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Comments on "The Sartorialist for Burberry's Art of the Trench"
Amir Toos is quite the character! Very chic
Awesome black trench in the last photo, especially paired with the silver wrist cuffs.
These three completely different looks prove just how versatile a trench is. My favorite is Amir, definitely; sharp, but not too.
this guy is just brilliant!!!If i were a man, I'd totally jack his style! I think i might do it anyway! =P
Three dimensions of style that deserve equal applauds. Bravo!
Hello Scott.
I love your job. In this case i love the second photo, so simple, so casual but so chic.
Joana Silva
I love this Guy!
makes me love my burberry trench even more :)
Is the first one really a trench-? I see it's burberry, but isn't it more along the lines of a golf jacket/windbreaker?
LOVE the Classic Trench coat!
sart - just looked at the burberry site. It's awesome! I love it!
So classic. Trench coats really stand the test of time, and again, while a Burberry trench is the rule of gold, you can find an amazing one at Old Navy - you don't need stray much from the original design. That's style.
Dee&Ricky :)
Dee and Ricky!!
I love Amir.
That man's face in the first photo is priceless! Great shirt too~
three different styles...which I like the most? I wouldn't say...maybe the first...tha other two lack of some freshness I would say, though they look great anyway
I love all the wristwear on the man with the black coat!
Love his bracelets.
what a savvy dresser! honestly this photo strikes me.
Notice the old-school denim in the first one. Nice touch.
wow, byrdie is stunning! very classic.
Burberry and acid wash jeans...not something you see everyday...
I hope there is a shot of you in one of those trenches coming up soon.
Amir pulls off the open toed sandals once again....I thought the rule was "only if your on an island/beach" can someone pls clarify?
The last photo is amazing.
I love how he accessorized the look.
I love the last photo!
- http://21arrondissement.com
Great looks! It's hard to see trenches in LA, but it's great to see how it can be used in an outfit.
You have able to show how it´s possible to wear the trench in very different ways, I am amazed.
Especially I love the last picture. I think you´ve shown pictures of him before, he has got a great style and the way he carries him self. Wow, wow, wow!
So many style mavens say that a nice white shirt is a pefect look for any guy because it draws attention to and brightens up his face. The middle photo shows that the right white shirt works equally well for women. I like her shirt, the popped collar on the coat, her indigo jeans and the bit of cuff emerging from her coat sleeve. A somewhat smaller or more streamlined belt buckle would be a welcome improvement, though.
Love the girl's trench..absolutely perfect! ;)
Gangsta burberry. There's pride here.
Brilliant! Loving Art of the Trench. And what a fitting track with the Sofa Song.
check out the new london art crowd at maximilianvanlondon.com
Love the style of the girl on the second picture!
that secret wars t-shirt on the first guy is so sweet! i'm pretty sure you've taken pics of him before, i recognise the lego bling.
and amir is looking real cool too. he's got real attitude in that photo. i want to get sandals like his...anyone know where i can get those?
In the second photograph, the trench coat over the blue jeans looks very elegant. Part of the elegance comes from the khaki colour. beautiful photograph with the glowing hair.
the 1ST picture is the best! :) amaaaazing
Burberry's Art of the Trench is fantastic - not least due to the contribution of The Sartorialist!
Burberry's is lucky to have you! Trench coats will be flying out the doors after people see these photos. The Burberry trench is truly the most versatile coat ever.
I love Burberry trenchs ^^
A perfect project for you.
The two black men were gorgeous:)
Have a nice day:)
Thank God there's a White lady that actually knows how to wear a trench coat in this lot of 3 pics. She saves the set.
3 different trenches/looks, but all great.. i esp. love the last look (minus the beard.. lol). the accessories are amazing. i also like the 2nd look.. very classic.
Is that Byrdie Bell? You really make these social girls look their best.
dee and ricky!
This man oozes cool and confidence. I love his silver cuff bracelets. Where did he get those??!
I love this 'Art of The Trench' project! Please please please post as many as you can. I love them all, they personalities of each are portrayed both well in the photo, the trench and the atmosphere.
As always, Amir looks amazing! Love him. Byrdie is elegance personified... wish we could pull it off as well as she does.
x Empora Style Spy
Apocalypto meets Boy George.
wow, the first and second photos are amazing. great job with the light.
Love the 2nd photo.
The look of this girl simply means: bcbg ! (bon chic bon genre)
i received this mailing, and though, wow... burberry was very inspired by the sartorialist. : ) yes, indeed they were! love that it was you behind it...
Re the open toed sandals comment earlier: you can do whatever the heck you want if you've attached your long locks geisha-style with a stick.
Personally, I like the middle photo best. Timeless class.
wow, i just discovered sides of the trench unknown to me till now...
Deeeeee and Rickyyyyy!!!
I love that you chose three very different subjects who make the Burberry trench their own style. Genius!
Those 2 guys up there are so kool, they seem almost staged.
Love all three of the photos, but the first one is my favourite! There is just so much character that it is so hard not to like it :)
Oh Amir, you are the stuff inspiration is made of! This is the 2nd look from him that I am going to try and emulate in its entirety, at least from the neck down (couldn't do the facial hair or the head).
those two black men in their eightiesness i like!
the gold tone digital wrist watch is a long time favorite of mine.
the spidy guy with the braids... i really like the belt buckle.
He does is EVERYTIME. yes!
nobody does a trench like burberry.
nice skin tones, first pic need more expressions IMHO
great job for burberry!what a great idea!!just fantastic how many different styles one can explore- and still stay true to your trench!
I love the boys in the top photo. Love the colorful "Lego" accents on the belt and keychain and just the overall
"early hiphop/ 80's in New York" feel of this shot. Yes, I see that digital Casio. ;-)
... and I'm starting to develop a little crush on Mr. Toos... oh dear...
Thanks Sart!
is this the guy from your earlier post?
he transforms so nice:)
Love the first pic of the two young men - so wanting a vintage Casio right now, and love the guy in the last pic - he's so hot and cool!
That guy looks like Gene Anthony Ray from Fame, when Fame was the great TV show, not the lame movie. And he sports that trench amazingly, I love it.
Glad to see Dee & Ricky in these shots !
I LOVE Amir - he never disappoints and makes it look so effortless. Love the contrast of heavy coat and bare toes
I'm seeing some familiar faces in this post :)
love seeing Amir (last guy, right?). he's a great subject.
love how the guy in photo 1 rock the trench--never thought they could be street like that!
simple yet poignant
Ahhh there he is...classic trench and wrist adornments! Love anything he's in...he makes the clothes.
The 80's feel to the young guys...is good to be back, even their acid wash!
The beautiful young lady...unbuttoned and flawless head to toe.
Love & Light,
The girl in the 2nd photo is rediculously sexy... with the half open shirt flowing into the turned up collar.... Stunning.
Your first picture describes an aesthetic I have seen prominent in the D.C. area for a few years. It is beautiful.
The simple white shirt, trench and jeans combination is just unbeatable. I love it.
Villedela Goes to London
Dee & Ricky! amazing belt
This is not the first time I run into Amir's pictures. I also like the one he is wearing shorts with a Lacost polo shirt, flip flops and a lot of silver cuffs. He is one of the most stylish and beautiful man I have seen.
I really don’t like the girl's style: it’s not for her age and it's too classic (in a bad, boring way)