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Comments on "On the Street....Young London"
Really like the use of jewelry.
I never thought I'd see the devil lock go classy
He's adorable.
I love his chains!!!!!! super cool.
kind of reminds me of Leo DiCaprio. I could see this on an older gentleman or lady. Pretty timeless and age appropriate (at any age) in most settings.
The jewelry and hair are totally rad.
i'm a fan of multiple necklaces, but i think they look best when they're of similar length and inter-weaved.
shrunken blazer, 3 ring set. kid knows what he's doing.
love him! but he is like 14! unbelieveble
He is cute! Love love his look and his jewellery
a nicely fitting jacket, contemporary look
Awesome hamsa necklace!
Adore the black T shirt and chains - very youthful.
Don't get me wrong, I love it. But what is it?
(Regardless of her/his sexe, he/she is hot as hell!)
he is so adorable. like a french chase crawford (who i sat in the same aisle with going home this past summer, yes he's a dallas guy too!)
lekisskiss.blogspot.com<-- two girls living in nyc and chicago blogging all things fashion!
No so sure about the jewellery...
Beau, le ptit jeune!
Wow, that is such a mature look for someone his age. I LOVE his hair, too!
the embodiment of confused youth, integrating icons in fashion while ignoring their inherent contradiction: cross, gun, hindu hand.
sometimes the abstraction of symbolic meaning towards non-meaning in fashion can become offensive.
I adore this!
Is he wearing designer clothes?
a really beautiful young londinian. dont know why, bu he reminds me of someone.....di caprio?...i dont know
Cool jewelry!
he looks gr8!!
fantastic combination of cross, weapon and fatimas hand^^ i will copy this!
oh so sweetly, achingly young...
Yeah, I thought that was a pistol in the middle too.
And I also thought he was a girl, so kudos to the neo-uni-sex look he's put together.
Such a cool and classy style.
so young and so stylish. Great job.
He's got an amazing face too.
So much style, from the hair to the small-shouldered blazer to the scattered rings. Utterly charming. And a great shot, thanks to you, Sartorialist...
What a dapper young man.
Splendid look!
Such an adorable guy :) I totally love his style.
Look at all that young stuff! Love the confident expression most of all.
He's a well polished young man~he looks disciplined and probably takes pride in his well being and education...thats my first impression and I'm sticking to it;)
I love the lowest necklace. On my own search for one. London is the only place for style
I love the blazer. How style!!
Hah! Love this young fella's style.
Sooo adorable!
He nailed this look. I love the necklaces. The blazer and pants fit perfectly. It shows what great dressing is really about: fit and detail.
I like the jacket - that It is almost, barely too small perhaps - he just had a growth spurt - the necklaces seem like charms to ward off evil and keep him safe. I hope they work.
Wow's he's a beautiful boy! I like his jewelry, although I'm a woman..I'd trade closets with him!
If only I was 15 years younger :) I don't remember young boys EVER looking like that...
Like her (everyone else is saying "his") mixed message jewelry (crucifix, gun, hamsa). The rest of the outfit and the neo-beatle haircut work, too.
I agree the jacket is a smart look, not sure about the three levels of chains
I would like this look better if he picked only one of the necklaces to wear.
precocious young man. looks like the jacket is too small for him and i'm not sure about all the chains. surely one is enough? on his way to being terminally hip.
very chic! LOVE IT!
This boy's style reeeeks of London, and it makes me proud to be a Londoner...
I find this look a bit forced and derivative I'm afraid, perhaps in part because of his youth.
Lil playa!... The jacket is cut well for such a small torso.... nice
This guy's way too cool for school ...
Love his well thought of look!
Hair = great
Fit of jacket = amazing
Jewelry = spot on
Love the hint of pocket square too!
Chic, adorable, stylin', all that stuff. I hope he hangs on to his style.
That is one sharp little jacket.
*I just had to tell you that my mom was looking up your book to buy for my birthday. The only thing on the Amazon search was the Bespoke Edition. She about had a heart attack! Thank goodness we found the regular one!
Very cool, also somehow naive. Love this snuggy jacket.
