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Comments on "On the Street......In Grey & Red, Pitti Uomo"
Loving this bit of kit here.
i dig the red, grey, black combo!
Perfectly put together! Luv it.
wow. that man's got it all: clothes, style, face, posture...
incredible shot scott! x
how good are the socks!
Nice:) But why only guys? Give us some women..:)
Loving the chic nerd! Awesome!
What a dapper gentleman. And I adore the pocket square.
Thanks doll,
The Glamorous Housewife
Mi piace tutto il look, ma sopratutto il contrasto delle calze! FORTE!
Perfectly put together, great combo....love it!
Sammy Boy!!! i was wondering why you had not been snapped up by Scott! See you in UK!
Brilliant, absolutely brilliant...
Amazing, so original! Love ow his socks match the rest of his outfit!
Fabulous! He reminds me of Andre 3000. A very well put together ensemble. I just love the color combination! The handkerchief and socks peeking out.. perfect touch.
oh man
the little pocket scarf with its red detail is sooooooooooooo to die for
absolutely love this look!
oh he is perfectly stylish and completely dear.
i had begun to get tired of that color combination...until i saw this! he looks awesome. argyle socks!
the color of their socks and handkerchief to speckles, is totally
Such a classy ensemble. I love your photos! They always put a smile on my face.
Hell yeah! Great contrasts.
Need more pic post..love this look!
I love the cadmium red against cold gray. Fantastic.
The mix of colors really works.
love it!! come to spain!
If Lightspeed Champion were to appear in a Wes Anderson film...
That guy definetly knows how to dress
he looks great
What I appreciate most about this shot is the significant essence of all of his features apart from his clothing. The beard & eye wear are artful.
Colorway is great. Love proportions above the waist. Pants appear to be too large in waist then tapered severely below knee -- on purpose clearly, but to me it lacks appeal.
Perfect. Now go find some pants that fit.
I love this look, the socks and pocket square add perfectly!
I love everything of this outfit. The combination red/gray is so classy and bright at the same time...
The style of the trousers is fab. Not easy, but great on this man.
Amazing! Love it
i love the great balance between the shocking red & the shades of grey...
i have just got one question to the many fashion experts here, I have been trying to find a pair of outdoor slippers that looks more in the line of loro piana cashmere slippers then the chunky ones that are seen everywhere... do u guys have any suggestions? many thanks!
such teeny weeny shoes!
Go Buckeyes!! (Ohio State)
red makes a fantastic contrast with his skin. amazing, i like
Pocket square POPPING!
I love the pops of red! Did you edit this or was his shirt really that red?
Love the 2 guys in the background mirroring each other...almost like choreography but clearly by chance! clever )*_*(
Cool pictures! Love how you've found such great fashion not only just in everyday people, but in their street-wear nonetheless. Keep up the good work!
How about the contrast of patterns: windowpane plaid, dots, argyle and the wrist chain. All made coherent by the tri-color structure.
Love seeing guys have fun with clothing.
LOVE the look. Great spotting!
I love the color combo. The red is so bright and great to see on the street! xo
Beautiful! The peek of silver bracelet! Ah!
The cut and model of the pants fits him so perfectly.
really nice outfit. he really is playing with a daring color and had successfully tamed it ;)
Great look!
Good shot.
Congratulatins Mr. Shumann
now this is just great! perfect taper on the trousers, a shortened jacket without looking shrunken and comedic, pocket square bellowing just enough but not too much, and relaxed yet smart soft collar on the classic red white. bravo from Hobby in London.
This picture is just so cool i needed to comment on it again. great style and nice depth of field...
I find this outfit a bit too thought through. Grey is fine, but the red knit is a bit too red, IMO! I´m not much impressed.
I LOVE this look! I can picture Will.i.am of the Black Eyed Peas wearing something like this! I need to foraward this to my husband!!
Wow...now that's some color!
I am not so fond of the pants but i think the upper part of the outfit is amazing, i think he looks beyond wonderful with that combo.
love this!
Now there's a man who coordinates. Great shot!
Fantastic look, and I love his too cool for school facial expression too...
The look of this mans face! He has that confused look, but the outfit reveals that he is totally aware of the situation he is in. Great coordination!
Wow! I love this outfit! The red color is amazing!
Let's grow up later
this gentleman is my favourite yet!
he looks so elegance!! :)
love it!
Classic color combo, BUT....there are two things that bother me.
1. I can see his black tie thru his red sweater - wouldn't do it myself.
2. Those pants! Everyone seems to love these too short slacks, but they just look inelegant to me! You can always cross your legs to show off your socks.
