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Comments on "On the Street.....At Louis Vuitton, Paris"
Gorgeous herringbone tweed/generous collars combination!
nice bit of herringbone that.
childish face and a cool blue colour.
love the royal blue under the grey
lekisskiss.blogspot.com <-- Texas gal bloggin fashion from NYC!
Love the tweed jacket and texture/color mix, especially at his wrist cuffs. Great foto & love your work Scott! thank you.
love the contrast between trousers and shirt!
does anybody know what label that shirt is?!
From the thumbnail I thought this looked like a stylish version of Kenneth from 30 Rock! Must be the hair?
Great look! I love the tweed coat mixed with the bronze and white shirt. xo
Wat: 'On the street'- at Louis Vuitton??? Please can you go back to your roots...
Very chic. and relaxed
Its all about the lapels!
very elegant biy with classic coat!
The texture is fantastic!
gotta devils haircut, in my mind
Did Louis Vuitton show in the street this year? This medium blue on brown layering is a great find. I wonder what colour his shoes were - hopefully a darker shade of brown? The patterned coat completes the outfit well but I wish we'd see this man without it!
Somehow or rather, the hair color seems to match the shirt.
Just saying...
Very eccentric young man with FOUR colors in his clothing!
This blazer is so intricate! And beautiful.
Wow...lovin' the blue/brown color combo. The jackets amazing too!
Ey! I was there!!!
I love that shirt!
Theres something very strange but very cool about him
The textures are gorgeous
the jacket is phenomenal...
yayyyyy hannes hetta..you're the best
Fantastic mix of textiles.
nice color scheme
LOVE a young man in nicely tailored clothing. nice hair too!
Who is this guy again?
I love the body language.
This photo shows off the overcoat. However, this gent needs a tie that unites the elements of his clothing, especially with the contrast collar on the shirt.
i'm digging the layers.. the undershirts and pants match with a pop of unexpected brown... very nice :]
I think this photo shows how androgynous certain fabrics can be, and also how a subject chooses to wear a piece...the double cuff for example and also the sweetness of that collared shirt when there is no tie. Interesting.
i can't even count the number of things that's going on with this guy's look.. and yet he looks so good!! my brain is too simple to put together something this complicated for myself...
The visual definition of a dandy. I can't see enough to tell if it all hangs well but I do like the copper color in the shirt and the adjacent blue.
Wow... great photo. It's almost like you've coordinated everyone behind the main guy to match both his hair and his outfit.
The herring bone jacket really pops in this too.
that shirt is the bees knees
How is this "on the street"? In the same breath (movement?) you say it's at a Louis Vuitton show.
Great execution of sleeve length. Also, there is a de-saturation about the photo that makes the image appear stark and blue. Very cool.
nice colors..i like the brown peeping thru the blue
Sometimes you get so lonely...
This elegant pop-starry creature is a throwback to an '80s style that history seems to have forgotten _ the posh British tweed, the small neo-mod collars, the pale post-punk complexion and, of course, the very groovy undercut with floppy forelock. Blimey! Boys looked so good then. As this one does now.
love the color combo
Hmmmm ... Simply too feminine for my liking. And the coat seems oversized.
groovergreen, you took the words right out of my mouth! I was thinking that he reminds me of someone from Aztec Camera or Orange Juice when they were starting out. He reeks of the Postcard label - oh so pale, cerebral and artfully disaffected. I want to pop a battered Penguin paperback in the pocket of this pale neo-Victorian and whisk him to the streets of Glasgow! :-)
OMG a big YES for his textured blazer. what a stylish man!!
fashion atelier.
Ugh, I agree with Herrene here.
love the coat!
Interesting... nice texture.
Love to see more of his suit. I dig the tone/shade parallel between his shirt and his hair. Very nice outfit--he could be assured a great seat wherever he goes with his careful look.
Love the entire outfit, but yes I too would like to see a tie. Once again, I acknowledge the youth for their sense of style. Wow, just think what he'll look like ten years from now. He has a look of someone already in the business. Great jacket!
Hannes Hetta!! One again at the Sartorialist..
What a pleasure! Great Style as usual, but what else would you expect from one of the best men's fashion stylist? Did Terry Saxon took care of your hair? ;-)
What is it with the fashion world? Great this and that, and lousy expression. Why do these who "have" look so miserable, or have an attitude? He looks like Kenneth from 30 Rock without the warmth and personality.
Reminds me of two things:
1) early to mid 80s UK Brit popness
(a very nice thing indeed)
Absolutely wonderful photo moment.
LOVE the size of the patterning on the coat, it makes a difference.
He's adorable.
Herringbone! Royal Blue!
Wonderful shot, you really captured an attitude!
Loving the shirt.
ha, he looks like a young Jefferson Hack !
Stunning. And i'm digging his incredibly long hands and fingers.
He looks absolutely not fussed about his surroundings, and i love that he's at a fashion show. priceless!
He has this very spooky vibe. That blazer just fits everything together.
Looking fabulous Mr Heat!
This really looks like the Adam Kimmel's cashmere coat (hand-made in Italy, no less) that I got but had to return a while ago.