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Comments on "On The Street.... before Dolce & Gabbana"
oh! I love it!!
those shooooes! i love it!
Mom jeans. Ahem. Naturally, this goddess looks fabulous in them. The rest of us would look ridiculously unchic. All of the other proportions of her outfit are quite nice, though.
her hair is my favourite aspect of the photo. look at how she died it blonde but let it go brown again. reminds me of debbie harry
I love! mom jean chic.
Beautiful earthy colours
Such a strong pose!
wonderful cape ;)
i love how the colours are unpredictable, yet work so harmoniously. great shot.
a brown paper envelope - the new accessory. can see why some bags are called envelope bags now!
Clearly a beautiful woman! And I love most of the outfit. However, I am not so keen on the oversized stonewashed mom-jeans that were most likely the cost of cheap car.
thats hot. love the colors.
Who is this woman? I have seen her a lot of times and every time she amazes me, but I can't look her up..can someone help me?
This one is also amazing.
A beautiful mix of tans -- that cropped top thing is very eye-catching, and the belt is the perfect contrast. Surely she has many pairs of pants that would have made a better choice, though. I've never liked it when the blue in your jeans is the brightest color in an outfit. Women tend to think jeans look playful and chic, but in this context they just look cheap.
I'm sure they're not, which makes it doubly unfortunate.
the attitude is always what counts ... one can perceive at her style, amuaa
I love the color scheme! I really want shoes like that, too..
luv.. the earthy tones and that splash of green mimics the early peak a boo of spring here in Oregon.. love the belt!
Great photo! I love her natural pose and the layering she did on top is impeccable. She made those jeans look cool by pairing them with some awesome booties. The touch of green the belt adds - Genius. xo
I love this look!
I was hoping no one would pay attention to acid washed jeans and they'd just go away. Judging from the fit of the long rise and the leg shape, these jeans are left-overs from acid wash's first incarnation. IMHO yuck, modern jeans look and fit so much nicer.
Holy cow... Can anyone ID the coat? Or the boots?? Or the PAPER BAG?! Ok, maybe that's a bit far, but, you know, WOWEY!
Holy cow... Can anyone ID the coat? Or the boots?? Or the PAPER BAG?! Ok, maybe that's a bit far, but, you know, WOWEY!
she's got the look of love in her eyes!
Scott, you have a talent for catching moments, and your photography is inspiration for the world.
keep 'em coming... please.
Those are some terrifying pants.
Ooh, what a fabu jeans shape! Love all the camel.
Yes to the belt (love) and shoes (like), urgh to the rest particularly the poorly done top layering.
love her shoes and the jeans...its high time we move on from skinny jeans
Ugh. High waisted, too short, acid washed jeans??? We used to make fun of people wearing those back in the day.
Nice coat and boots though!
Great colors, very cool coat .
Simply beautiful .
Love the camel coat and the jeans look divine as well...
very pretty look.altought shes too skinny.i liked her boots.
Nice capture of her walk... love the shoes.
How does he always find these great stylings? I'm impressed!
Oh! I like her style!!!!!
isn't she fabulous. i love the belt! nice punch of color.
tres chic and classic..and no cigarette hanging out of her mouth!
her hair is awesome! love the color palette and belt, but WHY THE MOM JEANS?!
muy linda, chevere.
Acid Wash Denim - Like!
Nice cut and fade on those jeans...great pulled together look!
Burda Moden circa 1994. Nostalgic and dated, which may not always be bad. Classic? I hope not.
i love this, that brownish color with those blue jeans = perfeeecct
I really dislike these jeans. I just imagine how much more polished this look would be with a pair of nice cropped trousers perhaps even in another earthy colour like eggplant. I do like the innovative way of wearing a crop top though, its much more contemporary than an exposed midriff.
Why are people hating on the jeans?
She ROCKS them!!!!!
Perhaps the pose is a bit more forced than your usual subject, however I still really enjoy how much the camel and denim stand out against the background.
These are not Mom jeans...
This is so dynamic! I love it!
so 1980ies to me, apart from the shoes maybe. circle of life. love the colors though.
Bella donna¡
Nice colours.
it's an strange combination but beautiful at the same time!
Stunning, casual and chic. Plus a very easy outfit to replicate with vintage!
you have to have a lot of balls to wear those jeans - I am not be a fan of them per se but I love that she did something unexpected. And the tones of camel are beautiful.
I am thinking maybe they are man's jeans rather than mom jeans?
Oh la la, maybe I do should look where I've hidden my early 90s jeans? Never thought I would wear them again, but seeing this...
