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Comments on "On the Street.....Olivia P., London"
Beautiful photograph. I love the monchrome elements with the pop of red on the nails.
What a beautiful photo!
Love her jacket!
Let's grow up later
i love her style! she always looks so fresh and polished, yet still age-appropriate. this is an understated yet pulled-together look, love the pop of red polish
What a beautiful lady! What's the material of her jacket - wool? It not only looks great but also like it feels wonderful to wear it. Please tell me - Who is Olivia P.?
she's beautiful!
Beautiful photo...
She is so pretty .
The shadows, the blue reflections
and the touch of red.
Excellent .
Oohh well this is a fantastic shoot.. Let's leave a side that I've always loved the car-shoots (no not the pin-up style way) but the classy, back-seat shoots, the person stepping out of the car or just sitting there.. The colours are great. I think navy blue suits her really well and I love the earrings and watch, perfect accessories.
She's working the jacket and those nails are a great contrast.
Wow. Simple, elegant, and gorgeous. What a beautiful shot.
you should post about how to sit in cars. How to sit in cars with grace.
That coat is lovely!!
Nice... she picked the perfect nail polish...
she is beautiful - + awesome shot sir. Thanks
she always look AMAZING!
i would love to see her closet(s)...
She always look so well dressed. Love the blue jacket and the nailpolish!
How lovely she is. She is wearing what some would consider an edgy outfit, but she brings it all together and makes it super feminine. She is so polished and self-assured. And there are the red nails, thats it I'm going back to red. Why did I ever change?
Lovely. Charming. The essence of elegance. <3
why do i recognize her?
anyways, great photo, as always! love what she's got on.
Lovely. Charming. The essence of elegance. <3
beautiful! she looks really classy & i love her blue button up jacket.
Love it!
Super cute!
love her. she looks gorgeous.
oh wow! she looks beautiful =)
i was wondering the same thing - she looks really familiar, is she on television or something?
the whole outfit really works for her, and it definitely helps that you take a damn good photo. i'm curious, i'm sure you've mentioned it elsewhere, but what camera are you using now?
I like!!
I love her, that nail polish is awesome with those colors, and she's rockin that up do.
She looks so neat
Great colours! Really good shot.
ohh wow! very pretty and classy.
I wish Olivia wasn't SO MEAN because she dresses really well. Her personal style is incredible, but she's just.. mean!
this must be the most beautiful woman in the world...
aside from looking impeccable all of the time, she is just stunningly beautiful.
wow, Olivia always looks so beautiful!
Georgous !!
She is really pretty and stylish but I still don't know: what does do???
"fashionably tasteful.have a bite"
Perfect choice of red nail varnish, the flash of colour completes her look.
She is so pretty! I love the pop of color on her nails!
she is stunning
Olivia Palermo?
elegant look.
that pop of red is perfect.
What a beautiful face. She's noble.
oh my she is just absolutely beautiful!
Sophisticated and refreshing.
Oh Olivia, what a muse.
stunning shot! rich dark color all in shadow.
Come to Sao Paulo, Brazil! =)
She is a breathtaking beauty!
I'm not sure what her outfit looks like, but she is quite lovely.
Classy.... Love the look
i love her coat
Oh my god. She is stunning, flawless and amazing. I love the color blue that she is wearing.
A true English rose.
what a beautiful face....
A true English rose. A great photo.
love the collar and the bottons! and the red nailpolish is sooo red its uber sexy.
how beautiful she is!
amazing woman with amazing style
She is a great-looking woman, to be sure. I hope she gets a chance to change the impression people have of her from The Hills, if the show indeed sent the wrong impression. Great photograph, even though there is too much blue on the outfit, the light coming from above highlights her features nicely, as well as the gold tones of her jacket and watch. Jorge from WPB
she always looks fab...although sometimes older than she is with that tight bun she likes to sport. love the bright nail polish contrasting with the dark outfit!
as much as people hate her, I still think she has impeccable style!
She's one of the true fashion icon for me! Great pic!
she's simply the best!
Scott, I love your ability to frame backgrounds that enhance your subjects so beautifully.
love her jaket and face.
her face is just gorgeous.....
she looks amazing as usual... love the outfit
I love olivia shes so's so trendy but classy at the same time
Good morning !
She is always perfect...
vraiment très jolie ! :)
Reminds me of Joan Fontaine. Lots of charisma for a socialite.
gosh, is that olivia from the city.
she looks amazing!
OLIVIA PALERMO!a big role model in fashion for me!
