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Comments on "On the Beach....Red on Red, Bondi Beach, Sydney"
love the different red hues
My baby sister says this photo is "not cool at all!" but I happen to think it's very striking. Amazing what you can understand about a person (or what you can make up, anyway) from just a still image of their face.
crimson and creme
beautiful :*)
gorgeous image! the colors are great.
Nothing is more striking and exquisite than a beautiful redhead, and this one is just gorgeous. Beautiful mouth and eyes, and as for that hair! I just hope she's careful in the sun with her fragile skin....
That´s hot!
this is beautiful.
Not your usual Bondi beach bunny. Nice choice.
Love her look.
she's so hot.
Her eyes are amazing.
she is beautiful. Love her eyes and the colour of her hair.
Beautiful shade of red.
so Beautiful!
Gorgeous shot. Did you use your 50mm?
I like it all - except for her nose ring.
I love this! I admire the people with this special talent of knowing what would look fantastic on them.
she's breathtakingly beautiful.
beautiful! she has the most amazing eyelashes!
Stunning yet interesting! I love.
What a beautiful portrait (and amazingly long eyelashes)!
red heads ftw! she doesnt look perfect but that's what makes her all that more cool
She is beautiful.
absolutely stunning.
woow! Love the colors and the girl is gorgeous!
I wanna be red so badly! Coincidentally, I was talking to my mom earlier. We both agreed that only few really can pull of red, this girl is definitely among them, and those that pull it off do so romantically.
good god, i saw an angel
This such a strong picture!
this is so refreshing - its going to be such a stunning summer this year!
Nose ring kind of ruins the look.
cool little red riding hood
Diana of
love it!!!
Quite startling. I wish she would get rid of the piercing, but very pretty nonetheless.
very beautiful! stunning
lovely portrait shot - yesterday was a gorgeous sunny day in Sydney - hope you got to capture lots!!
She must have known you were coming and spent the morning getting ready for what would be the shot of her life. -Aaron
oh my! A M A Z I N G. both the photograph and her
wow, so beautiful! Nice shot!
Haley Wulfman
A beautiful portrait of a beautiful woman, featuring a stunning contrast of Australian sky and fiery red hair.
She isn't a natural redhead, the colour isn't realistic and her eyebrows are brown. She's probably got brown hair with a reddish cast . I like her look and the head scarf is great.
Many people are commenting on her nose ring and how it does not suit her. However i believe it adds to her character, it gives her romantic look a little bit of a rawness to it; making a beautiful contrast.
Stunning girl & portrait!
No need to say more..
Beautiful eyes.. so expressive!
Great pic!
how beautiful can be simplicity
very stunning. she looks beautiful with that red hair and the scarf on her head :)
yes, its the eyes. she's beautiful.
i was going to say that too...not a natural redhead at all, way too bright to be natural red...suits her porcelein complexion though
A London girl lost in Bondi. Love it.
stunningly beautiful... makes me want to visit sydney
Beautiful eyes! I also love the different hues in the scarf and hair. Lovely.
She's lush.
The artificial red makes her features "pop" (especially those lovely eyes!) more than her natural brown would. An excellent choice.
An Australian girl... How attractive... she is BEAUTIFUL!
I love how the different shades of red, rose, and brown go with her skin. So subtle and complex. Gorgeous!
When I saw this picture, I found myself speechless... She is absolutely stunning !
she is absolutely beautiful, in a natural yet fiery way... love it
oh satorialist, how do you do it!
I love it!
She is very pretty!
I had to comment on this photo but im completely speechless... (in a good way). What a fantastic job.
Beautifull and chic!
breathtaking photo in its simplicity. she's beautiful. red hair is so striking against creamy skin!
whooa.,dangerous u scared me :DD
Wow! Goooood pictureee!
Hve a great day
Delicious! The photo feels rather like a dessert, or a dream
Oooh! She is so beautiful. Incredible.
looking fierce!
but i don't think will i look good
in nose pierce huh!
She's gorgeous! Perfect pout, perfect eyes, plus she gets to be on a beach.
Ah youth,
beautiful composition, Scott
WOW. Just... wow. Absolutely beautiful.
As for the nose ring, I don't mind it. I think it adds character.
