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Comments on "On the Street....The Tiniest Tie Clip, NYC"
the skinny tie-clip for the skinny tie!
Grey is the most amazing colour!
Where may I find that tie clip! Gray always makes a statement of subtle power.
too small?
This is fabulous. Single-breasted, cut, fit, the white cuffs and handkerchief, the glasses: all spot-on. Even his hair matches the tones of his outfit!
And yet not too matchy-matchy.
The whole look is just perfect. Although the too short jacket and the tie in the pants are actually absolute no-goes!
Suit from Brooks Bros.? And what do the shoes look like?
Glases and tie clip give a more individual spin to the look.
Plus: Great portrait!
Wow! That is tiny. Really tiny. But the look is sleek.
His glasses are amazing!!!
great look! reminds me of my dad as a young man back in the 60s!
I love the white shirt. I always like a white shirt but I like the way this one is not too crisp and not too cold white. This one goes in the file of fashion for dressing hubby.
Very spiffy. I especially like the thick-framed glasses--reminds me of ones my grandfather wears.
this is a great look, he looks like an undercover super hero!
Mad Man!
that entire outfit is thom browne
tie clip, suit, tie and shirt.
looks fantastic
Very subtle, yet refined power in the grey suit. Toned down with the black tie, no pop like a bright blue or red would have given. Love the glasses. But wheres the belt?
I love everything except for the tie tucked into the pants.
He looks amazing, love the length of the tie and the way the he has tucked it into his trousers. Simple but so chic.
I really like the geometry of the whole look. The tabbed pant, the lines of the tie (and how it's tucked in for yet another straight line), the length, or lack thereof of the clip to offset the flat length of the straight pocket square. Even the top line of his glasses seem to follow suit.
Mad Man! Nice work.....
Thom Browne head to toe, looks like. Envious, but I do have to say it's a little tacky to just do the whole thing straight on. There's always room for personal style, even (especially?) in a highly regimented style like Browne's
let's see this guy's style profile
I love a skinny tie and his glasses are devine!
great shot ;)
♥ Darla
The tie clip may be tiny, but this guy is big on style!
Sweet glasses.
Wow! He looks amazing. Nothin' like a well-dressed man. The suit is so sleek, love the grey. The tie and the glasses are my favorites. Nice work, Sart!
Yes, the clip; but everything else for that matter. Nice!
noticed the un-buttoned button-down...nice touch. This whole look is so clean, me likey.
Thom Brown tie clip!
This guy looks amazing
Mad, rad, man!
- About the tie clip. Its not small. This is an absolutely classic style for the slimmer ties. And good luck finding one. I've been on that quest for a year now.
Scott, you crack me up. Are you sure that's not a fancy paper clip?
I had the exact same reaction as a few other commentators -- "Sir, I really like your spectacles, and you look good, but you are just wearing one single designer's signature look from head to toe." Whether the tags all say Thom Browne or not the point is the same. This is an example of a lack of a real personal expression. But note -- that statement in and of itself is one that Browne loves to evoke with his shows consisting of scores of identical 1960's era men at desks with typewriters. All the same, no individuality in their dress. Maybe what this is intended to evoke is that this man's individuality comes out in other ways. Just a thought.
The whole guy is great. The silve-streaked temples, the glases, the goatee-in-training, the "normal" business suit with small-cut jacket. I'm glad I'm not seeing the pant length if it's short.
Yes, it is teeny-tiny.
Myabe you could say: "It's not the size of the clip, but what you clip with it."
I'm usually obnoxiously pro-belt and anti-tie-tucked-into-trousers, but this guy's look is just so good! I might even start to change my mind...
Have you noticed the unusual placement of the button-holes?Really like the outfit,but not that the has his tie tucked in the pants.And i bet it slips out if he moves a little more than usual.
Love the tie clip!
But why do so many men insist on tucking their tie into their pants? It looks utterly ridiculous when you unbutton your jacket.
love the color of the suit.
love it! the tie , the perfectly tailored suit and the clip.
lekisskiss.blogspot.com --> two girls living in new york city and chicago blogging all things fashion!
I was really liking everything here until I noticed the tie tucked into the pants. I actually wasn't aware that anyone ever did that, it looks really awkward and not good. The rest of the look is nice, especially his grey hair and glasses.