I love her hairstyle, so stylish.
great shot, scott! so chic! the red (short!)nails a gorgeous contrast!
Olivia Palermo...really?
I am disappointed, so much so that I feel compelled to comment for the first time. First, her style choices are no more special than the laymen's, truly. Second, we have all seen how her taste is also not refined but rather dictated entirely by the talented people around her. Style is not subject to osmosis, it does not work like this, she is unfortunately without integrity.
Wow! That woman could be wearing a burlap sack and still look stunning. I love the pop of bright red from her nails.
Love Olivia's style! Wish I could see her bag and shoes though :(
oh sweet jesus...
WOW. She's stunning and her style is flawless.
OMG--she's gorgeous. So elegant.
Aaawww what a lovely lady. I love that jacket- anything 19th century military will do for me :)
I'm so happy to see this All Navy blue legging+jacket ensemble: simple, elegant, understated. We are doing tons of Navy Blue in our boutique this season.
I feel like although she is very beautiful- her style is boring and easily ignored. . .just a thought.
she just has the perfect face features!
so pretty! love her leather trousers and military inspired coat!
super elegant!
I love Olivia
great coat, top button
more: great face
She's not a very nice person. But she always looks so good! maybe thats due to the fact that she has money and doesn't have to work..
She's fantastic as always! Love the simplicity of this look, with the pop of bright red nails.
Beautiful. Love the watch, does anyone know what it might be?
Loving the larger - fuller photos!
I really like how distinguished that navy color looks, and the red nails and gold watch are a great, but not screamingly trendy, pop.
I've been so happy to see all the pictures you are posting! You capture the style of a person, not just of the clothing, and I thank you for that!
She is stunning. And her simple and chic outfit only accentuates her elegant beauty.
Her look is so classic but with an edge. Love it!
Olivia Palermo is so lovely and always put together so nicely. I'd rather just look at her pictures than watch her on TV though...not into The City.
Es hermosa!
Ahhh military jacket at its best.
If only more Londoners looked like her.
divina, semplicemente.
Nice blue blazer.
that jacket is beautiful.
Great shot, i wish i knew what her shoes looked like.
The wheel on the car certainly has a lot of curb rash!
i love her nails!
If she isn't beautiful, I don't know who is. Stunning. I love how the BMW's rims have curb rash all over them, too. It gives the whole shot character.
she's gorgeous. i loved all her outfits on the city. the second season was my favorite. she seemed less like an evil wench, but also like she tormented that supervisor of hers.
no idea why, but i hope it was just edited to make her a villain.
Wow, beautifull. Actualy, she looks french... that's strange. I like the nail varnish, the watch, the coat, and the framing of the car. Her face is floodlit like in Flemish painting : the white skin on the dark background. Realy a nice photo.
Her style is always so lovely! I just wish she would look happier once in a while! Come on girl!
She's so cute and stylish
wish I could see the shoes...
This gal is elegant and pretty, I'm almost jalous!
I am sad to see a reality show "celebrity" on such a great fashion blog. I feel that there is a fine line between the two and, unfortunately, it is often crossed...
for the first time the model is actually more attractive than the american apparel ad next to it.
your eye goes straight to the nails.beautiful detail and it makes the whole look sexy
elegant and stunning
Oh, she is ab-so-lutely perfect! Bold, yet feminine, stylish, yet light...you can just feel how you fall into her... Good job!
Stunning. Love the rock n roll looking leggings with classic navy blazer (nice buttons!)
thats just bloody marvelous...
she looks gorgeous..
nice pic
What a beauty.
Beautiful. Makes me rethink red nailpolish.
real beauty.
What was she wearing under the coat. It almost looks like bare skin...
She is so simple and pure!
Her hands have the only touch of colour.
I would like to have the same allure.
Very beautiful, but not an English rose as she was born in America. :-)
she always looks fabulous. doesnt matter what angle always great
lekisskiss.blogspot.com <-- Texas gal bloggin fashion from NYC!
olivia!!! Always cute and stylish :D
Oh, my.
Lovely and amazing.
Please, someone, hazard a guess as to who designed the jacket. (Anyone?... Ferris?)
she looks so chic and pretty.
So classy!
beautiful blog!
I love her style and she's so beautiful!
Great outfit, what, where who are the leggings?
Great photo. Love the nail polish.
She is Olivia Palermo, an American socialite and cast member on The City. She is also signed to Whilemina Models. Although the show portrays her as a villian, she is actually not as bad....she does have a true style sense, albeit a trust fund to help it out, but ultimately she is a style icon. You can buy clothes, you can't buy fashion sense, and Oliva definitely has fashion sense! gorgeous shot!!
