On the Street....Rodeo Style, Las Vegas

My answer is almost always cowboy boots. I don't know why, I just never see them done in a cool way (and maybe I saw them done in too many bad ways when I was growing up in Indiana).
However, in those same interviews I also say that what I am always looking for is something done in a way I haven't seen before, i.e. a color combo, pattern mix.
So, this weekend while I was in Vegas to celebrate my Mom's birthday (Happy Birthday Mom!!) a rodeo broke out.
My sister, who is a part-time cowgirl, pointed out the cowboy boots on one of the bull riders. He was wearing typical boots, but he had wrapped the ankles with a leather strap so they would stay on while he was riding the bull.
Well, that opened the floodgates. Everywhere I looked I saw such cool cowboy style. Notice the guy below with his pressed and creased jeans. My sister pointed out that if he was from Texas his shirt would have been more starched.
For the next three hours Garance and I filled card after card with cowboy cool.
In those same recent interviews I mentioned that in the next year I want to add more "national costume" photos from exotic locations like Peru or India. What I realized while I was shooting is that "The Cowboy" would have to be one of America's most important national costumes.
Bruce Weber has always championed the idea of backyard photography, and this is my first attempt at sharing an even wider world of style with you.

Comments on "On the Street....Rodeo Style, Las Vegas"
first?! :P
cowboys are hot!
Us Southern folk like to look nice too. :)
goodbye milan, hello great american style. glad to see the travel west.
Well, that's cool. True cowboy style is impressive. Just when you're convinced that American style is sweats and a tee-shirt, you see these guys, who are always dressed impeccably. I love the starched shirt. A friend of mine, who is a rodeo addict, tells me that a cowboy in Texas can ride all day in a white pressed shirt, and at the end of the day he can just snap the dirt off and the shirt looks perfectly fresh.
I give cowboys a lot of credit for turning practical considerations into unique style - they wear what they wear for a reason, but have distinct and very personal style.
It's so easy to overlook something you think you've seen so many times before and suddenly it just looks fresh and new - that is - I guess - 'fashion'!
I live in Tennessee and see cowboy boots often but I have never seen them done this way. It's unintentional style that serves a purpose.
Thank you for showing well-done cowboy style! I am from Texas, so I have seen some of the best (and the worst). It really can be done so well. My grandfather had his "dress boots" that he wore with his suit to fancy occasions. He was never dressed up without his beautiful boots, polished to perfection.
Good god those boots look cool. And bravo for your continually roving eye: national costumes! Can't wait.
My mother made me wear cowboy boots to school when I was 10, it was humiliating. We lived in CA in the 50's and I had to walk a mile to school and home. She would save money on shoes that way. For the last 50 years I have never been without a pair, even in Beverly Hills.
very interesting idea, looking forward to your explorations!
Just have to say, so cool that your sister is a part-time cowgirl!
Love it. I am totally surprised that you don't know the ins and outs of cowboy style! I am not partial to it but here in the West (OR) it is hard to avoid and I love observing the idiosyncratic details like boot style, hat wearing, jean pressing (wranglers are what real cowboys wear) and especially the belts and buckles.
For these guys none of it is about fashion...it's all about your own style.
looks great, country has always been en vogue.
it's amazing how huge the bluegrass and country scene still thrives in NYC (particularly the East Side), whether it be by way of transplants or a refreshing counter-culture to the current counter-culture.
YOU MUST have missed out on Dallas girls rocking out the cowboy boots, bc most dallas girls pull them off quite well...you can usually catch us at a football game with a sundress and boots in the fall!
lekisskiss.blogspot.com <-- two girls living in nyc and chicago blogging all things fashion!
While I am glad that you don't shoot every misguided lass in cowboy boots and a miniskirt- I think there are many ways to wear cowboy boots in a forward urban context.
I love both yours and GD's cowboy pics! In Houston we have the biggest rodeo in the world every March- I love going to the Black Heritage Night- and Go Tejano night- the style and variety of Black and Hispanic cowboys is incredible!
Love it.
I just want to tell you that I GREATLY appreciate your "non-snobby" approach to fashion. You look at fashion with a purity that goes beyond labels. THANK YOU! Really. It's inspiring and beautiful.
(love your book btw!)
Cool post. If you haven't you should check out this blog that I follow, you should. This woman is a real life rancher's wife and takes some really cool shots...
Having grown up in Colorado and spent many summers in Texas with relatives, I've seen lots of cowboy style -- there's bad and then there's great! The West has its own fashion sense, its well worth exploring...