This is what girls in heaven are going to look like
Great picture. Lovely eyes. Her skin looks sunburnt though, maybe its the beach!
Is she real?
This is just too beautiful.
WOW WOW WOW WOW. Never change anything.
Could be the best shot of a bird you have ever taken... Tip Top my son!!!
Absolutely gorgeous.
Pale skin + red hair + dark eyes =
So looking forward to seeing you in Melbourne hopefully you will find natural red hair just as striking!
i think the nose ring definitely added to her character.
the rawness and coolness is breathtaking.
edgy :)
She's gorgeous!
The Heartbreak
this picture is so different from the sartorialist pallette, she isn't your typical high fashion blog image. but she is amazing and perfect in every way!
sharp features. beautiful eyes. sharp nose. full lips. nice nose ring!
Gorgeous colors!
juliet xxx
she is so beautiful! and I guess your photography helps a bit :)
simply gorgeous!
Simplicity speaks it all.
Thanks, I tap that!
Ummm....A whole lot better than you're shots promoting your trip to Aussie. I'm keen what else you see. Hopefully no more cuddly Koalas and Harbor Bridges.
attractive, but fashion...?
I can't understand why everybody loves her eyes, in reality, I think they like her mascara, because without it, she'd be very common.
wow, love the eyes and the lips! and the red hairs of course :-)
Delicate features and skin, scrumptious pout, soulful eyes, girafe eyelashes, and the red/pinkish hues. This photograph is beautiful and the girl arresting to say the least!
Spectacular. It's not just the beauty of your subjects - although that's irrefutable - but the artistry of your shots that create this kind of magic. You're a true artist - this portrait is absolutely amazing.
i'm a sucker for redheads. beautiful, stunning and perfect combo of colors. someone sign her a modeling contract!
Shades of quattrocento portraits.
And that civilized air you have captured is indeed spoiled by the nose ring, which appears barbaric in this context.
She will have this pic when she is old and regret the piercing.
What's with the heavy eye makeup at the beach? Everything else about her is so fresh and natural. I even like the nose ring. She doesn't need all the sticky black gunk on her lashes. She is beautiful.
I love her freckles.
I love the eyes and lips. Gorgeous face. Your facial portraits are your best shots =) xoxo
Love the use of in focus, out of focus and blurred shades of background blue to transfix me in those hypnotising eyes.
straight from 1994, love this photo.
Agree about the nose ring. There is something ethereal about this young woman--then that metal. But she's young and beautiful and otherwise very fresh looking. A beautiful portrait once again.
Great use of depth of field to focus the viewer on her face. Great shot.
Beautiful but too much eye makeup.She must have spent about 15min. coating those eyelashes. Other than that, very beautiful!
What's the problem with the mascara? It's pretty clear that looking "natural" is not her goal. She's beautiful, and she seems like someone I'd like to know.
Are we having a red moment?
lovely image-i think the blue sea behind her really makes it, great against that vivid red
As a big fan of headbands, headscarves and hats, I must say that this female is rocking her hair matching red headband!
Thank you for capturing timeless styles.
...and gazelle eyes,cherry lips....!
i adore everything about this photo.
wow this is beautiful
s-tunning portraiture!
I found it interesting that on first glance, I didn't find her particularly beautiful, but the more I look at the photo, the lovelier she becomes. She may not be the most gorgeous girl in the world, but she has the kind of face that makes you want to look at it. Her eyes look like they hide a most fascinating story. She's wide-eyed and full-lipped, but the nose ring keeps her from looking too classically innocent. Well done, Scott.
She is beautiful, and it's a fantastic photo. So much in those eyes...
WOW. absolutely stunning.
Very very beautiful.
Anna — http://skiddish.blogspot.com
this girl is obviously stunning with a great sense of style. i love all the reds together. If only she wasn't wearing so much mascara.
as a photograph, i only wish the background was grey..
why are people saying the nose ring is ''uncivilised''?
in some cultured of the world it is considered just an adornment as earrings or a necklace.
oh my she is beautiful.
She is strikingly beautiful!
simply fabulous.. lucky gal!!
I have a nose ring envy here.
if i had a cute nose id go out having it pierced right away!
is it me or these aussies all look kinda gorgeous?!
love the colours,
The Corner Shop beauty. Beautiful inside and out.
