! Great photograph <3
Xo Veronica
Those shoes!! Love them.
love the shoes!!!
The all black ensemble really brings out the brilliance of those shoes!
bag, shoes are divine. unlike someone above, I like the coat. smoking is gross.
how freakin amazing is her coat !!?? makes me wish i had winter in my countryy ! just so i can wear that coat :D
Oh wow! Love all that pink!
Wao what a beautiful shoes and i like it so much. its color so cool. thanks for sharing it...
goshness, she's adorable. even though everything's been said already - the shoes are amazing and the bag is to die for
Love it!
YES!!!! the shoes = love xoxoxoxoxoxo
please, a giovanna style look book
Me fascina todo,todo, todo. Fantástica.
Amazing, as always!!!!! She is my inspiration!!!
Cherlana, you're right, they do look like Pierre Hardy.
For those interested check out http://www.pierrehardy.com/spip.php?page=itemwomen&num=10&id_rubrique=22&genre=women
perfection. that is all.
j'adore ces chaussures, je veux les meeeêeeemes !!!!
Those shoes are just amazing!
Killer shoes! Bravo to the gorgeous Giovanna and her amazing style.
Always perfect, always great to look at and admire her style
Love the shoes and the coat! The colors are perfect for fall into spring transition.
for more French inspired style shots- check out
Lovely outfit, beautiful shoes.
I said it before and my comment did not get printed. Great shoes and coat, she is perfect EXCEPT FOR THE CIGARETTE!
Giovanna is flawless.. Does anyone know what she does for a living?
whooooaaaa what a shoes!
what a bag!
I love it <3!
and the way she keeps her cigarette
and all!
one of my favourite.
princess of mars -
someone told m my bag was open when i was in paris so i guess they do it as well!
i love her shoes
Ah-Maz-Ing! Every piece!
the shoes, the bag... but i'm hung up on the cigarette.
Perfect coat like a dress of the 20's.Hyperfemenine.
Sometimes the old rules work - matching the shoe color and the purse. I like the vertical line created by the narrow coat, the skinny black legs and then the exclamation point of the red heels! And the bag is in proportion. Does she figure this out herself?
The Shoes, The Bag, The whole thing! I love.
Funny shoes and bag for a Serious clothing.Nice combination!
STUNNING!! absolutely adore the shoes & bag with that outfit! Lovely photo too!
AMAZIIIING!! SO stylish !
i love how she paired the Pierre Hardy shoes with a 20s inspired coat... modern with a vintage twist
wow! crazy shoes! I love it!
I just love the Peekaboo bag and this color is hot and I invite you readers to check out this post about the same bag http://fashionableandfierce.blogspot.com/2010/02/at-fendi.html. OMG those Dior wedge are totally killer!
Love the Fendi peek a boo and her bi-coloured wedge.
I love her look! It feels completely effortless...
the colors are fantastic but i'm beginning to think that we are asking too much of us ladies with these dangerously high shoes.
wow that's how i spell love
Giovana's back, Scott? Giovana forever on the corner! She is always elegant: coat, shoes...I remember when some year ago I visit the first time The Sartorialist: I love when I see Giovana Battaglia! I have one stetic experience. Then, I always visit The Sartorialist. I love too de old photos. Kiss Maria Jose
shoes&bag=perfect combo
LOVE that bag!
The shoes, the bag, the coat, I LOVE IT!!!<3 I would kill for that outfit!XD
I love this great looking coat
Stunning! Love it!
Pretty coat - can you post a picture of the front, too?
I must have those shoes!
i want those shoes!
Love you Gio!
Each day I look forward to checking in on The Sartorialist, and each day hoping there will be a photo of Giovanna.
To the 'open bag' commenters - that's how they showed it on the runway - unclasped, side pushed open. maybe not the most practical. but hey, it's fashion!
The bag and shoes are an amazing addition to the outfit - lovely shot of colour
Die Skoene!("The Shoes!" in Afrikaans)
ok, like, wow.
oh, that bag!!!
Does someone know from what the shoes are?
Love the shoes...such great colours!!!!
That one handle purse is amazing.. oh and those pumps... dont get me started! Im in heaven.
everybody looves those shoes... BUT ME....im always a fan of color.. and the color is gorgeous.... but im sorry .... this is ugly as hell.... i would love to see those armadillo shoes by mcqueen in the streets someday... thats a must have for 2010... this is a must have 20 years ago..... but its fun and takes the boreness out of her... maybe shes not wearing it properly..who gives a damn... find mcqueen dress and shoes scott... those insect like collection... rip....
Love shoes from Pierre Hardy!
fantastic shoes and bag!
Giovanna's bag!
Wow. The shoes, the bag... everything is just perfect.
The Heartbreak
FENDI peekaboo bag, amazing!
Ahh the shoes. I want them. I need them!
ahhh she's adorable. want those wedges.
I think she looks lovely. A little Gigi in Paris.
they're perfect!
GIOVANNA patron saint of Personal Style! Simply LOVELY as always.
k, give me those shoes and no one gets hurt!
she really pulls off that coat
those shoes are amazing! I love how they resemble modern architecture!
I was once told the shoes can make your outfit.. Point proven!!
I like that shoes thanks for sharing it
this is nice blog..
Great blog i find the information in this blog very helpful well done
wow great blog