Boy? Girl? Doesn't matter!
Love this shot. Your images of androgyny are among my favorite photographs in your body of work.
Love his jewellery.
J'adore la superposition des chaines et la veste cintrée
His look is on point. small blazer, crew neck T, Dark jeans.
The necklaces are hot (many kids have a 50/50 view of religion and protect) cool rings, and I think I see a pocket sq peeking out of his jacket pocket. The hair pulls it all together.
Young, Gifted and Cool.
Androgyny is wear a lot of young super fashionable men start.
The world can be a fashionable place, look closer!
love his blazers :0
He has an awesome style. I love when people know how to mix tailored clothes with daily stuff.
Best things: the little gun, and his face.
I hope he gets really famous.
Six pieces of flair!
Can you just imagine the breadth of middle school hearts (of both genders) broken in his gentle wake? Besides fashionable -- decidedly *not ugly*.
I think he looks amazing. I love his facial expression. I'm sure 10 years ago I would have had a crush on him. I'm also totally intimidated by him.
I love his look!!! Simply but great. And a little androgynous. IT'S GREAT!
Wow, he looks great! Hardly ever do I see a young man so stylish. I'd like to see more of his looks.
I like the jewellery and the fit of the jacket.
This is going to be my next haircut!
It's all in the details: The silver, well-chosen jewelry, the punk pin, the subdued colors, and of course this young man's attitude. Very inspiring.
Very well done. I just think it's amusing that any look consisting of short hair, a blazer, t-shirt and jeans can ever be called androgynous when historically all are decidedly part of a man's uniform. It would be androgynous if he was a girl, but as it is I see a well-dressed, confident young man with perhaps an unusual taste for jewelry.
too cool for words.. seriously!
a gun, cross, and hamsa presented together? no amount of designer clothing can hide youth and naivety.
To PoppyScott:
"I love the lowest necklace. On my own search for one."
Try some places that sell "Judaica" stuff - they usually have plenty to choose from, or Jew jewellery stores... hope London has at least one.
i wouldn't wear Cross and Hamsa(hand pendant) together... - too conflicting to each other, despite the fact that Jesus was born Jew!
For some, being cool is a learned art. For others, it is a natural gift. It would be an interesting exercise indeed, were it possible, to see what this boy will be like as a young man in about 10 years. That he is already able to do so much with relatively little is commendable. By the way, am I the only one who noticed that he has a pistol dangling around his neck between the two crosses? If this is intentional, then surely his sense of irony is demonstrative of an uncommon maturity, or at the least, a keen sense of how to manipulate symbols for maximum effect. That, or as my British relatives would more likely say, "Too clever by half."
pure perfection, love the jewelry
cute (L)
Absolute perfection! Can't even handle it. So good.
i wish to be young again
It is EXTREMELY rare to see a teenager with true style. Kudos!!! :)
good lookin out on saving that school uniform blazer from 6th grade. just don't go so fast that you don't save some growing up till you're at least 20.
be a kid for a minute and keep lookin' sharp
Kid is STYLIN'! Looks like a young Leo!
- http://21arrondissement.com
That hair is positively fantastic.
This is the look right now.
A litte Di Caprio :)
He's rocking the Qassabah although he should ditch all the jewellery and wear a single 18k yellow gold skull ring. And a vintage watch, ideally.
i don't like this look at all...
the rings look like women's jewellery, the necklace shapes should be similar length/intertwined and the fit/shilouette of the blazer is really quite off putting
the choice of necklace is unfortunate. what looks to be a cross, a gun and a hand of fatima? i guess he can be forgiven at his age in not knowing what direction to choose. also, the proper age to wear topman clothes.
only jacket
Reminds me of college dressing in the 80s - jewelry that 'reads' down (and the symbolism reads coherently to me!), the pin, the jacket, the black jeans - and beautiful as well. Intriguing kid.
good use of necklaces!
heartbreaker in the making
love the blazer and the chains. annonymous 2:10pm, give the guy kid some credit - i'm sure he combined those particular chains deliberately. the contrast is interesteing, no?