He's SO stylish!!!
Absolutely love the handkerchief... the socks... awesome
Impeccable. Immaculate. Love looking at true gentlemen...
Wonderful. Love the cut of his trousers too.
especially the socks!!!
he is so cool
What a great picture. I have seen red and grey combined in so many different ways, by this is by far the most exciting one.
Love this. The contrast between the grays, the red, the white & the black. It's all just brilliant.
Absolutely love it! Perfect in the details, the pocket square and touch of gold on his wrist show him off as someone who really knows how to accessorize.
I love the way he breaks up each portion of his look with the striking red. If it weren't for his socks, it would be unbalanced. The way he uses the red isn't overhwelming, which is rare considering the intensity of the color, it just highlights wonderfully.
fabulous!!!!!!! ♥
Oh, mother, absolutely gorgeous! The best picture I saw here lately!
Love this look!
i just don't like the pocket square.
I love how the red sweater peeks out at the end of the sleeves and also the socks from under the pants.
his socks+shoes=my personal style
absolutely fantastic! the pocket square and socks make it! the skinny lapels and skinny tie are offset by the width of the pants on top. so perfect.
I love the socks, so many forget what socks can do to an outfit
Lovely pops of bright red on a cloudy day! I also like how the jodhpur cut of the trousers and turban give his outfit an Eastern look. I have never before seen jodhpurs done in regular suiting fabric like this.
Cant u post some more pictures from pitti uomo? would be nice, thx!
What poise, on this man! But beyond that, I love how he has modernised the fit of the pants, even though they hark back to a bygone era. And of course, socks and pocket-sqaure clinch it!
Spot-on, Sart. Keep hustlin'.
It is refreshing to see someone so stylish who isn't taking themselves too seriously... fun socks!
Is this guy forreal?! He looks made up! Either way, his style is rocking.
This is a joke. Its obvious most of you do not know about mens dress, and im sorry to say that the author of this photo is encouraging characters like this fellow here that this look is respected by taking his photograph , i find this a little bothering.
amazing shoes and i especially love the perfectly coordinated grey black and red argyle socks hes wearing. very cool.
Love it! ...love the combo, love the pants!
Mix of colours looks great!Love the pocket square!
This is called perfection:)
"fashionably tasteful.have a bite"
Nothing really to say except I love it!
Solid bruv. Natty socks make the outfit.
this guy is amazing!!
love eveything about his outfit...the pocket square...the length of his pants....
I love the dash of navy + red in the pocket square and the red overall paired with the two shades of grey, the length of his pants and of course the socks are perfect as well. It's been a while since I've seen the bracelet but I love how he accessorized it.
love the combination!!
I recently used it in one of mine :)
someone talk style with me on msn, Coolmodee313@hotmail.com
LLLLLOVING the grey and red!!!
Everything is excellent and complement-worthy EXCEPT the pant shape and length. Yes, I know nothing with this dude is not highly intended, but there's just too many fashion statements going on at the same time.
A regular pant cut and length would still reveal the goovy socks. Don't need to see them AND the red cuffs.
Dig the shoes.
This is my favorite shot I've ever seen on this blog. Bravo!
monochrome tones and bright pink...
It's all about the perfect balance between gray and red. And the trousers, a little short, shows nice socks. Just great!
Usually not crazy about pegged, short-hemmed pants, but on this guy, with the little bit of red peeking out at the ankle, it works!
His HAIR! I love his hair. Also, someone mentioned that he should 'go and find some pants that fit', but his baggy pants are one of my favorite parts about the outfit. Like it or not, I am 21-years-old, and the male youth of today wear their pants baggy! It gives this look a laid-back feel, which I'm guessing is a glimpse inside the person wearing them. Great photo, Scott.
I love the prof look (beard and glasses) with a street savvy twist. But it is too color coordinated in my opinion.
Questo si che è usare il rosso e il grigio in un bel modo... rouge, gris. magnifique
You know what really makes this outfit? That bracelet. It's kind of telling you he's not as bookish as you might believe.
How typical. Let me guess, his brief case was out of shot. NEXT
Awesome combination. I love the red and grey. I will have to try this myself.
his skin and the sweater are fantastic together, not meaning to be racist
normally i would never go for that bright of a color but it looks simply fantastic on him and his outfit
This guy is dapper and dashing. I love the street savvy prof look as well. For some reason the red is really well-balanced and not overpowering which is what you find in most cases when worn this way.
I love it/hate it. Loooove the screamin' red with the grays. Hate the fit of the pants and the shoes. Although I love the length of the pants in order to glimpse the socks, there's something delicate and insubstantial about them. The navy & red hankie in perfect.
