The Sartorialist for GQ at The Fasano, Rio de Janeiro
Enough snow for a day...can we go back to Rio?
I tried shooting my March GQ page in about 4 different locations but it just wasn't working...and I was running out of time. I had already made the commitment to attend the Rio Fashion week but I was more than a little nervous that I would find enough in Rio to fill my page. After scouting Rio for a day (a very hot, uncomfortable day) I returned to the Fasano hotel and went straight to the pool.
In two seconds I knew that my next page would be all about the pool scene at the Fasano in Rio. Neil Barrett, Dean Caten of DSquared, Luca Rubinacci and enough local "beautiful people" to fill seven pages of GQ.
I don't know why but Dean Caten of DSquared decided to throw a wedding bouquet of flowers to all the "single ladies" at the pool. Although this shot is fun, I should have filmed him marching around the pool grabbing the ladies to participate. Mr. Caten does have an unusual charm with the ladies.

I think all you need in Rio is a hot bathing suit, cool sunglasses and something to wear to and from the airport.
Garance also loved the Fasano but she loved the fresh coconut drinks even more. Here is a link to Garance Fasano post

In two seconds I knew that my next page would be all about the pool scene at the Fasano in Rio. Neil Barrett, Dean Caten of DSquared, Luca Rubinacci and enough local "beautiful people" to fill seven pages of GQ.

Comments on "The Sartorialist for GQ at The Fasano, Rio de Janeiro"
Wonderful photos!! I will needed some sun in this snow! Once again you proved that u are AMAZING! thank you! (the first boy is too hot!! he needs to call me lol)
These shoots are so relaxing and give me a big nostalgic sense of summer. I guess you are right, out of every other beach-capitals of the world, Rio gives me the sense of simplicity, where all you need are nice bikinis and a great positive mood. And just enjoy yourself and others.
I love Rio!!!!!!1
Ahhh summer looks so good right now! I'm still loving the layers of winter... but simplicity never looked so good!!!
Damn, wish I were there.
great pictures,really!
Where do you find all the soulful beautiful people you photograph. Do we live on different planets, or perhaps I looking in the wrong place? Regardless of this, I get a dream through your pictures that the world may be a better place in future
Such beautiful pictures. I love the third one, not to mention the first one. Great colors!
lovely pool and summer photographs I wish it was summer but its still cold.I miss summer days.Bronze is hot!
istanbul fashion addict
Great! I'll definitely buy the issue. Rio is the most beautiful city in the world !!!
humm, I miss this light and sun. great pictures, garance is adorable.
The first picture is close to perfection!
oh, the good life.
thanks for posting :))
Lovely picts. I really like all of them. Rio sounds like so much fun, I want to go!
In response to your question and to the first photo: Oh, yes! We definitely can go back to Rio!
sounds promising!!!
Wow, I've never wanted to be in Rio so badly... and it's not like I'm sitting in some cold place waiting for summer. :)
And the picture of Garance is absolutely stunning!
Garance is gorgeous !
And this place is a dream !
beautiful photos... great hotel...sunshine....simply wonderful :)
The boy is divine.
oh my.. this is amazing. I love the pictures, this looks like heaven:>
"i want to go to there"
omg :D the colors... can't wait till summer....
Amazing shots. The view this guy has from the terrace is heavenly. This photo emanates so much positivity and calmness.
"all you need in Rio is a hot bathing suit, cool sunglasses and something to wear to and from the airport"-- you left out the perfect body!!
Oh if only I had money to go there... it's -16 celcius here in Helsinki and new snow fell last night.
It seems that it's far easier to find beautiful people in exotic locations such as Rio, but then again maybe they are more carefree and pay closer attention to their physical and mental well being.
And Garance's smile is absolutely lovely.
You have successfully managed to make me think of Rio all day, stylishly lounging at the Fasano, thus rendering me unable of studying whatsoever. Thank you!
We love RIO!!!
Great shots, beautiful peoples!
When you come to Florianópolis, the wonder Island in South Brazil? Angel's Beaches.
sigh...I would like to go to Rio, especially if the gentleman from the first photo could meet me at the airport.
Oh wow!!! It looks like so much fun. I really want to go to Rio now (especially with the crappy cold weather here). But the pictures make me feel warmer already...
E o Rio de Janeiro continua lindo...
wow! handsome boy! :)
And really nice pics! :)
guy in the first pic is just WOW
Brazil just looks like the happiest place on earth. The people are hauntingly beautiful, they truly believe in celebrating life, it's amazing and refreshing.
It looks like I'll be moving to Brazil.
I´m brazilian and this hotel is amazing!
I want your life.
I want to go there so bad! I'm freezing right now.
ahhhhh.. i would love to hop on a plane right now and head to Rio. hmmmm... Great photos. and lovely portrait of Garance.
Wish I was there!
So may beautifull pictures! I know for sure that I'll have to go to Rio at least once in my life now!
I love your photos from Rio! Man, I think a hot bathing suit IS all you need. Garance looks beautiful in that photo. What a great shot of her. xo
WOoOO..GReat picssSs!!*
Visit my blog! =;-D
Stunning images! The first one is the best eye candy I have seen in a long time! TAKE ME AWAY.
refreshing images! and garance, she's beautiful!