Love love LOVE the caramels! All the different shades layered together creates such a richness and depth that the pieces couldn't do alone. Absolutely lovely.
okay what are 'mom' jeans? i think only gen-z z z z would like this look, all i can see is either 'Burda Moden circa 1994' (great comment anonymous) or the hideous acid wash fad that was the rage with mostly unstylish ppl back in the 90's (ouch!). the belt and the envelope are the only sartorial elements of this photo. sorry - she clearly has style, but this ensemble doesnt do it for me.
None of these items would be doable or acceptable on anyone except a pretty/skinny gal like her. Except for the boots, I'd have to say "nay" to this outfit.
However... I'm really digging the hair, especially after checking out Garance's examples yesterday.
I like the coat and the overall color scheme. Also her confident stride.
Not crazy about the midriff top layer nor the jeans, nor even the booties, which look a little too much like something my 79-year-old mother-in-law would wear with a dress.
What gets me is her hair. The message I get is over-dyed, damaged ends, which I can't accept as chic. Debra Harry did it on purpose, peroxide-blonde with brunette roots. This just looks like growing out a dye job that was a few tones too far.
Also, I don't think it's terribly classy to schlep a bunch of stuff in one's arms/hands. Are totes or other large bags out of the question these days?
Love the throwback jeans!
Suggestive face , long blond hair, oversize jeans,simple,EASY... SEXY SHOT !
....by the way, I love D&G !
Love the blog, but I can't possibly respect anyone's fashion choice for Mom Jeans. Aweful.
The green belt and her jeans are amazing!
simples and i like.
amo il suo viso.
This looks very Sex and the City - like. The colors (esp. the natural pink), tucked in shirt and jeans with heels. It looks like a used look, but I think I like it.
I don't know anything about this woman, but I instantly thought "the real Carrie Bradshaw". Dunno why...
Those looks like short man jeans. Not a fan.
Whoever is responsible for the return of "mom jeans" deserves a life sentence in fashion prison.
Awesome boots and cool jeans!
Great photo as always!
Pure LOVE!
This pic is the best in the past couple of months. Congratulations!!
wow, i love how this woman actually wore something underneath her midriff shirt... good for her!!! and i love the neutral palette!
poor girl, so many horrible bad styles of years past. she's pretty but even that can't balance all the wrongness of the cropped shirt, the high waisted jean and the fit.
Great photo about movement and graphism / rythm. And... I love the whole outfit : the jeans +++ the shoes, the coat, the different layers, the hair, the brown paper package... everything. And what's more, it realy looks confortable. This is inspiring.
mom pants never looked so good.
Less is more, as they say.
Fantastic jeans, I really like the return of light coloured / very washed jeans!
I want to like this but I don't. I do not feel the organic style, I feel it is too pushed. The woman is attractive.
just...horrible! i don't like the proportions on this at all.
the boots are great though.
The Salvation Army belt and mom jeans... Yet she's still beautiful. Don't try this at home.
she has a great attitude and wears the clothes well...but other than the colors, not a fan this time!
Gads, those jeans. I can't find an adoring thing to say about them; however, I will say that her confident composure pulls the whole look off. She could probably rock a garbage bag.
High rise jeans making a comeback?
They look okay from the front, but we all know what they do to a woman's backside (flat long butts are NOT attractive).
SO carrie bradshaw.
The layering is what is going on here but the green belt is what makes the look work.
This is one of those outfits where I don't understand how someone can pull of put she DID! :D
imagine doing your errands wearing this. this outfit isn't predictable, but is so very wearable and perfect for what she seems to be doing- out and about in the city. fashion is the best when it reflects your sense of place and mood within the world at one moment in time. this captures that. fabulous
Ummm not sure.. is it bogan chic (aussie term).. with cut off tee and the jeans.. she has the walk and a great look for the camera but the jeans.. no, the boots.. no.. coat is nice .. but to me it just reminds me of too many things wrong about the late 80's and early 90's.. you have to be here though...
I really love your page and think you do a great job... Still, don't you think all these women you show have very similar looks? I mean, the boots, "that kind" of jeans / trousers / hat / scarf / bag / vintage-looking earrings / belt and so on. Or is it just me?
Stylish and relaxed. I like this. Of course, her figure helps ...
Am I the only one who sees a little Sarah Jessica Parker in her?
Oh please, stop fawning over this everybody. This outfit is aggressively, deliberately ugly. Maybe it's provocative but it's not chic and it's certainly not attractive.
Gabrielle Reece?
That, more than the outfit, makes me feel oh so retro-90s.
amazing confidence.. Makes her look all the more chic!
I love how fun that this photo is!
she reminds me of a real life carrie bradshaw.
Scott! There have been so many occasions where I wish you could post what your muses are wearing and by who. I know..I know they are probably a la vintage but I would really love it if you would just tell me where her shoes are from! Could be Chloe? Such an easy piecy look!