There's no unusual placement of the buttonholes on the jacket. The lapels have simply been slightly pressed to fold at the middle button.
Fantastic get-up all round; classic colours and masculine items that will stay relevant for another 200 years maybe 300. I also dismiss the belt sometimes which allows for fluent lines.
My only gripe is as follows: In an Italian setting where unique sprezzatura becomes the norm in a matter of a few weeks, get this, I would have buttoned the sleeves and the collar just to be different thereby messing with the minds of conformists and followers alike.
It's all about the straight lines. The tie clip, the squarely folded hankerchief, the way he tucked in his skinny tie.. all was done intentionally. Brilliantly thought out outfit. Love it!
Love the thoughtfulness behind this outfit. Every little detail is just great.
Narrow tie clips are a awesome. Took me forever to find mine.
matchy matchy - Thom Thumb out of the box - we don't need to see the shoes do we?
I've seen muc much worse, but I'm tired of the TB thing. I also agree with an earlier commenter that he doesn't really do anything "his way" here, its 100% from the TB playbook. How much you wanna bet his trousers stop at the ankle and he's wearing double-soled wingtip bluchers??
There's a lot of geometry going on in this photo with the horizontal accents of the tie clip, handkerchef, pocket flaps, cuffs and the waistband of his beltless pants.
The tucked in tie? Eww. Just too close to other stuff.
Mr Drapper would be proud
Love the little clip, but the tucked-in tie gives me the impression he forgot to look in the mirror after going to the bathroom.
I wish I knew who made this suit, though I might say that it looks quite Thick as Thieves LA.
This look is awesome, something to emulate.
hello tiniest tie-clip, you are great!
I think his twist on lapel (the fold on first button) makes all the difference, because it changed the proportion of the jacket. He is probably small, so he looks better in a two-button jacket. Its a very good idea, with no doubt. :)
love it!
love it! Great job!
all Thom Browne non ?
like the sleeve-head wadding.
On second thought, might he be a Thom Browne SA? that would make a world more sense.
love the glasses
love the tie
love the suit
love how the tie is tucked in the shirt
good look
Love this look - though I don't know about tucking the tie in. That just looks weird.
So stylish - love the grey jacket with the white handkerchief peeping out.
The outfit is great, but some small annoyances here: --The unbuttoned collar is just a bad trend, if that is the point. --Agreed that the tucked tie is creepy, and --I think a clean shave would have helped.
Ont the other hand, THRILLED to see the pocket square; glad they're making a comeback in fashion circles!
This is why I love TB and why its so much more wearable than his critics suggest. Don Draper would be proud! Thom's original thought process was "anti-fashion". Uniformity, modernity, clean lines. This look is perfectly executed down to the unbuttoned collar AND the tie tuck. That is exactly how Thom wants it!
nice clip, I'm wondering if its a brand or vintage piece.
good grey/gray.
...the tiniest jacket too.
will his jacket even button up?
just sayin'...
it's all thom browne people. everything.
Love that Clip from our good friends @ Thom Browne...
I love the classic fit & look of this suit; grey, black tie, white shirt & pocket square. However I've never understood or liked a tucked in tie especially when wearing a tie stay. And no belt?
The clip is, indeed, quite interesting!
The tie in the pants, impossible, no way !
Very smooth.....
Very pleasing to the eye.
It's like a GQ editor meets early 1960s Italian "Mad Men".
The tie clip..a forgotten accessorie
LOVE everything I see! Grey is my favourite black - sorry I mean colour! Suit perfect yet very individual. Tie pin is as big as it needs to be no more no less with no obvious embellishments either. I especially love the fine detail of the shirt and the fact the collar is soft and a little creased.
What quiet confidence!
nice touch of facial hair--would not have been acceptable with this attire in the sixties.
was this a three button suit transformed into a two button??
Cuz if thats possible, than that makes things so much easier! and still very stylish.
where can you find a small tie clip like that? thats not in new york i mean aha.
Hmm...Mad Maen meets Milano...I like it!
What a dapper man! You cant go wrong with a well tailored suit.
very simple ! Great!!!!!
