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Comments on "On the Street....The Front Steps, NYC"
Very Chic, and loving the stoop shot. Quintessential NY moment!
~taryn xx
She's excellent. One of the best dressed, and best photos, I've seen on your blog! The townhouse architecture helps :)
I also love her oxfords. I used to wear blue black oxfords like those and was probably the middle school weirdo; wonderful how enduring fashions return to trump trend.
The shoes do it!
Lovely look. I hope those shoes are making a comeback.
Two words: Shoe Envy
Like the whole look. But the shoes?...Are boots a better alternative or has that already been done? I love that the shoes are nicely worn and that they aren't black. So in the end, I love the whole look.
Love it! Great to see she used a light brown belt instead of a black. It makes the outfit! Awesome shoes!
She looks fantastic! I like everything she is wearing, especiall the shoes - Love that ox-blood red colour. Nice photo
I thought this was a pretty average outfit until I saw the unusual shoes. Their shininess and colour make them stand out nicely
All lady on top with men's oxfords - love it! The orange pop of color in the belt is a nice contrast.
the belt makes this outfit perfect.
those shoes! Magnificent!
how I wish her belt matched them...
Love the proportions and pop of pattern on this!
see, this is REALLY inspiring to me because i have all the items in my wardrobe, at least sort of. so happy to have bought myself a pair of brogues!!great usable picture!!!
i love the brown and tan accents. i need men's shoes like that but w a wedge or thick heel. any suggestions anyone?!?! visit my blog and let me know!
lekisskiss.blogspot.com <-- two girls living in nyc and chicago blogging all things fashion!
Very nice dress. I like the kind she look. A little bit funny but also very serious. Her face is beautiful and she look like she would thinking about somethin. You are so talentfull in photographing you just catch those beautiful moments.
This is an example of a nautical-inspired summer top being transformed into a great fall essential.
I love that building - especially that door.
And I really like her skirt and shoes.
Wow gorgeous! Great shoes
Rather nice oxblood shoes
Love it! This has been my "uniform" for Fall...nothing better than a skirt with pockets!
always like a women wearing a pair of solid shoes.
So love the skirt!
Nice photo! Very French! Very Chic!
STUNNING! She's the kind of girl I'd love to be friends with.
Perfect urban look!!
Really like the shoes.
ohhhhhhh l love her shoes
must have for this season
love her jacket and
her skirt!
wonderful style!
i loooove this look and wish my legs were long enough to pull it off.
shoes and belt.nothing without them...oh, and the pockets!
shoes and belt.nothing without them...oh, and the pockets!
Great look. The striped shirt, scarf and brogues . . . all of it just works.
She's gorgeous. I really like the slim belt with full skirt. And I love the shoes!
I thought this was very French too! Absolutely stunning. And the shoes: that's an inspired choice, completely knocks out the ball park.
A mixed and atched perfection.
Love the sshoes... recently got ones for myself in grey.
And the steps... I miss NY
I've been wearing a pair of Jil Sander wingtips from years ago and everyone is stopping me lately. Have had them 10 years! Also old Robert Clergerie oxfords. Nothing better with tights. You can WALK and look great, too.
Love the pop the belt gives!
- http://21arrondissement.com
Just fabulous !
That's it: I want to be her.
The crazy thing is that i just saw her walk by me this morning, in this great outfit. I noticed the jacket, and of course, the brogues.
You have a great way of capturing so much in a picture...the architecture and mood...
Altought its the first time I leave a comment, I follow your blog many time ago. I love this blog, for me its the best. I know you´ll be in madrid next week and I excited but i dont know if i can attend because my job, but i try it. I fell so honored if you visit my blog http://sloannstreet.blogspot.com/2009/11/sartorialist-en-madrid.html
yawn. nothing about this is inventive or interesting. what's working at american apparel like?
i LOVE her look! x.
this is so NY... i have a poster of this kind of building front steps in my living room ! i love the pic !!!
very chic. perfect outfit for her!
I love this - she's splendid. The red lips, the orange belt and the aubergine Oxfords against a backdrop of neutrals result in a very smart, inspired (inspiring) and fun look.
I adore these kind of shoes. so classic and chic.
i have to agree with the statement that this is one of the best dressed shots on this blog. flawless in every way.
i adore this~!
This is so great, I love everything about it. I like the volume of the cape and skirt, and the pockets make it just that much cooler. I like the stripes to break up all of the solid color, and the pop of color with the red belt is just perfect. I even like that flat shoes!
oh gosh, i love this look! i don't know what else to say... :)
Perfection...every piece works off of each other!!!
love the play on black and brown—not sure why people are so afraid to do this! it looks very sophisticated.