Gorgeous woman, great tans, but those pants offend me on a very deep level. Why do beautiful women do this? At least she did not pair them with a Forenza oversized sweatshirt.
I think the jeans are ruining the look!
Apparently the fashion gods are angry... they don't think we've done enough penance for wearing mommy-fit acid wash the first time around. They want us to atone by wearing it again, or at least being forced to look at it, now that we know better. (Love the rest of the outfit, though.)
She reminds me of Carrie Bradshaw somehow!
these boooooots! I love it too! ANd the camaieu of beiges/camel!
I love the irony of this. Reversing the meaning of 'Burda moden 1994' and Mom Jeans/hillbilly acid wash. This is far from tame and lame, far from mumsy, cheap and unhip. She's experimenting with styles, periods, colors, shapes. She is pushing it, but well knows what she's doing. She is an insider, I'm sure. I adore the playful people I encounter here; reason I come back for more, each day. They dare, they take risks (always intelligently), but above all they play. Hence, they're sexy. And inspirational.
Lovely layering!
She looks great, but at the same time I think she's working the trends a bit too hard. Acid wash jeans: check; new neutrals: check; cropped top: check. I think it's more interesting to see looks that reflect the wearer's personal style, or their own take on current fashion.
Hello sophisticated hidden sexiness!
How inspiring!
Oh dear. Do. NOT. Love. Seriously. Try much?
definitely a carrie!i wished those pants would be a little shorter so the shoes can show of better...still very cosy yet stylish look
What is all this "smack talk" about the Soccer Mom jeans? I say, so what! This woman will look fantastic in any style of jeans she decides to wear. I do agree with one of the comments about her jeans being the brightest part of her outfit. I ordered a pair of straight leg jeans online and sent them back just last week. Reason? They were such a bright blue for "soft vintage wash". As for this woman's outfit, it is fantastic. I love the booties, the casual way she wears her coat, and the layered look of her tops. The green belt is a wonderful foil for the entire look. Stop twisting the knife everyone, maybe you're all a little jealous and would like to look this great on what appears to be a very casual running errands kind of day.
It is funny the way you called your pictures "green belt" for that one, so we can know what did you notice on her. Personally I noticed the crafted envelope , you the belt !
fantastic !
I was going to leave a comment but Lou at 5:03 said about everything I had in mind !
so nineties sex and the city
Stupenda foto
Stupenda postura
Stupendo abbigliamento!
..è la fotokopiea esatta delle mie fantasie!!
She looks like she could be Chloe Sevigny's sister-wife on Big Love.
She is adorable, and little booties make the whole look. It is like a summer sexy look adapted for winter...even looks like she is showing midriff... Wow.
see i think she reminds me more of a chloe sevigny
the picture, the look all very average.
Stationery and outfits should be coordinated more often!
The tan layering is nice enough but those jeans? Offensive. My mom wouldn't be caught dead wearing something that hideous.
I want those boots? How is it that this woman even makes a paper envelope look cool? Love!
Miss B xx
now this is a cool girl.
i love all those shades of tan and that green belt
i love it.
"She could probably rock a garbage bag"... Indeed! A vision in caramel. Individually, I would pass by any of the items she's wearing, but together she makes them look wonderful - and surely that's the essence of real style? The layering of neutral colours and the '80's style denim is very "now", but she doesn't look like a slave to fashion. Impressive.
she looks like she knows what she's doin
i love it. kinda reminds me of SJP from sex and the city
Okay, leaving out my catty comment of last. I love her outfit from head to toe. The combination of colors she has chosen are remarkable and I love her coat. I don't care what anybody says, the jeans are just fine! The green belt and booties are to die for. Lovely swaggering walk, great hair. She is wonderful!
Can't get into the sloppy jeans.
Man, she makes this work. Those jeans, I wouldn't dare! Love the pairing of the green belt with the light leathers.
the no-makeup look is what I prefer
Her name is Ada Kokosar and she's a stylist. The pants are Denis Simachev. We bought them toghether in Moscow :)
i love her stride, and the laid back "hair in the wind" look. Great capture.
there's something rather erotic about how the longer shirt at first doesn't register, that you think it's her stomach, and do a double take. coupled with the cropped lighter shirt, it seems very deliberate, very eye catching, yet far more subtle than overt cleavage or a low cut top would be.
the boots are viktor&rolf, either fall-winter 2008 or earlier, i got them from barnies a couple of years ago i think!
Ada you look gorgeous..(even though i'm not too amazed by those jeans neither, but for some reason they just fit you nevertheless)!
so carrie bradshaw
This woman has Sarah Jessica Parker written all over her!