My dad went to college in Southern CA (San Luis Obispo) and fell in love with the Rodeo and country music. Ever since his college days he has loved sporting a cowboy hat here and there. He even bought my sister and me our own hats when we were little. When I got older, I lost my love for the look (except for the cowboy boots, which went in and out of fashion)and for country music.
What I love about these pics is that the look is not a "style" for these guys. It's just what they wear. And when you just "wear what you wear", you always wear it well.
Function as fashion.
Cowboys are really some of the best dressers I've ever known. A lot are very obsessive down to the very last little details, like matching boots to belts, observing the seasons for straw vs. felt hat wearing and lets not get started about the copious amounts of starch!
I like cowboys...
mm.. ok I give up. In movies I agree.
The photographs look good.
Interesting you mention Bruce Weber, I saw him shooting pics of the cowboys at a rodeo in Davie, Fl, near where he has a house. I am waiting to see which ones will make it to print, but in the mean time I whipped out my little camera and took some pics of Mr. Webers for my personal collection. Jorge from WPB
cowboys yummu!!
I love it! What about surfer style, skier style, sailor style, equestrian style—all great American icons to discover and reinvent. I'm sensing a cross-country trip for you and Mlle. Dore. What fun would THAT be?
I love that you are shooting cowboys. I was a barrel racer and horse trainer throughout high school and though I live in Los Angeles now and only ride occasionally, I have grown to appreciate the authentic and natural style that exists in the rodeo world. Their style comes organically from clothes that need to function a certain way as well as a strong sense of identity and connection with a lifestyle. I think you are right to note that it is in many ways a uniquely American way to dress, and it deserves appreciation and your artist eye.
Though I now live in NY, I have deep roots in TX. While I'm not a cowboy, I do know the ins and outs of the look. It is very much it's own, very intricate world. Its a world that deserves exploration.
A lot of men in NY and other places wear cowboy boots in unexpected ways. They look great with suits. I always make sure I have two or three pairs of trousers cut long enough to take boots. One of my tuxes is tailored for boots. With a tux, I always add my black Stetson.
I often wear my kilt (family tartan) to black tie events, situation permitting. I've been known to wear my boots and Stetson with the kilt and tux jacket/shirt/tie on a couple of occasions. (Very creative black tie parties. Not a look recommended for the general public. It was all in fun.)
The point is - there are a lot of options. Don't limit yourself to the rodeo, though it is a great place to start. Keep your eyes open when you get back to NY.
i dig it (as i sit here at my desk wearing cowboy boots). looking forward to what's to come.
Love these pictures!
please keep on sharing an even wider world of style like this with us!
Now that's a COWBOY!!! Wow wow wow!!! YAW HOO!!! Ride 'em cowboy!
It's a tourist trap but there are still quite a few authentic cowboys strolling around Downtown Ft. Worth....mixed in with the motorcycle "gangs".
Yes, don't shortchange cowboys or boots as fashion statements. Do some research into the making of a fancy pair of custom cowboy boots and you will be amazed at the skill, hours and workmanship put into making a pair.
I really wouldn't consider this look a good example of the style. It's actually sort of plain (and more a uniform). I live in rural Midwest see a more honest look.
Oh you have made my day with thoughts of you and Garance coming to PERU! I am currently here, in my native country, and I take in both your blogs every day! I love your photographs and I truly hope you make it down here one day, I am positive you will find so much inspiration here.
I really like the leather strap, something to be copied!!
And I agree,cowboys are hot!
This is so interesting. I also loved Garance's enthusiastic post on the topic. Your shots usually depict the urban jungle, which has its own rules, and, as your blog so wonderfully demonstrates, city dwellers have more in common with urbanites in a foreign country than they do with other cultural groups at home. Which is how those groups remain distinct, after all. Each group has its rules, and they are like jazz or modern art--to the untrained observer it may seem like chaos or like anything goes, but it is all calculated. Here you are showing another medium, another world that abides by its own rules, which we can appreciate for being well-executed even if we don't want to get into that world ourselves.
Wow. absolutely love this. I believe you have officially broadened the perspective of what the 'World of Fashion' really is
Am In great anticipation of your Peruvian trip...Especially as i grew up there.The Alpaca and Llama wool textiles are wonderful !
@ fashionbook-the.blogspot.com
if you want to see truly stylish cowboys, come to northern nevada. this is how it is and always has been: http://www.adamjahiel.com/LastCowboy_gall6.html.
never say never. cowboy boots are comfortable, practical and durable. maybe it's just that the bad styling is obvious, while the worthwhile use is more subtle.