Great classics, very well put together! It's a "Carrie Bradshaw"-scenery. I LIKE!
ooohh, I want that shoes too but here in Milan (italy) its quite hard to find them. any suggestion? :)
Adorable. Without any ostentation. Really enjoying this look.
Is this an ex model named Emma something?
LOVE the shoes!! PLEASE who makes them??
This is one of my favorite picture! I love everything: the high skirt, the stripes, the shoes and the belt! The belt definitely makes this outfit. The brown color pops out and lightens the whole thing.
And the shoes.. I have the same in black. Love them!
My goodness
J'adore!!! the shoes are perfect!!
I love that she paired that coat with oxfords. Beautiful.
There is something very George Sand about this woman. Yes, she looks both chic and pendantic.
love the peek-a-boo brown belt!
Wow, this one brought back a wave of nostalgia for my days in New York...hanging out on the stoop was one of my favorite things to do in that city.
i think i'm going to wear my brown wingtips with some tights and a skirt very soon.
Stunning. I adore the shoes -- I have been looking everywhere for such nice oxfords, and she has them -- thief! And I love the skirt as well.
Lovely outfit. I really like the skirt and the touch of brown with the belt.
something i have always wondered.. how do people tie their scarf/shawl like that?? i tried to do it but couldn't. =(
- sin
There is something classic about the railing along the steps of a NYC brownstone. She looks relaxed and those shoes are simple but i have always loved a deep burgundy leather.
oh. it's perfect. love those shoes, brown + black. so balanced.
I'm looking for just right oxfords as well -- I know n.d.c does a pair, but I can't seem to find any in brown this year.
Absolut perfection
Thanks Scott !!!
she's rocking the shoes
But the doorway! If I were her, I could stand there for the rest of my life. :)
Oxford shoes are hot right now, I got a pair recently!
Her shoes are fantastic!
So simple, so smart. God, I love New York.
this is great. anyone who says (and it's been said) that a woman can't be sexy or chic in flat shoes is just plain wrong.
I love this. I had an outfit just like that in 1982. And I will whip up something similar from my closet and wear it tomorrow when I go to Tafelmusik
Guud bye high clumpy heels, I won´t miss you!
Wow. She's the ultimate preppy. She's made me need to re-read Franny & Zooey.
this is great. for so many reasons.
#1: belt color
#2: pockets in the skirt!
#3: i think she is an expert scarf-draper. i can never get that look.
#4: yay for laced flats.
but most of all... the stripey shirt. it's a great contrast to all of the solid colors, without neutralizing the pop of the colored belt.
omg! totally inspired. I love this pic. :) Thanks so much for always posting such beautiful style for us to admire.
Love that she could have gone another route but instead chose the understated oxfords. makes the look more interesting.
Beautiful shoes! I am buying myself some brogues now... that's made up my mind for me...
love that so much. very simply, but very cute too.
That steps/building look like the one next to the builing where Carrie's appartment was filmed during Sex and the City!
I really like this shot. From her oxford shoes, the crossing of her legs, the belt, and striped shirt. A french look on Brooklyn brownstone steps---fantastic.
Ooo la la, she is so french! Love it!
Chic, pretty and classic.
I love her dark ensemble and the brown brogues!
That belt, those oxfords, those stripes... a lovely french moment in NYC.
Surprising oxblood and tan coordinate with the brownstone. The striped blouse lends an air of vulnerability absent from black ensembles worn by blonde women. Well done to both of you.
I bought a similar dress for my daughter. Did not think of the dark stockings. Got to find one!
i love this entire outfit. especially the skirt with the belt, and those amazing shoes!
There is something about the outfit-simple clothes but looking very stylish
The shoes are brilliant.
the brown shoes! tell me she is a very intelligent person.
i love the subtle look that made me guess... is she a lawer?
...just take my hat off to her
dressing sense.
very sophisticated, lovethe belt
Too cool!!!
This is great. Some of the stuff I see here is cute but I would not be able to pull it off, but this I feel is very chic AND wearable.
So great, like this menish shoes. Waited so long, where had you been...
I love the shoes. And the striped tee. And the jacket. To be honest, I love everything about this photo.
Fantastic and achievable style. Shop your wardrobe and you can pull something like this together without having to be a designer junkie. I love her.
oh, that look is so french-chic. i love how she slung the jacket over her shoulder and added the red belt as an accent to her overall clothing.
a casual romantic look wich i adore
I really love this outfit!!!!! She looks so beautiful!!! Love it!!!