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Comments on "Camel & Grey, Camel & White, Camel & Blue, Paris"
Gorgeous! I love camel in every way. Great photos!
Lovely ... never goes out of style! Perfectly balances other colours.
LOVE Stefano's fancy shirt... sexy.
Beautiful color. Really love the first and second look.
I like the shoes in the third picture. But all pictures have waaaayyyyyyyyyyy too much camel in them ;-)
I'm fed up with muted colours. I want Spring and that means green, preferably emerald.
Meh - Not liking this massive drive towards camel!
However, we do like Stefanos time piece!!
The narrow shoulders on the coats are great. Think the camel on camel the geezer is sporting is a little overkill though.
Wow, this is great, I've ben a bit obsessed with camel coats lately! x
what is it about spring that gives everyone the urge to rock a polished trench? whatever it is, i love it. it seems like the entire world looks chic.
in other news, i really want that first woman's amazing clutch....
it looks perfect against his little tattoo peeping out from under his sleeve... super sexy !
Camel is like black!
I absolutely LOVE that colour palette. It just oozes an overal chic attitude!
The perfect colour or just boring??? Still wrecking my brains...
I love Mr Pilati's ensemble.
So classic=]
Camel is eternally chic. Thanks for the great pictures
I've been revisiting the archives and suddenly can't get enough of white jeans. I think I've been pummelled into submission!
Camel may take some further brutality ... :)
I adore the camel and white and the last photo is divine in every way.
Agree, camel is like black but much more soothing.
Love the boots in the first image and the contrast of the grey to the camel.
I almost never comment. But I've been reading forever. I love this post. It is just amazing to me. I think the best thing you showcase here is jackets. I always see trenches from Paris or New York and want them so badly.
I love this colour so much!!! So stylish and chic!!! Just great!
Stefano Pilati has such a great eye for contrast and detail. The beading on his pockets are luxurious without being gaudy. The semi-concealed tattoos also give an air of mystery.
satchel are "the" accessory , gorgeous !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
camel is very chic
Beautiful camel! I love it. Especially the third photo with the rolled up dark jean and red clutch.
The cachenir sweater looks sooo comfortable and the camel color - i don't like it too much - is not boring on Stefano. The shirt gives him a feminine and sensual touch that i love too. It's a warm elegant not pretentious image but i prefer see the eyes instead of the dark glasses.
Stefano Pilati - one of the most stylish men around. I love the camel-on-camel, but even more, I love the way the colourful tattoo peeks out from under his sleeve.
i love a good camel trench coat and camel and grey in my new go-to color combo (which was previously the exciting/original black and grey). while i think white is a bit too stark for camel, a nice pale grey seems really fresh.
i also love stefano's being detail. camel and camel however just looks like...a camel.
Too much camel for me, and sunglasses indoors are just daft
Loving camel! Especially here in Manila where the South-East-Asian summer is making itself very much felt!
i found i love stefano pilati wearing that shirt!! camel is really beautiful color i love!
Yes, yes, yes. Camel is enduringly elegant.
love the light in the first one
The top image is stunning, I want to be her when I grow up.
the first camel look is great! everything fits so perfectly!
I like camel and camel, nude colored monochromatic outfits are sexy! for both men and women!
Uh, Archie, you too will be a 'geezer' one day. Not that Mr. Pilati is....
Adoro il suo stile....e in questo caso adoro anche la sua camicia!
Stefano looks amazing! Love the camel coat and clutches (in the 1st & 3rd pic).
that color is made for fair haired, light people. love it to death!
Is it just me-or is it easier to dress now than ever before? (Well, for me-the last 30 years!) What used to be called- outdated is now called vintage. What I´ve seen with your blog is that all styles go together and match. The person that wears it-pulls it off because they make it interesting. Fashion is all about personality and additude in the end.
Stefano Pilati is probably the most stylish men on the planet. Love all the other outfits.
Camel coats are so dope.
And for the record, even us darker skinned people can rock Camel just as good..
I usually don't like rolled up jeans but on the 3rd pic down she makes it work...
A gorgeous compliment to any color.
Incredibly chic and classic.
love the peeping tats!!
oh mon dieu!
this is amazinggggg
There's nothing quite like a classic material done up in a modern way. Your images make camel hair look fresh and current.
Camel is great! I don't like neon colors so this trend works for me :)
I love camel and I am so glad it is making a comeback. The last photo showing camel is my favorite. Must invest in a camel peacoat!
Tell me, tell me about the clutch for the season!! It seams as though that is the MUST carry... No more big bags or what? Fall 2010 bags look feminine and structured...what from now till then????
could anyone please tell me what clutch is it in the first picture? thank you ahead!
I love particularly the first one (grey trousers + that clutch + those shoes), and Stefano Pilati is always absolutely flawless no matter what he wears! I love him (and I'm slowly falling in love with camel too, which is strange cause I've never been a huge fan)
Beautiful color. Really love the first look,I follow you,bss,Mer
Parisian people have such a great sense of style...I'm sure they're not all like this but it's just great to see people that dress so great!
The first photo is PERFECTION!!!!!!
The girls look great. Not sure about the guy though: despite his YSL credentials that's camel overload. And what's happening with that shirt?
the camel and white is so darn chic! (not to mention the lovely tat peeking out from under the tan on tan manly inspiration - yum.)
i love stefano pilati's outfit here and especially the vintage watch- is it a jlc reverso?
I'd definitley go for camel&camel. gorgeous combination! Stefano Pilate looks great!
PS: I really adore your blog!
Mr Pilati looks so glamorous and sexy! Really great!
Stunning Jacket!
It used to be that only sailors had tattoos... maybe he is a sailor ?!