I like the skinny tie-clip, that's about it. Yes, it's a nicely tailored suit, don't get me wrong, but the tucked in tie is really killing this look for me. On his build, the collar looks too big as well. Not to mention it's a button down collar un-buttoned.
I believe that is a Thom Browne tie clip.
Crisp, clean, simple. Perfecto!
except for the tie inside the pants...
you should use this title & photo as inspiration for a children's story. i can only imagine the possibility...
Love the suit - believe it or not, grey is my favorite color!
Wow, another Thom Browne clone. Yay
He looks like the way Matumoto , down town , does with a tie.
The way he ties resembles Matsumoyo Hitoshi from downtown, defenitely
In The Mood For Love, anybody? (Ignoring the tie tuck) This is just too good!
Oh that suit! I love it.
Interesting details with the tie in the pants.
Indie Mom and the Reluctant Banker
His hair is so .............. gorgeously George Clooney.
Anna | http://skiddish.blogspot.com
I think this type of suit is called "a rolling three button". Hugo Boss had one simular in their collection a few year back
Someone stated that they're thrilled about pocket squares making a comeback. I'm absolutely devastated. I was sporting them when no one had a clue. Now every second dork has one 'cause they saw it in a magazine or blog. Nothing like a bunch of conformists to spoil a good thing.
I love the look of quiet confidence on his face....if i was a man in a suit i would want to look like this :)
lov the tucked in tie and no belt,,,,, simple clean its all works,,,,
Mad. Just mad. I have a slim Brooks Brothers suit a bit darker than this and a beautiful flat black military cotton tie. I might try this look. Have to get a silver tie clip though.
Madmen Japan edition
This is either a $3000 TB suit or a nicer made $10 vintage thrift store find. But he certainly looks like a smart enough dude not to waste a lot of money on something just for the label.
First off, we like this guy. Extra credit for wearing properly fitted pants. He is invited to the party... in fact, the party is for him.
Straight lines, grey, no belt, tiny clip, ...very geometric. In two words:
"Personified Bauhaus"
he ain't no mr. akamine, that guy is the be all end all
Love this tie-clip! VERY NICE look overall!
- http://21arrondissement.com
As someone with a head of grey hair, I really like seeing guys who aren't dying theirs to attempt looking younger. That's a smart look going on there, grey is good!
so Mad Men style !
His look is amazing. I dig it so much, man.
It was commented earlier that the sleeves of the jacket were too short. Maybe its more that the sleeves of the shirt are too long? Whatever the case I think the whole thing looks good.
unbelievable style, the clip and tucked tie, you certainly look twice at this guy..
That tie clip could double as a money clip in an emergency.
I have to add my praises to this one: so many little and completely quiet details. The best accessory though is exactly that it's a reflection of his personal style, even if it is all TB. If I wore that exact outfit, I'd look ridiculous - so he certainly knew that it would just work on him, and it does.
Wow! What can I say. If the hipster stole heavy-rimmed glasses from the cool, this guy just stole them back.
It is a great look. The jacket is beautifully cut, I love how the lapel rolls over the top button. The un-buttoned soft shirt collar makes the whole ensemble less stern. I think however, the only detail that needs to be improved has to do with the trousers side pockets. It would be more flattering if they weren't so low cut and they were concealed under the jacket.
I love the tie in the pants. Very cool.
Now, dont get to exited, focus on the propotions. I know it is a nice color and all that but that jacket is wayyyyy to small for him. Look at his waist, that thing can't even button up. hahaha
He is pushing it.
Love it!
Specially the cuttings on that jacket!
Very cool...very Mad Men...me lika!
I think both his tie and the clip are the right size - not the wide triangular flags passed off as ties (that accentuate the belly).
It's Thom Browne
love the fit of the suit and the subtleness of the colors but stylish at the same time :)
This is how all clothes should fit: perfectly. The glasses add a nice touch.
Villedela Goes to London
agree w/ anonymous... the whole outfit seems like it's from Thom Browne. Short suit w/ skinny tie and mini tie clip. I think GQ always features this tie clip.
He's so stylish!i love the tie clip!!
Very spiffy. I especially like the thick-framed glasses--reminds me of ones my grandfather wears.
amazing look, that tie clip just completes the look. love the grey suit too. i copied the look too, with a mik & mika short tie clip