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Comments on "On the Street....Complicated....Not!, Florence"
Wooowwww I like it, original ;-)
the longer is stared at this image the more confused i became... thank heaven for video technology!
x Petite Annabel
So clever, so easy...
so nice and so easy!
That's a superb idea, bet it's knot as easy as it looks though...!
Hu, interesting ! Good idea, and thanks for sharing !
Great blog Scott. You should come to Buenos Aires, Argentina to shoot style.
wow! so simple, i thought it would be more complex. this is fantastic, thx for the video
haha, lovely!
the ol' pretzel...
Thanks for sharing this Scott!!!
Want more videos like this!
yeahh.. i do the same!
Not quite so original :) I saw someone with a scarf tied that way a few months ago and have been tying mine like that ever since! I love how elegant it looks and it's not a bulky as some other, more simple ways.
haha! Good to know, will try this for sure :)
I've been experimenting with scarf knots myself but i like this way more than anything I have come up with.
Reminds me of the fancy knots men used to tie in their ascots. Not that I remember, but I've read about it.:)
Very smooth! Saw some scarves like that in soho at a shop called the meg cohen design shop- they have some really beautiful cashmere scarves similar to that one, with the v classic stitching, as well as fingerless gloves that are so soft! x
Had to stand backwards in the mirror to do it. Now can walk out with confidence :)
Cool. Sooooo, stylish, will try it tomorrow.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Nice knot.I love it. i only have to wait until next winter to use it.
That's how i always wear my scarves...since I was ten!
So coool!
"fashionably tasteful.have a bite"
Love it! Love the tutorial! Love you!
That's one fine suit there...
The process may not be complicated, but the look is overly complicated. It's such a simple scarf, but, tied thus, it weighs too much.
it's too hard :D
Nice. How about allowing us to download the clip for future reference? Thx.
So cool! :) I liked it.
So French...
Superbe !
it's too hard :D
That is....so very cool. Thanks for the video instruction on the knot. I will be using it right away WITHOUT getting all tied up!
That's really nice video. It is the first time I can see such a knot used by another person.
I've been using this knot, since December last year. That was my own invention in the use of nautical knot - polish name is "wyblinka".
World is small :)
regards Vislav
Love it!
LOVE It. Now why didn't I think of that?
I have seen that knot one people in the past and have always wondered how do it. It's So elegant and interesting. Thank you Sartorialist!
That's a keeper. Maybe I'll even forward it to my son. Thanks!
love it! I had to watch the video a few times before I got it right :)
I learned how to do this know while in Morocco! I bought a hand woven scarf at a local market and the man who made it taught me how to do it! So cool :)
I love a good detail that brings attention to something simple.
Christina Barrera
This is called "pretzel"
It´s is a constrictor knot. Used to tien of bags etc. on boats. But this is a nice way to use it.
I love this knot too... I have been wearing it for about a year now, after seeing it on a blog (i don't remember which one unfortunately), but nobody ever took a picture of me in the street because of it :)
The video content is fantastic, and the scarf is equally impressive. I love the colors, and I love your blog!
Awesome! I just practiced the technique. Going to class today with this knot!
i like that even though it's knotted, it sits beautifully on him and doesn't appear too bulky.
Its so easy :)
love it! :)
Very interesting, but it does look like he attempted to loop the scarf but just couldn't get the hang of it.... Looks good though.
ahhh thanks for the guide..
I like it and will practice until I can do it. Btw I love your blog, its fantastic! greetings from Peru!
I like it and will practice until I can do it. Btw I love your blog, its fantastic! greetings from Peru!
I do my scarf the same way! It looks so much better with a striped two-tone scarf though. Escher would be proud.
Cool video Sart. Dumb jokes are great for Fridays-- CHEERS!
Now THAT is a great knot.Works great with bigger scarves too,just tried it.
Thank you!
the sartorialist does video... I love it (the scarf is a fresh idea to me as well)
Haha, It might not be complicated but I can't seem to keep my eye on the knot's twist & turns...
I'm definitely going to have to save this for next season though as it's already starting to warm up here in Austin.
Dig the knot.