The kids are alright....
Mum & Dad should be SO proud. He is fabulous.
This looks SO much like my ten-year-old son, I had to show my husband. He immediately emailed me back with: DON'T SHOW HIM THIS PICTURE!!!!!
Oh he's awesome. great jewelry too!
He's so adorable and chic!
What the hell? The first necklace is a crucifix and the second is a Jewish chamsa.....conflicted, no?
I love that look!
juliet xxx
does anyone feel to close a connection between his style and the Jonas Brothers? Tight, short, gray blazer, many pieces of jewelry, and disheveled bedhead
Such a young and well dressed teen!
this is young style done right. all these piece could be found at any general store yet by adding the tight blazer and the jewelry, which but the way is a cross, a gun and a buddhist hand and seriously if you folks think he is conflicted or even observate christian or jew, you don't know fashion at all.
great shot. makes me wonder what hes thinking...not to mention hes beautiful!
Such a great blazer this lad is wearing!
the look is simple but genius...i had to study this several times to determine male/female. settled on male... only because of the hands. the haircut is phenomenal. the last necklace looks a lot like vintage Trifari.
i like it
the kid's got swagga
The whole look is wonderful. Love his hair and his blazer. The necklaces & rings are a nice touch esp. the pistol.
I was wondering if anyone might think that, rather than him just randomly throwing on these necklaces that are bothering people so, perhaps he was trying to make a statement with them? As in 'here, start at top and read down'. And what a statement that is, yes?
He is obviously very smart, very beautiful, and very willing to push boundaries and make strong statements.
CPeterson, haven't you heard? The Devil is English, at least according to Brigitte Bardot.
It really looks like everything has been fixed to the end...we,ll hear from him...great!
Although he's cute, I'm not really a fan of the fashion. It's like he tried to recreate the vintage Mod look using clothes from H&M - with his single perfectly placed badge and his evenly distributed necklaces. For the type of look he's going for, I think something just that little bit more disheveled and haphazard would have been good.
the fit of that jacket is really nice.
me encanta todo su look!!!
he is so young but has already an incredible sens of style.
perfect shot
Is this a boy or a girl? The coat buttons like a woman's coat.
um. wow. is he for real? seriously great style.
well this is nice :)
I love how some people get all worked up about the "abstraction" of symbolic meaning of icons in fashion...and then go on and talk about the "Hindu Hand." Come on. As young as this boy is, style-wise he knows what he's doing.
What a living doll!
love his style & attitude. Cool
Heartbreakingly cute
it really amazes me when I see a teen with such a mature sense of style. i wish all teenagers dressed like this
Leonardo dicaprio's mini-me... the youthful face and bouncy hair from growing pains years, the necklaces from Romeo and Juliet, the outfit pre-titanic hoopla.
So adorbs!
I love that hand of fatimah pendant!
Que bichinha!!!
People are commenting that he's borrowing old styles and wearing cheap clothes, give him some credit! He's probably under 16, which means he's just experimenting and copying is part of that, and part of being young. And I bet we all remember what it was like to try to dress well on a saturday job budget!
I love this boy, ohhhh!!! anubody knows i can talk with him?? please please i love him!!
May I please have his number? (I'm fifteen)
He looks like he's borrowing some serious preacher style. Could he possibly be referencing the film "There Will Be Blood"?
love the combo of all the jewelry mixed w/ the simple outfit. great!
increased awareness in fashion from so early is to be noticed and congradulated for! he's indeed a melange of classy, cute and sexy, trapped between a boy and a man! i like!!! also the chains are so... manoush!
now i've remembered where i saw this face,this is james myhill he's with NEXT NY.
Leo who?
Is this a male or a female?
Something borrowed perhaps?
Very boy/girl stylish. Bowie for the next generation. Loads of this look in London at the minute for boys/girls and those who are generally lithe enough to carry it off. Those of us who are more curvy have to combine the ultra masculine stylised tailoring with ultra feminine boho notes. Another wave of the New Romantic in any case.
I wish I had had that kind of confidence to pull something like this off when I was that age. Hell, I wish I had it today.