I love ludivine poiblanc's outfit in the 2nd picture.
love the last two pics. camel is the perfect transition color for the winter to spring!
lekisskiss.blogspot.com <-- Texas gal bloggin fashion from NYC!
Wow, the first picture. I love the outfit.And its a good photo.I also like your blog !Realy good tips
camel and grey= oh yes. (and ditto on the becoming obsessed with white jeans, to whomever mentioned it above).
camel + other is nice.
camel + camel = too much animal :(
perfect timing with that post!
i just bought myself a camel coat this weekend (2 pounds, best buy in my entire life) and i cant wait to wear it
I'm in love with Camel and all it's fashion variations here on your blog. Nice to be back in town, I missed an entire week of fashion. I feel months behind!
I think you have to be careful with camel. Part of its potential beauty is its luxury. A camel coat must be really well-cut from beautiful fabric. And needless to say, it must be clean. All these camel coats would look nothing but dingy and rumpled after too much wear and tear. If we're not careful with this camel trend, I'm afraid this is what we might be seeing on the street.
Another thought--camel and white looks very sharp. How about camel and cream? That sounds delicious.
I bought in november a camel wool jacket for the winter! and eversince I love the camel! It matches perfectly with my dark skin, thanks for the lovely and inspiring post!
Usually not a fan of tattoos but this partial view under all this camel is fantastic.Pity I don't look good in beige even if we call it camel.
Camel = always, but always chic!
Even if I haven't been waiting for designers to tell me to do, I cannot wait to wear Camel next season!
I find it so classy & timeless.
Great looks btw(not to sure about the mix camel and white though).
It is a bit distressing that people who read a fashion photo blog lack the color vision to notice that camel does not actually go with ver dark jeans. It is not a bold transgression of rules. It is not a sophisticated mix that regular folks would never imagine. It is an ugly clash conceived either by someone with bad taste, bad eyesight or no other jacket of the appropriate weight.
my favorite color. Amazing photos : )
I don't own anything camel, but it looks lovely.
Best looking camels I've ever seen.
I don't like jeans on a woman, but with that camel coat and the beautiful clutch the look actually works. Very nice!
I love camel, but I truly look naked whenever I wear this colour. If I am wearing camel pants with a great belt, my lovely friends say "Nice belt but I think you forgot to wear pants." And if I have on a camel coat, then all I hear is "Whoa, where did you go? I can't see you? Oh, there you are. I couldn't make out your face against that coat. It all blends in." Thanks guys.
Great Post!!! I love the looks of all these camel garments!!
I think my favorite is the camel and white or the camel on camel. The guy really pulls this look off. Normally I am about color in an outfit. But I think this camel and camel look look sleek!
Love pictures 1 & 3. Grey booys in 1 are superb.
<3 stefano. he's perfect.
love love love the second coat down. so clean and what a beautiful colour.
Stefano Pilati is my style icon. His style is always great. I prefer the way he combines feminine and masculine elements in mens fashion. Not many men can do that...they are all too shy. His watch is a vintage Panthère de Cartier (ladies size) in yellow gold...here again. By the way, i love camel.
French Beige?!
Stefano Beigilati ?!X
The camel and grey work really, really well and it is very elegant (pic #1), but I am not so sure about pic #3 - the coat is great, the bag is ok, but do we think the denim works? I am not so sure.
Beautiful looks. Red clutch and dark blue jeans are great with the camel coat!
What is with the Camel and Grey picture? Are those sweats? I don't like jersey fabric for much and those pants are awful. I also dislike Stefano's shirt. All the Camel is wonderful, regardless.
Oh I do love a good camel coat.
Especially loved the photo with the grey pants and boots. It's just such a lush and versatile colour.
Just lovely!
I'm looooving all this Camel at the moment! Stefano looks absolutely incredible. Love the little beaded details!
Great design. I love it.
They're all fabulous and have convinced me to get a camel-colored wool coat, but I like Stefano's look the best. The textured beaded cardigan underneath adds a whole new dimension of style!
Sorry, not a fan at all. Though the glasses are the only worthwhile item.
it takes a real man to wear paillettes.
is this a cliche comment?
most likely, but i find it's true.
Isn't camel called beige...?
hate camel and grey... love the others
Khaki is NOT fashion. Sorry Banana Republic. Its a BASIC. A neutral and inferior to gray also. If you choose(and I own them like you too)to wear khaki PLEASE do SOMETHING interesting with the rest of you. Sorry.....yawn...
camel and camel)) lol very pretty))
I like the embroideries at the shirt of Stafano Pilati!
wouw, really a fashion inspiration!!
now i wanna buy something in camel to fill my closet!
All this camel together! Spettacolare! He is fab! Just love him!
OMG the camel coat is one of my obsessions and these looks here are simply GORGEOUS THANK YOU!!!!
I love the peek of Stefano Pilati's beaded shirt and his tattoo. Breaks up the camel on camel nicely.
i love candid pictures like these i need to go next year to NY so i can snap some pics like these
I just love the Eiffel Tower reflection in the glasses!
I love the second coat. But it looks wildly expensive...
1st picture is Asli Abbasoglu from Beymen Turkey
- www.theclothingproject.com
I love the Camel & Camel one. Too bad I live in a tropical country, I'll look really silly wearing a trench.
Camel will always remind me of Carolyn Bessette Kennedy when she wore the camel coat from Prada F/W '96 or '97 season. She looked great in that entire collection!
What a wonderful refreshing combination - a little bit of exoticism, European elegance and the masculine tattoo... This is what I call style!
WOW! By whom are this booties in the second picture? Does anyone know?
Camel and Grey:
Has anyone noticed the buttons on blouse, the ring and the nail polish? Don't care for the overall look, but brilliant greys.