Very cool way to wear the scarf, I love it. Going to give it a whirl this evening. He's wearing some of my favorite nearly non-color colors. Would love to see the face, but I guess you'll keep us all in suspense. Being from Florence, I'm sure he is easy on the eyes!
I love it! great idea.
LOVE IT! I live in LA. Believe me I will be working that!
Thank you for the video. Now it's just a matter of practice...
Very innovative! What's equally amazing is how observant you are, Scott. I probably wouldn't have noticed the knot if I had walked by this person.
love it!
funny enough, i was researching just yesterday the tracht, a historical festive dress from where i come from (south tyrol) and found exactly this scarf technique (on women though). very nice!
Thanks for the tutorial! I have seen a few people with their scarves tied this way and had wondered how to do it myself.
that is one hell of a not. Awesome but you are right, the is the right scarf to do it. With those thin lines, it really works.
Oooh I can't do it !!)
Just rearranged my scarf. Awesome.
Sigh. Ties and knots- the Europeans just do them better.
ACK!! This is pure genius. Thank you!
looks great, thnx!
Thank you
WOW! I'm feeling so stylish right now because I've been using this double loop knot for quite a while. I love it and looks quite nice even with single colour scarves.
outstanding! just tried it at home. will be wearing this style tomorrow night.
Never mind the knot and the tying -- though these show off the patterna and color of the scarf to perfection -- it's all about the pun in the title. LOL ;-}
Really interesting way to tie a scarf...nice :)
ha one of my friends taught me how to "tie" my scarf exactly like this and I do it all the time!
Years ago, Bill Cunningham devoted a whole montage to men on the street wearing scarves folded in half then the ends pulled through at the middle. The rest of that winter all the dapper circle seemed to wear them that way (that is, unless I hadn't noticed before). This will certainly be MY 2010 update! As Bill always says, "just MARVELOUS..."
Very original! Nothing I like more than originality! Good stuff.
thank you.
a random stumble onto the QVC channel taught me how to do this like 2 years ago, been doing so ever since
Thank you so much for the video! I love it!
As an old Eagle Scout, I always love learning a new knot.
I used to work in high-end retail and believe it or not but this knot would "sell" a coat (big ticket item!) 80% of the time!
me likiee :9
A very elegant touch. I love the choice of colour.
Check out fashion designer Ozwald Boateng's blog:
Thanks for the video. I plan to try this out as soon as possible. The Vancouver weather this week is begging for a nice warm scarf!
Very nice! I need to learn his new knot for my scarves.
Thank you for the video! I plan to try this out as soon as possible - the Vancouver weather this week is begging for a nice warm scarf...
In winter the scarf is man's main outdoor expression of Sprezz....an nice addition to the repertoire.
Ah! My sister had showed me this 'technique', and I had forgotten how to do it! Looks so brilliant with the stripes!
This is definitely how I will be knotting my scarf from now on. So classy and fresh
Love, love, love the scarf, love the knot, love the video!
I love this knot, I use it all the time come winter, and am often asked how I did it. Looks great with any scarf, and is superbly warm with a big pashmina.
It's actually really easy...I use a slightly different method, but however you do it, it only takes a couple of goes to get the trick & then you'll never forget!
COOL!!!!! Plus it looks quite elegant!
Knot, cool.
Video, brilliant.
love that scarf knot. I already tried it out today. its so interesting. thanks so much for the videov :]
I learned this knot from a woman in Breckenridge CO a few years ago. I use it all the time and get compliments on it every time I wear it.
Thank you so much for this video! I just did it myself and I love it, but without the video I never would have figured out how he did it!
I've been tying my scarf this way for years. I learned it from a boutique owner in Tucson.
Lovely! Haha thanks for sharing these small tips and tricks.
I´m embedding this on my blog aswell.
fantastic! needs a long scarf... got to find one.. :)
It's times like these when I don't mind if Winter lingers longer;) Merci.
Now out to find some new patterned scarves. . .
And yes, thank heavens for the video... I was about to search all over Youtube for an instructional, myself!
This is such a cool way to tie a scarf!!!! Eyeryone has their own ways of tying scarfs but this one is just really easy and so nice looking. Scarfs are soo in right now in Paris too!!
