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Comments on "On the Street....A Very Serious Young Man...., Sydney"
So cute! Mini spider man!
What a handsome young guy!
what a stylish young man:)
lovely spiderkid!
cool kid wear high cut....nice hair style
This youngster is well on his way.
Now this is androgogy in a colorful way!
So cute! LOve his hair!
omg. so cute!
and he already knows how to match! haha!
dinosaur figurine and illustrated book? Check.
Spiderman t-shirt and rainboots? Check.
Enough attitude to rock hot pink floral print shorts? Check.
Cutest thing ever? Absolutely. Make it your own, little man.
What a cute little guy! My level of envy is immeasurable - this Spider Man boots rock!
Hehe, funny youn man
He is cute!
Where are you from, The Sartorialist?
how cool!
What a cutie...love those boots.
He is adorable and am loving the clothes..
OMG how gorgeous is this little man....
oh, he is so cute and adorable. Great photo!
maybe, it's a little girl??! in anycase, totally, adorable!
I love how kids do this!
Spiderman shirt and spiderman rain boots.
I'm glad the parents let him do it!
His Spidey sense is amazing!
So great! Skirts are more comfy if you aren't inhibited by them. My younger cousin use to wear them all the time when she was little... not because they were 'pretty' but because they were better for climbing trees with:).
He is adorable! He is interestingly framed by the wrought iron gate, and the small green and white tile floor.
love it!
ohh so cute! the clash of the patterns are also cute!!
I love kids.
As a mom of three I can tell you, they all come up with the best stuff.
He's adorable! His clothes are adorable, and I bet his parents are adorable too!
The hair is incred! And matching the shirt and boots? Even better.
love love love ıt:) ı can't waıt to see hım after 10years...
young tintin?¿
What a cute little pet! oh, and I love his dimetrodon, too!
This made my day!
haha, so intent!
i love his little booties. i had a yellow pair like that. they had to PRY me out of them.
A little rockstar is born.
The juxtaposition of his attitude alongside his clothes, is terrific. Yes, sir, he means business despite those orange-flowered shorts!
So, so cute...
i applaud his parents for letting their son be who he wants to be
Cute kid, but silly dressed.
Thank you for FINALLY posting someone who dresses like ME!!!!
Sooo cute!!
If it works for the individual then go with it (and this works). He's already got me beat in style.
Dinosaurs, Spiderman, and florals? He should be the envy of the Sydney fashion world!
oown *-*
so cute!
remind me of that film " ~Ma Vie en Rose"
Love the colors!
very fun..
yeahh this babby is sooo cool!!! the shoes of spiderman are the best!
and his face... love him!! <3
great let's promote this idea, boy's wearing girls clothes fab!
I love your photos of little people... ;)
wicked hair cut dudddee
Awesome... He is one of the manliest you ever shot !
Seriously, a skirt? He's the cutest...can't wait for my almost-two year old son to rock a similar outfit. ;)
Aww, he's adorable! And he's matched his t-shirt with his boots, very nice.
=) Sweet!
I like to see a little kid who isn't afraid to wear some "girly" things. He'll be an interesting dresser for it when he grows up. And the tough Spider Man gear contrasts beautifully with the florals and the curls on top. :)
he's so adorable!
The pic & the kid are perfect.
I loved his crest, he looks like a little dinosaur.
fantastic boy!
Oh my, adorable little tyke. And very fashionable, too, with matching shirt and boots.
I would love to meet his parent, I bet they are awesome!
go spider go!!
This kid is going to be famous hahaha
I want always to be a boy
and to have fun
You'd be serious too if a lizard was chomping off your left hand...one of my favorite post of yours. Very very adorable.
omg this is so great. lucky that you got that shot!
what a cutie!
He wil be a so stylish man in the future!!!!
He is adorable!
I like that some of your recent pictures have taken on a more personal/portraiture quality. I feel like it adds a new dimension to the style you're showcasing
You know what? At that age, if you can't fight'em, join'em. You can't help but to applaud his imagination. He's a cutie.
What a cute little fella. I think his toy is from Prada
Are you sure he's wearing a skirt and not very wide shorts?
are there kids utili-kilts? maybe we could just get him a little something that goes better with the spiders and dinos.
he's a little cutie!
Gorgeous - what a cutie pie! Love your pics of children :)
that's a future kilt-wearer right there.
the contrast between masculine (spider-man) and feminine (floral skirt) is so in-your-face. and the spider-man on spider-man works because they are of a different scale. lastly, the dinosaur accessories soften its edge a bit because it shows he's playful.
looks like a typical terrace house in Sydney's inner city
I wish more men would wear skirts.
so cute!!!
so young and already so stylish...mind the spiderman t-shirt and boot coordinate!
Diana of
this is adorable!
full of stylish! lovely.
This picture put a smile on my face. Thank you Sart!
Great that he's in touch with his fem side...I'm sure he'll hit the runways in 20-years from now.
So not what I was expecting as I read the heading and waited for the picture to load. What a darling.
he is not afraid to be himself. well done.
aussie kids are super cute and stylin it!
from the hair to the boots...its perfect in the way that it isn't :)
too adorable for words
he is so adorable. best haircut i have ever seen, and i love that he wears a skirt! kids are so uninhibited.
like his hair style and eyesight - so serious:)
YAY finally some adorable children!!! It's not just about the mama's and dada's anymore. Our tot's are startng trends from the wee years...
ahaha too cute!
Watch out! It's Spidey!
