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Comments on "On the Street....Hudson St., NYC"
coldddd :( here we go again....
Most Fabulous Shoes! Always Love Grey! ;) What Designer?
Oh, this is a cool photo. Looks so accidental, not staged. With all these fashionable detailes - still, naturally beautiful. I mean, the clothes look like clothes, something you actually wear. Even the shoes.
GREAT SHOT, but I haven't seen a bad one from you. I'm loving the heels and the colors of winter/fall with the splash of color with the red bag.
oh give me those shoes!
Really nice pics !
your light is always amazing
She's got great legs, and hot/very high shoes. But otherwise i don't get any sense that this is exceptionally interesting fashion.
Love those shoes!
Amanda Brooks! I loved her book: I love your style.
As always, an amazing photo. Love her mix of grays and greens with the pop of color on the red bag. Amazing.
love her shoes !
An intense stare. And the ubiquitous parka, worn in a fresh way.
Shoes are incredible!
Enter my fashion giveaway: http://www.friendinfashion.blogspot.com
va va voom
Amanda Brooks?!
Outfit is ok but the legs OMG!
why is it that those of us who have actually worn uniforms don't see the charm? same with work clothes, all the dandy's wearing work boots to desk jobs. maybe the carpenters will start wearing gucci loafers to job sites. i remember the seventies in san francisco, the guys dressed like janitors were hair stylists and the guys with frilly shirts were football players. who'd a thunk it?
I love that look. Floathy skirts and parka, mix it up with some heels. LOVE!
I love the shoes. I don't see how this outfit is innovative, interesting or fashionable, though. I wouldn't look twice if I passed her on the street.
I love that look! Floathy skirt, fab heels and a parka. L.O.V.E.
LOVE the shoes. they make the outfit .
Loves it! The shoes are fab. The picture looks so real.
love the dress and the shoes but I don't really go for the jacket. also, I could do with some tights :) but that's because I'm obsessed with tights.
great grea great shoes....just questioning that bag. i would have liked something a little more cohesive.... but call me boring :)
she has such pretty eyes and facial expression
whoa, this is fantastic... who makes her jacket??
OK, guess I'm alone on this one, but...
I don't get it.
At all.
Woow she is really beautiful!!
according to me, she is what a woman should be.
The shoes and the bag are awesome. Especially those shoes. Love those shoes.
On another related note, I remember reading in your book that you get inspired by pieces of a look and only so often, the whole look. Some people who comment on your blog get a bit up in arms about why you've posted something -claiming that it lacks innovation, etc. But these people that you shoot. . . aren't they just going about their day (and in this case, seeking some refuge from the rain) without knowing that they are dressing to inspire anyone but themselves? Big deal if the whole outfit isn't innovative. If the critique is being levelled at you for choosing this person to photograph, I must say that the person(s) doing the criticizing is(are) missing the point. Look at the parts of the outfit for inspiration. If you love the whole look - great. But usually, many of the parts that go into the look are awesome in and of themselves.
The shoes are fabulous - the parka not so much. But how she wears it - amazing!
I love the instantaneous feeling of this picture. It seems like she just threw on the parka as it started raining and the outfit still manages to work. Effortless.
love the shoes!
Great getaway sticks!
The legs, the shoes, the bag and the jacket. all very wicked!! oh and I can't forget her red hair. Beautiful pic
great shoes! the rest of the outfit looks really comfy and practical. i like seeing an outfit dressed up with heels, but dressed down with a casual jacket.
so elegant! and the shot is great!
I love the way she combines so many different clothes. Sport vs. posh. GREAT!
Great purse. Beautiful girl.
But the shoes make the picture look contrived. No one wears what looks like suede stilettos on the streets of Soho. In the rain.
Maybe she just got out of a taxi and is going into a restaurant. Otherwise it's a fantasy.
I must know who makes the shoes, or something similiar. I like how she's wearing open toed shoes with a bulky military esque coat. If I had those heels, I wouldn't take them off, either. She looks real. I feel I would be comfortable meeting her.
WANT her legs! And her shoes!
the jacket looks very versatile.
Effortless chic combined with practicality - love it!
Aleutie has got it. This appears to be an unposed shot of someone who is not a model coping with NYC weather. If this is a posed model, this really is a great shot with a model emoting concern about something unseen. Very, very NYC.
she's wearing a ZARA parka.
looks great on her!
Great shoes, but that military jacket makes her look like a fashion-trend victim.
sexy and adorable in one. i like how the bubble hem corresponds with her cinched parka.
This photo is a true example of why I love where fashion is going now a days...I live for the creative owning how you choose to look instead of your not in if you don't look a certain way! How boring would this world be if we all looked a like...I may not be the right judge but I choose to take individual items and run with them. She is dressed very cohesive to me.
I like all the pieces, just not together. The parka is too casual--the bag does nothing for the subtle coloration of the shoes and dress. & she's already too old to wear her legs bare in the winter. BUT your shot is fabulous
I adore those shoes. Classic. By the way. I love all things Zara too.
I'm reading her book now and I love it. Looks like maybe she wasn't expecting the rain? The red toes and the red bag coordinate nicely.
amanda cutter = gorgeous and always looking great.
the shoes!!!!
she could have so easily put on some boots but these heels are so much better!
