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Comments on "On the Street....All the Young Cowgirls, Las Vegas"
Look so pretty!!!
Those buckles look like medals or awards . . .
so cute!
Thanks for sharing the style within the rodeo community. I would say great style manifests itself in all matters of recreational and professional pursuits. Think golf course or ski hill.
From my time in road cycling, looking good was a big part of the experience. No different from an urban setting.
those belt buckles ARE medals and awards :) go girls!
that's because they are awards! and you can't wear a buckle you didn't win...strict cowboy code.
so sweet!
Loving this taste of Americana! Very nice, Scott!
- http://21arrondissement.com
aah!!! super smile
I like it
The dress looks good fit and nicely crafted.
Love the belts!
Rodeo = good, clean (well, sort of) fun for young people. Can't beat that! Great photos.
Love this, I was in colorado, new mexico, arizona and Utah in the summer, and everybody was dressed like this, its amazing, we felt so out of place though, we went to a rodeo, and it was tough enough to wear pink, so everybody was in cowboys boots, jeans, hate, pink shirts, and belt, and I was in a shirt dress and glads, i felt rather english, haha.
I love how varied your posts are, looking forward to seeing where the blog takes you next!
I would love to see an uptown use that belt with some high end pieces. Could be really fun!
If you are a real cowboy, you don't dare buy a belt buckle! You've got to win them.
Love the belts!
Love these cow...people?....photos.
Very cool, casual, rustic (can you use that word for style?).....
Keep 'em comin!
it is refreshing to see such BIG BEAUTIFUL SMILES!!
A great piece of Americana work. Also, these girls look so comfortable in their skin, like true fashionistas!
Those smiles!! :D Outshine their belt buckles. :3
(hmm, hope that doesn't sound derogatory... >>;; )
Oh, and another thing... I love details on right hand girl's shirt. That over the the fine-weave plaid... It's rather classy! :3
I love cowgirls. I did a cowgirl them on a blog post a few posts back. These photos are great! xoxo
i love at the details on the shirts!
the belts are amazing... buckles too; and lov elove love the shirt of the girl on the left; it's amazing
So straightforward, so unaffected, so refreshingly free of snark, irony, and attitude. Bravo!
this works for me :)
Style from any part of the world!
Whoa! Have been a blogspot fan for awhile and am addicted to shots from the "big cities". However I just came back from my first trip to Colorado and then logged on to see...OMG ..."western wear"!!! Pretty cool!
Maybe Garance added a fresh perspective! At any rate, I love your photos. Thank you so much!
Best, J.
Horse-loving girls finally get their due!
Beautiful, strong women! These pictures make me smile.
This is the small town mountain West's business casual.
I like these -- beautiful young ladies in functional style *doing* something. I like looking at stylish city women but know most of it isn't for me; heels I can't walk in and skirts I can't bend over in, suitable only for standing around at parties, get tiresome very quickly...
Really like the stitching and fit of the blue shirt; it suits her well.
Those buckles are enormous! Are they in rodeo or boxing? Nice fade on the denims.
I love me a taste of Americana.
Thank you for posting more non-fashion industry folks. This isn't a look I'm so into, but it doesn't matter, I love seeing something different and they're adorable!
No cell phones, no cigarettes!!!
lovely ladies with radiant smiles. life must be good in that part of the world. keep up your traditions and carry your heritage with pride. God bless.
I love the shirts and the belts!
second pic is great! they look totally natural, normal and beautiful. no posing here. a refreshing change.
they are so cute(: and they work hard for what they do!
This series is so great, Sart.
Thank you for brightening my day!
In the early 80s, I did a cross-country roadtrip with friends & just happened to hit Laramie, Wyoming during a rodeo. People were so nice to our little band of punk rockers & explained everything about how the different contests work, etc. It was a highlight of our trip.
(well that and that we just happened to hit Graceland on the ten year anniversary of Elvis's death. Again, people were so excited that a bunch of punks were fans. We didn't explain that our arrival then was pure accident!)
Authentic true blue Americans...gets no better than that. These kids radiate health better than any one of those models in milan, paris, london...You captured the essence of zero pretense like a genious.
i am so glad you photographed this beautiful talented girl! i've known her my whole life & she is wonderful!!!
great job scott at capturing true beauty and health
Sweet cowgirls :)