You know why we dont have anything bad to say about children? cuz they are authentic...boys are always fascinated with dinosaurs.. i used to be one of them...and im 25...im not ashamed to be who i am... and i always bring to my style something fun and kinda childish... this is supposed to be you... trends are so not right if they cannot fit you..... if we keep our authenticity when we grow up....we will never fail... hes a spider man lover.. fashion is language thats what he is sayin now...so...what do you have to say? who are you? this is what fashion's all about.....let's take this not just as a cute little boy..which he definetly is... but lets take this as an example.... the things we lost along the way.... and this will always make me smile....
A style superstar in the making!
The Heartbreak
i really love this post
Weight loss
where is that in sydney? is that in balmain?
Such a burst of sunshine! Love his Spiderman attire; v.cute.
wowowowowowww!!! i love this guy
too cute. ugh. reminds me of me when i was young. minus the cuteness...and oh of course, the ability to rock them spiderman boots!
He undertones the maturity covered by his youth.
I see great parents behind his outfit and tht great haircut!
hes so cute,and tht dinosaur and the look,priceless!
absolutely adorable. makes me nostalgic for a time when none of us were so wrapped up in caring, when we saw no reason why it would not be perfectly acceptable and not at all incongruous to wear whatever stuck our fancy just because.
at the age of four, i was obsessed with Aladdin. i made myself a turban that i wore everywhere for about 3 months out of a purple silk Hermes scarf of my mother's. this photo reminds me of that time.
Never mind all the cutseyness, this actually looks damn good from a proportions and length angle.
The world needs more of these kids. He likes wearing a skirt, and he'll damn well wear one if he pleases!
Why don't they make boots like this for big kids? I want some.
Just shows us how really creative these little people can be! xx
If you can't mix Spiderman and skirts when you're young then when can you???
soo presh
i want his outfit.
My daughter has a similar style...
Perfect! this pic being complete by his gaze.
Wow, that clash of prints is truly inspirational!
go spidey
Fashionista in the making? :)
t-shirt and rain boots matching? A++
looks like the inner west of sydney, good on you for looking outside the sometimes pretentious and predictable east...
i know his Dad...let's just say the apple didn't fall too far from the tree when it comes to wearing skirts and rain boots!
I love it, he's wearing all of his favorite things.
wooh spidey!!
How wonderful! Young and stylish. May he always follow the beat of his own drums!
Spiderman boots, a skirt, dinosaurs and a fauxhawk - he looks like my neighbor from the Lower East Side circa 1997. Fantastic.
This kid is seriously ahead of the curve. I wear skirts and have done so for a while, but I work in fashion--it's much different. I hope his mother lets him keep playing. Sensational looks that would alarm at an older age (and probably leave one looking homeless), but coupled with youth and mirth provide such a delightful and enjoyable picture.
Born stylish! Love the Spiderman theme! LOL
- www.21Arrondissement.com
I like the way he's such a typical boy with his faux-hawk, his dinosaur figurine and spiderman shirt and wellies but then pairs them with...a red floral skirt.
This is soo cute! This kid has some serious style and he's updated with trends too! Wearing a skirt - Marc Jacobs wears skirts! The hair is soo wonderful too!
For some reason, I find this picture incredibly inspiring.
It is really all about the dinosaur, n'cest pas?
Gotta love pre school fashion.My boys were superheros of one kind or another for 4 solid years! All you need is a cape and a mask and your mum to say "have you seen Felix or Rupert batman and spiderman?" and your all set to go fight crime up a mango tree! Rock on kids!!!!!
Is he your kid, isn't he?
The expression on his face seems to be similar to yours.
OMG, he is so cute!!! Really like the blog, please visit mine.. http://iamnotafashionist.blogspot.com
ha ha...what a cutie!
this kid is the MAN
I'd be interested to hear more about your approach to photographing children. I'd be thrilled if you snapped mine but are the parents always so forthcoming? Especially in this day and age?
wow, i hope my kids turn out like him. so so adorable.
little fashionista
funny boy!!!! http://www.mydarlingbubu.com/
what a serious person. i thought that he was wearing shorts.
haha - amazing amazing amazing!!
You see this is what were supposed to love about children- their innocence. These days too many kids are in a rush to grow up, which makes me kinda wanna throw a bike at them!
PP x
love <3
Loove this!! Hes adorable!!
your new follower
His facial expression is priceless (without sounding like a visa card commercial:)
i looooove this!
Great shot!!! One of the best on here!!!
That is gorgeous!
So cute a young child,
where get this photo?
funny funny
Adorable spideyskirtboy!
Definitely a fav.
Reminds me of my cheeky neighbour!
Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!! My three year old son wears a skirt pretty much every day and reading all the positive comments here make me feel so good about the way he rocks out his own little world.
He's a really cute boy!!
Spiderman's always a classic. :)
OH to have that HAIR!!!!! this kid rocks my face off!
Bravo to the parent(s) who let this kid wear what he wants! How many of us had that freedom when we were small?
Kid knows what he likes and what looks good on him. I'm still figuring all that out for myself!
Brilliant photo, too. Nicely done, Mr Sartorialist. You could win a prize with this. Really.
thats so cutee!
i love his hair too! I think his hairstyle matches with hie dragon toy!! cute cute cute
e-manzipate. perhaps the next generation of man with style until some oldschool jerks say it looks gay, just disguising theire own ignorance
He's going to break some hearts in the future, seems like a little rocker dude to me...
really a cool kid. wish i could have one!
This young gentleman isnt wearing the clothes... he IS spiderman!!!! grt shot!
hi sweaty!!!
two thumbs up for that kid!
Excellent! I love the guy.
(We are in February but I'm catching up)
See you Scott
Oh, he is just adorable! I love every part of this :)
hahaha!! my nephew's the same.. he loveeeesss his sister's dresses!!
If and when I have kids, I'll let them dress themselves and let's see what happens. :)
what a stylish young man:)
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