Such a gorgeous shot! The motion, the jacket, those gorgeous shoes... Love it all!
"Joy Mars said...
Great purse. Beautiful girl.
But the shoes make the picture look contrived. No one wears what looks like suede stilettos on the streets of Soho. In the rain.
Maybe she just got out of a taxi and is going into a restaurant. Otherwise it's a fantasy."
if you knew her, you would know that she does.
those shoes with that parka, perfect. i like all the contrasts happening here...
i have that jacket, it's from zara :)
Great heels! Looks amazing!
- http://21arrondissement.com/
I'm amazed she is walking so stably despite those stilettos and the wet ground.
I LOVE her legs, but...someone get the girl some tights. It's too cold!
Lower the skirt hem by 2 inches, keep the shoes, and buy a dress coat. Word.
great look!
The dress is good for the season and elegant so interesting with this kind of jacket more casual. Good mixing with powerful red bag and trendy with gray shoes.
"too old to wear her legs bare"
are you kidding me?
she is vibrant. and goddamn, look at those bare legs! nothing short of sexy.
and so what if an 80 something anyone wants to walk around with their "legs bare"
what is it with these age limits? age with grace and pleasure.
it's so classy the way she wants to be perfect even if the weather is evil.
and what legs !
great shoes! love the colours
.... who would not die to look like this?
I love everything ! The parka on the little dress and the stunning shoes !
I want to look like that the next rainy day !
Beautiful shot !
I've always loved that combat jacket over a dress look.
I have never seen a woman so chic when wearing a poncho. The shoes are gorgeous and I love her expression.
anonymous 8:37
too old yo wear her legs bare in winter.............what!?
shoe's are from Roger Vivier called Sport Chic's
Why is the reaction mostly obsessed with the shoes? It's the fatigue jacket that makes this. I love its incongruity w/ the dressiness of the rest of the outfit and contrast to the red purse.
Pierre Hardy shoes?
The photo is just great.....please...does anyone know where the shoes are from? They are fabulous......color perfect.
good job on pairing the neutrals with striking red for boldness... lovely heels! she had successfully made the hoodie looks chic :D
I love her zara parka. I own one exactly the same myself, too. i just feel that she should wear it in a bigger size.
Is it just me, or do shoes like that annoy any other women? Honestly, I know they have a certain appeal, but they are incapacitating. My feet hurt just looking at them. I love fashion, but not at the expense of being able to walk lively if need be.
She is beautiful. And would not be less so with a slightly different shoe choice.
Super cute colors and textures!!! I love dresses with a flirty and modern look but still wearable..Sachika.com has dresses just like these..everyone should check em out
those shoes are so sexy!!! in these tough times, we all need a bit of "retail therapy" to take our mind off of it. Find out what the 5 must have things are to make you feel sexy at ANY budget- http://imeanwhat.com/uncategorized/a-dose-of-retail-therapy-a-mini-image-revamp
love her shoes
just amazing, effortless class...
These shoes are perfection! The casual parka accentuates the femininity of the outfit even more. Great shot!
those shoes are heaven. love bare legs with big coat on.
Looking at this makes my feet cold.
love the color
Great shot! Love the hoodie.
It,s strange,if you look at the top you can infer she is a woman that seeks for confortable look,but if you stare at her shoes you can really see she is a very fashionable woman...what a pair of shoes!!!!
Want, want, WANT that bag!! Where is it from?
Oh, so she's a professional fashionista. That explains this unusual photo.
She looks worried that it is about to pour rain and she hasn't dressed appropriately.
the shoes, the shoooooeeeessssss
the shoes, the shoooooeeeessssss
Funny how you see this as great style in defiance of cold rain. I see it and think, Tsk tsk she needs warmer clothes! The rain will ruin her shoes!
love love love
Amanda Brooks! Looks good. Not usually a fan but this is a charming picture that makes her seem approachable.
I just can't help myself, sorry...
I love your style, Amanda!
There is just no way to say that she doesn't know what she is doing with that red bag. Instead of a color story, she's a pocket, zipper, snap, and buckle story.
I love the jacket! It's so unconscious of itself.
parka rocks.
Amanda Brooks or Amanda Cutter--either way, it is lovely to see a more human expression rather than that usual rigid smile--makes her even more beautiful, whoever she actually is!
this is it!
that coat is awesome
Why do women who can't wear heels criticize women who do? These shoes are gorgeous and if they are comfortable for her, more power to her. I've had women tell me I'm lying when I say my high heels are comfortable... could it just be that our feet our different?
All-in-the-silhouette: It's just you. These shoes do not annoy me in the slightest. "Comfort shoes" that are heinous to look at annoy me.
I must get a red bag! Love it
I love her electric blue eyes and the sexiness of the shoe.
Aahhh I almost bought this jacket...it's from Zara it's so nice
Funny I recognized this person as I just bought her book. It's really good by the way. Tons better than Rachel Zoe and Nina Garcia's style bibles imo.
Aha she just reminded me of the Little Red Riding Hood
The shoes are ROGER VIVIER!!! Available now at the Madison avenue store and at the 'soon to open' BAL HARBOUR location (opening NOV.12TH09 - Phone: 305.8684344).
Red hair, red bag, red... toenails. Gorgeous.
the green parka is from ZARA!!
LOVE her shoes.....
Grey and green are such a beautiful combination