You do NOT want to see me in a bikini, but I want that boy in the first pic.
beautiful people alright! After seeing this post...I am off to the workout that I was going to skip today!!! ggrrr.....
Great photos!!!!!
This is going to be an excellent GQ spread...gorgeous photographs and Garance looks stunning as ever...
Best regards
Beautiful people!
Well, I'm carioca and i have to agree with you. Just a tip, The Fasano's restaurant (Fasano Al Mare) is amazing, great seafood.
Too pity I'm working now, because the sun is shining here and the carnival hasn't yet finished.
And no, you don't need a hot bathing suit and cool sunglasses, just a positive spirit and it's fine already to us.
With all due respect, your girlfriend "est marveilleuse"!
Greetings from a brazilian lawyer that have to where suits in Rio! :)
I think I need to live there
There is very little that is appealing about this. Perhaps I just prefer muted colors to the overstated tones of the poolside, or the subtle way that colors and textures fit together as opposed to the "look how naked I can be" attitude that these people seen to exude.
You can find that attitude and these clothes anywhere that there is sun and water and people with raging sex drives.
Give me your pale, your swaddled, your gaunt. I don't see any style here.
Top photo of a handsome young man in an ill-fitting suit, such a shame
Beautiful pictures. The photos are so fashionable yet so natural and pertaining to real people, it is so easy to relate to these and this simply makes it a sheer delight.
cannot believe how many beautiful people there are! what do these people do??!! where do they come from?!
You have to go on the 'Rio Scenarium' in Lapa (RJ). Wanderful place for you make more pictures and dance samba.
Best regads from Barcelona!
i think i have found my new hometown
love the photos and the party looks absolutely amazing...i'm jealous for sure.
Ahh lovely photos..i miss summer!
Killing me softely with this photos!Claudia is taking me there next year!!!
Skin is always in, specially if the subject is comfortable in his or hers.
beautiful Garance!
WOW...incredible shots...just bring some of the sunshine to europe where its honestly to cold...give me the favour and enjoy the heat... I'm so jealous of all these people...would love to go shopping with sunglasses and bathing suit under a flying summerdress.........and of course, drinking a coconutdrink...
I pretty much live off of coconut water and açaí in the summer in Rio!
I love the photos!!
wow, lovely photos. I hope to go there someday!
Beautiful, Rio is perfect. The color of the photos...... you just find it in Rio.
SERIOUSLY. Rio is the most beautiful place in the world!!!
So much well deserved, fantastic comment to the first pic of the young man - yes, indeed, gorgeous. Had you gone just a bit further south to Punta del Este, Uruguay, the beaches are miles long with such a population of stellar beauties. Frankly, I never understand why Americans don't travel more to Brazil, Argentina & Uruguay - such stunning persons & weather, and the exchange rate is actually strong?! hmmm.
Robert - innatestyle
Hello Sart!
(sorry about my english, i'm french...)i look your blog since a long time but this is my first comment: first, simple and short:...the first guy is hoooooooooooot!!! :)
I was there in the same week! Why you didn't organized a event to promote your book there? I complete agree with you about wearing only a bathing suit in Rio, that week was HOT !!! (50 degrees C!).
hold it...
cool sunglasses...
a hot swimsuit...
and something to wear to and from the airport...
count me in!!!!!
true style.
feeling comfortable in ones' own skin.
Rio..."Cidade Maravilhosa." It must have been beautiful, especially during the Carnaval season... such festivity and color in the city. Around this time of the year there is nothing better than relaxing at the Praia de Ipanema and Copacabana during the weekends. Fashion is everywhere... especially in the swim wear and cangas... Don't you think that the Brazilian people reflect warmth and happiness through their fashion? :)
Hmm..fresh coconut drink... there can't be anything more delicious and refreshing in a weather like Rio...
gotta love Brazil...♡ Eu amo Brazil
Another hard day at the office then.....? ;)
The Fasano is OK. Hard to not be beautiful, it's so new and expensive.
If you want a hauntingly cool 'hood in Rio, go to Santa Teresa and Lapa.
But I'll shut up about divulging anymore.
Garance is SO naturally, and unaffectedly, gorgeous. This photograph has an 'Arthur Elgort' quality.
So envious! I want summer! Also the blonde in the red and black bikini jumping for the bouget is ripped!
you have one gorgeous girlfriend!
These pictures tell a great story. I love the last one. How wonderful!
Garance looks beautiful.
Mr Sart. It is stinking hot in Melbourne at the moment. Off to the beach myself. Nice to see some summer shots and the best one of all is Garance. xxx
In reference to the first pic: something it's the {lack of} clothes that say it all, no?
rio looks like a dream... ok, i'm ready to start tanning again!! ah non, merde, this winter weather...
I feel like everyone in Brazil is almost intimidatingly good-looking. Great photos!
Now THAT is a pool! God, why don't we do shallow lazy pools like that in Australia?
