This is a photo of my Great-uncle Frank's former girlfriend taken in the early 1930s on my Great grandfather's ranch in Sun Valley, CA. I "borrowed" this photo from my Grandpa about 5 years ago so I could take it to my hair stylist for inspiration for a new haircut. I don't know anything about this woman other than she dated a family member and she liked to ride motorcycles, my Grandpa was only about 7 around this time so he doesn't remember much about her. Still I love this picture and everything the girl on the bike embodies.

I’m used to walk in the small markets of antique dealers and I found this pictures.
I paid attention to it as I liked the woman personality, riding the bike in an unusual or not so femenin way for the times it was done, but at the same time because she appears kind of “daring” style.
Comments on "Cool Girls on Motorcycles, Vintage Photo Contest"
strong women!
i wish i looked this powerfull on my bike...
Dang! I need to start wearing a dress on my bike.
Would enjoy reading the stories behind these photos - who the women were, when and where the photos were taken...
Yay! I'm so happy my photo was posted and gets to join the ranks of all the other awesome photos already up. I have really enjoyed looking at everyone's vintage photos and reading their stories. Great contest!
what great pics!
I love these pictures... they are gorgeous! Very powerful woman!
Wow, I love a woman on a bike! Wish we knew more about these women. xo
she is not even riding the bike! the kickstand is up! hahaha.
i love that second picture, its fabulous.
lekisskiss.blogspot.com <-- Texas gal bloggin fashion from NYC!
Except the kickstand is down. Not so daring. Nor so powerful. Cut nonetheless.
A woman's allure increases when they do things that are out of the ordinary. In the context of the time when these photos were taken, these women were complete rebels. Thank you for sharing.
oh i love your pictures, your little anecdotes that accompany the beautiful shots. please please do a links exchange, i only wish i had a good eye like you (:
Ah, yeah!
Absolutely loving the vintage photos, keep 'em coming...
found photos can be the most telling
Darn it, I had a photo of my mother on a bike but did not send it in.
WOW! The fact that we don't know anything about these women only increases the allure.
Oh amazing photos of such great women
Such force
Absolutely breathtaking
I wish that photo was a little clearer, then I could ID that old motorcycle, just can't quite make it out..:-(
I wish you'd credit the owners of these photos. I would like to know more about who's sending them.
beautiful pictures! vintage pics are the best! i find it's xtraordinary too to see those gorgeous women on bikes!
fashion atelier.
I love this one so much!!
Great photo
why women in the past have such a great personality?
lovely. i love old photographs.
Wonderful pictures. When feminity contrast with masculinity.. Like a girl with a man's Rolex.
Why people of past times (20th century but bevor we were born)seem to me more modern actual and present than my contemporarys?
A motorcycle is a beautiful and sensual sculpture..."Je n'ai besoin de personne en Harley Davidson..."(Serge Gainsbourg)
Very cool, daring women...definitely not adhering to the typical mold of their time. INSPIRING.
Both of these photos look like the women are sitting on their boyfriend's motorbikes posing for a photo.
Nothing wrong with that of course and they both look pretty cool. But if nothing is known of these women I wouldn't assume they were the owners of the bikes or that they could ride them.
Brilliant photos! Those were the days when you could ride around on such powerful machines without a helmet or other protective gear, looking chic and sassy...
I was inspired by all these photos and put the vintage one on my website http://melinda-robicheaux.blogspot.com
This is my Dad - the dancing guy looks like Jim Morrison. He is dancing with his partner during their modern0ballet rehearsal in 70's in Cracow (Poland).
Love the bikes in the photos. Great images.
Amazing! Great ladies and awesome rides!
- www.21Arrondissement.com
This contest is such a great idea thx Scott..
Vintage Photos Are So Inspiring
Just the prospect that in those days women could be so feminine yet daring is so intriguing...
So what if the kickstand is down? So what if the bikes are their boyfriends'? The womens' spirit, attitude, and style come through pictures loud and clear. What they embody is not dependent on wether they're actually riding at that moment or not, and I think it's an honest embodiment of who they are : interesting and beautiful women I'm priviliged to glimpse at through this blog and for which I'm grateful to the Sartorialist and his readers.
These are great photos....however, as I am a woman who loves fashion and has a vintage motorcycle myself, I must point out that neither of these woman are actually riding the motorcycles (note the kickstand in the second photo). These girls are pretty and cute sitting on the bikes, but there are strong, stylish, sexy women out there that actually ride bikes. Lets see some pics of them!
The bike in the first picture is uber rad. Anyone know what it is? Thanks
The woman in the first picture looks a lot like Brandise from Project Runway and Models of the Runway! I absolutely love all these old photos, great idea Scott!
Love old pictures and how people used to overdressed back in time...
J'adore. Love this much, so fierce & stylish at the same time. Avant la lettre :-)
the hair IS fabulous. i've done the same with hairdressers..bringing in old photos from 20's flappers to get the same look and feel.
it amazes me that after all these years bikes are still considered cool and rebelious, perhaps it's the imminent threat of death while riding.
So empowering!
great shots! just because a lady's posed on a bike doesn't mean she doesn't also ride. check out these ladies who've got rad style and the proverbial balls to match:
Elspeth Beard - rode around the world
Lilian Lefrance - Wall of Death rider
Not sure 100%, but I guess second pic was made in Barcelona, because of the plate...
very nice pictures. SunValley , CA my home.
I don't specially like bike riding but those women was strong.
The second looks a bit like Natalie Portman...
vintage pictures are always cool !
I'd like to submit one of these photos to my boss for a greeting card for our company, The Borealis Press. Let me know your thoughts, jeff@borealispress.net