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Comments on "On the Street....The Burlesque Dancer, Sydney"
i love her nail polish.
i'm looking for one in this color for ages...
Oh no! Her hair dye color is awful.
The earrings and bag r lovely.
love how the dress drapes!
lekisskiss.blogspot.com <-- two girls blogging fashion from nyc and chicago!
love her nails!!!!
So so pretty!
I was temporarily blinded by her teeth!! What a brilliant white welcoming smile.
Not so much burlesque as flamenco flavoured. The shoes, the length of the dress, the dangling earings, the attitude, yes, flamenco gone Australian.
It's Miss Lauren LaRouge!
She is a fabulous being.
I like the nail polish!
Beautiful pictures!
she has such a beautiful smile...
and i love her nails !
it is always wonderful to see beautiful smile .... i love the close-up shot of the girl and what a wonderful contrast between her red hair and jade-green nail polish!!! Very eccentric bohemian style that is as personal as her smile, xx
She is super duper cute!!!
superbe coiffure!!! J'aime beaucoup tes photos.. est-ce que tu pourrais venir à montréal ?? :)
Real faces are always infinitely more interesting than air brushed model faces. Model faces have a certain kind of beauty that's valuable but rarely are they as arresting as some of the real street people that you find.
Love the nail polish too.
Love the colors here. The blue nails and the red hair = a fabulous combo. The monroe piercing works well on this woman too. Great spirit.
Love the colors here. The blue nails and the red hair = a fabulous combo. The monroe piercing works well on this woman too. Great spirit.
I LOVE how happy she looks !!!! How could she not look good when she has so much joy.....
um... Maybe it's time to come back to New York?
I actually like her hair and nail colors!
I love her nails!
Oh I love the colour of her hair! It shouldn't but it mathes the nailpolish perfectly!
her nails are PERFECT. they enhance the look more than I ever thought nail color could...
What a great smile-her best accessory.
Nice nails, and love that hair!
Love her!
I wore that color on my toes all summer...it made me very happy and surprisingly it went perfect with everything I wore! She looks very delightful!!!
both are amazing photos. i love her style!
beautiful blog ;-)
great photos
Absolutley fabulous of course!
Scott, you've probably already thought of this but if you have an opportunity sometime you should go to Art Basel Miami Beach in December...it's a sartorial fantasyland. Ridiculously great style everywhere and lots of people whom I'm sure look at your blog daily.
Fabulous! Her nail colour is amazing!
I love her nails, her piercing, and, most of all, her hair!!! Fabulous. *___*
Gorgeous. She looks like an 1800's gypsy gone 1940's glam-slash-modern.
great hair and nails colors!
There are three different retro looks going on here. This is what I see:
Hair (minus color) and makeup: 40s/50s
Nails: 80s
Dress, Earrings & Bag: 70s/80s
This mix of eras makes it less costumey than wearing one overall retro look. Maybe it's my own nostalgia but I'm feeling the dress most of all.
@Evita Jackie :
The Jade colour of Chanel is a mission impossible but the closest to it is made by Bernard Wilhem for USW AIRUNES (you can see me wearing it on my blog, couple of posts back..)
The cheaper version can be found at New Look, 5 colours and green is 1 of them)
Good luck !
Scott, great post - I just love those burlesque-kind-of-women ... they breathe that amazing 1950-ies style ...
For anyone looking for a similar nail color, the one she's wearing looks exactly like 'Turned up Turquoise' by China Glaze.
Love her smile!
...what's about you and the red haired girls lately?
Diana of
Amy Winehouse's long lost sister.
More red hair! Her energy and vibrance nearly lets me forget that I really do not like her dress nor the nail varnish.
she's lovely - great smile, cute pose and attitude!
Scott - your readers might want to see the article about you on SMH online
me encanta su sonrisa, de verdad que me parece toda una mujer. nada de mascaras, simplemente ella. bueno, btw esta mañana estuve en la red todo el día, y encontre este portal de moda, cultura de moda, 100%, recomendadisima!!!
She's extremely pretty. But her look is too much. The dress plus the hair plus the jewelry plus the nail polish is just a bit too much. It ages her, instead of emphasizing her naturally lovely face. I do appreciate her sense of style with her hair, though. If it were dark it would possibly be even better!
I just love that you are taking snaps of very un-Sydney types. A refreshing change. And now you're in Melbourne and it's bucketing down!
She must have such a colourful personality, matching her look :) Love the photos!
great nails and hair!!
Her hair has been damaged by that dye. Everything else looks great. If you would not have told us what she does, no one would have known but some of the Sydney contingent of readers.
Great smile!
Oh my...
She might be interesting person, nice and so on.., but her outfit is totally.. wrong.
Without context this outfit is, in a fashion/style sense, a mismatch.
Badly done eclectic 'style'.
Anon 4:43
how can you judge someone else's personal style. What is mismatch to you might match perfectly for her.
Oh my...
very narrow minded of you
hmm ... ?
i love, she looks better here though http://tannermakenzie.blogspot.com/
I love the smile in the second picture! Well done!!!