I just bought a pair of cowboy boots and I am in love. I am excited for whats next!
Cowboy attire is great for cowboys, but not so hot for most of the rest of us. As for boots, women can rock cowboy boots anytime and anyplace. For men, cowboy boots are cool only when worn by a cowboy. City-dwelling guys should not even venture near that look unless they live in Houston, Tulsa or a couple other similar locales, where buckaroo footwear passes as fashion. In NYC, it looks comical, especially when paired with a $3500 Neapolitan suit.
Cool feature. U have to admit though, cowboys always seem to look real sharp and always catch you eye!
No Scott, no cowboy boots, or matching jean to jean ensemble. Just say no. I'm not being ignorant, but I just think they do not look good, ever, really.
Thanks for this. Cowboy Style is
appreciated more outside the USA
than in,but in Las Vegas during
PBR World Finals week it is on display big time! Italian and French
Vogue have both been there.
There's a lot to be said about the honesty of a tough boot. I spent summers working on a tree crew, and our footwear was functional and rugged. Lug soles and uppers that reached mid-calf.
Cowboy boots always made me jealous. They were lighter and more at ease with the work they did. They had form and function, and no matter how tattered, they had a style that no logger boot ever matched.
You can tell a lot about a trade by its footwear. Even now, no matter who I meet, where ever I meet them, I look at their shoes, and how they wear them.
i heart cowboys...
oh god how i LOVE your blog.
love the first pics
Aw man, you MUST pick up Steve McCurry's book if you are interested in exotic national costumes. His sitters outfits are AMAZING and pop right off the page.
a rodeo just broke out...in the parking lot??? Just roving cowboys and wild bulls looking for a party.. you are too funny
How about it was the once a year PBR Finals in Vegas
Well i better press the wranglers and dig out the boots if I'm going to "cowboy up"
I love cowgirl/cowboy stuff. I did a post wearing my cowboy boots that was quite scenic and reminds me of these photos. So gorgeous!
Just last week I was on the Backyard Chicken Forum lookng for advice on work boots since I need a new pair for coop and yard work. Got all kinds of sage advice on great boots made for ourdoor work: Redwing, Muck, Ariat. All authentic, good looking, well made and all American.
Anon at 3:38
I must respectfully disagree. I see well-polished boots worn with well-cut suits all the time - and I live in NYC.
It all comes down to the boots, the man wearing them, and the situation. (As a man, I can only speak from a man's perspective.)
It is incorrect to assume that boots are always considered acceptable in cities like Houston. Contrary to stereotype, not all men in TX and OK wear cowboy boots. Many men wouldn't be caught dead in them.
As with anything, not every man is suited to boots. Not every situation is suited to them. When they work, they work, regardless of where you happen to be.
For the record, I do own one Kiton suit, tailored for boots. I've never gotten so much as a giggle.
For non-cowboys, in or out of the city, they're just boots. If you want or need to wear boots, (and you're wearing them under your pant leg) all you see is the foot and maybe the ankle anyway--not the "cowboy" aspects. Everyone was so excited about the Frye Harness boots in previous posts, as well as other heavy, work inspired styles. So why are they down on cowboy boots?
I think these two are great. And an important part of American culture or the idea of what America is. There are a lot of interesting takes on the cowboy look.
As someone who still has 5 pairs of American cowboy boots stashed in a cupboard gathering dust and who briefly delved in the urban cowboy mythology during the '80s I am glad to confirm that this absurdity in man's apparel is well and truly buried - in my neck of the woods at least.
The boots do to a man's figure the same as the absurdly heeled women's stilts of recent appreciation - that is, they make a person look as though he were carrying his arse on his shoulders.
You can't run in them, you can't fight in them, you can't dance in them (bwahahaha line dancing?) they maul your feet, they throw your spine out of whack. In fact, the only thing they're good for is to protect your shins against snake bites - that's it. But let's be clear, when was the last time any of you were in the wild let alone saw a snake? The zoo doesn't count.
Fantastic! All-American, South American, Australian or Spanish, cowboy style is THE coolest, sexiest, and most authentic style. More, please... more of the real thing, from all over the world.
Connor mentioned Adam Jaheil. Someday I will own an original!
I really appreciate the pictures and commentary on rodeo cowboys. Much of my family is involved in that lifestyle - rodeo, riding, farming. This is why I still have a hard time with the wannabes with too-short, too shredded jeans.
If you get a chance, check out the cult of spur styles. My daughter must a dozen pairs. She was a horse trainer for several years. But she still gets enthusiastic when she sees a store with cool spurs on display.
i know exactly what you write.. cowboy style never apealed much.. but one look at Garance's post and it is Love! about time to listen to Anna Sui and D&G..
