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Comments on "The Sartorialist on The Treatment with Elvis Mitchell"
Nice to hear your voice and get your perspective of things!!! Love your blog, keep it up!!!
that scarf is fantastic!!
not pk, but love the cigar - suits the man.
i listened... like the idea of people communicating something about themselves with the way they dress, present themselves - it's a personal statement. & you're trying to pick up that messaging - in a romantic way - showing in your photograph, the message you're getting. that's was my take out anyway :-)
I just love NY, so many personalitys...magical...
am a fan of your blog: great photos, personalities and clothes.
I love your voice, is so calm and gentle! I think all you said is right!
Fashion is personality! Thanx for sharing with us your thoughts.
Yes, your approach is very American, 'suit of happiness' kind of way. Ha!
I love your use of the word romance in the context of style and photography. It highlights the aspirational as well as inspired aspect of personal presentation. I think this focus is what distinguishes the blog.
The interviewer stressed 'physical arrogance', which I liked. I recognize that here, even when people may seem shy or quiet. And isn't it true - there's is no wearing clothes well if you don't feel well in your skin.
Anyhow, great interview.
Great interview about photography, people and style. I'll remember few tips.
What a great interview! It's funny, I knew all the pictures you talked about and this, some way, made me see honesty in you! We can understand why this blog and your work is so beautiful... It's Scott being Scott, you're very sincere.
That military scarf from LV is ueber-stylish
good job! :)
agian Thanks Scott, for giving me something so invaluable... inspiration.
Thank you.
the scarf is dope...
hello i'm gone crazy looking for your book, but I can't
found it, please can you tell me where can I find it in Madrid? thanks
What a nice picture... It's amazing, really love it. Please, visit my blog :)
What a nice picture... It's amazing, really love it. Please, visit my blog :)
2nd that! Love your voice. I really enjoyed listening to the show and your perspective on what you do and what it means to you.
Good interview - your comments add a new dimension to your photographs for me. Thank you!
The Luxe Chronicles
PS I share your admiration for Bill Cunningham. Would you ever consider adding audio commentary to your photographs the way he does on the NY Times site?
wow, great style; I like the gloves with the coat.
Hello Mr Sartorialist!
I am just dropping this comment to let you know that it would be much appreciated if you applied an "older posts" putton at the end of the bloggroll.
I drop by here every once in a while and I keep beeing "bugged" that I have to go in to the monthly archive to go back in time :)
Keep up the good work! It really is a wonderfull world to step into!
Ingvild Telle
love that Elvis..he cuts a great figure...and is very snart
Oh my, to finally hear your voice. Love that you posted this.
Enjoy your weekend
Love the scraf!
Wonderful, wonderful tone. Your aural signature seems as trim and stylish as your visual persona.
I completely agree with you when you say that in time you have discovered just how American you are. It's the curiosity and the openness that make Americans what they are when they travel abroad. What you add to that, I think, is the eye for true excellence. You are curious and open and yet discriminating. You seem to never fall flat on a 'gee,' which is the liability of many traveling Americans. Could we say, that you travel with just a tiny bit of NYC attitude with you? Have you then found the right mix?
I would say yes. Cosmopolite-mid-Western-New-Yorker somehow striking the right tone, and cutting the right figure, all at once.
the GLOVES !!
you are a Scholar and a Gentleman
Thank you for that interview + I hope to meet you one day. Short
How delightful was this interview! A spot of inspiration for a Sunday morning.
Nice interview Scott, thanks for posting it.
Great interview and I love his scarf! xo
Chanel Pearls at www.FashionSnag.com
What an interesting man. I love the cigar.
Really Nice Voice..!
Good Morning,
How interesting and charming. I enjoyed this interview so much. It was like listening to an easy conversation. Beautiful, soothing voices! Dang, do I have to go hunting for the Swedish girl mentioned?:)
Oh, and I hope to see some cowboy boots that hit the *romance* quotient for you.. Cowboy hats are also in that category for me. Hard to wear!
Thank you for inspiration!/sunshine!
Brilliant Style for Sure!
Very nice job with the interview. I enjoyed it and found a deeper respect for what you do. Keep it coming.
great interview!
I really enjoyed this!
Love that segment. Thanks for sharing :)
Great interview! So nice to hear your voice.
I have a seen ur work its realy appreciated.its very beneficial for me.its full of filled with information.
I hope other people will gain things from here.
Loved the voice and ideas that you shared. Thank you :)
I Like The Scarf
I was hoping to hear more about the technical side of what you do and what steps you took to improve the quality of your pictures as you went along, as you say you are self taught. For example, at what point did it go from just "clicking a button" to creating and capturing images you were happy with - both creatively and technically? What were your "aha" moments? Etc. In any case, very interesting interview.
Love your view on things and the way you take your pictures. I've read your book so I immidiately linked everything you said to what you wrote in your book, and all the pictures you described popped up in my head. It's a great way of taking photos, it makes your pictures so special. They're nothing like the emotionless runwaypictures, which will never look anything like your photos despite how beautiful they are or how well they're taken.
What a lucid, interesting and yet romantic interview. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Your blog gets better and better and better.
Thank you for giving your readers this interview~!
In my mind you voice has been exactly so as it is in reality :)
I like your way of thinking. thats what you makes so different. hope you´ll get some time to write soon something, what is in your mind, cuz I enjoy it even more if you write s.th. :)
hope you have a great day :)
very inspireing- thanks for that..but still..don't sometimes think all this to be quiet superficial and not really an important issue ..