The close up portrait is so fresh. What a beautiful lady.
hate that piercing
but nice nailpolish and smile :)
Well, she looks very... burlesque. Not my taste, but to each her own.
The anonymous comment who said "maybe it's time to come back to New York" - I can't get over the arrogance of that.
And the girl in the picture - she's doing her own thing so joyously and it's lovely to behold. Who cares if this doesn't quite go with that or whatever? It's the overall package and that's a wondrous and life-filled thing.
I am a big fan of Miss LaRouge, she's hilarious. You should see one of her shows and then you will understand just how much this suits her, she's divine!
That's my beautiful friend Lauren LaRouge! Adore her utterly.
her style is very bohemian! love that electric blue nail polish too! she has a lovely smile
She is going to be soooo happy about this!
She also models for this Sydney label.
Not exactly my personal style, but that is what I love about Australia. Anything goes! Maxi dresses, fluero nails, beach bag, retro hair, wooden earrings & heels. SURE! Go for it!
Dear Miss Pretty xx
Sart, in defense of Anon 4:43, what purpose are the Comments if not to give an objective opinion? I think it's only narrow minded if we are supposed to accept what's given to us.
woaw, i love her dress, her hair colour and style of it...oh and the nail polish obviously!!
Adorable!! Very cool pictures, she looks so energetic !
It's all about attitude!
Fabulous! And to think to she was just poping out for milk.......glamorous to the hilt! J'e Adore L'Rouge xx
not really loving the hair colour, but the most important thing when looking at a person is their teeth/smile.
she has a fantastic simle!!!!!
i can't make it to your book signing!
i really hope you re visit Sydney soon !
P.S. Her hair is phenomenal.
I'm not getting this at all. I think the dress, especially the length, is really unattractive, the intensity of the hair dye with her complexion is glaring, the style of her hair doesn't do anything for her and the bag looks weird with the shoes and everything else! She has a knock-out smile and a great attitude, but the rest ... oh boy.
She is beautiful and I like how comfortable yet interesting the dress looks because of how the fabric is draped. Her hair, earrings, & bag look great with it too. I'm not into the bright green nail polish, though. Kind of jarring with all the earthy colors.
that is a great nail color!
Thanks for the comments everyone - I was actually doing my tax return that day = not so glam!
Please check out my website at:
I also design accessories:
for sale on etsy:
xoxoLauren LaRouge
Love the haircolor...of course I am prejudiced!
Bet you this dress even better in motion than it is in the photo. Since she is a dancer i picture her moving in a fluid sex way. Her hair is great. Is that a piercing on her upper lip? a jeweled mole? She is having fun with her style in a wonderful way. I wish I could see what she does at 70. I bet it will just as adorable.
Looking stunning Lauren, <3, Donny
a nice change...
Muy lindo... incredible... oh Sydney, mi cariño, te echo de menos mucho...
A true depiction of that old adage - 'the most beautiful woman in the room, is the one wearing a smile...'
I'm a devoted fan from Toronto, Canada. Not commenting on this pic, but just wanted to say that I received your book today as a gift, and LOVE it! it is fashionably divine and is an inspiration. thank you.
Nobody said anything about her earrings or her lip ring. I find it striking how the lip ring and the way she has done her eyeliner compliment each other.
The smile and her joyful attitude paired with spice red hair and wicked green nails make this shot enjoyable to view.
I can tell this woman has loads of personality. It comes through in your photos and I like it. xoxo
That is true beauty, right there.
You can tell she's an extrovert just by looking at her turquoise nails!
she's as adorable and energetic in person as captured in these gorgeous pics. Only Miss Lauren La Rouge could be this fantastic.
when are you coming to montreal?
I do love her face and smile, and she obviously has her own sense of style which I appreciate but...well, can you just come back to the states?
hummm I dont know if this works...not my fave but can appreciate.
I love her colorful presence and her smile is beautiful!
so in love with her hair color.
can i just say, as an australian (but fortunately not an australian from sydney) that it concerns me that this is the best to be found in our country
i love her nail polish!!! this woman is so natural!!! :)
OMY!! She is Beautiful! love her look....and, those nails....!
These photos's make me so homesick - the clothes, the sun, the smile, the optimism...It's foggy & grumpy in Switzerland -
I just stumbled across your blog by clicking "Next Blog". I read your very inspiring biography.
It's amazing that you were able to leave behind everything that you trained for and follow your heart! Your pictures are beautiful and leave me feeling as if I were right there in the moment.
I hope to someday be able to leave the confines of my "office work" to pursue my true passion of writing and photography. THANKS FOR THE INSPIRATION!
Love the big smile and the hair!
Singularly lacking in any style. I'm surprised. And two pictures too!
Thanks for portraying some of the other faces of Sydney, there is lots of variety here for those who seek it
Nice set of Chompers!
Beautiful Soul!
very original!!
Your blog is good.
Love the color on her nails.
She is absolutely striking. The nail polish and hair top it off. I've wanted my hair that color for years.
Oh so cute! Love the outfit!
super cute, and yeah the nails make the outfit. though - gotta say, i don't like the 90's dress trend!
the nail color is fantastic!
visit my blog & follow me! =;-D
She exudes joie de vivre...the best fashion accessory of all.