"You can't run in them, you can't fight in them, you can't dance in them (bwahahaha line dancing?) they maul your feet, they throw your spine out of whack."
Then you weren't wearing real boots. Real ones that fit properly are more comfortable than you would think. I have major spine issues and I have never had trouble when I wear my boots. I usually have a traditional riding heel which keeps your foot in a better alignment. Better for spinning across the dance floor too.
I even put mine on at my wedding after my fancy wedding shoes got kicked off mid-ceremony.
But then again I'm an old chicken farmin' Okie that now lives in Texas so I can get away with it.
Hmm, like the first pic, really cool. The second,nope. I live in AZ and have some boots but wear them only when (gasp) riding. Also, I had no idea Oregon considered itself the West.
Awesome! Great to see some American classics. The south has so much to offer.
I love those cowboy boots!
There are always exceptions to the rule of things we dislike though - the way a certain person wears them or customises them can change your opinion completely. That's one of the things I love about fashion.
Quite often your photos do that for me.
It's the "action" in the shots that really make them speak. Lots of raw angles and interesting negative space. Done in an instinctive, natural way. This stuff really works, IMO better than the more "staged" shots where the person is hyper-aware of being photographed.
I've always liked how cowboys have a such hard, dirty job but tend to be tidy, often stylish, dressers. Love it!
Please let me know when you come to Peru. I will be more than happy to help you in any way here!
I´ve been like crazy for cowboy style for months now; although i´ve never been to a rodeo. My fever started reading literature: stories by Annie Proulx and Cormac McCarthy.
I´d love see more of your point of view on this icons!. Paula, from Buenos Aires.
Cool I wondered why you didn't photo any of the cool 'traditional' african, asian, costume in london.
O.M.g LOVE cowboys. I'm from up north Cali and them boys are everywhere. Would love to see more shots like this...
Since moving out of Texas I miss seeing cowboy fashion - from the dirty cowboys to the wealthy oilmen to the hip kids making it their own. Thank you for sharing these.
Please, no. How about real American style - that is, Native American style?
little kids that are dressed so impeccably is really a bummer sometimes. to me style is about an accident almost. like it wasn`t meant to be really but it works. this is too contrived!!!
You know, Sartorialist, I've always thought of you as a Man Who Gets Around. Now I have to say you need to get out more. (c: Really. And those cowboys weren't wearing costumes. Those were working men, in the required uniform.
I wear spurs, too, so I'm not seeing this image from a fashion sense so much as from a utilitarian sense - which is presumably also how the rider is seeing them.
But I've never fixed my spurs at an angle where they would always, constantly, gouge at the sides of the animal.
There's "style" and there's "nasty." This is absolute "nasty."
if you more-than-glance, you'll see the white crease bisecting his jeans. . . it's a beautiful, beautiful thing.
and nothing - nothing - beats pearl snaps.
beautiful pictures. someone commented in an earlier post about your approach to photography versus Garace's. I have to agree. Same subject, different takes. The two of you in tandem are a treat.
But Scott, please please dont call it a national costume - whether in Peru, India or the US/Las Vegas. Costumes are what people wear when they are being silly, throwing a party, to dress as someone else, or to dress as the hidden them.
when I wear a sari in India it is not a costume.
You are Garance are so cute! I love both of your photos!
- http://21arrondissement.com
Nice framing! And I love it that i have learned a new word in english: starched. and I love cowboy boots. :D
i was in vegas this past weekend. oh my god i think it was the worst dressed place on the planet. what is with the super over printed tshirts and over embellished boot cut jeans, on guys.
wow what an amazing place. wish i had see you sart.
I'm a longtime fan of your blog. As a documentary filmmaker, I'm interested in documenting real people's lives. And that's what draws me to your blog; beautiful, real people, shot in beautiful, real ways.
And I love it when my love of fashion and film unite, as they have here in your recent post on rodeo. You see, I've been working on a documentary film about these captivating and fearless rodeo kids. They are absolutely jaw dropping in their rodeo gear, mini American icons, cowboys and gals with all the grit and grace of their adult counterparts, and then some. The film's called Jr. Bull. Check it out: www.jr-bull.com
It such a different setting, but its a great photo. He looks good as well hahaha.
LoVe those cowboy photos although how strange to haVe that crease down the jeans--way too civilized for such raw liVing!