Oh yeah...the sunburn. Ouch! Maybe the sun is milder in Rio??
Hotness of a different kind... :)
that woman looks happpppyyy! a very knowing smile!
Gorgeous, Beautiful, Relaxing and Warm! Thanks so much for posting! I bet you wouldn't mind a bit of that Rio heat to visit you now, huh? :)
What camera are you using? AMAZING photographs, really good! (I want summer back...)
beautiful people beautiful location !! i'm envious ! but it fuels my motivation to work hard and start my life ! (i'm final year student) keep up the good work ^^
When it comes to the guy in the first picture I can't help it, I'm drooling. Rrrrr.
Lovely pictures. Just what I needed at this moment coming back from a run in the snow.
Little beauty, no style. (Garance excepted, fabulous as always)
If those tank tops and t-shirts and bikinis were in the U.S. we would all be lamenting the American's sad lack of elegance and flair.
these photos ooze warmth!
You make me long for summer and a long vacation someplace far away from all this rain, snow, and lousy weather. My husband lived in Costa Rica for many years and loved the drinks they call Peepas (not sure of spelling) that you can buy on any street corner. They are coconuts that have been opened up and filled with rum the night before. Who needs more? My husband says he used to walk into the city and buy these when he was a kid. Hah, what a great story! Great photograph of Garance, she looks very relaxed and happy too to be out of NYC and into the sunshine.
You have to go to Bonito, Brazil, it's more than a dream ;-)
What a lovely, bright country. I love how relaxed they are and how comfortable with their own bodies. I suppose that's necessary in a country where it seems the daily uniform is a bathing suit.
It's been snowing all morning... wish I was in Rio right now.
I really like your tropic photos. They make me pine for a vacation. Also Garance looks beautiful.
Rio, the best life style in the world. Hot, fashion and simplicity do make things....
Welcome to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil!
Oh lord. I went to Rio in july last year for vacation. I had just graduated high school and had a 5 week vacation in Sao Paulo and Rio with a friend. The day before we left for good we sat and had our last caipirinha on Copacabana in the middle of the night. A man from the favela came to sell us jewlery and we started talking. He asked us "why are you going home". I couldn't answer that question then and sitting here in cold Sweden I still can't understand why I didn't stay. Your photos make me even more certain that I'm going back next winter. Thanks!
When I think of Rio. I see images of the favela's. But these pictures are only of people in high places...
Great shots.
I live in Rio, and yeah, you're right, live in this city is really an amazing experience. That's why this city is known here like "Cidade Maravilhosa" which means "The Wonderful City". It's just perfect come home after a hard day at work and relax on the beach at night... drinking coconut water... Dude, I love living here...
I´m carioca. I live in Rio and I loved the comments about my city.
cidade naravilhosa!!!!
garance looks so beautiful! she truly is a beauty
Well hot damn! that first shot. good Lord.
Wow, that is one hot man.
The Heartbreak
Beautiful portrait of beloved woman! Garance's smile is the most wonderful dress she could wear :)
Of course we should go back to Rio! It is one of the great cities of this world, like Paris, Rome, New York!
Enough of London Fashion Week - bring on more Fasano & Ipanema.
Garance is a natural beauty. What does she use on her skin, I wonder aloud?
Life's easy when you confine its worldview to a bourgeois hotel.
Is Garance's hair still straight?
So jealous! I love Garance!
Welcome to Rio!!!
I'm brazilian, and I love Rio de Janeiro.
Come back to Brazil! We love you here! Have you heard about Florianópolis? Same atmosphere as Rio, very stylish people and laid back attitude. You're gonna love it.
Wow, these photos are so much fun, thanks for this post! Looks like the time of a life time :D
We miss you already in Rio! Come back soon!
really awesome. Love the girls.
Great pics. I'm brazilian, and i never went to Rio, but i go, one day!
I love love this pics
Garance is a woman of great, unassuming beauty.
Rio is the best city in the world for sure. I'm glad that you had a chance to know it better... after seen your photos from Rio, to say the truth I don't have any interest of seen the other ones, from NY, or Paris or Milan... I really love your pictures, but the Rio ones, the tropical ones, where you can see happy people, sun and life... well they have something... Rio have something. I hope you noticed, because I notice every day here, and I lived here all my life, I'm from Rio and I'm so proud of it. Come more often! I'm sure you'll be very welcome!! The brazilian people are good at that!!
such beautiful people!! Love the shots :)
I so wish I could for a day see the world through your eyes, Scott.. you see so much loveliness, such beauty in details that I'd never be able to perceive without your interpreting it through your lenses.
Speaking of cool sunglasses, anyone know what model that handsome gentleman is sporting in the second to last shot?
Cosign: Well hot damn! that first shot
I generally don't swoon and ogle but the guy in your first photo is damn near close to perfection! Makes me think about my vacation in Ipanema a few years ago and I must return real soon! I was so overcome with awe that I sent the link to my friends, girls and guys.
Cosign: You have to go on the 'Rio Scenarium' in Lapa
All of Lapa is fun.
O M G!! It's a knockout!! So is the gent in the square cut...
I need me a plane ticket...
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