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Comments on "Boys to Men, Rodeo Style, Las Vegas"
When do we get to see the cowboys in their absolute finest? A "dressed up" cowyboy is somewhat on par with a fully dressed service man. I think.
Still, fantastic photos as always.
Cool photos Scott!
I high recommend going to an AQHA or NCHA event in Fort Worth or Oklahoma City - there is an uncanny combination of professional cowboys and American high fashion. You have to see it to believe it - probably a few names and faces you would recognize too.
These photos highlight why i'm so enthralled by this blog. Your ability to capture not just to clothes, but the personality of the person. Boys to Men indeed!
Wow...awesome that they start so young!
- http://21arrondissement.com
Mutton busting... reason #1 not to let dad take the kids to a rodeo alone. When I was 8, 17 years ago, my dad threw me into the rodeo ring on a sheep. ::::shudders:::: At least they are wearing helmets nowadays.
I love the rodeo pictures!
The poor sheep! Great photos though.
so DSQUARED...they have been building their fashion empire off reworkings of this and other rugged blue collar oriented working men's uniforms...albeit the Canadian version... fabulousness is every and anywhere...if you care and are interested to look...what Scott demonstrates so well above the other street photographers out there...gauchos of Argentina next...eh!
The leather 'patches' and the fringe detail on the chaps is really great. I think I'll use the idea of it to embellish a pair of jeans this winter.
Heartwarming, the little boy holding the sheep.
Really like the 1st one, he seems so serious yet so cute ;)
love the mutton busting! so fun to watch.
Scott, those pictures are amazing! Oh man, it feels like I am right there! What camera do you use?
These photos are brilliant good call Scott for your take on the "out west"...Hope there is more to come!
The little ones are absolutely adorable!
Oh my god please please please argentinian gauchos? That would be beyond amazing - the belts and shoes they wear are just about the most incredible clothing moment ever! So inspiring!
Ahhh... Muttin Bustin. America's most entertaining/absurd sport.
I love these photos!! They are so clear and crisp! Great post Sart!
I love the pic of the little boy. He looks ready to tame that sheep again
their look!
Just watch... come spring, *everyone's* going to want refined cowboy style. You have a gift, Sart... to take something that many American's would consider trite, and through your camera lens, reveal the elegance and class. Maybe next time I visit my home town I'll have to catch rodeo for myself... :3
GREAT photos. Love the action shots.
little guy looks so cute ^^!
So fabulous to see you photograph life so far outside Fashion Week or a major metro. I love it!
Rock Hudson in an old universal pictures movie: 'Bravo, as they say in texas....'
This is how they learn it - on sheep!? My daughter is so jealous (and going to raid the fields now...). Great pictures. Sabine x
i LOVE these! the look of determination on the little boy's face is fantastic. there is so much style- just wait til you see the cowgirls in a western pleasure class! the glitter puts taylor swift to shame!
Were you at the same rodeo as Garance? Looks great, been wearing my cowboyboots a lot myself, lately :)
Poor sheep? Oh, please!
Mutton bustin' is my favorite event at rodeos. Most of those kids practice and prepare for weeks. A few do get thrown into the arena, but not many any more.
Great picture of the bull rider. I'm loving this series.
noway, i love that first picture.
Western wear has some of the craziest detailing you'll find anywhere. I'm always impressed by this blog, not just the photography, but your willingness to grow as a person through your vocation.
There's no denying when a photographer is good.
it's great to see images from the west for a change. it's a breath of fresh air!
refreshing change here. love the black running stitches on the shirt. love the kids.
Be sure to hit the Calgary Stampede in July. The whole city celebrates by wearing cowboy hats. I mean the WHOLE city dresses for the occasion. It's like a fever.
So glad to see you catching it.
I am a great admirer of your photos but these made me so sad. Using scared animals for "fun". I don´t like it!
The first boy seems to be ready for the conquest and the second one has such an amazing look: so brave and so determined !
I love those photos, they tell so many things !
Thank you for sharing !
Great action photos!!!
I love that you're showing different facets of fashion. It's amazing how you've captured to intensity of the moment in these photos. I really enjoy your work!
Oh, Sartorialist. I saw only two comments that mentioned feeling sorry for the animals used/abused in these (undeniably awesome) shots. I know there were a lot more disapproving comments that for some reason were not allowed to be posted, my comment included. Suck it up, man, and just address them. Nobody expects everyone to agree on everything but simply avoiding a few mild words of criticism speaks volumes.....
very cool pictures, nice to see you taking photos away from the 'street' but still with your eye for the details. here are some great cowboy pictures you may enjoy: http://joshmcney.com/projects/cowboys.html
Mutton busting? I thought it was called "riding woolies?"
Get on the sheep!
I high recommend going to an AQHA or NCHA event in Fort Worth or Oklahoma City - there is an uncanny combination of professional cowboys and American high fashion. You have to see it to believe it - probably a few names and faces you would recognize too.