Wow, I adore her style!
Love those nails!!! Shes so pretty!
eee, good in 27%
there is nothing more beautiful, than true happiness. her smile is TRUE style. www.vivaswag.com
I'm loving Scott's comment to Anon 4:43! Comments like that irk me too. So what if you think her outfit is "wrong". This is a street style blog - it's about personal style, not about wearing a perfect outfit from head to toe. Pick out elements of her outfit to inspire you, rather than passing judgment.
For me, it's definitely the nail polish. I would never have thought to wear that colour - but after seeing this, I think I might get adventurous!
I love the color of her nail polish! It kind of works with the hair.
This is so fabulous! I love the red hair though it's so daring and yet it works so so well. Just classic.
Anyone who's interested in following fashion through the eyes of young americans in france should visit our blog:
Very much enjoying the Oz pics, so nice to see something other than a fashionista in black....
this is beauty. love the colours on the picture.
Love it!
Lovely colors !!!!
Me encanta el peinado y su sonrisa.
Besos desde Estella.
lovely hair.
love the nail color
I love it. I think she looks fantastic - super organic, fresh and happy, free. Totally.
Sally Bowles said it best:
"I think people are perfectly marvelous, I really do, Cliff. Don't you? I don't think people should have to explain anything. For example, if I should paint my fingernails green - and it just so happens I do paint them green - well, if anyone should ask me why, I say: 'I think it's pretty!' 'I think it's pretty,' I reply."
- Cabaret
To the person who said that Lauren is "singularly lacking in style", apparently, you have no idea what "Style" really is. She may not be wearing something you like, or something fashionable, but she is absolutely bursting with style and personality! There is no doubt that she is a confident woman who is comfortable in her own skin, and that is true style.
Those earrings <3
I do not like it. come on theres more in sydney then this
wow look at hair!!
i love bohemian look..
My first thought when I saw the first picture - Amy Winehouse meets Dita von Tease... Interesting
Oh, fabolous jade nails!
Just wonderful.....a beauty, who is obviously happy, beautifully captured....thanks...L
It's refreshing to see a photo of a woman who isn't trying to look like everyone else, and is obviously proud to be herself. More power to her.
amy winehouse-ish but better, sorta.
The top picture of her at first glance looks like amy winehouse. Love love love your blog .
i love her nail polish too.
its the aspect i love the most and perhaps the hair, its not very often you see people try new styles these days
a bit much
I adore the nail polish and the hair!
love her unique style. beautiful and fun.
Gorgeous. I love the sense of humour and whimsy about her. She looks like she'd be fun to hang out with.
Love it, Sart.
Now, THIS is the Sydney of our dreams. She's gorgeous. Very happy to see you're really finding true gems this time around.
I hope you've found some equally as delicious, dark-and-stormy subjects in our beautiful, moody and beloved Melbourne.
Well done, you.
could it be the healthy sister of amy winehouse?
The face of happiness!
Very beautiful shoot!
I love the Cabaret reference someone made earlier—that was my thought exactly!
"Divine decadence, darling!"
She looks divinely decadent!
Her best accessory: her white teeth.
Her teeth are amazing! I like how you can see her "burlesque" side with her red coif and cat-eye eyeliner, but show that she isn't some harlot by dressing normally.
She's very pretty
great dress
the finger polish is such a great touch!
Looks like something I would see here in California, kinda fun.
There's a sense of playfulness and joy coming through these photos... her smile and her style are just lovely. I'd imagine her performances are a lot of fun!
So carefree. So bohemian.
She looks happy, vibrant, and satisfied with her own sense of style. Bravo!
Massive Nailvarnish envy.
Love it.
The imperfection of her beauty is her "best gun".
Someone said "perfection is banality.Imperfection...there we can find something new."
She looks great. I love her confidence. She seems to be so comfortable in her own skin. My nails are her color right now! I love the hair, and earrings, oh and the eye make-up and piercing. This is my style all the way. Sometimes, old ladies come up to me and say things like "why have you disfigured your face?," referring to my nose ring...but then more people say "hey, that looks gorgeous!" So, I usually, listen to the second group.
gorgeous smile!love the way she makes me feel ;)
Love the dress.
amy winehouse is clean! :)))
Amy Winehouse's siter?
So loving that nail polish on her as well as the handbag!!
She reminds me of a Gustav Klimt painting .http://cyln3.files.wordpress.com/2009/05/590px-gustav-klimt-046-tm.jpg.interesting
nice photos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
loving nail polish! and her red hair""
Nicely surprised to see someone who does not look just young and skinny, and does have a lots of personality. Have bought the book recently. Unfortunately, the 95% of female shots are young and skinny. The remaining 5% are mainly somehow eccentric.
i love her nail polish ! sooo much!
Love it! She looks great! Creative unique and i bet you smile when you see her but the handbag i really don't like it with this outfit, it doesn't look hers...
She must be an artist in some way...
shes amy and nobody told her! or they did and she enjoyed hahahha
Every once in a while you spot someone wearing earrings that are so unique and interesting, these are certainly that. Love them.
hair and nail polish - such a swanky combo!