Great knot and the tutorial was very helpful! I love the detailing on his scarf. xo
Amazing sync. I've filtered through plenty of knots one week ago, and have chosen this one to add to my basic one for going out. I'm using it right about three-four days. I'm really shocked...
Awesome :)
Thanks for sharing! I t(r)ied it and I love it :)
HA! I've been doing this knot myself for a while now. Funny how some people that have never met think alike. Thumbs up for the knot :)
Fantastic. Thank you so much for sharing the technique.
I just tried it and I love it!! Thanks for sharing the video.
now there's something that i can incorporate into my wardrobe - it's free!
I work in retail and am forever having to teach people this way of tying scarves... I know it as the "bella knot," from Italy. Love this post!
What an amazing know. The beauty is also in the scarf, this knot works better with a multi colored scarf.
Putting this on video was genius.
I saw this last night and absolutely had to try it today with a lightweight scarf (it's already about 70 degrees here in Texas). I couldn't get the video to work on my computer for whatever reason, and it wasn't coming in very clear on my phone, but I figured it out on my own after about ten tries. I love it. I'd love more scarf tutorials!
I've been wearing scarves like this for awhile! I love how it looks woven but is so easy to knot =)
i love how he straightens his coat at the very end after the demo
that's the stylish touch
I know howw to do it from my mother long ago, it's really so easy yet timeless.
Perfect! It's very cool!!!!!
The video is genius. Will try.
I LOVE the title - great play on words there! xxo
HOLY Crap!! That's an amazing i need a step by step guide though
I just tried it, and it's so easy but looks so intricate! Any chance you have a picture of his full outfit?
This style is great!
If you want and if you possess an I.phone, you can freely download the application U-NI-TY Paris, and discover in live on friday 5th of march the catwalk for the first U-N-TY woman's collection.
Have a nice sunny day!
GREAT IDEA to show the video - would make a great series!
Scott,that's the dopest knot I've seen...you just don't see this in the south, thanks for sharing!
I love it and it seems easy, although I'm still trying to figure it out. Hope my boss doesn't walk by my office since I've been trying for the past few minutes...
Finally got it. It's so easy (once you figure it out!). Thank you
Works like a charm! Great for a thin woman's scarf too.
Thanks for posting the video...it was really helpful! I wore my scarf like this on Sunday...easy to do and looked great! This might be my new favorite way to wear scarves :)
Learned and used!
Very nice
Just tried it in pink :-) and it looks great, very easy, and now all my female colleagues want the same knot... in a single minute passed from having a "original knot" to a "everybody Knows this knot"...
I LOVE scarves, and to give them just the right volume/length proportions, I've been using that knot for ages! Sometimes I choose to wear it half over my shoulder though, it just distributes itself better than a traditional knot. good to see it's now officially approved ;)
Awww Excellent :)
<3 it
The video was absolutely amazing. After two failed tries, I got it on the third, and I squealed for a good ten minutes over how amazing and unique this knot is.
This knot was made very popular by the Korean TV serial "Winter Sonata".
SO FUN! i will try this tomorrow... thank youuuu!
This is so cool. It's still warm weather in Australia but I'm walking around my house wearing a scarf with this cool knot! Thanks for the video.
I've showed the knot to people since Georgina Von Estorff showed me and my friend Veronica about OMG more than twelve years now uff time flies :) i'm glad you showed it so I can tell people to watch the video and stop asking me how do you do it? it is very easy people c'mon :D
Merci merci merci !!
porteuse avide d'écharpe, je ne connaissais pas ce noeud, idéal pour les longeurs.... Merci !
Princess Letizia from Spain wears this knot!
It's a royal example of style! ;)
I did this knot with a blue pashmina and all my friends were intrigued...
They all asked me how to do it!
Props to the video.
Ingenious touch.
Got it.Thanks
Fantastic. Have started knotting my scarf like this, and I love it. Thanks for sharing. Charles from Sydney
Thank you for helping to alleviate the world of it's ugly scarf knot tying skills!
I like scarf, the way he wear it is SO COOL.
i love it so smart
Thanks for this tutorial. I linked to this post today because that knot is super cool.
Great style! I did this knot with my scarf and it's looking stylish.
I like it, I really like this style.