Wow he looks amazing!!
Admirable sartorial workmanship.
Red and gray are by far my most favorite color combination. Epically when the red is uniform, such as in this picture.
AHHHHHHH love this!!!!!!!!!!!!!
l.o.v.e. those socks.
PS I voted for you : )
This is wonderful. This is about as good as it gets. This man, through the way he is dressed could move mountains.
Er... no.
There is so much brilliance at Pitti Umo, amazing!!
The fierce read color is so fresh and popping! Love it!
HE IS BEAUTIFUL! Do you have his phone number, by chance?
HHHOOOOOTTTT Piiiiiiiiiinnnnnkkkk! Woot woot! Contrasts nicely against his chocolate skin. And he reads. Smart AND stylish. Now there's a rarity.
I was just kidding. (Don't kill me!)
About time too innnnniiiit?!!
Love how the grey flannel sits in harmony with red, the skinny lapels does it even more for me, this is style at its best! Look, picture and learn!
I like these grey trousers. My boyfriend has a similar one from
U-NI-TY. The whole outfit really suits that guy, congrat'!
nice ;)..
very tasty, very beautiful / patterns & textures & colors match... but too much effort he put in this is visible here...;(
I love the red in this photo, the socks and the sweater.
The red grays are what makes this work, the design on his trousers are interesting!
The red is killer:)
Fab... I know this guy... I saw him in London/Brick lane!!
It`s SAM !!!!!!
Love the little socks, really set the whole outfit off!!!
wow... the red just looks awesome with the gray blazer, nice!
red and grey is my absolute favorite combination this winter!
i need those slacks!
I like the coordination of colors until sock :))))
Pants are too short, so the university man gets only a B+.
quirky, classic, cool. Love the color and the play on proporttions. Effortlessly executed - perfection
Check out bSEEN Lifestyle Platform @ www.bseen-scene.blogspot.com
very very nice! perfect stuff
Like he was preparing his whole life to get on the Sart :)
But wow, what an impression this picture makes! So cool!
I think this may be my favorite shot in a long time. Get this man a magazine cover!
Oh and nice photography too. ;)
Who is this guy?!
Andre 3000's stylist?
Fantastic look, so inspiring.
what a unique expression, I wan't to meet him!
wish I was in Florence!
strikingly gorgeous upper combination, but i'm not a big fan of that trouser.
overall, he look like tiny wooden matches
Not a look for everyone re: the knicker/parachute esque tapered trousers but HE wears it well and the argyle socks pull it all together. This man is making a statement
These vibrant photos are incredibly inspirational... in so many ways.
cannot get over how cute this outfit his.. i love the colors and his style!!
Why do people mention Will.i.am or André 3000? This supernice guy, as well as his friend that Sart shooted at a Burberry event a while ago, are unique, classy with a twist dressers. S and S hasn't been inspired by those artist. But it might be the other way around...
Love the hair! Great look!
- www.21Arrondissement.com
love the pops of rouge
He is rocking that outfit.
Love the glasses too.
he is totally cool.
Wow ~~~ !!!!
Amazing shot and amazing mix & match of patterns!
I really love this look. I personally would like the trousers to be more tailored but that's what great about fashion. It's all about your preference.
Brilliant. Love the contradiction of how his top heaviness gives his whole shape lightness.
I wish I could pull off the high water pants!
Strong yet quiet confidence about him. Stunningly colorfull!
it's so red that it's not red!
this red is wonderful
Anyone know who the trousers are by?
That's my boy .... Sam . He works for Ozwald Boateng. He does this day in ... day out. And he is not alone , Portobello market on a saturday afternoon ... we are all there .
Mykl ......
how wonderful!
He's well coordinated. Very dapper!
whoo that polka dotted heart badge is so cutie!!!
oh so delightfully awkward!
he uses the effectiveness of that colour combination fantastically well!
Not the most expected color combination but wow, love it
Sam! Hornstull misses you! I wore one of five scarves that I got from you today and everyone loves them.
This guy is so cool! He has an eccentricity I love. Reminds me of those cool cats in Congo-Brazzaville, la Sape.
What a nice picture of our number one homeboy Sam, a talented designer, dedicated sartorialist and all-around nice guy. He has taken his flavour from Spain to Stockholm and now to London. We miss you in Sthlm Sam, (especially Temisan)glad to see your still representin' for us!
Nice pic Scott!<3!
i think that this is funny
One of my favorites you've shot. He has the look of an innocent, yet stylish school boy. Great color mix.
his sense of color is perfect
Love this look
Sock are very interesting and I like trousers! :)