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Comments on "On the Street....Blue & Black Denim, Pitti Uomo"
Love how he wears a vest over a denim shirt!
Let's grow up later
he looks like russell brand's fuller faced, long-lost, better dressed brother. great shot
I love the vest and jacket. Not too sure about the jean shirt underneath (too bulky).
i love the shirt and trousers...modern cow boy!
This how a waste coat (a vest) should be worn!! I like that fact that its a tad too small on the gentleman - intriguing!!
This is absolutely stunning. Of all your work, this is certainly my favourite! I am not commenting on the style (who would wear a jeans shirt, especially with a formal attire?) but the composition is just about perfect: clean and geometrical lines leading our view. I don't remember that part of Florence!
love love the denim and vest!! great shot
i love the fact that he has a perfectly folded handkerchief in his breast pocket. i feel that he should produce an old fashioned pipe at any moment!
Like the black and white shirt :)
He is literally bursting out of that vest. Not cool.
i love denim
oh, there's sth soo romantic about him! as if he comes from far, far away... Like!!
The undersized vest completes the look.
Great look! Slim, elegant and understated, contrasting with the roughness in the shirt and waistcoat. Very flattering, it puts focus on his face.
All I can say is WOW!!!!
fantastic. he is daring and so well put together.
I loooooooove that vest over his denim shirt
Outfit aside, this is such a great photo - the lines of the steps/wall create a nice dramatic focus.
interesting , I muse about mixing my black blue and grey denims but resist. this guys outfit inspires a rethink on my part.
Cuffing jeans with such perfection is an art.
I just love a pocket square.
amazing vest! with denim shirt looks gorgeous
although i'm not in love with the blue and black denim (in this particular case at least), i like the denim shirt under that vest. i mean this could go wrong fast but i think this combination works. plus the fit of that vest gives me hope. all vests fit me (almost) like that!
Extraordinary photo in many ways, although I'm sure we are meant to look at him.
From his perfectly rolled jeans to his undersized vest, to that exact handkerchief, it is quite an elegant man.
Could work if the vest was not 2 sizes too small
Nice style :)
love his style. simple but chic. that's the way mens should dress up!
I love the vest paired with the shirt and jacket!! It is a very casual look that is made more dressy with the jacket.
I think its a great photo!
Thanks for the post
I don't find a too small vest intriguing. Silly would be a better choice of word for me.
you like that place, do you? ;)
I am planning to trying denim shirt which I did not try before, seems I think denim is too cowboy style and I hate that, but honestly, via checking this website I see different mix & match with denim collection, and that makes me wanna try to do denim this season, this guy did a great model,haha :)
not cool. Pushin' too hard.
he has great layering style, although i'm not into the vest, it seems as if it doesn't embrace his figure quite well.
fashion atelier.
Jack Black, you made it on to Satorialist!
i love this location and this vest
the shoes are perfection
great photo
I love everything about this outfit. I'd pretty much steal it. It's denim on denim but somehow it works with the way he plays with the hues.
Also loving the cuffed pants and lace-ups with a shiny toe cap. It's divine
So this cat has seen 'Sex & Drugs & Rock 'n' Roll' and appropriated the late great Ian Durys style. Suppose at least he's made a bit of an effort.
I love the backround of the photo:beautiful,interesting, architectural, cold but not too much.The vest too short and small and with the denim shirt definively NO.
Oh, he's very dressed up!
juliet xxx
The vest is too undersized.. I fear the moment when the boy will sit down.. And I'm not so happy about the jeans shirt..or at least it should have been in a lighter material..
I love that we are mixing black denim and blue denim. It is a different kind of denim mixing and interesting to see.
Thin legged cuffed pants with loafers is quite possibly one of my favorite looks right now.
"love his style. simple but chic. that's the way mens should dress up!"
I agree, this look has a natural freshness to it that I've been missing during the men's style craze of recent years. He is wearing the clothes, the clothes are not wearing him. Only the well-chosen details (for example the shirt) and silhouette give a hint that this look is current. Very masculine!
love the shot, and the look in general. as a woman who does keep a few old (and ill fitting) pieces for the sake nostalgia, he should keep the vest in the closet and look at it occasionally. to wear something to the point of buttoncide is a horrible crime against humanity. he could put someones eye out if he's not careful.
Do we not think the waistcoat is a bit on the small side. I love the layering over the denim - which I think really works.
The shot is magnificent. I *love* the background.
i love shirt and trousers and boy looking beautiful as like modern cow boy!