GREAT SHOT! Love her!!
She carries herself so well and appears to me to be quite self contained which is always a most elegant and appreciated look in person and with camera.
Her simple pieces with one or two elements that stand out are such a great look, very chic and here she looks very French to me.
Lovely work and composition with this photo of her exiting car.
Complete elegance.
she is beautiful!
While this is surely a beautiful photograph, I do not think it fits The Sartorialist genre of looks. She is too pretty, her outfit is too perfect. The perfection makes it lack attitude and personal(ity). Yes, a gorgeous girl, but not an accessible and moving look.
This comment has been removed by the author.
This girl has beautiful eyes!
this is a wonderful photograph. a perfect outfit for a day in London.
Anyone know who makes this great jacket?
yeah she is pretty and has a great style... she is also an example of how theese two facts make us forgive and forget how mean she is...
she is one of the divinities of the Modern Age.
sometimes I wonder what would we care about theese people if they didn't dress well, but anyway they are fashion ispiration
She always looks so well put together and impeccable. She really looks well presented at all time and that's why she's so memorable.
How can someone look so perfect every single day of the year? Really. I haven't seen a bad picture of her. NEVER! She has an amazing style.
Yes, my fave from the city! She was so mean but yet so stylish, whenever she'd appear on scene her outfit would bring a smile to my facee! :D
She's stylish and beautiful:)
Why is it that all Women look so hot coming out of a car?
She's quite lovely.
The leggings! Who makes them??!! Anyone know??
nice picture
Gorgeous shot!
Everything is flawless, and the photo is gorgeous. Her personality might not be the best, but her exteriors are spectacular.
Olivia P? What is her name? She is very beautiful! I love all the gold detail. Not too much. Well done!
Bisous from France
Olivia Palermo always looks her best...a true beauty...
She's so pretty. I'd like to see her shoes.
She's so pretty. I'd like to see her shoes.
Would love to see her shoes, what kind of shoes was she wearing?
stunningly flawless
Had lost my interest in red polish. When applied next to navy, black and gold as it is here, I love it again.
She looks sooo pretty!
Marry me! wherever you are I will come.
she is flawless.
Love the simple chic...doesn't look like she's trying too hard but still looks amazing.
What a placid face!
Perfect photo! Good job Scott!
For some reason I took a look at the photo, did not recognize the model, but thought of some Gainsborough painting I half-remember, maybe it is the shadows or her smile or the shape of the face, this portrait I really love. Good work.
that nail color is really nice.
Those clothes do a masterful job of masking her cold, black heart.
My muse... she's so perfect...She's a posh with a modern twist.
oh god, you're sooo lucky. it's not everyday you see olivia palermo on the street and have the possibility to photograph her, and such a great photo. thank you for showing the world so many different good things. keep photographing, please :)
Simplicity and elegance turbocharged by a super-sly little smile and great cheekbones. Lovely.
she has such an intelligent, beautiful face, caught in a "smile of the eyes". just beautiful. love the red nail polish...going to go put some on right now :-)
Beautiful! Stylish! Chic! Refreshing! And the nails are right on.....short and sweet!
I love the rich blue of the jacket. And she's beautiful!
wow, Olivia Palermo is beautiful
_ her style is love. Scott, you are fantastic.
Catarina, Portugal
She has a pretty, very delicate face. I like how her red nail polish looks against her leather? pants.
What an elegance!
Navy with gold accents...one of the most classically beautiful color palettes.
Utterly unnecessary.
I love this girl, always so polished yet youthful. Classic, yet modern!
i LOVE how people talk of her being 'an english rose' - she's clearly dressed the part for london, but she is a New Yorker through and through!
I do wish that she wasn't so mean (or that she didn't feel the need to APPEAR mean) because she is so infinitely beautiful and has such great style... must be the Blair Waldorf complex!
For those of you who don't know, she is Olivia Palermo, a socialite who appears of the MTV 'reality' show 'the city'.
love her blazer and how the outfit as a whole is so understated, but the little details make all the difference!
Sartorialist, as you said in a radio interview I listened to, I think here you have captured your romantic idea of the person, rather than the person itself - which is by no means a bad thing, but a necessary reality! It is captivating none the less!
Check out my blog :)
Ah the lovely Olivia Palermo, can you ever put a fashion foot wrong?? I think not! If only more people made the effort to look so polished, the world would be a more beautiful place!