Love this face - those eyes! She reminds me more than a little of Amy Winehouse (without the extreme kohl batwings!) - she's angelic but she looks like trouble, too. The nose ring is her way of expressing that. I can't imagine her regretting her piercing. I had one too - liked it for a while, then went off it, took it out... and it hasn't left a mark.
Thanks Australia!!!It's been a while since I've liked one of your photos this much
Thanks Australia!!!It's been a while since I've liked one of your photos this much
The word "culture" is used in such a generic way now that it refers to any group you care to mention, rather than its original meaning that concerned itself with what was the most excellent in the arts and scholarly pursuits.
When some of us say "civilized" we mean western civilization: the one that produced the quattrocento among other marvels.
I think the reference to "innocence" is mistaken. Much that is considered "innocent" in the past is actually just civilized.
Sadly, we are no longer what we were, and the nose ring captures that.
There's something very very '90's in this photo - her nose ring, hair colour, lip liner, and the challenging gaze take me straight back to my teenage years. A beautiful shot!
I do like the crop, the colors and her expression.
beautiful girl, needs better style tho
The blue waters behind are really bring something to the photo...
i am obsessed with red hair
those lips!
What an amazing face!
- www.21Arrondissement.com
The colours are stunning.
Molly Ringwald !
In three years, this is my favorite image featured on this blog.
Whats with the critisism of her mascara and nose ring and un naturalness of her hair colour? I have the same type of eyelashes and one lick of mascara and I end up with the same look-I certainly dont spend 15 mins on them and get endless comments on them all day long!She prob works in a cafe over the road so maybe shes not wearing mascara to the beach to swim and if she is so what?There are some very closed minded commenters here. BTW she looks stunning in her originality. GO GIRL!
This is my daughter and as mum i would just like to thank everyone for your kind words, she is as beautiful on the inside as on the outside. What you see is what you get!
I think I know this girl, she might be a shop girl at the corner shop in paddington in sydney, right near where I work. My boyfriend has such a crush on her, for obvious reasons
not such a classis beach beauty, but in the sunset she looks fantastic. i love her lips and the way the red hair reflects the sun.
Amazing photo! Love the reds and the blue.
exquisitely haunting.
Very good
i'm not sure what happened when i looked at this picture
but suddenly i was on the beach taking the picture in front of her.
the way the focus is on her eyes is striking.
a really great piece.
fantastic colours - beautiful picture.
Dear Beautiful Woman,
I live in the states but am willing to travel...
i don' think the varying reds make this photo. it's the subtle confidence of her expression, highlighted by those beautiful eyes and lips.
And that civilized air you have captured is indeed spoiled by the nose ring, which appears barbaric in this context.
wow...you know how ignorant and dick that sounds?
I think she kinda looks like Scarlett Johansson
She is very beautiful..nice!!!
Sydney Tourism
love the depth of the pic..also the dept of her staring into the camera.
when you travel and take photos..what camera do you use? Not sure u're taking heavy ones.
I love Bondi!but I love the girl too!!!!she's so cute
Love the eyes. I'm so jealous of long lashes!
Perfect match, pure red and green eyes and the red sunshine reflex on her face...lovely…and I like the nose ring because it serves as a balance between angelic beauty and rough beauty
reminds be of scarlet johannson
I really love your impressions of Australia. I wondered how they would differ from the streets of NY and London... But its quite significant, must be the light!
Thank you,
Your lens has focused on the refreshing aspects of our world. Somtime it takes an outside eye.
Love the photo, love face expressions photos
Great eyelashes and pretty eyes...
Does she have a brother?! :)
I love the simplicity of this shot and the way the depth of field picks out her features.
stunning :)
absolutely stunning!
Very good pictures!
Lovely shot!<3
Shades of red...
Striking image.
my very beautiful and gentle niece, who has a very honest beauty , heart , and soul, love you heaps , good luck on your travels, xxxx linda
My god.
Everything is intensely gorgeous.
The lips especially.
i love the blues and reds in this picture... lately that color combo has been a visual and sartorial obsession for me, and this photo just feeds my craziness!
this is my favorite image i have seen throughout your entire blog so far. the only thing that would make it better, in my opinion, would be if there was a story behind the shot ;)
who is she? I must know