I heard it last week on my car radio. I liked what you said about aging, and how people think they can get away from it by ignoring it. Instead you said to work with it. This was the one bright ray of real substance in the entire interview. The rest was both of you sounding kind of nervous...and repetitive.
But I'm glad to see you getting covered by the media. You told me when you were signing your book for me (on your book tour) that you would take your success as far as it will go. I know that will happen.
What a very pleasant interview... I especially liked when you talked about your photography (how you shoot and about getting a sort of idea out of the picture; about it being for you... because in the end they are your shots). As a photographer "in the works," I was very inspired. Thank you very much. It was a great way to see a bit more of you in your shots. Thanks again.
I hope you don't mind, but I would like to leave you a link to my blog, I would appreciate it greatly if you could check it out and give me some feedback. I know you're extremely busy so if it's not possible, no worries. :o)
Elvis Mitchell is a generous interviewer, he got a lot of great ideas out of you. I liked how he framed it at the beginning with you documenting the 'front' and being on the 'frontlines'. Sociologically, your photos capture people's fronts, there's no behind-the-scenes debunking. Here's how people want to present themselves on the streets. And your comment about not being blase' is a keeper.
i loved your interview :)
This is one of the best interviews I've heard. Your subjects are so much more about individuals and culture than even fashion. I do love the fashion, too.
I really appreciate your perspective and fresh eyes--there's so much negativity in the media and these photos seem to be far more uplifting. Grace. Art. Beauty. A sense of hope for the common man.
One things I have always though looking at people as well as your blog was I want to look like that when i get older...great point Scott...
I have been checking your blog daily for months, and thoroughly enjoy it, so it was a thrill to listen to your interview with Elvis Mitchell on KCRW, and find out more about you and your work. Thank you.
This is wonderful - all of your readers get to see the man behind the lens. I really reacted to your saying about the word "sartorialist" - living in NYC, I often walk down the street and only see people through a sartorialist lens - in my mind.
Hey Scott,
I really liked what you had to say about being selfish. I think you are right on.
i love The Treatment, and enjoyed listening to the show in time for nyfw. elvis's personal style exactly matches his conversational intellect. brilliant.
If you're looking for new countries to visit, you might like to try Eritrea. The capital, Asmara, is an Italian throwback to the 1920s. Every evening people parade down the main promenade and hang out in exquisite Art Deco cafes, dressed their best. The elderly gentlemen in particular are very precise with their clothing, hats and unique details are aplenty. Plus, the high altitude of the city and the beautiful architecture make for great photos!
Mr. Mitchell is one of the most stylish, erudite men on the planet. I am madly in love with him.
Great interview Scott. I love Elvis Mitchell, and have enjoyed his Prime Time show on Turner Classics for a long time. Thank you for introducing me to a side of him that I wasn't aware of. Charming interview.
so true about the romantic perspective. it's what makes them so good.
Fantastic interview!
This is a huge treat! Thanks for posting! Again, thank you so much for all your work. This blog has really turned my life around. I am much more mindful of what I shop for and wear and how I wear it. I think I'm doing something right since people are giving me far more compliments now on what I wear than before.
I LOVE the first photo (girl looking at her phone with hat). You have an incredible ability to capture the beauty in the simplest of acts.
Scott, I enjoyed your interview with Elvis Mitchell very much. Thanks for sharing with us. Enjoy the London shows.
Scott, great to hear your take on things.
Elvis has got the style I love- wrecked chic. Solid.
Although your shots of the fashion week stuff are great, the stuff away from the runways and the "in-crowd" are my favs.
God bless.
Wonderful interview! I love your blog, it makes me so happy to flip through these photos on a blue day (or any day really). Your photos make me happy about people and life, and it was great to hear you talk about them.
When will you be visiting Japan??
I must say you have a beautiful voice: gentle, calm, relaxing and very easy to listen to.
The interview itself was very interesting.
Actually i think i like your blog even more now. Of course what you said about personal style, romanticism, dignity ect, was obvious to me from your pictures and your comments, still i feel i understand you and your work a little better now. Needless to say i have began to think of you as a really nice person and not just as an artist whose work i like or admire.
Keep up the good work ;)
two of my favorites.
elvis and scott.
thank you so much.
Oh I did enjoy. Now I can put a face to Elvis' voice and a voice to your face. Cool.
Who knew Elvis had that much style. Again, cool.
Thank you! <3
Great interview. I agree with other posts that it's nice to hear your voice!
Already have the Interview issue, and
have been enjoying Mitchell's conversation with Jay-Z.
Don't know if I would have made the (now obvious) connection with the radio guy and the magazine guy, so thanks for that!
You see the realy voice afther the person of your camera!!
same don't see you in belgium!
Love this interview with you, love the idea of your very urban photography being inspired by Steve McCurry and NG portraiture and reportage. Thank you.
I googled Elvis Mitchell, I know him from TMC, and I just watched The black list on HBO, I wanted to , somehow let him know that an old hippie from TN, living in Las Vegas for 25 yrs, Loved his film, I have had respect for him since I saw my first interview by him on TMC. Lord love a duck, I found your site. I learned that he has a radio show, has great style, and found a wonderful photographer. I will be sharing your blog with all my photo pals. I have been an amature hound for years. great interview, great site. TY my dear. Peace & Love, Melinda