Scott, you'll have to come to Australia now for some great country style photos. (Cowboys are called stockmen, or jackaroos and jillaroos--the female form--here.) Yes, it is so true there is such a distinct and unique style of dressing when work is the reason for an outfit and lifestyle.
We here have a styling that's uniquely Aussie. Our boots, hats and jeans, moleskins and shirts are similar but different enough to make for a unique look.
The styles worn by working country folk Vary up and down both the coastline/inland/state to state and between farming types ie graziers, stockmen, shearers etc. It's great seeing how practical items become fashion and style to those subgroups.
Then there's also the wildlife workers/environmentalists/bushies that have their own unique style as well. A trip to some alternative lifestyle "hippy" towns like Nimbin brings out wonderful styles that push ones boundaries. Very interesting even to an Aussie, but I know the rest of the world will be fascinated too.
It seems the sky's the limit here!
i really like the reach across the fashion spectrum. B-boys and then old school cholos y cholas next?
the cowboy waiting in the stall with his starched and hard-pressed blue jeans, dusty roper boots and all. him in the midst of the city slickers really makes me feel silly about wearing blue jeans. he wears them to work in with live-stock. I wear mine to make my tushie look cushy.
good start :
american paraphernalia !!
I agree that it's difficultto pull the boots off- once in a while I see someone, then I think I have to try myself- and then I look into the mirror and cry and leave the place without boots.
Thanks for showing how it works- nothing like a REAL cowboy or -girl
I am really curious about your national custome photos. It is very hard to find people with the ability to combine nationality with contemporary style (perhaps Amir Toos?). But I am sure, if such people are existing, you will find them.
I love this new direction. The fashion world is quite narrow, after all, and a few of the men a bit "twee."
Sander would have approved. He found elegance in real people.
Please post more photographs! I grew up in the western horse show scene and the rules of etiquette with dress are so incredibly fascinating! I'm so excited by this prospect, so I'm going to sit here with my fingers cross that you'll post more pictures. I think it is great to show that cultures and areas in America have a unique style to them including their own designers and trends, this is incredibly refreshing!
Great post Scott....leave no Sartorial stone unturned!
I am truely impressed that you included some western contributions. My grandfather has only worn western suits his entire life with "dress boots" and a great scarf tie. His favorite belt buckle is sterling silver with his cattle brand on it. A unique style, but authentic for sure.
Thank you for featuring something different! Here's to stepping outside the box!
Thank goodness all of the guys in suits were getting confusing to look at. I'm glad to see something different it's refreshing.
This is a refreshment for the eyes and another feather in your cap. Keep pushing those boundaries...
WOW!! While I do love Parisian eye candy:) These shots are amazing! I will agree with the others..refeshing!
You might enjoy looking at some of the pictures of the greatest cowboy photographer that ever shot a frame: Louise Serpa.
Tucking just the inside of the jeans leg into the boot is something I'm seeing a lot of. The leather wraps are great.
I'd love to see you shoot people in Peru and India; I'm sure those photos will be gorgeous. It would be awesome, though, if you could refrain in future from calling those countries or their peoples 'exotic.' Thanks!
Thank you, thank you for this. I will for ever be in love with cowboy boots and that old western feel in general...these Vegas shots may be my favorites thus far and I love your idea of culturally specific shots...it's a great way to draw inspiration from.
LOVE those first boots! If you do national costumes I recommend the norwegian "Bunad".
Please come to Perú to shoot. That would be amazing.
Much love from down south xx
You REALLY need to shoot at a folk festival in Eastern Europe, especially in Slovakia. I would recommend Detva as the best location in the summer. The kroje (folk costumes) that Slovaks wear are amazing in their details. The embroidery that is done is mind blowing and everything is hand made. Your photography style would capture their details perfectly!
Hot!! Thanks for highlighting this wonderful part of American culture. You and Garance should go to the Cody, WY rodeo on the 4th of July-- you won't regret it. Also consider Houston, TX, which has one of the biggest rodeos in the country.
i left this comment in the other rodeo section, but wanted to put it here as well because i think you and your readers will enjoy these cowboy pictures! http://joshmcney.com/projects/cowboys.html
This is so proverbial American, and so very HOT.
oh the wonders of stiff starch and a hot iron.......
it would be more than wow if you really came to Peru, I am pretty sure that you would love the landscapes and culture you would see here. they are just "out of this world" for real.
It's great to see a real cowboy! He looks just like my grandpa did, back when he was a cowhand in WY in the 60s... such a classic style.
Starch is a must, one time I walked into the bathroom to find my daddy's pants standing up by themselves! Yup a true Texan starches them till they wear you!
This is so proverbial American, and so very HOT.